08-24-2011, 06:28 PM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300028_10150752653930652_764790651_20220079_387403 4_n.jpgbought the calipers from a member here
they were rebuilt and painted
i put in AMS pads got a set of conversion lines and circuit sports rotors drilled and slotted for 4 and 5 lug and they have earls speed bleeders
bolt in and have great stopping power!!!!
i put 1200 miles on them
they were rebuilt and painted
i put in AMS pads got a set of conversion lines and circuit sports rotors drilled and slotted for 4 and 5 lug and they have earls speed bleeders
bolt in and have great stopping power!!!!
i put 1200 miles on them