View Full Version : Mounties impound 13 supercars from rich kid street race

09-02-2011, 07:04 AM
Rich kids doing what rich kids do best.

Mounties impound 13 supercars from rich kid street race (http://jalopnik.com/5836512/mounties-impound-13-supercars-from-rich-kid-street-race)

09-02-2011, 07:25 AM
Rich kids doing what rich kids do best.

Mounties impound 13 supercars from rich kid street race (http://jalopnik.com/5836512/mounties-impound-13-supercars-from-rich-kid-street-race)

I had seen this on the news last night. Rich kids driving supercars with learners permits? I hope they suspend their drivers licenses/take them away so that they can start the driving process all over again...

I would like to see what this high school's parking lot looks like...

09-02-2011, 08:03 AM
:), GOO CANADA... What a fail.. parents are going to be a little upset!

09-02-2011, 08:07 AM
Confirmed street racing?
When they busted up a ring down here, they auctioned the cars off. One of them was a NICE supercharged Chevy Trailblazer SS.
I think that with the ones they could not confirm road legality of, they “destroyed.”

09-02-2011, 08:09 AM
I love how the last Mountie is saying how they were planning to to some irresponsible driving just as a flatbed rolls by with a white R35 GTR loaded up... lol

09-02-2011, 08:11 AM
Confirmed street racing?
When they busted up a ring down here, they auctioned the cars off. One of them was a NICE supercharged Chevy Trailblazer SS.
I think that with the ones they could not confirm road legality of, they “destroyed.”

BC does not have strict racing laws. ON on the other hand will crush you car anything over 160 km/h

09-02-2011, 08:37 AM
Confirmed street racing?
When they busted up a ring down here, they auctioned the cars off. One of them was a NICE supercharged Chevy Trailblazer SS.
I think that with the ones they could not confirm road legality of, they “destroyed.”

From what I had heard on the news they are saying "street racing" because of the speeds adn how they were in a large group. In rality they were just driving fast as a group showing off.

They will probably be charged with reckless driving, crazy fine and get their licenses pulled.

BC does not have strict racing laws. ON on the other hand will crush you car anything over 160 km/h

Yeah they don't play here. But that being said, races still go down almost every weekend.

Also anyone can be charged with "stunt driving" or Street racing going over 180km/h. Cars that are caught street racing are impounded and "can" be crushed along with a crazy fine and at least 8 points taken off of your license (out of 12). If all 12 are taken then you lose your license for the year). I haven't heard of any cars as of late being crushed or auctioned off. They usually sit in the impound lot while they collect money from the owner. They made a big deal out of it when the law passed, but that's about it.

09-02-2011, 09:22 AM
future of the canadian wangan runners....

if i was the judge, they wouldnt get a license, they woud be chauffeured around for 5 years then have to retake their driving tests...

09-02-2011, 09:25 AM
Obviously these kids come from wealthy families. Nothing will happen to them and life goes on.

09-02-2011, 09:42 AM
Obviously these kids come from wealthy families. Nothing will happen to them and life goes on.

^this They will probably walk after their seven day stay. I just don't understand if you're a parent you would buy your child something that will get them killed so easily.

09-02-2011, 01:12 PM
Obviously these kids come from wealthy families. Nothing will happen to them and life goes on.

Well i guess I'll be honest.

Going to the best high school in North America? Being given any one of those cars immediately after getting a license? fuck yeah, that's awesome.

I would much rather have such a life than messing with old datsuns and nissans.

09-02-2011, 01:29 PM
BC does not have strict racing laws. ON on the other hand will crush you car anything over 160 km/h

They'd crush your car for 100mph?
Wow, I am in NC and they will tow the car to be released after some crazy fees, the driver will be taken downtown and their license snatched on the spot, but there would have to be a competition of some sort for them to auction or crush it.

09-02-2011, 02:05 PM
My curious bet is that some people saw fast and furious, and saw these young guys cruising in their cars and got all power happy from the sight. "OMG I SAW THIS IN A MOVIE! THOSE GUYS ARE UP TO NO GOOD!"

Blame the parents? they could have easily been some fucktards in civics doing the same thing.

adam s
09-02-2011, 03:31 PM
Blame the parents? they could have easily been some fucktards in civics doing the same thing.

