View Full Version : 9/11 Where were you and What were you doing?

09-10-2011, 12:32 PM
To commemorate 9/11, what better way to remember the day by actually remembering what we were doing that morning...Post up your stories...

09-10-2011, 12:37 PM
The same thing I'm doing right now and the same thing I'll be doing tomorrow on the anniversary: Taking damn calls at work. I need a career change... =\

I was working in a Citi-Bank Credit Cards call center back then. I remember coworkers coming back from their breaks, saying a plane crashed into the first tower and customers just kept right on calling with their stupid customer service questions. We all thought it was a prank or a movie filming or something.

By the time the 2nd plane hit, customers stopped calling and the whole call center was quiet. When a call center that big is quiet and no calls are coming in, you know there is a big fucking problem. Everybody was glued to the nearest TV at that point.

09-10-2011, 12:41 PM
I was a kid and stayed home from school that day, i remember turning on the news and the one twin tower was only struck...i saw the other plane crash and then collapse it was pretty crazy to watch im sure in NY the scene was indescribable.

09-10-2011, 12:43 PM
Was getting ready for school.
I remember thinking this was a game changer. We were now at war.

09-10-2011, 12:54 PM
I was roughly 10 months into the military when it happened and was actually training up to be an Air Traffic Controller at McGuire AFB, NJ. We actually saw the 2nd plane go thru our airspace that morning.

I was in the training room that morning, running some scenarios on a radar scope. One of our trainer comes in and says we all need to go to the break room because they've had 2 planes crash into the WTC. In my head, that didn't make sense. So I asked him if he meant 2 planes crashed OVER the WTC. He said No, they crashed into it. It still didn't make sense to me till I started watching the TV.

At that point, nobody knew what the hell is going on still. Then the Pentagon got hit. Thats when everything changed. Our phones started going crazy, that's when the NORAD took over and FAA started shutting down the airways. We were told to tell anything and everything flying to land immediately. Within 15 mins, we went from seeing 30-40 blips on the scope to seeing 4-5 planes squawking emergency codes in their transponder or were military coded.

And that was the thing when the 2nd plane came thru our air space. We had no clue what the hell it was. The plane turned off their transponder/squawk box so all you can see was a primary target on the scope. NY Center had no clue who it was. The 2nd plane actually got lost from what it looked like. They got to central NJ and found the turnpike. They followed it up back to NYC.

We launched all our available KC-10 air tankers that morning to NYC and DC. Langley AFB sent out their F-15s on full afterburners, and they were basically out of gas by the time they got to NYC.

The base went on lock down and we were sent back to the dorms. I remember sitting in the hall way and the day room watching TV. Everything on base as shut down so I remember not eating that day till after 7 that night because they weren't letting anybody go on or off the base. The whole day, there were all kinds of crazy rumors going around...about how people were trying to infiltrate the base and Fort Dix next door.

09-10-2011, 12:58 PM
lol I was a lot porter at a saturn dealership and was in a customers car listening to Bubba. They were talking about some plane that crashed into a building in NYC.

09-10-2011, 01:01 PM
i was sitting in 5th grade classroom writing an essay that my teacher assigned just so we wouldnt find out what had happened.

my dad saw all the smoke and everything from his work. which is about a 20 min drive north of the city in yonkers. i remember it was really clear so usually you could see the outline of the city from there since its on a hill.

all show no go
09-10-2011, 01:05 PM
I was getting ready for my fifth day of high school.. I was listening to my moms radio in the kitchen about the first plane striking. Flipped on the TV and saw the second plane crash. I got to school and then the pentagon was already attacked.. Pretty much the whole day of school meant staying in first period glued to the coverage. It just didn't feel like reality.

