View Full Version : Mount Replacement

09-12-2011, 10:02 AM
I need some help im replacing the motor mounts on my s14 with nismo mounts,do i have any height issues i should worry about with these mounts and should i replace the brackets aswell?

09-12-2011, 10:43 PM
I need some help im replacing the motor mounts on my s14 with nismo mounts,do i have any height issues i should worry about with these mounts and should i replace the brackets aswell?

What do you mean height issues? And what brackets? I replaced mine with Nismo mounts it was a simple swap; old ones out new ones in. No problems with mine. I dunno....

09-13-2011, 10:37 AM
Nismo mounts will usually sit the motor slightly higher due to them being new, not all squished and blown like the factory units. Will it be higher? Probably. Enough to cause problems? Nah.

There is a heat shield on the exhaust side mount. Might as well replace if you can. The mount is rubber after all.

09-29-2012, 03:10 AM
I also heard about this Nismo motor mounts (http://www.drivewire.com/part/engine-parts/motor-mount/) issue that it will make the engine sit higher and in some cars the strut brace or the bonnet doesn't close. A bit weird but I've asked some who had experienced using this that it isn't true. They said there didn't encounter those issues at all.

11-18-2012, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the input fellas sorry I wasn't more specific and didnt get back sooner haha, I was worried I wouldn't have a good distance between my strut bar and valve cover. I ended up using some good oem sr20 mounts cause i couldn't find the nismos locally.