Yeh because a 16yo in a 97hp civic and a 16yo in a 400hp lambo are the same thing.

09-02-2011, 03:42 PM
He was talking about reckless driving.

09-02-2011, 03:43 PM
rich asian parachute kids...no doubt theyre either chinese, taiwanese, or malaysian...

09-02-2011, 03:58 PM
Obviously these kids come from wealthy families. Nothing will happen to them and life goes on.

This. You don't spend 40k a year for a K-12 education, then another 200-250k on a college education just to have your kids never be able to work anywhere other than the company that you own because they have a reckless driving charge.

All of the parents will lawyer up, or already know someone within the system, and nothing will happen to the kids.

09-02-2011, 04:01 PM
Fuck em, they deserve it and worse.

Im tired of rich people. Spread the wealth or die in the revolution.

But the bottom line is the families will pony up for whatever the cots may be. and the kids will continue living life with no consequences and thus become worse people for a lack of character if nothing else.
Empowering people with no sense of responsibility is one of the biggest pitfalls of capitalism.

09-02-2011, 04:05 PM
lol at the GTR on the flatbed at the end of the vid

09-02-2011, 04:09 PM
kids got a fine of under $200 and cars impounded for 7 days.

thats it

09-02-2011, 04:15 PM
yall jelly.

09-02-2011, 04:20 PM
yall jelly.


09-02-2011, 05:03 PM
if i was the judge, they wouldnt get a license, they woud be chauffeured around for 5 years then have to retake their driving tests...

09-02-2011, 05:25 PM
yall jelly.


word sux
09-02-2011, 07:09 PM
if you buy your 16 year old son a lamborghini

you are a bad parent...

09-02-2011, 07:12 PM
Imma go up there and become best friends with one of those kids and hint them onto me wanting one for a gift and that ill "race" with their "crew" if i got one....then mob the hell out of that area and come back hur

09-02-2011, 09:41 PM

09-03-2011, 12:28 AM
if you buy your 16 year old son a lamborghini

you are a bad parent...

aww, somebody didn't get a lamborghini for their 16th birthday

09-03-2011, 01:44 AM
Fuck em, they deserve it and worse.

Im tired of rich people. Spread the wealth or die in the revolution.

But the bottom line is the families will pony up for whatever the cots may be. and the kids will continue living life with no consequences and thus become worse people for a lack of character if nothing else.
Empowering people with no sense of responsibility is one of the biggest pitfalls of capitalism.

first part sounds curiously like communism

09-03-2011, 03:00 AM
Yeh because a 16yo in a 97hp civic and a 16yo in a 400hp lambo are the same thing.

A 2 year old with a .22 Ruger MKIII and a 2 year old with a .50 S&W model 500 are also the same thing.

09-03-2011, 04:18 AM
A 2 year old with a .22 Ruger MKIII and a 2 year old with a .50 S&W model 500 are also the same thing.

that was probably the most retarded comparison i have ever seen. you sir, are full of win.

09-03-2011, 10:27 AM
can you imagine the arguments those kids are having with thier parents.

what do you mean you got the Lambo impounded!?!? your grounded, you have to drive the M3 now!

09-03-2011, 10:48 AM
that was probably the most retarded comparison i have ever seen. you sir, are full of win.

Actually he's right... statistically, 16yo males driving like idiots kill more people in canada than guns....

09-03-2011, 11:16 AM
I don't think either of you get it.

09-03-2011, 01:14 PM
Hes saying a 16 yo drving like a jack ass is dangerous no matter what car hes killing people with.

Just like a 2 year old with a gun is dangerous no matter which gun hes killing people with.

Stay on the same page people, page 2.

09-03-2011, 01:46 PM
can you imagine the arguments those kids are having with thier parents.

what do you mean you got the Lambo impounded!?!? your grounded, you have to drive the M3 now!

09-03-2011, 02:08 PM
anyone else think of need for speed hot pursuit when they saw this?

09-03-2011, 02:09 PM
Yeh because a 16yo in a 97hp civic and a 16yo in a 400hp lambo are the same thing.

