View Full Version : leaking wter pump

11-26-2003, 12:03 PM
I noticed I was leaking coolent and when I found were it was coming from I saw a small hole underneath the water pump housing. The hole in approixmetly the size on a pencil and is part of the housing. What is that hole for and why is it leaking? PLEASE HELP.

11-26-2003, 03:20 PM
its a lil weep hole, basically its tellin u in a nice way that ur waterpump is done for. Easy fix, just replace the waterpump and ur set.

btw, whats the point of postin that pic at the bottom of the post?

11-26-2003, 03:24 PM
Indeed, replace the pump before it gets worse. It's not as hard as it sounds, pull out the fan, pull out the pump, slap some RTV on the new pump, slap it in, and yer done. You may need to remove the intake pipe and fan shroud, but meh :P