View Full Version : Nfsu

11-21-2003, 12:19 AM
anyone play need for speed underground? It came out this week.

I played it on PS2 tonight and its cool, although hot pursuit 2 is better all in all.

What do you all think?

theres a 240sx in there somewhere too.

11-21-2003, 02:00 AM
Ive been playing all night. Getting sick of it. It was way too over hyped. Still pretty good tho. Anyway, there is a 240 Coupe in there somewhere, S13 style, I think you have to reach 28/111 level to get it.

11-21-2003, 07:21 AM
IUve got a hatch 240 im on like level 61 or something. had a few days at home sick to play it and SSX3. it's good typical N4S so I like it. the drag racings kinda annoying though. driftings fun though

11-21-2003, 07:56 AM
The drifting is indeed fun. Im on level 30 only... Been playing all night on and off w/ Final Fantasy XI.

These two games own j00!!!:bowdown:

I fear however that if I keep playing NFSU I will get bored with it very fast.

Only hatch 240? I thought the coupe was in it too?


11-21-2003, 09:34 AM
if it is I havent found it yet! heck the only other RWD car I've got unlocked is the Supra in underground mode. the Rob Zombie 350z is pretty pimp though in the other modes. (welll it looks it anyway I havent driven it). Im still witing on some more powerful stuff. the performance mods take forever to unlock. I hate the roof scoop on the car. gotta get rid of it. hehe the S13 is hot though! PG style two tone :) on 17" BBS kitted ith the wanagan style wing hahaha I gotta bitch at the cable company though I cant seem to get connected to any servers. I got it to say Im online but cant connect anywhere... weird

oh and I opened the MOTHER of all drift tracks on there! my god!! its the WHOLE course. its gonna be fun cant wait to get home to play it :)

11-21-2003, 05:58 PM
its definitely missing the cops, the damage and especially replays

cant compare that sensation of speed to anything though

I like NFSHP2 better

11-22-2003, 01:45 AM
I unlocked the Hatch 240 at 35/111...

11-22-2003, 04:34 AM
Ya I got the s13 hatchback today too.. second stage upgrades. It's pimp! I like the drags cuz it's easy money hehe. What the fuck is up with being able to drift in a neon or civic like it's a RWD car though???

11-22-2003, 06:08 AM
yeah thats ghey... FWD drifting = only in video games...lol...

they must have rigged it so that the FWD cars in NFSU always have the ebrake on or something.... REOFLHDHFE!!!

11-22-2003, 03:59 PM
so I was browsing the prima startegy guide in best buy yesterday and no S14.. the 350 and the skyline are in there but higher up.. I'm on level 65 and just got the supra. so I got a little ways to go on there. I definately miss the replays though those weere my favorites. and cops coulda been SOOOO easy to add into this one. would have made SUCH a difference. oh well its a first for them hopefully they will do another version N4SU2 could be killer! but yeah I prefer N4SHP2. gotta go buy me a new copy of that one. i've bought it twice now already. (xbox SUCKED!!!!!!! no sense of speed whatesoever tracks were missing and lame, had to trade it in on the PS2 version) but oh well I can find a used one cheap this time

11-24-2003, 09:05 PM
I'm currently at 111/111, and it still isn't over...
Does anyone find it lame that a modified Civic is just as fast as any other car in the game? Like Supras and RX7s? Well, in keeping with these rules, my 240SX can hang with a GTR:confused: All in all, it's a very pretty game full of eye candy, but it has no realism. I'm waiting for tokyo Xtreme 3..... that series has a little more substance. Oh, NFSU has no sileighty conversion, or SR swap, so I can't make my car... :cry:

11-24-2003, 09:58 PM
yeah Im gonna have to pick up project gotham 2 for my xbox here soon too to hold me down till GT4. I actually switched back to playing SSX3 for a bit. damn i wish I had an attention span. I have so many half beat video games its unbelievable. ahh well.

11-25-2003, 02:58 AM
Just got the GTR. It's sweet! The options for it suck though.
Especially tail lights and rims! exhaust is sweet though.