Isn't there a thread about some dude who killed himself in a shitty sc300?

A Civic can break 100mph, so what is the difference?

This kids didn't kill anyone at least.

09-03-2011, 02:10 PM
Oh yeah, and fuck peasants. Y'all mad because they are styling on you.

word sux
09-03-2011, 02:58 PM
if you don't think giving a 16 year old a supercar for their first vehicle is irresponsible. then please please do not have kids...

a 2 year old with a gun is dangerous but a 2 year old with a nuclear warhead is a disaster

09-03-2011, 03:16 PM
yeah cuz grown men do so much better with a nuclear apparatus.

And cmon Zar! Your not styling on anybody if mommy and daddy pay for it.

09-03-2011, 04:06 PM



09-03-2011, 04:15 PM
Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

And once again, his mommy and daddy didnt buy that for him.

09-03-2011, 04:19 PM
What's wrong with buying your kids nice stuff?

09-03-2011, 04:34 PM



Whats wrong with buying your kid a lambo?
Maybe they get good grades???

Remember they can afford it.

If i'm going to one of the best schools in my country filled with ballers...I'd hate to roll in a Camry..Especially if I love cars..

09-03-2011, 04:37 PM
man those horses the mounties were riding must have been fast to catch those cars!

09-03-2011, 09:35 PM



OH I see what you did there.

09-03-2011, 10:10 PM

Whats wrong with buying your kid a lambo?
Maybe they get good grades???

Remember they can afford it.

If i'm going to one of the best schools in my country filled with ballers...I'd hate to roll in a Camry..Especially if I love cars..

Agreed, if I'm a multi-millionaire, be damn sure my kid isn't going to be driving to school in a ratty-ass Civic or 240sx.

I won't be well off enough to buy my son a new Lamborghini, but I will pass on my current Porsche 911 (997) to him.....if he earns it.

09-04-2011, 12:55 AM
my kids will buy their cars with their own money. i will most likely match whatever they have saved from working.

Touge Noob S13
09-04-2011, 08:22 PM
If the parents can afford the cars then what is the problem? Lots of sour grapes in here.

09-04-2011, 08:31 PM
What's wrong with buying your kids nice stuff?

When you purchase items for kids, it teaches them that lifes luxury is handed to them and they do not have to earn it. This was very damaging this last generation that walked into this recession. There is many collage students that have no f'n clue about real life, and mommy and daddies collage fund didn't get them a proper education that is worth anything.

09-05-2011, 11:26 AM
Who says they didn't earn it? IMO the *only* thing that matters between ages 10-22+ is grades and community involvement. That is the stuff that will set you up for future success. It is not a guarantee, it seems nothing guarantees success, but it will for damn sure put you in a better position than the "life experience" gained from bussing tables.

So are you saying the kid working at Burger King scraping together enough money to buy a POS car but pulling a 2.5 average in school deserves things more than the kid not working but busting his ass for a 4.0? A college education isn't worth anything? It's for damn sure worth more than the "real-life experience" from bagging groceries. A college education is only as worthwhile as the person who has it decides to make it.

In the long run, no one gives a fuck that you had to work 30hrs a week while going to school so you could buy a car. Immediately following high school colleges care about your GPA, then grad school cares about the GPA you had before that, etc, etc.

As long as my son earns it through excellent grades and behavior, I will buy him the best stuff that I can afford it. I would rather him set himself up for success in the future by not having him have to work a shitty side job just to get the things he wants. If you were a multi-millionaire wouldn't you be more concerned with your kid getting a proper education than working at The Gap so he could buy a piece of shit 240sx?

Maybe if more parents actually gave two-shits about how their kids were doing in school instead of forcing them to go get a job we wouldn't have 15% of our population functionally illiterate which the remainder of the population averaging a 7th grade reading level.

Regardless of all that, these kids got into trouble, just like many kids get into trouble behind the wheel.

