View Full Version : dippedparts.com

09-06-2011, 11:39 PM
I'd like to share what I am going through, with the company dipppedparts.com.
What this company does, is dip pretty much any car part you choose, in chrome, chrome colors, or gold. Now that you have an idea of what they do, I'll move on to my situation with this company. Keep in mind, that this isn't over, so this isn't a negative review. I'm just stating what has been happening up to this point, to help others decide on if in fact, they do want to use this company for their services.

Onto to the story. So, I decided to have my Work vskf's rebuilt, due to curbs on the lips. Since my wheels were apart, I decided that I was going to have the wheel bolts gold plated. 2 of the bolts were stripped during the removal process, so I had to buy new ones. Turns out, Work USA doesn't stock vskf bolts, and that they aren't the same size as the vsxx, or rezax. Which means I had to pay a good amount, to get several replacement bolts from Japan. So, I get the replacement bolts, and get in touch with Mike from dippedparts.com.

I ask him how long will the dipping take, and he replies that it could take up to 2 weeks, but usually never that long. So, I was like ok, sounds good. I send the bolts usps priority which usually takes 3-5 days, to reach the states. The package end up getting lost for a few days, and finally gets to Mike around August 5th-8th. During the transit of my bolts, I had already paid Mike, which was our agreement, so that he could purchase the gold needed to plate my bolts.

So now, more than 2 weeks pass, and my bolts still aren't done. When asked why, Mike states that they only buy gold every Monday. But, the delivery is late, and hasn't come yet. I'm like OK, I'll wait. I call him a week later, and he tells me that it's gonna be in the mail, the following week. Keep in mind, that my wheels are still at the rebuilding shop, throughout this whole process, and he isn't too happy about storing my wheels for this long.

So, last week I call Mike again on Thursday of last week, telling him that my bolts are still not here yet, and that I really need them back asap. He tells me that his uncle, (who is actually the guy that owns the shop that does the dipping/plating work) already sent it out! He then tells me, that he is going to go to the shop on Friday, to see what was going on, and would call me to let me know. He does call me on Friday, and tells me the reason why I didn't get the bolts yet, was because they were still at the shop! He states that It's a good thing that they weren't sent out, because several bolts, weren't plated up to par. So, he would those re-plated, and sent out today via FedEx next day, if possible, if not 2-3 day.

I'm really getting frustrated at this point, but there is nothing that I can do. So, Mike calls me this morning at 5:27 AM pacific time, and since I was sleeping I didn't pick up. I call him back when I wake up, and throughout the day, since he wasn't picking up. I get in touch with him at 3 pm, and he tells me that the bolts were all packed up, and his car ready to be shipped, when his wife notifies him that his car is no longer in the driveway!! It was stolen, with my bolts in it!! He tells me that he is going to replace my bolts, and I tell him that I had to order my bolts from Work Japan. He tells me that he has a lot of friends that bring in wheels and stuff, so sourcing them won't be a problem. Once he locates them, he will have them plated the same day he receives them, and have them shipped out asap.

When I ask him, if I can get a refund, he states that the money I sent him, was already used to buy the gold to plate my bolts, which is understandable. But, I am kind of worried, because I'm almost out of time, to file a paypal claim, although I'm not sure if I am indeed being taken for a ride or not. At this point, I don't really know what to do. I'm hoping that Mike does come through, and soon, because this has really taken a lot longer, than the 2 weeks that I was told. I'm going to have pick up my wheels this weekend, because I feel bad about having the wheel shop hold my wheels for so long. Once again, I'm not trying to slander dippedparts.

All I am trying to do, is share my experience, it's up to you, if you decide to use them. The pictures on their website shows really good quality work, and they are pretty known, especially in the Honda scene. They even did a titanium valve cover, for one of the guys here on zilvia, and his car is gracing the cover of a magazine, so that says something about their work. Anyhow, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and I will update this thread, with any new information that arises.

09-07-2011, 10:18 AM
damn, I hope he comes through. I just got into contact with them..I was planning on putting in an order.
Good luck and make sure to update us.

09-08-2011, 07:45 AM
I had my Meister S1's done by them. The quality of work is great. They fixed some damage that you cN no longer tell happened. The polish job they did was awesome. Only downside was the turn around time. From the point the wheels were "Done" to when they reached me was over a month.