09-10-2011, 01:27 PM
I was back in school for aviation maintenance, about 3 weeks into the first class, we were doing electronics first… We were in class and the head of the department busts in the room and says to our instructor and yells “holy shit, someone just flew a plane into the twin towers!”
Instructor turns on the television in the class, JUST in time for the second plane to hit. Then came the news of the pentagon and Pennsylvania right behind that. Our normal “lunch” time was 12-1, but at 10:30 when the north tower collapsed, he looked sick to his stomach and just said “go to lunch, come back at one.”
I went to Target to buy Jay-Z’s album, then to my job a mile down from target to gauge how people in the building reacted. In an AT&T Business Customer Service call center, despite the fact that everyone was LOGGED IN to their phones, no calls were coming in.
Stopped by my moms job and then back to class, where we were dismissed for the day.
Went home, tied the dog out for about 30 minutes, then to work for my overtime shift starting at 2:30. Immediately upon logging in, floorwide email comes out explaining that the building will close at 3, and that in the situation, all scheduled time – overtime included – will be paid.
3 coworkers and I met back up at 6pm for $2 draft night at this little bar called Wild Magnolia.

That was the day for me

09-10-2011, 02:18 PM
my friend called me in the morning and told me turn on the TV. by then both towers had been hit. all planes were grounded, so that meant none of the ups stuff being sent over from the east coast was gonna make it-so i didn't work for 2-3 days.

09-10-2011, 02:48 PM
6th grade in newspaper class. as soon as i got in to next period (science) the teacher gave us an honestly mildly overdramatic speech (yes I feel like a douchebag for thinking that you can overdramatize telling kids about a national tragedy) and then she turned on the tv. It was a really depressing, grounding experience, even for a kid. Then later that day I got called Osama Bin Laden and a terrorist because i'm middle eastern and my family is muslim...and it never really stopped...now less people give me shit for it, but it's still an every day thing.

09-10-2011, 02:54 PM
high school junior, biology class, somebody got a text and we started watching tv, saw the second plane hit live. that'll fuck with your day.

09-10-2011, 02:55 PM
I had just entered my senior math call, when the first plane hit. I immediately called my uncles house, since he lives directly across the street from the towers. Glad he was in Cali that day. Sucks his place was totally destroyed

09-10-2011, 03:18 PM
i was in dc in 5th grade. after roll call for everyone in my homeroom, and then all of the sudden the whole middle school was immediately told to go straight to our drama studio. i had absolutely no idea what was going on, because we never had instructions like that - to just drop everything and await further instruction....kind of unsettling.

so the principal gets to the front of the studio and gets real quiet with this crazy sickened look in his face. you could see how painful it was for him to utter the words. he starts out saying "we all love you very much, and we want to keep you safe"...at this point we were like, oooookaayyy lol. then he says "about 10 minutes ago, a 747 hit the wtc in new york..." there was dead silence for like 10 seconds. he then went on to say that school is immediately dismissed and we all should go home.

my mom was actually working at congress during this time and when the plane hit the pentagon, she told me that police officers and like fbi agents came through each office in the building and were screaming at all the employees to drop literally everything and evacuate, because they thought that congress was the next target, considering how close the pentagon is. my mom got me from school and we went home. dc traffic was unbelievable, but when we finally got home i watched the news for a bit, then watched the honeymooners for the rest of the night. i didnt even know about the pentagon until i got home.

i actually moved back to maryland from nyc 6 months prior to this event. and i was depressed because my birthday was the next day lol

09-10-2011, 03:18 PM
I was walking into 5th grade english class. We all sat around a radio and listened to what was going on, 10 minutes later my parents picked me up and I came home and watched everything happening all day on TV. Crazy, I can remember it like it was yesterday...

09-10-2011, 03:21 PM
woke up to get ready for my 5th grade class then saw it on the news as i was eating cereal....

09-10-2011, 03:37 PM
Then later that day I got called Osama Bin Laden and a terrorist because i'm middle eastern and my family is muslim...and it never really stopped....
Know that you shoulda told them?