09-05-2011, 12:28 PM
Work experience is still work experience, regardless of whether it's flipping burgers, bagging groceries or bussing tables. I did some of these among others throughout high school, and it turned out being useful in helping me to net a much better job now that I'm in college. Any potential employer with half a brain would prefer someone with at least a little background in the actual job market, insignificant as it may seem, as opposed to some pussy who got through college with 4.0s by doing a little studying and coursework but spending their (abundant) spare time bullshitting around with "extracurricular activities" and partying. Please, drama club and student government aren't going to teach you shit about the job market, how to interview properly, dealing with pricks & idiots on a daily basis, or look appealing on your resumé...and most importantly, allow you to experience earning and spending the money you worked hard for on your own merit. Nobody is saying someone deserves any more than another simply because their parents are rich or poor, but that kind of blatant horseshit is just untrue. Yeah, I'm gonna go plant some trees and pick up trash from local parks and roadways to prepare me for my post-college career(s). :loco:

09-05-2011, 12:42 PM
When you purchase items for kids, it teaches them that lifes luxury is handed to them and they do not have to earn it. This was very damaging this last generation that walked into this recession. There is many collage students that have no f'n clue about real life, and mommy and daddies collage fund didn't get them a proper education that is worth anything.

This is all assuming that their parents didn't teach them the value of things. Yea we always assume that rich kids are snobby and ungrateful for the things they get.

It's just that though, a assumption.

I got a 240sx as my first car, I wrecked it trying to drift. Would I have tried to drift a $200k Lamborghini? Probably not.

09-05-2011, 01:59 PM
Who cares.

You all are complaining about first world luxuries and problems.

I am not jealous at all over those kids that have those cars. I think it is rad as fuck.

09-05-2011, 02:03 PM
yeah but you are arguing jealousy and accountability. Apples and starfish.

09-05-2011, 02:25 PM
People can act idiots on bicycles, no different than a car.

So what if these cars have 400+ horsepower.

How is that any different from kids on 160hp motorcycles?

This kids acting like idiots are no different than the kids acting like idiots on 880 in their shitbuckets.

09-05-2011, 02:31 PM
Accountability has nothing to do with age/wealth. This is a quote from a zilvian that didn't care about reprecutions and continued to knowingly break the law. His age/income isn't vastly different than any other zilvian.

I have to admit in honesty I have driven way too many times where i would be in jail for dui but thanks to my body/driving skills I manage to come out without a single incident due to my immature self

but in arizona to get out of this sr22 I have to drive a year clean which shouldn't be hard then I wont be considered a high risk driver

but it will be nice to drive down the road and not have to turn my back every 2-3 miles to see if a pig is tailing me, controlling one self has changed my driving habits quite a lot the past 2 years.

fyi i only have an sr22 because my dads truck that i was driving one day did not have up to date insurance info, and the rear lites were not working, and i had a warrant for a 2 year old traffic violation in another city. just showing that you had valid insurance during the time that you got pulled over doesnt fly in az... fucking lame but true

09-05-2011, 02:50 PM
Agreed, if I'm a multi-millionaire, be damn sure my kid isn't going to be driving to school in a ratty-ass Civic or 240sx.

I won't be well off enough to buy my son a new Lamborghini, but I will pass on my current Porsche 911 (997) to him.....if he earns it.

Unless he's found the cure for cancer, no kid is worth a 997 for his first car. Let him pile up a Mustang or something, then give him your statusmobile.

09-05-2011, 02:52 PM
How is that any different from kids on 160hp motorcycles?

They are completly the same...both will brake way before the cones, and hamfist through corners because they can't catch the H2 car ahead of them.

I'm not a jealous type, good for them (Hell who wouldnt like the car)...but man what fuckin idiots.

09-05-2011, 02:56 PM
Unless he's found the cure for cancer, no kid is worth a 997 for his first car. Let him pile up a Mustang or something, then give him your statusmobile.

My son is currently 1yr old. So it's not exactly going to be a "statusmobile" as you call it in another 15yrs when he gets it. Hell, I might be trading up to a 997 Turbo in a few years, and he will get that instead. But still, it's going to be a 15-20 year old Porsche. A nice car, but I'm sure by then 200mph electric cars or whatever will be the norm. If he doesn't show any interest in it, he won't get it, but I'll get him something nice regardless as long as he meets my expectations.

