View Full Version : any way to lower my metabolism?

11-23-2003, 08:24 PM
it's way to high i can't even get fat! and i eat all day.

i even think of taking steroids but it has way too many side effects.

is there maybee a pill out there i can take to lower my metabolism

11-23-2003, 08:26 PM
you know i have the same problem !

i weight abiout 145 lb... that been the same for 6 years!!1
i want to take some weight !!!


11-23-2003, 08:28 PM
eat a ton of carbs, dont smoke, and sit on the couch and drink beer...

11-23-2003, 08:40 PM
Lower it? Uhhh, I don't think there's any SAFE way to do it. Who the hell wants to lower their metabolism?? If you want to gain weight, the right way, use a proper diet and hit the weight room hard. Unless you just want to be fat...then eat as much shit as you can and dont do anything. although if anyone takes this advice, you're an idiot for being that superficial about being skinny.

11-23-2003, 09:05 PM
well its just that im almost 6 feet and i weight about 145 lbs .. i am real skinny..

i would like to be a litlle more muscular and have a weight of 160 170 lbs..

and i think that was he wanted to say !

my rant!

11-23-2003, 09:33 PM
yeaH I rather have a small gut then be skin N bones. i want to be a lttle fat

11-23-2003, 11:53 PM
this thread's got some good info:


Got Sileighty?
11-24-2003, 12:00 AM
i guess its true huh? the grass is always greener....

11-24-2003, 12:48 AM
Do it the right way by hitting the weight room and eating right, not slowing down his metabolism. I'm guessing that's not really what he meant, its just a lazy idea. LOL Good luck on gaining weight.

11-24-2003, 01:12 AM
Haha you guys are pathetic with you "skinny" bit....I weight 115lbs and I am 5'8'' that's sweet. I took aerobics in High school and we had to read our body fat, and mine wouldn't register haha...the thing is though I have a really good build and I am not like a skeleton I dunno its wierd. I always tell people I have a weight problem, "I can't gain it" But oh well I don't wanna lower my metabolism cuz i know one day it will catch up with me and screw me over haha!

11-24-2003, 01:58 AM
do the complete opposite of the atkins diet almost...

eat high carbs, bread, soda, etc.

eat right before you goto bed.

don't eat small meals here and there

eat huge ass meals through the day

instead of 2 bowls of rice have 6 !!! and soda !!!


11-24-2003, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by airsoft
do the complete opposite of the atkins diet almost...

eat high carbs, bread, soda, etc.

eat right before you goto bed.

don't eat small meals here and there

eat huge ass meals through the day

instead of 2 bowls of rice have 6 !!! and soda !!!



sorry, but the "lower my metabolism" was REEEAAALLLLY dumb.

11-24-2003, 05:18 AM
No, you definitely dont want to "lower your metabolism", but if you want to get bigger.....

Hit the weight room!

I cant stress that enough!

I started doing a little weight training my senior year in high school for track and field. I didnt do that much though cuz high school track isnt that hardcore. Anyways, at the time i was 138lbs. (btw, i'm 5' 9"). Well, im running track in colleg now, and the weight training is hella intense! College track is no joke! Anyway, i'm in the weight room for 2 1/2 hours every day Monday-Thursday. I'm 151 now. And i've only been lifting like this since the middle of september. So in a little under 3 months i went from 138 to 151 just from weight lifting. The trick is you have to be dedicated otherwise you wont get any bigger.

11-24-2003, 09:32 AM
drink lots of alchol and eat as much fast food as possible. It wont help your metabolism but you will gain weight. If you want to gain muscle eat healthy and work out every day.

11-24-2003, 11:12 AM
try some weight gainer @ GNC and hit the weight room. !

11-24-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by f2a4s0t
drink lots of alchol and eat as much fast food as possible. It wont help your metabolism but you will gain weight. If you want to gain muscle eat healthy and work out every day.

not that i recommend it, but this has worked for me! ever since i moved i've been drinking much more than i did before. i've put on about 15 lbs in 3 months, and it's all beer gut. :bow: the trick is to pass any beer that says 'light' and go straight for newcastle, bass, guinness, optimator, etc.

11-24-2003, 12:09 PM
just like everyone says, go lift some weights. Muscle weighs more than fat.

Stee Flo
11-24-2003, 12:22 PM
Im the opposite and would prefer to raise my metabolism. I think that whether you want to get bigger or get smaller you need to strenght train with weights. If your alittle over weight like me its good to burn fat and raise your metabolism. If your skinny its good to pack on muscle mass and get bigger. The diet would differ though. You need to eat lots of protein rich foods and sufficient calories to build muscle.

11-24-2003, 02:21 PM
Drink alot of liquer and beer as much as you can. Become a pothead, I've known many people(girls and guys) that used to be twigs or tweaker lookin fools that turn into a pothead and gain 300% weight. Also eat, that's pretty obvious, and drink milk every meal throughout the day. I hate milk, but it does make you big. I used to weigh 120 in HS and I am 5'10" and I went to juvi for exactly 1 year. They force you to drink milk at every meal, it was a priveledge to drink water at a meal. When I got out I weighed 160-170 lbs. I still weigh around 165ish and that juvi incident was in 1996. Before 1996 I was a skinny boney fool.

11-24-2003, 02:42 PM
Some of you guys have the WORST advice. :p

Emperiorjack - Hitting the weight room will always improve you in some aspect, and be happy with the way you are. Skinny is in....if and only if you know how to work it.

11-24-2003, 03:02 PM
eat sticks of butter, tell me how it goes :D

11-24-2003, 06:00 PM
Before going to college I used to eat a lot and never gain weight and could not get past 165lbs.