09-10-2011, 03:46 PM
I was in 5th grade woke up and my brother was watching the news which was weird to me because we always watched cartoons before we went to school I saw live footage of the second plane crashing into the twin towers I didn't think much about it because I thought it was a movie. My parents were talking about it but I was busy trying to get my things together as soon as I got to school my teacher broke down in the middle of class she was weeping on the floor we didn't know what to do or why this was happening... We all watched the news in class all day other kids began to cry because other teachers were crying... I had a sick gut feeling and it was a sad moment for everyone

09-10-2011, 04:08 PM
I was in summer camp still or something like that. I was like a 4th grader or something. That fucked up everyones day.

09-10-2011, 04:12 PM
I was in 7th grade in my Art class... My teachers phone kept blowing up until she finally decided to answer. Her face was full of concern, in an instant that face turned to horror. She turned to us and started telling us what happened, tears falling down her face (I think one of her family members might have died) sobbing, gasping for air between words. I sat there wondering what was going through her mind. Me, being 13 and not having a care in the world, trying to grasp what was happening. Throughout the day classes would be emptier and emptier, kids getting picked up because parents feared that WW3 was about to happen. Heh... I didn't really care about it, I was too young and careless about shit.

09-10-2011, 04:15 PM
I'm real sure that most or i should say ALL americans will always remember this day like it was yesterday.

09-10-2011, 04:16 PM
getting ready for school. i was in the 6th grade. mom woke me up to that. didn't really pay too much attention to it since i was running hella late. once i got to school i was like oh shit =/.

09-10-2011, 04:27 PM
Dam alot of yall are young....

i was in college...taking an Art apprecion class...taking a test actually and the professor steped out, for a few moments. when she came back she told us to stop taking the test that a plane just flew into the WTC. most of us were like WFT?? thinking it was a small plane or somthing....we all left the class and i stopped n saw one of the TV monitors in the hall and saw the plane fly into the building and was like HOLY SHIT!!!! did that just really happen?

09-10-2011, 05:11 PM
I was on duty, thought it was a bad commercial. That morning 50 cal. sitting on AAV facing the front gate. Shrimp, Lobster, Steak, and ice cream for dinner that day and I knew shit was going down.

09-10-2011, 05:19 PM
8th grade home room. The teacher turned on the TV for like 10 minutes then decided that we all needed to get back to work... (At that time only the 1st plane had hit) ...I didn't know anything until I got home from school.

09-10-2011, 05:20 PM
6th grade in newspaper class. as soon as i got in to next period (science) the teacher gave us an honestly mildly overdramatic speech (yes I feel like a douchebag for thinking that you can overdramatize telling kids about a national tragedy) and then she turned on the tv. It was a really depressing, grounding experience, even for a kid. Then later that day I got called Osama Bin Laden and a terrorist because i'm middle eastern and my family is muslim...and it never really stopped...now less people give me shit for it, but it's still an every day thing.

Now Farz... I know we have met in person once, perhaps 3 times between 9/11/01, and I know I am the most racist person you know (don't question it, just accept it)...

... two of them

09-10-2011, 05:24 PM
10 years ago I was in College getting ready for a pych class when a chick came running thru the halls and the teacher dismissed us all to the Student union where we watched it on TV.

10 years later im stationed over seas as a C17 Crew Chief. Tonight I hung over 100 flags to fly in the AOR. Later ill be doing a Folding of the flag ceremony to be shipped over to NYC....

09-10-2011, 06:15 PM
10 years ago I was in College getting ready for a pych class when a chick came running thru the halls and the teacher dismissed us all to the Student union where we watched it on TV.

10 years later im stationed over seas as a C17 Crew Chief. Tonight I hung over 100 flags to fly in the AOR. Later ill be doing a Folding of the flag ceremony to be shipped over to NYC....

Good shit...post some pictures from the Sandbox in here afterwards...

Do some of my guys out in Balad a favor...if you guys drop off out there from the deid, bring em some food. They're sucking on nothing but MREs...

09-10-2011, 07:08 PM
Meh, not really into this whole 9/11, give fox news and the right a reload of their BS....