09-05-2011, 03:02 PM
A 27 year old car, still more powerful to get even the bravest in trouble. Still a, 'statusmobile'.
<3 930

09-05-2011, 03:12 PM
Those Porsches, along with the 993's, are always going to be appreciated. The 997 will likely be the same, but it's still too soon to tell how well they will be accepted over the years. With much higher production numbers now, they might not be as well regarded. But still, yes, it will still be a powerful car. But as far as my standards go, as long as he is a good kid who does well in school and stays out of trouble, he will get the car. But the first bit of trouble he gets into and the car gets taken away for however long I see fit.

Oh, and if my kid wants a Mustang, that is something he'll have to earn himself, I will never waste my money on an American car again.

09-05-2011, 05:12 PM
my kids will buy their cars with their own money. i will most likely match whatever they have saved from working.
Thats what my dad told me....until the economy collapsed. Then I bought a S13. :snoop:

09-05-2011, 05:52 PM
What I was talking about earlier:
State police sting targets street-race ring : News-Record.com : Greensboro & the Triad's most trusted source for local news and analysis (http://www.news-record.com/content/2008/11/23/article/state_police_sting_targets_street_race_ring)

They auctioned the cars in October of 2009
Cars From Street Racing Bust Auctioned On Saturday | digtriad.com (http://www.digtriad.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=131839)

09-05-2011, 09:06 PM
Philip, that rules. If you can't be a normal human being on public roads, you should have your privileges removed. All you guys calling every haters I don't get it. The amount of damage one can do to themselves or others around them in an Italian supercar far outweighs the potential of that in an econobox. Regardless, kids will be kids and continue to do stupid things. Hopefully they all learned something from it and pick up better on road habits. We all know local track days aren't expensive and cars like those kids had should be appreciated hitting apexes, not dodging other motorists on a freeway.

09-05-2011, 09:47 PM
The amount of damage one can do to themselves or others around them in an Italian supercar far outweighs the potential of that in an econobox.
A small lightweight car; no matter how fast or expensive; will still cause less collateral damage than an 80-year old behind the wheel of a Cadillac, or a high school cheerleader in an SUV.

Random fact:
Two thirds of all accidents in which a Nissan 240SX is totaled are accounted to a woman in a Ford Explorer.

09-05-2011, 10:55 PM
Regardless, kids will be kids and continue to do stupid things. H

^HAHAHAHA 21yr old......

i hear a bunch of haters in this thread....

SO as a rapper once said: "you ain't wanna be a Hater,but I made you one"

09-06-2011, 02:39 AM
a rapper also said "187 on a mutha fucken cop" and then quit smoking weed.
WTF is your point?

"You look up to the rich like dumb kids look up to rappers
And thats a bout as dumb as a donkey pulling a tractor"

A rapper said that too.

09-06-2011, 08:47 AM
My son is currently 1yr old. So it's not exactly going to be a "statusmobile" as you call it in another 15yrs when he gets it. Hell, I might be trading up to a 997 Turbo in a few years, and he will get that instead. But still, it's going to be a 15-20 year old Porsche. A nice car, but I'm sure by then 200mph electric cars or whatever will be the norm. If he doesn't show any interest in it, he won't get it, but I'll get him something nice regardless as long as he meets my expectations.

I'd sooner get my son a POS for his first car to smash up than anything else. Then again I guess if you can 'give' your 16 year old a mid engined 300 hp car and not worry about him looping it into a tree, and expecting him to be able to fix it (aka: you affording to get it back together or buy him another car), then good for you.

But as far as my standards go, as long as he is a good kid who does well in school and stays out of trouble, he will get the car. But the first bit of trouble he gets into and the car gets taken away for however long I see fit.

So you're essentially saying 'style first' before your sons safety? Or ability? Again he's 1, but come on now.

Oh, and if my kid wants a Mustang, that is something he'll have to earn himself, I will never waste my money on an American car again.

Why is that?

09-06-2011, 09:05 AM
Canada has Super Cars?

In all seriousness though, I know a bunch of dudes around here that are like that. All late-teens, early 20's with M3's, M5's, GTR's, 911's and they're idiots behind the wheel.

I feel sorry for them. One day the real word will catch up to them.

