View Full Version : Kia unveils Sexual Chocolate Concept (RWD Sedan)

08-19-2011, 11:59 AM
Ok it's not called sexual chocolate, but they mind and well have called it that. look at this sexy ass mf.

Peter has out done himself with this. I love seeing his tiger nose styling evolving. There's so much I like about this concept. The details are beautiful.

We can assume this is on the same platform as the Genesis/ Equus.

Kia reveals RWD sport sedan concept for Frankfurt (http://www.autoblog.com/2011/08/19/kia-reveals-rwd-sport-sedan-concept-for-frankfurt/)

Kia RWD Sedan Concept (http://www.autoblog.com/photos/kia-rwd-sedan-concept/full/#photo-4378626)

08-19-2011, 12:07 PM
It looks Jaguar and Lexus inspired. I like it :)

08-19-2011, 12:13 PM
omfg sick!

08-19-2011, 01:15 PM
Thread title confused me a little until I opened it. Thought this was going to be about some kind of Kia/Fiat collaboration and was getting ready for massive disappointment, but luckily it didn't turn out too badly.

08-19-2011, 01:28 PM
Front end is sort of a mashup of Jaguar and Hyundai Veloster. It doesn't seem to really match the clean lines of the rest of the car. However, everything behind the front bumper is gorgeous.

08-19-2011, 01:33 PM
To me, all of Kia's cars look like way-too-obvious knockoffs of other automakers' signature styling.
This specific one being Aston Martin.

Not that I would not drive it.

08-19-2011, 01:33 PM
I thought of this when I saw the front:

08-19-2011, 01:35 PM
Thread title confused me a little until I opened it. Thought this was going to be about some kind of Kia/Fiat collaboration and was getting ready for massive disappointment, but luckily it didn't turn out too badly.

i thought the same thing hahah

08-19-2011, 02:01 PM
panamera meets db9

08-19-2011, 02:18 PM
reminds me how much the american car manufacturers suck.. a korean brand is now kicking ass. lol

08-19-2011, 02:23 PM
To me, all of Kia's cars look like way-too-obvious knockoffs of other automakers' signature styling.
This specific one being Aston Martin.

Not that I would not drive it.


Its cool looking but a clear knock off. How are people not seeing this with this automaker? :ugh:

08-19-2011, 02:35 PM
who cares. they take the best from everyone and makes it awesome and cheap.

08-19-2011, 03:41 PM
what a kiat

08-19-2011, 03:57 PM
what a kiat


08-19-2011, 04:23 PM
I love seeing his tiger nose styling evolving.

by tiger nose styling, do you mean the style of the front end (since you say nose) of newer modern body cars. like 350z/370z, bmw, gtr, etc. (the hood of this kia reminds me of honda s2000).

08-19-2011, 04:27 PM
Peter Schreyer is a legitimate designer (New Beetle, Audi TT, A3, A6, etc etc) and doesn't have to copy designs. That's why Kia hired him. A lot of car shapes are the same now-a-days. kia is no more guilty of it then any other manufacturer right now.

what a kiat

A type-o. :cj:

by tiger nose styling, do you mean the style of the front end (since you say nose) of newer modern body cars. like 350z/370z, bmw, gtr, etc. (the hood of this kia reminds me of honda s2000).

No, that is what he calls the design language.

08-19-2011, 07:11 PM
they should call it the Kia One 77 Panameria Rapide

08-19-2011, 07:20 PM
??? I don't like anything about it.

08-19-2011, 08:22 PM

Its cool looking but a clear knock off. How are people not seeing this with this automaker? :ugh:
they are, but it's hard to bitch when you can get a panamera with an aston face for under thirty grand.

08-19-2011, 09:16 PM
??? I don't like anything about it.

You don't like that it's RWD?

08-19-2011, 09:46 PM
I was trying to think of what it looked like in comparison for a while. Def Aston Martin.

08-19-2011, 09:48 PM
You don't like that it's RWD?

Sure I love RWD, but that doesn't mean I love every RWD-based vehicle.

edit: If this car was FWD, it wouldn't even be a thread...

08-19-2011, 10:14 PM
shit who needs a nissan "sx" replacement when you've got 3 companies picking up the slack

08-19-2011, 10:19 PM
i like this

08-19-2011, 10:20 PM
I'm not saying i dont like the thing, i'm just saying its far from an "original" design. Like what's already been said, its a panamera with an aston martin front end. In other words, I've seen this shit before. Why do i need to be hyped about it? Good pricing (of course since its a fucking kia) but i wouldn't buy one anyway so i dont care. Carry on.

08-19-2011, 10:21 PM
some nice spinners on that thing. looks like it helps with cooling of the rotors. lol

08-19-2011, 10:22 PM
It reminded me of a Porsche Panamera

Mikey McFly
08-20-2011, 02:03 AM
Peter Schreyer is a legitimate designer (New Beetle, Audi TT, A3, A6, etc etc) and doesn't have to copy designs. That's why Kia hired him. A lot of car shapes are the same now-a-days. kia is no more guilty of it then any other manufacturer right now.

THIS. :l101:

I'm not saying i dont like the thing, i'm just saying its far from an "original" design. Like what's already been said, its a panamera with an aston martin front end. In other words, I've seen this shit before. Why do i need to be hyped about it? Good pricing (of course since its a fucking kia) but i wouldn't buy one anyway so i dont care. Carry on.

You guys saying that it looks like a knock off sound like any dumb chick that doesn't know anything about cars.
You know, the ones that thinks every single car is that same car and get excited at the chance to name the car in attempt to impress but fail miserably?