I was waking up from partien in WA in my apartment. Mom called and said we were being attacked and to turn the tv on.
I instantly thought "Red Dawn", especially being in WA. (That anarchist cookbook may come in handy)
Then i saw the first tower and all that, then the second tower get hit, and yadda yadda from there.

Still have the newspaper with the picture and headline on it in a box :)

In 20 years are they gonna start making 9/11 and desert storm part 2 movies??

09-10-2011, 07:30 PM
I was in college dropping off a movie at blockbuster when the first one hit...I booked it home and saw the second plane hit the WTC and called my wife (fiance at the time) out and remember her face to this day. Kinda just in AWE at what was happening. Then watched everything all day/night about it. Still to this day I remember that feeling I had when I saw what happened and the videos of those people jumping from the top knowing they could do nothing. Was just in NYC this past weekend and saw the new tower being built and I still cannot fathom what went through those people minds in those last few seconds. I have never been so "tearful" in my life besides the death of family members for what happened.

My school was shut down ASAP after someone found/thought one of the pilots was a student at our school and found a car outside daytona beach airport that had a shit ton of Osama shit in it. FBI was all over the place for a few days. I went to Embry Riddle which is a huge pilot training school so you can imagine what was going on on campus.

And GOD DAMN I feel old some of you fuckers were in friggin elementary school!!!

09-10-2011, 07:33 PM
i was in middle school if it makes you feel less old....i think i was sick in bed so i did not hear about anything tell half a day later

word sux
09-10-2011, 07:38 PM
sleeping in spanish class in middleschool

09-10-2011, 07:41 PM
I was in technology class. my dad was in the air flying to californa and my mom was on the GW bridge seeing the towers on fire..

09-10-2011, 07:45 PM
I was woken up by my family who were in the living room watching it on tv. Just as I walked into the room and looked at the tv trying to figure out what was going on, the second plane hit the towers. We were all stunned and just sat there watching everything unfold. Then when the towers came down, I yelled at my brothers and said, the tower is gone. They at first didn't believe me, but then when the dust cleared a little more you couldn't see the tower anymore. We were in shock from that moment on. I went to school that day (in college) and only 1 professor showed up. He said to the class, "today is one of those days. go home." It was a really, really weird day.

09-10-2011, 07:55 PM
I had just gotten dressed for school and walked into my mother's room to see the news broadcasting the footage of the planes crashing into the towers.

09-10-2011, 08:00 PM
I was in South America. I found out on 9/12 -_- 3rd world countries smh...

09-10-2011, 08:03 PM
I had just gotten dressed for school and walked into my mother's room to see the news broadcasting the footage of the planes crashing into the towers.

pretty much my story. my dad made me stay home because he said i was gonna be watchin at school anyway

09-10-2011, 08:05 PM
I was eating in the chow hall in camp pendleton in 21 area when the planes hit. I saw it all on TV. Then my cell phone rang for me to get back to the shop and then my unit started a work up to head over there.

09-10-2011, 08:07 PM
I remember getting ready to go to school and then i was at school and my mom use to work at my elementary school and she got a call from my dad telling her and she told me so right when we went into class our teacher spoke about it and then put on the news.

We were as a class talking about it and then in the middle of us talking the second plane hit and my teacher broke out into tears. I was then pulled out of class about an hour later and went home and watched it on the news with my parents discussing it all.

To be honest it was a weird/crazy/kinda of akward day. Never thought i would see something at that age that would make a huge impact on our country and as i age it holds more meaning and means more and more.

09-10-2011, 08:21 PM
I was in Okinawa and we were getting hit by a typhoon. Dorm I was in already had no power when it all went down. So we heard from the SF members that came by and told us what was going on. Glad I didn't have to watch that sh.t live on tv, would have been sick.

09-10-2011, 10:18 PM
Math class, 7th grade. Math teacher who was a navy submarine guy, automatically said it's Osama. Funny i was doodling the lines on 11 as soon as it happened.