09-06-2011, 01:13 PM
I'd sooner get my son a POS for his first car to smash up than anything else. Then again I guess if you can 'give' your 16 year old a mid engined 300 hp car and not worry about him looping it into a tree, and expecting him to be able to fix it (aka: you affording to get it back together or buy him another car), then good for you.

So you're essentially saying 'style first' before your sons safety? Or ability? Again he's 1, but come on now.

Why is that?

Because I don't like most American cars, same reason I don't like Coke, just not my flavor. No reason that makes any sense, just because.

My son isn't going to just get his permit and step into the 911 (which is a 400hp rear engine car). He is going to start driving very young. He will start in karts around age 5 or 6, and then work his way up to entry level open wheel racing (as long as he is interested in it) just like I did. He will have experience driving and controlling fast cars long before he gets his drivers license. So that's not sacrificing safety for style. If/when he does wreck it, that's what full coverage insurance is for. The car will then be replaced with the best car that we can afford at that time. Not all kids are stupid and wrap their sports cars around a pole. I didn't, and I was driving a 4yr old Corvette primarily at 16 and my dad's 2 year old 911 occasionally, but I had lots of track experience before that.

How is buying a POS car that could possibly break down or be compromised in some other way safer than a reliable sports car?

09-06-2011, 02:15 PM
I grew up driving turbo / big liter euro cars as well as american muscle cars. Never once did/have I crashed because I was driving like a tool.

It comes down to the mental capacity of the individual.

09-06-2011, 02:18 PM
The idea that good post-college employers care about non-professional work experience is comical. If you're coming out of undergrad and you're angling for an investment banking analyst job or A+ Mgmt Consulting, they ONLY care about:

School Name(s) <--This is important. Most only recruit from a handful of schools, period.

The fact that you worked your way through college is not going to be considered one way or the other. It isn't a NEGATIVE, but it sure as hell isn't worth anything. Granted, these are the very best jobs, $180-220k/year for a 22 year old with zero experience, but it should at least be illustrative of what students should focus on, because most other employers worth a shit will represent some watered-down version of this ideal. Similar priorities, less exacting standards.

09-07-2011, 01:48 PM

T chop
09-07-2011, 10:43 PM
No "track experience" will prevent a new driver from not driving like a douche bag with his shiny new Lambo. Everyones talking about how their kids are special and blah fucking blah, no they aren't kids are kids and they are easily influenced by other people/friends/movies etc.

I wouldn't want my kid driving around in a beater, but if I could afford it I wouldn't buy him a super car either. The whole Civic can do 160KMH argument is BS as well too. How long does it take a super car to get to 100MPH? How long does it take an econobox to get to 100MPH? Case closed......... and I'm sure a super car will get "challenged" a lot more than a Maxima.

09-08-2011, 12:44 AM

Not all kids are the same. I had a 400hp nearly new Corvette in high school and I never crashed it, got a ticket, or sped excessively regardless of how much my friends tried to get me to do stuff like that. Why? Because I knew if I did something stupid it would not only disappoint my father, but also that the end result would be me losing my car.

Despite what you want to believe there ARE good kids out there.

09-08-2011, 11:43 AM
to an extent. Society now a days plays off our children and makes then believe, bigger, faster, stronger, better. i work with kids and they dont give a shit what their parents think, say, or do. so there are many sides to this story.

and Sir superbike you were raised rather well and proper kudos to you my adulterated one. i look up to you.

T chop
09-08-2011, 01:23 PM

Not all kids are the same. I had a 400hp nearly new Corvette in high school and I never crashed it, got a ticket, or sped excessively regardless of how much my friends tried to get me to do stuff like that. Why? Because I knew if I did something stupid it would not only disappoint my father, but also that the end result would be me losing my car.

Despite what you want to believe there ARE good kids out there.

Ya because speeding makes you a bad kid......

IF what you said is true, you are the VERY small minority. I'm sure almost all people on here have done 100MPH+, there is just a time and place where it is safe(r).

Parents need to discipline and give their kids a smack once in a while, problem solved.

09-08-2011, 01:34 PM
Oh I did 100mph+ on a weekly basis, but only at the track where it belongs. For me, getting caught doing something like these kids did would mean my dad would take away not only my street car but would also ban me from the track as well. So to me it just wasn't ever worth the risk. Hell, I started driving faster on the street after I became an adult because I had less to fear. Haha.

