View Full Version : Going Reytec

11-27-2003, 03:41 AM
Apparently I'm going to be the only one in America with this thing??
I'll be going through AEBS, and apparently they haven't sold any yet. The first versions to be sold will be for the RB motors, and is currently undergoing localization. I'm going with the Japanese version for the Zenki S14 SRs.

These definetly seem like a viable alternative to Power FC (D-jetro) + MAPS + MAPS Harness + Air Temp + Air Temp Harness + Power Excel (through authorized tuner)/Datalogger, which all in all comes out to a hefty $2000+. The Reytec removes the MAFS (though doesn't have an air temp sensor, which kind of concerns me), comes with a pressure sensor, preloaded maps for your configuration specifically (you have to fill out a form to purchase one of these), as well as the full software suite, for about $1100. No locked maps, no nothing..

I wonder why more people aren't using these already? :confused:

11-27-2003, 12:19 PM
I am confused? Why is this so revolutionary? havent there been plenty of cheaper systems running this setup?

11-27-2003, 05:37 PM
You mean the Haltechs, TECs, etc?

The problem is, they require you to hack up your ECU harness quite a bit. So far the only plug and play one has been Power FC, and quite a few people swear by it. Now an alternative from a big name manufacturer is out on the market, for much cheaper. So I'm just wondering if people have started running it yet/heard about it, etc.

11-28-2003, 12:13 AM
Specifically for the KA?
If so thats pretty cool!
Good Luck Man!

Just a thought though...its really not that bad if you know what your doing. There are alot of cheaper solutions out there if you dont mind the wiring. PerfectPower, SDS, Megasquirt, just to name a few