09-10-2011, 11:05 PM
Math class, 7th grade. Math teacher who was a navy submarine guy, automatically said it's Osama. Funny i was doodling the lines on 11 as soon as it happened.
The night before i was drinking with some friends and i brought up the point that if someone wanted to kill people and be famous/infamous/make a point, they should crash a jumbo jet into a stadium during a packed event.

...... less then 12 hours later.

(BTW, it was a discussion on serial killers and their behavior/reasoning)

09-10-2011, 11:19 PM
I was in my Sophomore year in high school. Woke up and started getting ready for school and saw the towers burning when I walked into my mom's room. Throughout the day the school was announcing what was going on through the loudspeaker. I don't think my school had ever been so quiet.

09-10-2011, 11:19 PM
My parents just got stationed to Ft Lewis and it was my first day of hs in Washington. We were still waiting for our shit to come from ft hood so we had to live on base. Anyway, i was brushing my teeth and my pops was taking a shower and i seen the first plane. I thought to myself it must be a movie or some shit...then the second plane hit. Explosions, people falling from the buildings...shit scarred me for life. pops asked what was i watching and suddenly alarms went off on the base...i asked my pops since all this shit just went down, do i have to go to school? I mean youre unit wont know if youre there lol! needless to say i had to go but every period was the same solemn look and pindrop silence.

This was the ONLY time Ive ever seen Americans unite in my entire life. There was no racist remarks or homosexual remarks towards each other...we stood united as a team to take on who was resposible. Hell, that day is one of the reasons why i joined the Marine Corps 2 years later...

tac 1
09-10-2011, 11:34 PM
7th grade, nobody really explained what happened so I was glad that the whole class was sent home. Got home after being picked by mom and saw everything on the news.

09-10-2011, 11:39 PM
I was in 3rd grade, walked out of my room to go to school to see my dad sitting in the living room glued to the tv. Turns out I walked in right after the first plane hit the tower, kept watching the tv for a while then the second plane hit. After that I got taken to school and all I remember was being glued to the tv all day there too...

09-10-2011, 11:46 PM
i was in 4th grade chillin doing class work in math class and then everyone started getting picked up early.. i was one of the last kids picked up lol

09-11-2011, 12:11 AM
Was 15 mins from NYC, on my way to science class....Then heard news helicopters crashing into the buildings...Went for a bathroom break to stare out the windows in the hallway to see the smoke/Buildings...Security was blocking windows I was like huh..Got dismissed from class then luckily got scooped by some cool dude picking up city workers and made it home in about 4 hours....

I just remember hearing countless stories of friends visiting the city, knowing someone who passed, and those that got lucky...It was a tough time to be a young New Yorker. nobody knew what to expect next....

09-11-2011, 12:18 AM
Now Farz... I know we have met in person once, perhaps 3 times between 9/11/01, and I know I am the most racist person you know (don't question it, just accept it)...

... two of them

I don't sell stickers, just crack. Want some crack?

09-11-2011, 12:27 AM
I don't sell stickers, just crack. Want some crack?

can i get in on this group buy?

was just waking up, i had 10 missed calls from my mom. I finally picked up and she was screaming that we were under attack, and people are flying planes into the towers. turned on the TV about 5 mins before the 2nd plane hit. I remember the most eerie feeling of seeing and hearing no planes in the sky the day after.

09-11-2011, 12:39 AM
I was in Okinawa and we were getting hit by a typhoon. Dorm I was in already had no power when it all went down. So we heard from the SF members that came by and told us what was going on. Glad I didn't have to watch that sh.t live on tv, would have been sick.

Heard about that typhoon...heard it was shitting on the island for 6 days. It doubled back 3x, and it was a CAT 5...God hates Okinawa...

09-11-2011, 01:00 AM
was in hs. i think sophomore. just woke up to get ready to school then my mom told me about airplanes struck a big building. i was like what? then went to my first class and everybody was watching the tv and all class were almost cancelled.

09-11-2011, 01:15 AM
I was at USMC Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC midway through my training. Rainy and muddy day on A-line........

Since then Ive done a tour in Iraq and now as I type this.... Afghanistan......