11-25-2003, 07:06 AM
That game is alright, not near as good as I anticipated. I like the taillights for the 240 hatch, kouki 180sx, and Mike's clear tails. I think it is really pathetic how the game is so riced out. Take for instance, when you first start the underground campaign, you are only give a choice of 5 cars. Mazda Miata, Honda Civic, Dodge Neon, Puegot 206( I am sure I missed spelled this), and the Ford Focus. They all pretty much were the same in acceleration and top speed, but the handling really varied. The Miata had a much wider band of handling, while the rest were very short. So I bought the Miata, when I did, a voice came on and said, "Ooooh, thats weak!". I was like, wtf? Also, whenever you wreck, it sends your car in series of tumbles and rolls even at the lowest speeds, while your opponents ram into another car at 130 mph, and they will just roll once and land in the right direction and continue to take off. This really pisses me off, cause I am a very aggressive driver, and I will try my best to spin them out in a corner if they are pissing me off. I could go on for hours about other things that are stupid, but overall, it is a decent game.

11-25-2003, 01:39 PM
Ya the crashes are pretty bad. you always land the wrong way or something stupid. I hate
how the traffic is always at the corner apex or just comes out of nowhere. gets annoying:bash: :bash: :bash:

11-25-2003, 09:32 PM
hows MC2?

11-26-2003, 11:18 AM
hey impactred TER3 is out now and it's only $20. I think it's awsome. I played NFSU and I like Tokyo 3 way better. The car models are better and WAY more upgrades. NFS has it's plus' though.

11-26-2003, 04:50 PM
Thanks, but I have to wait for christmas.. my mom's getting it for me because I know if I get it, I'll play it too much and mess up the end of this semester. (I'm a senior in college.) So I get to wait for a while......
I beat NFSU tonight, but I was frustrated to the point of almost breaking stuff. The physics are just so bad.....

11-26-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Steeles
so I was browsing the prima startegy guide in best buy yesterday and no S14.. the 350 and the skyline are in there but higher up.. I'm on level 65 and just got the supra. so I got a little ways to go on there. I definately miss the replays though those weere my favorites. and cops coulda been SOOOO easy to add into this one. would have made SUCH a difference. oh well its a first for them hopefully they will do another version N4SU2 could be killer! but yeah I prefer N4SHP2. gotta go buy me a new copy of that one. i've bought it twice now already. (xbox SUCKED!!!!!!! no sense of speed whatesoever tracks were missing and lame, had to trade it in on the PS2 version) but oh well I can find a used one cheap this time

Hey it wasn't the Best Buy (Northlake Center) I work at is it? haha Hmm from I85... do you live in/around Gwinnette?

Also, last time I checked its um $34 for the Computer which is alot better, since Playstation 2 and computers are using the same network if you play it online. Computer version is much better, why? MODS OF COURSE!!!! C'mon, people don't buy half life to play half life, they but it to play free download mod games like Counter Strike, Action Half life, Day of Defeat, etc. I'm pretty sure, and hoping there will be mods/add ons/ etc for the computer version. Haha maybe some programmer will code in some more cars, S14A pleaseeeee with the option to do engine swaps pleaseeee!:D
Atleast they had the 240sx/s13 hatchback. :)

11-27-2003, 06:29 AM
Well I got the game on monday. I like it so far. I'm in the low 70's and just sold my 240sx for the supra... Blowing tomany motors in the drag. Not on take off but right before the finish... heh needs another gear... should be able to get a 6 speed heh... But all an all Great game... DRag is cool, Drift is Better then expected.

So I give it 4 out of 5 starts.

They're should be a replay option, more cars, a little more realistic about performance on cars.

tonight will be the last chance I get to play till monday. so I'm going for the GTR tonight and As soon as I have it Going online to roast some riceboy's heh...


11-28-2003, 01:30 AM
i dont like it. It's crap. I thought it would be good but it's just 2 fast 2 furious. :rolleyes: It's not realistic, i will take gran turismo over this game anyday.

11-28-2003, 06:04 AM
I totally aggree with you with grand turismo... but GT4 is only coming out in march meaning what do I till it does come out... so NFS:U is my pick since tis a great ARCADE game. When has an arcade games been realistic.... almost never... I think the issue here is that ppl are thinking this is suppose to be simulation driving but the magic word in this all is. Its still just an ARCADE game...