09-08-2011, 02:10 PM
As I said prior, who cares how long it takes a car to get to speeds above the speed limit?

Either way it is illegal.

And motorcycles are even faster than the cars in question, so what is the difference?

There is none.

Stop all the crying and bitching.

09-08-2011, 09:16 PM
street racers in BC killed a cop a few years back so i don't expect any leniency from the authorities.

09-08-2011, 10:00 PM
street racers in BC killed a cop a few years back so i don't expect any leniency from the authorities.

they got like a 200 dollar fine and car impounded for 7 days?

09-08-2011, 10:12 PM
How is buying a POS car that could possibly break down or be compromised in some other way safer than a reliable sports car?

I'd sooner have my son in a POS Pickup truck broke down than a sports car wrapped around a tree.

And congratulations on the experience, I'll admit to assuming you were another bullshitter on this forum until I backsearched your previous posts. My fault there. To each their own

FWIW: Touche on the mid vs rear engine comment, but this side of a turbo P car, none dyno anywhere near 300 hp like I said, let alone 400. Even 997 Turbo cars barely make 400 hp on the dyno.

T chop
09-08-2011, 10:36 PM
As I said prior, who cares how long it takes a car to get to speeds above the speed limit?
Either way it is illegal.

And motorcycles are even faster than the cars in question, so what is the difference?

There is none.

Stop all the crying and bitching.

LOL @ this whole post.

First off if you have a fast car you can get up to excessive speed way faster = more likely to speed and drive like a complete douche. Most Econobox's take FOREVER to get over 100MPH.

If your trying to say a kid behind a super car isn't more dangerous than a kid behind a "normal" car than you really have no clue.

And the motorcycle thing, bikers usually just end up killing themselves not innocent people as well.

09-09-2011, 09:21 AM
I'd sooner have my son in a POS Pickup truck broke down than a sports car wrapped around a tree.

And congratulations on the experience, I'll admit to assuming you were another bullshitter on this forum until I backsearched your previous posts. My fault there. To each their own

FWIW: Touche on the mid vs rear engine comment, but this side of a turbo P car, none dyno anywhere near 300 hp like I said, let alone 400. Even 997 Turbo cars barely make 400 hp on the dyno.

Your first statement is reaching a little bit, this isn't just an A or B choice for possible results. There are a million different possible outcomes for the situation.

I only brought up my experience to show that it is possible for a young kid to not be a complete jackass behind the wheel of a sports car. But I completely understand that even if I bring up my son under the same guidance that my father gave me, and allow him the opportunities for similar experiences, he might end up completely different. Nothing is ever for certain, but I'm not going to punish (in my opinion it's a punishment) my son by buying him just a regular commuter car when I can afford something better and want him to have something better. He will have to learn from his mistakes just like we all do, but I won't deprive him of something just because most other kids aren't brought up the same way. I understand you thinking I might have been BS'ing, but I've got no reason to really. Yeah, I grew up with parents who supported me doing stuff that most parents wouldn't (racing karts, formula cars, and motorcycles) but it's not like it made me rich and famous. We spent more money than I ever made back from sponsors or anything. I was a mid-packer, as we didn't have the money to build a $100k formula car like some guys did, and I didn't have that raw talent to keep up with those guys. I still learned a lot though, and it was a great experience. I just want my son to have the same experiences I did (if he shows the interest of course).

The thing about 911's, with their engines over the rear tires, yes, it does introduce some "interesting" handling dynamics, but it also makes for INCREDIBLE traction, even from RWD. The new 911 Turbo S may only put down low 400's to the wheels, but it also turns consistent 2.6-2.8sec 0-60 times and low 11sec 1/4 miles. Very few street cars put down similar 0-60 times. Also a simple ECU tune and exhaust will get you to 580 or so crank hp. My 05 C2S may only put down 2xx to the rear wheels (never dyno'd, don't really care) but all the magazine tests show consistent low 4-sec 0-60 and low 12's 1/4 which was a little quicker than the lighter and more powerful C6 Corvette of the same year. They just get their power down to the ground very very well. One of the many reasons I love them so much.