I would not recommend steroids for sure though. That stuff will mess you up. Hitting weights will get you big, but do not expect to be buff in like 3 months it takes years and discipline.

I was started out 110lbs as a Freshman in High School and I too wanted to get big. Now I am 200lbs and a 5th year Senior in College. Most of it was Freshman year in college; I went from 155lbs to 260lbs (beer, pizza, lazyness, etc).

How big do you want to get? If I were you I would not get too big because you will run into stretch marks and they are not pretty. I wish I can do it again and just be like 185lbs. So if I were you just get trimmed and cut up.

Also how old are you? With age your metabolism will get slower naturally where you wish you had the same metabolism you do now.

11-24-2003, 07:37 PM
I am 5'10 163lbs..

11-24-2003, 11:03 PM
im 5'9" 185lbs and about 11% body fat right now (in summer i drop to 175lbs and 8%). ive been into seriously into fitness and nutrition for like 5 years now.

pretty much if youre an ectomorph (a "hardgainer"...ie. skinny and can eat everything and not really gain), there are a number of things you can do to gain muscle/weight (whats even better is that when you get muscle on, youre still retardedly ripped while a mesomorph or endomorth will pack on the muscle but SOME additional fat).

its somewhat true what the others have been saying about leating more (but not the types of things theyve been saying to eat). first off, you HAVE to eat protein!!eggs, (even the yellows...dont believe the talk about them causing high cholestorol thats only for lazy asses who dont excersize it off), fish, chicken and red meat (but use red meat a little sparingly. these protein sources, especially the fish and eggs, retain the most amount of protein after being eaten. for instance, say an egg has 8g of protein...youre body will retain 6g after consumption, whereas a piece of red meat may have 10g protein on the label but after consumption only yields 5g (these arent real numbers buy the way...but eggs are said to retain more protein.

carbohydrates are also important. you should mainly get your carbs from white rice, potatoes, and breads. the thing is while they are important, protein is more important for building the muscle fiber. carbohydrates are good energy sources.

fats are also needed for a proper diet (the kind that helps to build lean mass). mostly the good fats (polyunsaturated) are found in fish oils and peanuts etc. basically as long as you stay away from saturated and unsaturated fats youll be ok. think of fats like a ball of string. saturated fats would be really woun dup and tangled so its hard for your body to break it apart. unsaturated would be a little less wound up so while it stays in there, its easier for your body to get rid of. polyunsaturated fats are wound but not really and relatively easy to get rid of.

SUPPLEMENTS ARE ESSENTIAL! not steroids. look for protein sources that say lean mass on them. try these first before you try the weight gainers. the reason is this, while weight gainers dont have much fat they have TONS of calories. everybody needs to eat additional calories to build muscle, you as a hardgainer have to eat even more calories (because your body burns through them quickly), only thing is you dont know how much additional calories. proteins that say "lean mass" on them have the same amount of proteins but waaay less calories. if you take these first you may be satisfied with the results and may not need weight gainers. extra calories that arent burned off turn into fat. with the amount of calories weight gainers can have (some up to 2500 per serving...and you take it three times a day=7.5k extra calories!!) it can lead to too much gaining too quick. "methoxypro" is one protein that ive had good results with. also try some multivitamins (i use GNC ultra mega gold with iron). these add all the additional vitamins your body needs that you may have missed.

if after taking proteins for awhile youre still not satisfied, try some myostain blockers such as "myoblast csp3" basically what these do is stop a hormone that is released in your body that dictates how much muscle you can put on. with this stuff turning off this hormone, you can essentially put on as much muscle as you want without your body stopping you. IT WORKS! its expensive but well worth the price. and it doesnt have the side effects of a steroid because its not a steroid.

last, you have to workout hard in order to build a quality physique. the more time and effort you put into your diet and your excersize plans, the better you will turn out. just make sure you keep symetry (dont get too big for your size cause that just look bad IMO). most of all it takes LOTS of time. dont expect results immediately. ive been at it for 5 years roughly (at times 6 days a week) and i still need work.

thats about as thorough as i can be, soory for the extremely long post but i hope this helps you and any others out. feel free to pm me if you have any other questions about diet or excersize.

11-24-2003, 11:56 PM
yea what he said :)

11-25-2003, 02:04 PM
or you could do like bears do...eat all summer and sleep all winter! Thats the good life.

11-25-2003, 06:56 PM
Hey, if all of you skinny guys are serious and trying to get put on some meat, you need to be dedicated.

Around late-August, I was 145lbs, 6'0 and unknown body fat. I've been really trying to put on some pounds and alot of people told me that heavy lifting and eating a right/healthy diet will help.

So about last week was when I weighted myself. I was 158lbs at 6'1 with 4.3% body fat. I think this is a great improvement and I think I look pretty good.

How I did it was workout 4 times a week, hitting different muscle groups each day and giving each muscle group 72 hours to recover. Thats with eating 4-5 meals a day and drinking 2-3 protein shakes, along with 2 bottles of V12.

I used to do alot of cardio, especially at the end of my workout days (15-20 min on treadmill), but I didnt seem to be gaining any weight so i stopped.

Believe me, this is not easy. It seems like you spend half your day preparing food, eating food, and sitting in the bathroom. And your always full.

You have to just becare what you eat. Fast foods such as Mcdonalds make you feel fuller for eating a lesser amount. Just common sense really, stay away from most fast foods and other fatty foods. I just ate rice, chicken, shrimp, tuna, beef, and some other mixes.

But overall, I think its worth it. I can bench my own weight and i look and feel great. Most people still cant tell that I workout and they still cant tell that I gained some weight, but I think its because the weather is cold here and so everybody is all covered up.