11-29-2003, 06:21 PM
see I hate when the Need 4 speed series gets compared to GT. they arent the same approach. if anything you have to compare GT's arcade mode to NFS. they are supposed to be pick up and play arcade type racers.. NOT simulators like the main part of GT that we all play to death.

phoen_x nah Im in North Carolina. havent been down to the ATL in a month or so. might come down for new years though :)

01-04-2004, 04:08 PM
(beating a dead horse)

@ Race 111, my sister decided to pick it up and erase my profile (accidently).

So after picking my sobbing ass of the floor, I been at it since last night (again)

Drag racing is tight, drift is teh r0xorz!

Realtistic, not exactly but this is NOT GT3 and never will be, just like the man said, its a completely different approach.

5/5 ***** stars

01-05-2004, 02:27 PM
im on race 95, im using the rx-7, that or the 240sx, i switch back and forth, i cant stand the skyline on here, it doesnt feel as fast as the rx7 and also when its at 9000rpm on the game it sounds like its at 4000rpm, its just not as fun... love the game though:)

01-05-2004, 07:19 PM
me and my friends play the head to head drifting all the time, we are really good. My one friend has gotten a 50k point drift and he got 316k on 4 laps, what have you guys gotten?

01-05-2004, 07:43 PM
i hated nfs , you can barely see wats in front of you, and i hate how you have to rice your cars out to get respect. GT3 is so much of a better game.

01-05-2004, 07:44 PM
i've only had the game for a few days, but so far my best drift is 35k with the 240sx

No Motiv
01-06-2004, 07:51 AM
haha that game is great.....I have black s13 with type x tailights, fully body kit, some enkies with polished lip, Body kit,almost all level tree upgrades...boring now after too days...its very..blah. the drifting is fun, my best run was like 200,000+ in 4 laps. but fuck that game its just here to hold me until GT4, and i still need to get my hands on Tokyo X 3. just beat "zero" a couple moths ago.....video games are awesom...haha

01-07-2004, 10:55 PM

Reputation is based on how fast your car(s) are and how many people you beat in a race, not some decal to decal or vinyl to vinyl battle. Customization may not be as wide a "selection" but it does make sure its not to "ricey". If you want you can even make your light bulb hyper white or change your tailight to "smoke" color. Much, much improvement since Zero. And for the price, I bought it for $19 at bestbuy, you can't beat that. Oh, you can even use Nos in the game, engine swap, race more then 1 comp racer at a time, just to name a few.


use www.altavista.com and Babel fish translator then paste this html

too bad they wont release the ONLINE version of Tokyo Extreme racer in the states....

01-08-2004, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by BeatJunky
yeah thats ghey... FWD drifting = only in video games...lol...

they must have rigged it so that the FWD cars in NFSU always have the ebrake on or something.... REOFLHDHFE!!!

It mentions in the book or the tutorial thing that the middle of the track is "oiled" to make the drifting easier. Does anyone notice it's almost impossible to stop the car on the drift tracks?

01-08-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by s14slide
It mentions in the book or the tutorial thing that the middle of the track is "oiled" to make the drifting easier. Does anyone notice it's almost impossible to stop the car on the drift tracks?

yes i saw that too

01-09-2004, 05:46 PM
the drifting in the game is ok; quick way to rack up points. you just got to get a feel for it. overall it's a decent game, the circuit races get tedious after a while though, since it's just a huge level with different streets in it blocked off so it guides you on a different route so it seems as if all the levels are different. i think the s2000 is fastest car in the game, not sure.

01-09-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Pepperoni
the drifting in the game is ok; quick way to rack up points. you just got to get a feel for it. overall it's a decent game, the circuit races get tedious after a while though, since it's just a huge level with different streets in it blocked off so it guides you on a different route so it seems as if all the levels are different. i think the s2000 is fastest car in the game, not sure.

all the cars are the same once you unlock all the parts. A civic can be as fast as the skyline or supra. There is no difference, if you pick the supra all modded up it will be as fast as if you were to use the civic late in the game.

Although they do handle a little differently.

No Motiv
01-12-2004, 02:30 PM
I like the miata....even though it is the bitch car, overall its better than the skyline, s13, 350z, supra, RX7, for what upgrades i have done. just pulled off a 55,000 point drift, it was nuts.

01-12-2004, 05:49 PM
:stupid: the miata actually is a pretty nice little car.
anyone play this online? if any of you want to race me and kick my ass, send me a PM