View Full Version : Help:Throttle coming on and off then shut down

08-22-2011, 04:43 PM
Hey, i was driving my s13 with sr20det swap. I was accelerating a little and the throttle stopped while my foot was on the gas, the rpms were droping and then it caught and the car went back to where i had the rpms and it keep like bogging like that. eventually it caught again and drove fine. i figured i was low on gas and my gauge was broken so i drove 2 miles to the gas station and put gas. no problems going. on the way back the same thing happened but this time it stalled on the road. i pulled over and it hesitated but eventually started after i primed it. drove 50 meters and it stalled again. drove anther 20m and it then would not start. i let it sit for a while. eventually it started with me giving constant gas and i got it to a quite side street. after idling for 30 seconds it shut off. i changed the fuel filter but it did nothing. now the car doesnt start at all.

Could it be the fuel pump? Where is the fuel pump?:wtc:

08-22-2011, 04:51 PM
It very well could be the fuel pump.

The pump is in the tank .. there's an access to it under your hatch carpet (not sure if the coupe is the same).

Take off the cover (4 bolts) and the pump bracket is visible, simple change.

Good luck

08-22-2011, 05:08 PM
yeah im thinking its that. thanks a lot. i'll have to wait until morning but i'll check it then