09-12-2011, 03:50 AM
Edit...These are Reverse Mesh, not Formula Mesh.
Payment method- Paypal only (unless local pickup)
Shipping from Okinawa/APO
I just picked these up to put the faces on my other barrels. After pulling one apart, I realized it's reverse mesh, so I can't use them.
They're 15x7+38 4x114.3
The barrels are in really good condition aside from the following.
One has a small dent in the lip like it was leaned against something too hard.
the other has a small scrape from what looks to have been from a tire machine.
I'll get better pictures later today. If anyone is interested, post or send me a message.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/317593_274046359290270_100000547240727_1006089_135 4005563_n.jpg
Here's the first barrel. with the scrape.
$200 + shipping and paypal fees.
Payment method- Paypal only (unless local pickup)
Shipping from Okinawa/APO
I just picked these up to put the faces on my other barrels. After pulling one apart, I realized it's reverse mesh, so I can't use them.
They're 15x7+38 4x114.3
The barrels are in really good condition aside from the following.
One has a small dent in the lip like it was leaned against something too hard.
the other has a small scrape from what looks to have been from a tire machine.
I'll get better pictures later today. If anyone is interested, post or send me a message.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/317593_274046359290270_100000547240727_1006089_135 4005563_n.jpg
Here's the first barrel. with the scrape.
$200 + shipping and paypal fees.