View Full Version : Shut Down, why????????

11-19-2003, 04:17 PM
This will probably be shut down but I’m going to vent a little, I am a student and I pick stuff up in Japan to sell on eBay, to help myself out, and it also gives everyone else a chance to buy good jdm stuff that they wouldn’t be able to get in America, but I got my last post shut down(http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?s=&threadid=40217) b/c its not my own item, well if I buy something and then go to sell it, doesn’t that make it mine, also its not like it’s a mass thing, I get a couple of sets of coilovers here and there and then I sell them to you guys, but I guess that’s not aloud on here, maybe I am wrong to think this way but what do you guys think, that post on here, maybe its because they are not getting any money or something out of it, well sorry I’m just a guy who is going through school, getting married in may and I’m trying to pay for everything, and I love cars, so let me know what you guys think.

Godspeed eBay= godspeed27

11-19-2003, 04:20 PM
here is the email i got about this

Unless its out of your personal collection and use and not for profit then its considered a CM post. Sorry.

Mark West

11-19-2003, 04:29 PM
It's a commercial post, regardless.

All you're doing is buying and reselling items for profit.

It probably would have been fine if you were just selling 1 set of coilovers that you bought and found you had no use for, but when you've got three sets that you're trying to whore out (which were obviously bought solely for the purpose of reselling), that's considered commercial.

11-19-2003, 04:50 PM
soulDistortion- If that is the case than why is this thread still up?


11-19-2003, 05:22 PM
The situations behind each are different.

The link you posted referred to someone who purchased 4 intercoolers just so he could get a good price on one (as a group buy price), and was dumping off the extras. It also appears to be a one-shot deal, as he is using one of the 4 intercoolers purchased for personal use.

The link in question in this thread refers to someone who admits to buying things for the express purpose of reselling for profit on eBay, and posting the subsequent links in the forum. As he freely admits to it being a planned ongoing thing, that makes it commercial in nature.

I'm not anyone in charge on this board, so I don't claim to know the dynamics of how things are handled, but as an admin/mod of other boards, I see exactly where WeST is coming from.

The best move for anyone to make in a situation like this is to just let it go and move on with life. After all, if the only thing you're asked to do to be able to use this board is follow the rules, then the ability to haggle about policy is close to nil.

11-19-2003, 09:04 PM
you know what, its cool, yeah i'm doing it to make a little side cash, i have been told that i have to pay $5 each time i do it, but i just think that it is good for everyone, me and the people buying them, but hey i guess not, but man it just seems like a waist, i can pick stuff up that you guys can't get, and i sell it for a good price, i don't make the price, i let you guys on ebay, but oh well, i will just stick to the other boards i post on.
thanks guys
if you want to you can find me on ebay at godspeed27 or email me at [email protected]
other than that i guess im out for now.

11-19-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by godspeed
you know what, its cool, yeah i'm doing it to make a little side cash, i have been told that i have to pay $5 each time i do it, but i just think that it is good for everyone, me and the people buying them, but hey i guess not, but man it just seems like a waist, i can pick stuff up that you guys can't get, and i sell it for a good price, i don't make the price, i let you guys on ebay, but oh well, i will just stick to the other boards i post on.
thanks guys
if you want to you can find me on ebay at godspeed27 or email me at [email protected]
other than that i guess im out for now.

so you want to use this board for your own personal monetary gain?..that is where the problem lies..not in you wanting to "hook up" fellow board members..don't try to play like you have altruistic intentions..you want a profit..on something you purchased solely for the purpose of resale...

either pay west for the privilege of using his board to make yourself money..or don't sell stuff here..it's that simple..

11-20-2003, 12:36 AM
well, i want to do both, hook people up, if you email me asking for something i try hard to get it, yeah i want to make some money off it, and hey your right its his web board, so cool.... say what you want. have a good day

11-20-2003, 02:18 PM
How about instead of using up zilvia's bandwidth, you open up your own merchant site. That way you can hook up the online 240 community and still make some money. After you make decent money, pay zilvia to put up a banner for ya. Hey, by the end of it, you'll have a business going...imagine that.