09-08-2011, 08:05 AM

You should learn to use paragraphs.

09-08-2011, 08:08 PM
damn, I hope he comes through. I just got into contact with them..I was planning on putting in an order.
Good luck and make sure to update us.

I will. Mike seems like a straight up guy, so I'm hoping everything works out.

I had my Meister S1's done by them. The quality of work is great. They fixed some damage that you cN no longer tell happened. The polish job they did was awesome. Only downside was the turn around time. From the point the wheels were "Done" to when they reached me was over a month.

That's what I'm hearing from a lot of people. The work is awesome, the wait time is not. In all fairness, Mike did tell me that he is going to be taking in less work, due to the fact that he doesn't want people to wait longer than they are promised.

You should learn to use paragraphs.


09-25-2011, 11:45 PM
As of today, I have filed a claim with paypal, because I still haven't received my bolts yet. Here's a quick update, of what's been going on.

September 17th: Mikey tells me that he was able to find replacement VSKF bolts for my wheels, and even sends me a picture of him holding a couple of them. I'm happy, and it looks as though he is going to come through this time.

That same Saturday, I ask him if I can expect to have the bolts in my possession, by this coming Friday. He tells me that he is 90% sure, but that he will have to check with his uncle. He says he'll call me on Monday, or Tuesday to confirm.

Monday goes by, and so does Tuesday. No call, not text. So, I call him on Thursday, and he tells me that everything is on schedule, and that shipping on Friday, is a guarantee, and that he would call/text me with the tracking number.

On both Friday, and Saturday I call Mikey, and he doesn't answer, or reply to any of my texts. I'm really getting upset at this point, but there is nothing that I can do. So, I wait.

Sunday the 25th (today). I call Mikey up 3 times today, with no answer. At this point, I'm pretty fed up, with the way this situation is being handled, so I log onto paypal, and file an item not received claim. After doing so, I text Mikey, telling him what I did, and that I would drop the claim, when I would receive my bolts.

He replies to my text stating: "Yeah, go ahead and do that then!!! That's koo I left town Saturday my grandpa is about to pass away so I have been with my family." So I ask him, if my bolts were shipped on Friday or not. I also ask him that every time he is about to ship out my bolts, something dramatic happens. Last time his car was stolen, with my bolts in it. This time it's his grandpa. He tells me that the bolts were shipped, he just doesn't have the tracking number yet. Stating that he didn't have a chance to talk to his uncle or cousin, before leaving town to go be with his family.

I explain to him, that I have been calm, and understanding throughout this whole ordeal, but I needed my goddamn bolts. He then tells me that he has come through every time he told me. Which isn't true at all, because he has lied many times already, here are some examples:

1. He told me that my bolts would be done within 2 weeks, if not faster. We are now almost at 2 months.

2. He tells me to paypal him, while the bolts are in transit to him, so that they can purchase the gold, and have it ready by the time my bolts get there. So I do. 2 weeks later, he tells me that they haven't bought the gold yet, because there were some complications.

3. He tells me that my bolts have been shipped out already, and that they should have already been there. Then, when I tell him that I haven't gotten anything, and that's it's been over a week, he tells me that his uncle still had the bolts at the shop!!! He then says, it's a good thing though, because some of the bolts weren't up to par, and that he would have them re-plate them. This is before they ended up disappearing along with his "stolen" vehicle.

As you can see, it's hard for me to believe anything this guy says at this point. He always has a reason, or someone to blame for not getting the product out, and I'm sick of it. The shop that is fixing my wheels, is cool enough to have stored my wheels for as long as they have. I even gave the guy a little extra cash, for a storage fee, even though he didn't ask for it. Now, imagine if I really needed my bolts by a certain time, for example I wanted to enter into a show. I would have been fucked. If you decide to go through this company, remember that I am not the only person that has waited a long time, or has had problems with this company. As stated before, I'll update this once I get my bolts. IF I get my bolts. I'll share how I feel about the quality of the work, but I cannot in good nature recommend this company, due to what I have gone through.

09-25-2011, 11:54 PM
sorry about that dude,...i had the same type of trouble with a know ecu tuner here on zilvia..sucks ass..people are such douchebags

09-26-2011, 03:12 PM
sorry about that dude,...i had the same type of trouble with a know ecu tuner here on zilvia..sucks ass..people are such douchebags
Yeah, it does suck. This guy has horrible business ethics. If I don't get my bolts, I'm going to post this thread on other boards, and even Hondatech, where this guy Mikey gets a lot of his business. Fuck with me, and I'll ruin your rep.

