View Full Version : valves/retainers/springs/cams

09-05-2011, 12:39 AM
hey all, i been doin alot of researching on the matter. im gonna go ahead and pop the head off and have it hot tanked but while im goin through the trouble i wanna finish it with new valves/retainers/springs/solid lifters/cams. this will be my first time ever trying and i know i can do it im very inclined to doin stuff like this. my question is what is a good combo for eveything. i want to turbo it and run prolly round 15psi max but i need cams that will allow me to run n/a till i buy the turbo kit(which is another ? i have). anyone have n e views on what company to go with. ive read mixed reviews on BC kits, and i couldnt find n e kits on tomei's website. if n e one has useful words on this subject id like to get your opinions. thanks a bunch for your responses. :hsdance: btw its a s13 motor if that makes a difference in the setups you suggest. and i know that the 13/14 is practically the same(practically).

09-05-2011, 03:05 AM
If you have an aluminum head (which you probably do), you shouldn't get it hot tanked, but rather just a simple bath and clean with valves, seats, seals all removed.

If this is a KA motor, a set of BC v2 cams will be very good for NA and Turbo as long as you know how to setup your timing and have a good engine management in place. I have v3 on a KA and I had to actually grind down parts of the head to make the lobes clear. They are a little 'wild'.

09-05-2011, 12:11 PM
Why build the head if you have a stock/beat bottom end?

09-06-2011, 01:10 AM
Why build the head if you have a stock/beat bottom end?

cuz i took the valve cover off to replace the seal and it was gunky and has alot of burnt on oil, i wanna clean it up so i might as well replace eveything while im at it. and if i wait and do that first then i can buy the turbo and forged bottom end parts at once so the top end will be nice and broke in rdy for the new bottom to be broke in.

09-06-2011, 02:06 AM
cams are not just a drop in affair, they should always be 'degreed'. Youtube it, and get some jwt cam gears.

xFix Kaos
09-06-2011, 05:29 AM
hmm running silly cams with a turbo is kinda pointless...dnt they have specific cams for turbo setups? just my .02,
also, def get ur bottom end done, try to do it at the same time, no point in having an awesome head that can rev out wen ur bottomr end is do do butt, again just my .02