View Full Version : TN Most Dope 95 240sx w/ rb25.....READ!

09-13-2011, 05:17 PM
Well where do I begin......
it began about a little over a week ago. I got an offer from the Zilvia user Mofuxx about this http://zilvia.net/f/cars-sale/405988-fs-ft-mostdopes-1995-240sx-s14.html#post4233000
Well its mostdope's 95 s14 240sx w/ a rb25. Well we began going through details of a trade and then decided we would trade. After various e-mails and texts w/ more pictures and details about each others cars we both agreed. Our 1st day set to meet was thursday September 8th. Well @ 3am september 9th morning I received a text saying he couldn't meet due to being called into work and he wouldnt get off until late in the evening. I understood, because from chicago. illinois (Mofuxx's home) to clarksville, tn (our designated meeting ground) was a 8 hr drive. Due to me having to go out of town september 9th - 11th for military reasons we decided to reschedule Monday, September 12th @ the same location of clarksville, TN. The morning came and I tried texting and calling and was unsuccessful w/ getting a hold of him luckily I decided not to leave until I heard from him and made sure we were still on. Around 7pm that night he texted me and said he was on the road headed to Clarksville, Tn and he was going to get a room for the night and we would meet Today, September 13th morning well I figured fine that works as long as he was 100% sure we would meet and everything was good to go which I asked and he said yes. T-mobile was just not allowing him to get good reception on the road. So 6am today I woke up I'd be traveling from Chattanooga, TN which was a 3.5 hr drive to Clarksville, TN for me. I prepped my car for a road trip and set out w/ a buddy riding w/ me. I texted Mofuxx along the way while we were headed up there, but never got a text back. All I thought was that he was possibly still asleep and when he woke up we'd meet. Once I got a hour or so in my journey I realized time went back an hour, so I was definitely more ahead of schedule which to me is definitely a good thing. Finally, I arrive at clarksville around 8:45. I called and texted Mofuxx repeatedly and never got a reply or answer. 12 noon rolled around and I decided to head back home it was obvious something wasnt right here. Now to my fellow Zilvians why would someone do this? As fellow car enthusiasts why would you set someone up to travel somewhere if you had no intentions of ever meeting them anyway? Maybe to some this is just a back burner hobby to me cars is a lifestyle. I spend my days workin, researching and enjoying them all day everyday. Can someone explain? I just dont understand.

09-13-2011, 05:35 PM
You have got to be kidding me, im not 100% sure about this or if its the same guy. But 2-3 years ago i was planning on trading my 180sx for a built 240sx, kitted, the works, and painted burnt orange. Seemed like an alright deal. So after a week or so we were ready to meet in Clarksville, tn. Im from springfield, mo and he said he was from the other side of tn which was a 8 hr drive for him so it made since. We talked early that morning and i was on my way. In the middle of the trip i decided to call him and make sure everything was going ok for him, well he didnt pick up. I called his home phone and someone picked up and said maybe he didnt have signal and to keep trying. So i kept on driving. Got there late around 8 or 9 at the Jack in the Box in Clarks and i called him and he finally picked up saying he was running late because of a flat tire on the trailer he was hauling the car on(i thought to myself, why is he trailering the car, he told me he was driving it). He told me he was running to wal mart to get a tool to get the lug nuts off the wheel on the trialer. He said he would call as soon as it was fixed and on the road. A couple hrs went by, nothing from him. I called and called, and got nothing. By this time it was very late and probably 20 degrees out. I had been driving all day and didnt want to make the trip back so i got a hotel and long story short, there was a problem with my cc and had my parents wire me money(making for a LONG night) But i figured maybe something happened and if i stayed the night he would give me a call in the morning. Woke up, gave him a call, nothing...called home number, someone picked up and then hung the phone up..I just said f*** it and headed home. So all and all i had a nice kind of expensive trip for nothing in the freezing cold. Months later i kept seeing this car on different forums for sale all from different number, so somebody was up to something.

But i saw your thread and i was like no way, this could be the same guy i was dealing with...

Any ways, this sucks and im sorry it happened to you too. I wish there wasnt these types of people!

09-13-2011, 05:41 PM
damn sorry to the both of ya's, sounds shady as shit and doesn't make any sense why someone would even enjoy doing that...

09-13-2011, 05:50 PM
i'm sorry to hear about that bullshit guys ): i have a 240 for sale Lmfao

09-13-2011, 05:56 PM
I dont understand why he would do it either he even has a craigslist add up as well and sent me a link to it. I just checked it and it said the post expired.....idk
its all sketchy to me I still have the guys number and I've been trying to reach out to him. I just want an explanation really

09-13-2011, 05:57 PM
that sucks!

09-13-2011, 06:05 PM
hah this sounds like the movie sexdrive they planning on stealing yo rides probly fuuuuuuuk that shit

09-13-2011, 06:12 PM
He did it for the Lulz.

09-13-2011, 07:15 PM
This is car for sale. Not a grievance forum.