09-11-2011, 01:36 AM
i hardly remember a thing. just a few mental images.

i woke up with my my brother, mom and moms roomie all in the livingroom watching TV with their jaws on the floor. i had no idea wtf was going on. then i went to school..
i think it was Science class which was my first period where we watched TV and that was when i figured out what was going on. thats all i remember. i have NO idea what i did the rest of the day.

a few days later i remember seeing a picture somewhere of a guy falling. and i thought to myself.."hole lee shit"

not sure if not remembering it too much is a good thing or a bad thing?

09-11-2011, 01:47 AM
I was in spanish class in middle school. My pops was at work as a pilot that day so obviously I was a bit freaked out. I remember every channel on tv was showing it. Unreal stuff.

09-11-2011, 04:05 AM
I didnt bring a camera but my friends tagged me in enough pix on FB.....

Funny thing about the food we send two coolers a week, 1 full of milks and the other one full of cereal. In exchange they send us there form of Dunkin Donuts. I think it goes to the C17 maintainers.

Good shit...post some pictures from the Sandbox in here afterwards...

Do some of my guys out in Balad a favor...if you guys drop off out there from the deid, bring em some food. They're sucking on nothing but MREs...

09-11-2011, 06:01 AM
i was in high school, grade 10 maybe.

classes went on hold, and lots gathered in the cafeteria, other classes were watching it on tv in their rooms.

really knew shit hit the fan when im in canada and we stopped school for it

09-11-2011, 07:09 AM
I was jobless at the time so the day before I played counter-strike till like 4am, then watched swordfish which I downloaded earlier and went to bed. Dad woke me up in the morning as it was happening. Dragged me out of my room and into the living room where he had the news on live. As I sat to watch, thats when the second plane went into the building. I was 22 and it was unreal. I thought I was having a bad dream especially after watching swordfish. I WILL NEVER FORGET.

09-11-2011, 09:54 AM
I was waiting for my bus to go to my high school. When a friend of mine told me that planes were falling from the sky it was all radio broadcasting. So we miss a lot of info when it was on earlier. Then they said another Plane just hit i was
like dam wtf is goin on. Got to school all is silent we sat in every classroom hearing aspect and opinion of the tragic event.

09-11-2011, 10:30 AM
I was in college, on Semester at Sea, 1 day outside of landfall of Japan (coming across the Pacific from Vancouver).

We got woken up in the middle of the night and were only told "Washington DC and New York have been attacked, that's all we know". No idea what kind of attack, or from whom, etc. We didn't get any additional information for more than 12 hours.

We were all pretty convinced that WWIII had started, and so we may have been the only 800 people on the planet to be relieved when we got the actual news, horrible as it was. I didn't see the actual footage of the towers dropping until like 3 weeks later.

09-11-2011, 10:41 AM
I was in 5th grade, staring at my hot ass teacher who has 27 and had a nice ass. Saw it on tv and didn't really know what was going on.

09-11-2011, 12:54 PM
I was in 7th grade religion class yelling wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwhatthefuck

I remember that shit, we all got out early that day and I was sitting at home in front of the tv trying to figure out what just happened. so young and naive, but still so young and still so naive. crazy to think I was in 7th grade at the time though. seems so long ago. go 'merica!

how many people watched 'loose change' like 3 days after the attack though?

09-11-2011, 01:18 PM
how many people watched 'loose change' like 3 days after the attack though?
Not 3 days, but some time later. Loose Change + V for Vendatta will have you feeling like a little revolutionary...

09-11-2011, 01:23 PM
may not have been 3 days later...but ya crazy shit. that led me to the jfk conspiracy videos n shit / free masons etc. makes you think, thats for sure.

09-11-2011, 01:30 PM
I was eating my cereal getting ready to go to school (5th grade). I remember walking in to my class, and telling everybody that we were going to war.

09-11-2011, 01:34 PM
I was woken up by my mom yelling, "We are under attack!" I was like "What do you mean?" And all my mom could say was "Planes!" I turned on the TV and was in disbelief. I was in HS at the time, and its crazy to think that it was just this year that we got the guy who was head of the organization that did this.

