View Full Version : Had fun at the Mercedes C-spot Event.

11-23-2003, 05:02 PM
Mercedes put on a big production here at Florida State this weekend. They premiered Tom Cruise's new movie, "The Last Samurai", let us drive around some Benz's, and are having a fashion show tonight. Anywho, I went out there this morning to see what was going on. They had a little road course set up. I was thinking that we were only going to get to ride along with the professional drivers they had, but they let us drive the C230's and C320's. The cars surprised me. When I think Mercedes, I think luxury. But these cars were very sporty. No manuals out there, but hey...cant complain when they let you drive around their cars. Let me show you all some pictures. Sorry about the horrible quality, they are stills taken from video.

SL 500:




Modded C230 (this kinda grew on me):






Subs, amps, and X-box in the back:

Had a glass deck lid too (I was impressed):

C230 at the U-turn:

C320 at the U-turn:


They let people drive the hell out of the cars. It was fun. Here's a small clip of the course. (Not me driving):

[ http://www.dirtcheaprims.com/ztuff/mercedes/C230.mpg ]

They also had games setup. 3 total. If you won you got a point. You could only play the games once. First, there was b-ball where you just had to make a basket. Second, putting. Like put put...very easy. Lastly, there was RC car racing. They had 500 dollar RC cars out there. They were faster than my 280 I think...it was amazing :) I won at all three games. Here are the cool prizes I won:

I got a Mercedes towel, hat, and mouse.

The car floats around inside the mouse...cool huh?

Just thought I'd share. :)

Heres a link to the cool little site they made...nothing to special there...but who knows what other colleges they are going to:

[ http://www.rawpowerful.com/hfm/fsu/flash_intro.html ]

The event kinda made me want to get a Benz :) Only 23K for the C230's....naw....I'll stick with my 280 :)

11-23-2003, 08:16 PM
i think this might be OT...

Got Sileighty?
11-23-2003, 11:57 PM
i went to that event when they had it here in L.A. a couple months ago. but the stuff they gave away werent as good as the ones u got :wtc: especially the mouse. me and my friends were kinda disappointed cuz they didnt let u drive teh AMG car, you could only get a ride in it, o well. the food was great. and tracks they set up were pretty cool, we got warnings for taking the turns too fast though hehhehehe. can u say drifting benz? :D

11-24-2003, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
i went to that event when they had it here in L.A. a couple months ago. but the stuff they gave away werent as good as the ones u got :wtc: especially the mouse. me and my friends were kinda disappointed cuz they didnt let u drive teh AMG car, you could only get a ride in it, o well. the food was great. and tracks they set up were pretty cool, we got warnings for taking the turns too fast though hehhehehe. can u say drifting benz? :D

Yes, yes I can... Drifting benz, TRAC OFF :D. Now, stop typing all 133T with your "teh". I guess they didn't have golf/putting greens at their C-spot...

Got Sileighty?
11-24-2003, 09:30 PM
no putting green for them, but they got cool mice and a benz towel!! dammit. :doh: