View Full Version : SR20DET in Cali???

11-25-2003, 01:36 AM
How do you guys drive your 240SX with an SR20DET in California? do you guys drive it illegally, no insurance, stuff like that? what if you get in a car accident? i was thinkin bout it but dunno anymore...:confused:

11-25-2003, 01:39 AM
I drive mine around with no plates and no insurance. Oh wait your asking about guys with sr20det? Oops Im still ka24e. sorry!;)

11-25-2003, 01:39 AM
People in California drive SR20DET's? :rolleyes:

11-25-2003, 01:42 AM
don't do illegal shit...
carry false papers or get someone who does smogs to falsify results..
why would having an SR20 affect insurance?..
don't get into accidents which you are at fault in...if you get hit you can usually work around involving police..

but all this is IRRELEVANT as you can easily legalize an sr20 powered 240 in cali..it's quite easy..


basically...BUCK UP!..:p

11-25-2003, 06:25 AM
sr20det is a gay ass motor

dont you know we all run rb26's??

pfsssh.....stupid noobie

11-25-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by JuJuBee
sr20det is a gay ass motor

dont you know we all run rb26's??

pfsssh.....stupid noobie

hmmm...don't you have to NOT be one to call other people one...:confused:


:rolleyes: :newbie:

11-25-2003, 03:43 PM
thanks for the quick reply guys. nokeone and anyone else with knowledge...how can you legalize an SR in cali?

:bash:JuJuBee not nice to talk like that!!!:mrmeph:

11-25-2003, 03:45 PM
SweetSilvia: you DONT legalizeit
it is ALWAYS 100% illegal no matter what

dont fool yourself

it is an illegal engine. no way around it
we can sugar coat it here and there, but when you get pulled over you still got a illegal engine under your hood.

either take the risk and install it or dont.

11-25-2003, 06:02 PM
dousan pretty much spelled it out. especially with the way smog laws are progressing in cali i dont think there is much chance it will ever be legal.

11-25-2003, 06:30 PM
You guys confirmed what i already knew, but just wanted to "clarify" what nokeone said,you can legalize an sr20 powered 240 in cali..it's quite easy.. and that's all. thanks, you guys are great!:D

11-25-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by SweetSilvia
You guys confirmed what i already knew, but just wanted to "clarify" what nokeone said, and that's all. thanks, you guys are great!:D

aaron is just choosing to be more "by the book" then i am...i guess i should have wrote:

you can "legalize" an sr20 powered 240 in cali..it's quite easy..

with quotes...

of course the engine wont ever be LEGAL..it is an ILLEGAL engine..but you can pass it off as such...VERY EASILY!!..i plan on running an SR in my semi-daily-driver..and i'm sure that i WILL get pulled over at some time or other...i WILL NOT get my car impounded...why?..because on paper i will 100% legit..and that is ALL that matters in the end...

yes, it is illegal...yes, it us risky...yes, if the cop chooses to pop your hood and knows anything about cars you COULD get fucked...

but i like to think on the bright side...

anyway i stand by what i wrote..simple as that!..


11-26-2003, 01:49 AM
just pay someone off.

it doesn't make you a bad person.

sometimes laws don't make sense.

you'll die soon.

have fun.

just don't hurt/kill anyone.

11-26-2003, 02:15 AM
As everyone else has said...the motor is illegal. I currently have an sr in my car due to the fact that I had a hook up with smog. The problems that arise with insurance is if you get into an accident, and they send someone down to check out your car. If they notice that the motor is illegal, you will be immediately dropped form your insurance, and they will not cover costs of the accident. Kinda like how it is if you crash on the track. Now...most of the time this wouldn't happen, so you should be fine.

Sometimes I do get a little nervous driving around knowing that some mean person could take my car away from me...

11-26-2003, 02:41 AM
thanks everyone! i wasn't pokin at you nokeone just wanted to know what your idea was...hehe...i like it! thanks s13 chica for the insurance info. i'll just probably buy 2 240's. one for drivin and one for play:D

11-26-2003, 06:13 AM
now thats my kinda girl....

As Mark knows Im looking to buy a DD this year and it wont be in any way, shape or form a race car. So i have been considering holding onto the 240.

its all about $$

11-26-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by SweetSilvia
thanks everyone! i wasn't pokin at you nokeone just wanted to know what your idea was...hehe...i like it! thanks s13 chica for the insurance info. i'll just probably buy 2 240's. one for drivin and one for play:D

i know..:bow: ..i was just wanting to clarify anyway because i saw how my post could have been misconstrued and wanted to ensure that it wasn't...:D

basically just smog your car mere days prior to dropping in the sr20..this should give you 2 years of worry free driving...then simply avoid getting in accidents by restraining yourself from driving recklessly on the streets and attempt to avoid getting pulled over altogether, but if you happen to, just make sure it's for somethin NOT race related...that way the officer will have no cause to want to mess with you more then usual...

no one will be the wiser assuming you have proper registration and insurance...


11-26-2003, 06:21 PM




this topic is older and more stupid than your Grandpa! :D