09-11-2011, 01:37 PM
I was in creative writing class in High School

Shit was unreal. I asked the teacher "soooo wtf happened exactly" and she was freaking out because at that point all anyone knew was that a plane hit the building.

I remember watching the news when the second plane hit. It was fucking unreal. My jaw almost hit the ground, cause I mean honestly, who the hell ever expects shit to go from insanely horrifically bad to 910% worse?

Still can't believe it happened.

Condolences to all those families who lost someone that day.

09-11-2011, 06:59 PM
i was in the 6th grade i believe i was in math/science class n i was like wtf is going really idk wtf was the whole world trade center. I soon figured holy $^#% we've been attacked!

09-11-2011, 07:21 PM
I was in 9th grade going to second period computer class. Walked into classroom and teacher had it on TV. First plane had hit already. Saw second hit and attack on Pentagon as well as attempt on White House. Saw the towers fall.

I hoped on to an internet forum that I frequented back then (no longer exists) during that hour. I found out on that internet forum that Osama Bin Laden was behind attacks. The news didn't have damn clue to this yet.

The next period they forced the teachers to turn off the TV because of the suicides that where being shown. Also, most of the parents came to pick up their kids. By the end of the day school was pretty empty. Surreal day. I was glued to the NPR on the way home, then TV when I got home. Dark day in America.

09-11-2011, 07:40 PM
i was in 7th grade, going from my math class to reading class. as soon as we sat down the tv's turned on and we watched the 2nd plane hit. alot of kids went home. i stayed there and the teachers didnt make us do anything all day. it was kinda quite for the whole day

09-11-2011, 09:46 PM
Sophomore year in High School. I was actually out in the school park playing ball for gym class and we all saw the smoke in the distance. Teacher tells me 'They're probably just burning leaves or something'. Obviously not. Most of the classes went by as normal, except for my history class, we finally found out what happened and one student ran out of the classroom crying hysterically. I didn't even know, I even spent time after school just hanging out with my friends and stuff and went home late.

When I got home, I tried turning on the TV, but all the channels were down (no cable). I thought that was strange, so I went online to see what happened. I literally didn't sleep at all that night. It was definitely something surreal. Never forget.

09-11-2011, 11:46 PM
I was visiting family in Guadalajara, Mexico. My mom, older brother, little brother, and myself had flown over less than a week before it happened.

My older brother and I were skateboarding near my grandparents place filming ourselves do tricks off a high ledge. Walked back to the house and found everyone glued to the tv. Couldn't believe my eyes. Totally unreal.

After that, my dad drove something like 3 days from Los Angeles to Guadalajara to pick us up. I was terrified to fly after that.

It took me 9 years to get back on a plane. Even with all of the safety precautions set in place these days(and flying being one of the safest forms of travel), I was still pretty nervous getting on.

Been reading/watching a lot of 9/11 stories lately. Just puts things into perspective. One minute you could be enjoying a nice cup of coffee at work, running for your life the next.

Wish people would learn to appreciate the simpler things in life. You never know what day will be your last.

09-11-2011, 11:55 PM
I remember this day very clearly

My cousins were visiting from Yemen (no I'm not middle eastern)

The neighbor lady came running over and told us to turn on the tv

My auntie and uncle couldnt even speak and started crying

They wondered if they would ever see their home again


09-12-2011, 07:13 AM
Was my last semester of college. As I parked to walk to a Business Ethics exam the radio mentioned a plane hitting WTC. Took the exam with all of us mentioning the story/rumors. The next 3-4 classes that day were just TV and discussion.

Its always a wierd day, would have been mom's 50th bday as well.

09-12-2011, 09:19 PM
Hard to believe it's been 10 years. I was in 6th grade, I remember seeing kids being picke up early by their parents and having no clue to what was going on. We will never forget 9/11. God bless America!