LOL @ this whole post.

First off if you have a fast car you can get up to excessive speed way faster = more likely to speed and drive like a complete douche. Most Econobox's take FOREVER to get over 100MPH.

If your trying to say a kid behind a super car isn't more dangerous than a kid behind a "normal" car than you really have no clue.

And the motorcycle thing, bikers usually just end up killing themselves not innocent people as well.

Give me a break. When I was in the US last time the sports cars were normally the ones NOT going crazy on the highway. Maybe because they were more concerned with being targeted, worried about damaging their cars, or for whatever other reason they decided to just do 5 or 10 over in the middle lane and chill. But then I see countless POS sedans and trucks passing doing 20 or 30mph over the speed limit. Granted, there was an occasional sports car doing the same thing, but just because a person drives a 125hp commuter car does not make them any less likely to drive like a retard.

09-09-2011, 09:36 AM
Your first statement is reaching a little bit, this isn't just an A or B choice for possible results. There are a million different possible outcomes for the situation.

It's not really reaching, it's proven time and time again. Drive by a school, show me how many sports cars you see? I'd say 2-5% of any lot has 'fsat' cars, the rest being shitboxes. There is a reason for this.

I'm also a bit oldschool when it comes to earning things. Sure it's awesome you'll be able to give your boy a hot rod when he's 16, but what does it teach him? I guess everyone's definition of 'earning' is different, money aside.

The thing about 911's, with their engines over the rear tires, yes, it does introduce some "interesting" handling dynamics,

I've been tracking my car now for 5 years, and track my car 4-6 times a year, and go 2-3 after that. I know how they handle. They really give people superman syndrome once they spin out in the afternoon after gaining confidence. I'll maintain they are a fantastic cars, but much like modern vettes, really require a good driver on any account to be pushed to their limits and or achieve what they should on paper. I could care less about 0-60 times or drag race stuff, this side of an AWD car I take them all with a grain of salt. I used to like the 15-100 tests, that to me a is a true reading of acceleration, not trying to launch the car well.

Granted, there was an occasional sports car doing the same thing, but just because a person drives a 125hp commuter car does not make them any less likely to drive like a retard.

While the 'choice' to drive like a coolguy is always there in any car (I'll admit I probably push the Maxima harder on the street than my 240), but the ability to drive like a hoon in a sports car is much higher than driving in a 125 hp Civic.

09-09-2011, 10:19 AM
I've been tracking my car now for 5 years, and track my car 4-6 times a year, and go 2-3 after that. I know how they handle. They really give people superman syndrome once they spin out in the afternoon after gaining confidence. I'll maintain they are a fantastic cars, but much like modern vettes, really require a good driver on any account to be pushed to their limits and or achieve what they should on paper. I could care less about 0-60 times or drag race stuff, this side of an AWD car I take them all with a grain of salt. I used to like the 15-100 tests, that to me a is a true reading of acceleration, not trying to launch the car well.

I understand and even agree with many of your overall points, we just have different views on the fundamentals. No big deal. :)

I can agree with you, however, the newest 997's (and the forthcoming 991's) are really becoming much more tame and don't have as much "bite" if you push it too far.

I know that 0-60, 1/4 mile, 60-130, etc are all just arbitrary performance numbers, but that's what most people use to gauge street performance. I wouldn't push it hard in the canyons or backroad twisties like many guys do, that belong solely on the circuits. But I do enjoy an occasional quick blast to 60 (or more sometimes) as long as it's in a safe situation (IE no traffic). Still, 0-60 in 2.6secs with is impressive, but I was only using it to illustrate how much traction these cars have.

09-09-2011, 10:28 AM
Maybe it's just me... but if someone was going to crush a car (and we all know how much we like our cars) for an activity someone was caught doing... wouldn't that just give them all the more reason to run? Seems counter productive. :(

09-09-2011, 11:02 AM
There are plenty of laws/regulations out there that don't make any sense. This is indeed one of them.

09-09-2011, 12:41 PM
I just see a whole lot of speculation and street physics going on.

But who knows, I grew up driving sports cars as a kid.

And the car I drove the fastest? A 60hp toyota econobox.