I hope everything goes threw good, keep us updated on what happens still, I need someone to coat my valve covers is there anyone else who does it?

Were you going to powder coat, or dip? If dipping, then I wouldn't know. But, if you were going to powder coat, try looking into TRG coatings. They have been around for a long time, and seem to do good work, though I haven't seen any of their work first hand.

Fuck them no one should buy shit from them. YOu seem to have gave them more then enough time and all they can to is lie to you

I have given them more than enough time. I am also not the only person this has happened to. There is a thread on Hondatech, where a couple of others had problems with waiting for their parts too: Dippedparts.com don't send them anything!!! - Honda-Tech (http://honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=2949529) I wish that I had researched this company, before ever sending my bolts out to them. But, you have to learn from your mistakes.


I'm not. I've got plenty to say. :bigok:

09-30-2011, 03:10 PM
dude do u have facebook?? add them. i think
they just posted pics of ur bolts.

09-30-2011, 05:01 PM
dude do u have facebook?? add them. i think
they just posted pics of ur bolts.

Yeah, some guy named Andrew emailed me yesterday from the dippedparts email. He said that Mikey asked him to take care of this, because their grandfather had passed away, and Mikey was with the family. Also got an email, from UPS stating that a label had been made for a next day air arrival shipment. The bolts haven't shipped yet, according to the tracking number, but I am hopeful, that this will soon come to an end.

10-01-2011, 03:18 AM
I got $5 that the bolts you got are the wrong bolts...like you said, VS-KFs use a different bolts compared to the regualar Work line up.

10-01-2011, 04:43 AM
I got $5 that the bolts you got are the wrong bolts...like you said, VS-KFs use a different bolts compared to the regualar Work line up.

I'll raise you another $15, to make it an even $20. VSXX, and Rezax use 8 point M7 bolts: WORK Assembly Bolts (Gold) (M7x30) (http://www.workwheelsonline.com/work-assembly-bolts-gold.html)

For the VSKF, the bolts are Torx head. Since they are bigger than the VSXX/Rezax, I assume they are M8 size. The picture on the dippedparts Facebook, shows Torx head bolts. Now, if I get different bolts in the mail, I'll be pissed for 2 reasons.

1. They sent me the wrong fucking bolts, after being jerked around for 2 months.

2. I lose $20.

The tracking says the bolts will be here on Monday. I'll take pictures of them, to settle the bet. Good luck to both of us.

10-03-2011, 09:21 AM
The Place to Buy & Sell Wheels › WheelFlip.com (http://wheelflip.com/services/) these people do gold plating if u want it

10-03-2011, 08:50 PM
I got $5 that the bolts you got are the wrong bolts...like you said, VS-KFs use a different bolts compared to the regualar Work line up.

We betting or what? Bolts should be at my house in a few hours.

The Place to Buy & Sell Wheels › WheelFlip.com (http://wheelflip.com/services/) these people do gold plating if u want it

I'm going to check them out. What I really want, is another place that can do the titanium burnt look, like dipped. So far, I haven't heard of anyone else doing it.

10-04-2011, 12:43 AM
I got $5 that the bolts you got are the wrong bolts...like you said, VS-KFs use a different bolts compared to the regualar Work line up.

You owe me $5. My paypal is [email protected]
The bolts came out perfect. Really quality work. I can see why people keep going back.

10-04-2011, 10:28 AM
If u can find a place to make burnt bolts besides the aurora stuff dipped does lmk.
At this point i just ordered a lot of titanium bolts that were burnt lol. I have strut nuts and washers and steering wheel bolts, drift button and shift knob all in titanium burnt, lol i love that look

10-04-2011, 11:23 PM
If u can find a place to make burnt bolts besides the aurora stuff dipped does lmk.
At this point i just ordered a lot of titanium bolts that were burnt lol. I have strut nuts and washers and steering wheel bolts, drift button and shift knob all in titanium burnt, lol i love that look

I wanted to do my valve cover in titanium, and only dipped does it. I'll keep my eyes open, for other shops that can offer this service.