09-12-2011, 09:26 PM
I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. and i still remember perfectly, bus driver told us about it on the way home. then when i got home watched shit on tv all night pretty much and realized my bus-driver was serious when she said it could start a war.

Im canadian too, so it shows that this has affected more than just americans and middle east

09-12-2011, 09:41 PM
its crazy to hear all of these stories on here. seems like it was just yesterday that it happened. i was in grade 7 i thing and we were all sitting in class. my teacher told us something terrible had happened, she brought in the tv and we just caught the second plane going in. at the time it was surreal but still to this day it gives me chills when watching a video about 9/11. as stated before im from canada also and i know it greatly affected people around my area.

09-13-2011, 03:40 PM

It was my first day of duty post-training serving with the 27th FS at Langley AFB, VA. I was a crew chief on F15Cs at the time - needless to say i received a very quick introduction on how things worked around there. Showed up at 6:30am that morning and was preparing my newly assigned baby (83-0032) for typical training sorties that day when our Expediter drove by yelling that Weapons was on the way with "full stacks" and that we needed to hurry our asses up. Training sorties had been cancelled and we were flying CAPs (Operation Iron Eagle) over the east coast until further notice...

It was a day that i will never forget.

09-14-2011, 03:23 AM

It was my first day of duty post-training serving with the 27th FS at Langley AFB, VA. I was a crew chief on F15Cs at the time - needless to say i received a very quick introduction on how things worked around there. Showed up at 6:30am that morning and was preparing my newly assigned baby (83-0032) for typical training sorties that day when our Expediter drove by yelling that Weapons was on the way with "full stacks" and that we needed to hurry our asses up. Training sorties had been cancelled and we were flying CAPs (Operation Iron Eagle) over the east coast until further notice...

It was a day that i will never forget.

Funny, 10 yrs later I'm at this base. For a Command HQ Base, this place sucks balls.

09-14-2011, 10:48 AM
Funny, 10 yrs later I'm at this base. For a Command HQ Base, this place sucks balls.

You ain't lyin... I bet that morning traffic has only gotten worse at the West gate too. (or did they finally build that fancy bypass/gate thing over there? Its been a while since I've been to langley.)


09-14-2011, 12:37 PM
i was in the 6th grade getting breakfast lol

09-14-2011, 01:29 PM
I was in 7th grade, 3rd hour, Social Studies, Ms. Purciful. Bell rang and everyone was in there seats joking and laughing about our teacher not paying any attention that class should have started.

Then she booked it out of class to where we later found out was the library and came back with a T.V. Turned it to channel 5, and said this is what we're doing today, pay attention

It was confusing at first, cuz we had to piece together what was going on and where it was ( i didnt really know where/what the twin towers were then ). but we saw the 2nd one live not too much later, nothing to explain about it.

Found out later that day another kid in our grades' mom was suppose to flying home from new york to missouri that morning, but overslept and rescheduled.


09-14-2011, 01:51 PM
I had a late start school day. So I watched it on the new unfold in the morning. The only thing I remember in school was my Calc test was cancelled cause we spent the entire class watching Fox. I was a senior and I do recall pretty much everyone was silent all day.

09-14-2011, 01:57 PM
Junior, US History class, first period. The dean walked in and Told Mister Seward. He stopped the class and turned on the projector showing his computer screen.
People look at all of us Muslims as if we are to blame.
My cousin was in building one...and never made it out =(.

09-14-2011, 01:58 PM
Found out later that day another kid in our grades' mom was suppose to flying home from new york to missouri that morning, but overslept and rescheduled.


umm none of the flights that were hijacked were going to missouri??
just saying.

I was in da 6th grade.
I remember my house phone ringing like a storm at 6am I had an uncle that worked on 102 in the south tower and no one could reach him.
intense day.

09-15-2011, 04:27 AM
I was sleeping, it was to to early for me to wake up when it all went down

09-15-2011, 07:15 AM
umm none of the flights that were hijacked were going to missouri??
just saying.

i didnt say she was on one of those planes, but she was stuck there for awhile,...i just thought that was crazy.