View Full Version : photoshoppers help

11-20-2003, 08:52 PM
okay i have decided on a color for my s14, its a toyota color, flame me if you must. its phantom gray pearl. i see it every day at work and i love it, its dark gray... real metallic. and then i decided on rota subzero wheels, cheap and lightweight. problem is i dont know what color wheel will look the best on the gray paint. so here is a picture of my car, 2 pictures of the phantom gray color, and one picture with all the wheel colors.

if you can make the car phantom gray pearl, and do 4 different pics, (with bronze, black, steel gray and gun metal) , ill mail you a few bucks (they have to be good).

thanks a lot.


11-20-2003, 09:40 PM
well, im no good at photoshopping, but i just wanted to put in my .02 on the color. i think that it'll look great on your car, it's definitely one of my fav. colors, and if i were to get my car repainted, i think id probably end up going a similar route.
also, a question about the wheels: are those the same used on subie wrxs? they look really similar

11-20-2003, 09:53 PM
no i doubt they are the same wheels, probably just similar design. thanks for the input on the color, i hope it turns out nice.

11-20-2003, 11:13 PM
I agree, I think they just look like a wheel from a WRX.....Maybe i am wrong, but who cares haha......I really like that color a lot and I think your car will be looking good with those wheels and that paint, what offset are those wheels at? Any engine mods on that beast?

11-21-2003, 10:07 PM
nah no engine mods. i was gonna go SR with tax return money, but i could go with a lot of show parts. i think im gonna get paint, wheels, seats, SE side skirts, and a couple other things instead. my dads real big into the british car show scene..... so i guess it just runs in my blood to like show more.

all my body parts will say nissan tho, dont flame

11-22-2003, 12:48 AM
so where are all the photoshop peeps at? Oh wait you guys SUCK! :D hmmm...i guess this poser drifter is the only one that is a pro at photoshop. hmmmm...oh, i am a CG artist. What? computer graphics? yes im quite good atcually, nobody knows anything about me but just assume i suck at whatever i do. hmmmm...so must mean im just a dumb ricer that jumped into the drifting scene. I cant drift at all, i have a FF car and pull the e-brake in the parking lot just to show off. :mad: Im fucking pissed at you fucks! Until i get some appologeez i wont help anybody with ANYTHING! look who's the dumb ass now. :D Il think about doing the pic for you buuuuttt.....what do i get in return?

11-22-2003, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by TokyoDrifterXo7
so where are all the photoshop peeps at? Oh wait you guys SUCK! :D hmmm...i guess this poser drifter is the only one that is a pro at photoshop. hmmmm...oh, i am a CG artist. What? computer graphics? yes im quite good atcually, nobody knows anything about me but just assume i suck at whatever i do. hmmmm...so must mean im just a dumb ricer that jumped into the drifting scene. I cant drift at all, i have a FF car and pull the e-brake in the parking lot just to show off. :mad: Im fucking pissed at you fucks! Until i get some appologeez i wont help anybody with ANYTHING! look who's the dumb ass now. :D Il think about doing the pic for you buuuuttt.....what do i get in return?

You get
Originally posted by madwilly240
if you can make the car phantom gray pearl, and do 4 different pics, (with bronze, black, steel gray and gun metal) , ill mail you a few bucks (they have to be good).

And honestly man, why are you so pissed? When you post a topic that you know is controversial, what do you expect to get? If you have a problem with people having opinions and voicing them, dont post shit that you know people are going to have strong opinions over, and will most likely voice them. You coming back on this forum demanding apologies from people who simplely voiced their opinions is kind of a bad idea, and I am pretty sure that you are going to end up coming away empty handed.

Also, dont get a holier-then-thou attitude just because you know some stuff about computer graphics, it doesnt give you the right to hold it over someone's head because you want something in "return". Do it or dont, he already said he would send some money your way if you helped him out. If you decide not to do it...fine. I am pretty sure there are more people then just you who know a thing about computers(hell if I wanted to bother him, my roommate works for a computer graphics company and I can pretty much guarantee that his work will be a right at, if not better quality, then what ever you put out).

To sum it up...get off your high horse man. Help madwilly or dont, but dont come on here throwing around bullshit, you only end up stinking the place up.

11-22-2003, 03:10 AM

Stee Flo
11-24-2003, 01:27 PM
The reason they look like wrx wheels is probably because alot of scooby owners have rotas on their cars. The subzeros are popular with the subaru crowd. My brother has some for his rs.

Tokyodrifter your youth and imaturity continue to shine through in your post. Personally I wouldnt want your "expertise" if your gonna glout.

Madwilly240 I will give it a shot if i get a chance when i get home from work.

11-24-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Stee Flo
The reason they look like wrx wheels is probably because alot of scooby owners have rotas on their cars. The subzeros are popular with the subaru crowd. My brother has some for his rs.

Tokyodrifter your youth and imaturity continue to shine through in your post. Personally I wouldnt want your "expertise" if your gonna glout.

Madwilly240 I will give it a shot if i get a chance when i get home from work.

Yeah, I had Rotas on my WRX, royal black subzeros, Rotas are very popular among us Suby guys because of the price and pretty good quality and low weight, even for being knockoffs.

11-24-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by TokyoDrifterXo7
snipped because your worthless drabble needs only be shown once

off topic: i'm gravely dissapointed you havn't driven off a cliff and killed yourself yet...sad to see you are still wasting air the rest of us could be using...

on topic: no photoshop program here at work but when i get home i'll spend a few minutes, if no one else already has, and put somethin up for you..


agree with everyone else though, i like the color..

11-25-2003, 08:40 PM
sweet, cant wait to see what you guys come up with.

glad everyone agrees that its a sick color.

11-26-2003, 04:37 AM
:boink: :boink: :boink: photoshop :boink: :boink: :boink:
I'll do it for you man, once i get some free time. I have wasted enough time arguing with you retards. Just remember my name so when we meet my friend. :mepoke: But it is time to go to the secret underground layer. :wiggle:

11-29-2003, 01:47 PM
come on guys help!

12-02-2003, 08:32 PM