Dumb chick: "Oh wow! Look at that cool Probe! :D"
S13 Owner: "Uh, no. It's a 180sx. Thanks for playing though. :squint:"

Yea, some cars will look the same but they're all designed differently.
Ignore the badge that's on the car and look at it for what it is.

08-20-2011, 02:16 AM
You mean other than a car that looks like an amalgamation of existing cars?

So other than that........its a kia. sick

08-20-2011, 05:41 AM
Peter Schreyer is a legitimate designer (New Beetle, Audi TT, A3, A6, etc etc) and doesn't have to copy designs. That's why Kia hired him. A lot of car shapes are the same now-a-days. kia is no more guilty of it then any other manufacturer right now.

Kia hired him and he followed their formula. Legitimate designer or not, the car is way too obvious on the aston martin/panamera styling. It looks great, but its not all that original.

THIS. :l101:

You guys saying that it looks like a knock off sound like any dumb chick that doesn't know anything about cars.
You know, the ones that thinks every single car is that same car and get excited at the chance to name the car in attempt to impress but fail miserably?

Dumb chick: "Oh wow! Look at that cool Probe! :D"
S13 Owner: "Uh, no. It's a 180sx. Thanks for playing though. :squint:"

Yea, some cars will look the same but they're all designed differently.
Ignore the badge that's on the car and look at it for what it is.

You have got to be kidding.....

You fail miserably at analogies. We're all car guys here and we know the difference between makes, models, model years, etc. That chick you speak of doesn't know any better. You could slap a fiat badge on a shit pile fiero and she'd believe you.....:rolleyes:

Now that we're done comparing apples and fucking walnuts....

Look at Kia's latest releases and show me one car where the design wasn't completely ripped off. Yes, it's commonplace for cars to share similarities and what not, but Kia habitually goes above and beyond just similarities in their car "designs". "Hey guys the car isn't a porsche or aston martin"....no shit sherlock. That's not the point. The point is, or should i say, MY point is the design isn't original at all, BUT its not surprising since Kia does this all the fucking time. IMO it's just not something to get all that hyped over. Is it a cool looking car for cheap though? Of course. Is its design original? Ummm no not really.

Some are hyped on it, others including myself are not. Who cares.

08-20-2011, 06:14 AM
I hope no one in here runs Rotas or any other cheap shit, knockoff company.

Oh the irony would be hilarious.

08-20-2011, 06:41 AM
Kia hired him and he followed their formula. Legitimate designer or not, the car is way too obvious on the aston martin/panamera styling. It looks great, but its not all that original.

Really? And do you think Aston martin and Porsche we're the first with "coupe" style sedans? NO. It was MB with the CLS. Porsche, Aston Martin, and Audi have all followed suite with a similar car. So there's no reason to shun this car for not having an original roof-line any more then any of those car manufactures.

You have got to be kidding.....

You fail miserably at analogies. We're all car guys here and we know the difference between makes, models, model years, etc. That chick you speak of doesn't know any better. You could slap a fiat badge on a shit pile fiero and she'd believe you.....:rolleyes:

Now that we're done comparing apples and fucking walnuts....

Look at Kia's latest releases and show me one car where the design wasn't completely ripped off. Yes, it's commonplace for cars to share similarities and what not, but Kia habitually goes above and beyond just similarities in their car "designs". "Hey guys the car isn't a porsche or aston martin"....no shit sherlock. That's not the point. The point is, or should i say, MY point is the design isn't original at all, BUT its not surprising since Kia does this all the fucking time. IMO it's just not something to get all that hyped over. Is it a cool looking car for cheap though? Of course. Is its design original? Ummm no not really.

Some are hyped on it, others including myself are not. Who cares.

In a decade Kia has went from this:

To this:

the 2011 Optima is arguably (and most people won't even argue) the best looking midsize sedan on the market. Have you read the reviews for this thing? Almost all entirely positive. Have you seen them? They're gorgeous. The rest of Kia's line-up is just as good looking and getting just as many rave reviews.

Kia is not the knock-off brand it was 6+ years ago. They are a LEADER in styling right now. And their (Hyundai/Kia)engineering and bold efforts (Shit, even Ford doesn't have an entry into the midsize RWD sport performance segment. Honda and Toyota, hahahah. Or the fact that Hynudai made the next 240 before Nissan) are making the likes on Honda and Toyota feel like they are behind the times and their sales figures are proving what they are doing is working. It's the people not paying attention that still think Kia and Hyundai are the same companies they were 10 years ago.

And again, you can't dock Kia any points for creativity when the likes of Audi, Porsche, and Aston martin are doing the same thing.

08-20-2011, 07:26 AM
Hmmm.....so people are pointing out the similarities in design.....yet some of them own S13s.....which look like Ford Probes...and a few other cars....


When they make this, someone needs to put Hyundai's new 5.0L V8 in it. Beast.

08-20-2011, 08:59 AM
the 2011 Optima is arguably (and most people won't even argue) the best looking midsize sedan on the market. Have you read the reviews for this thing? Almost all entirely positive. Have you seen them? They're gorgeous. The rest of Kia's line-up is just as good looking and getting just as many rave reviews.


08-20-2011, 10:52 AM
^^^Well, goddamn. That really is nice looking.

08-20-2011, 10:54 AM

That is not a USDM Optima...

08-20-2011, 11:12 AM
flame suit on! but is Kia korean or did usa bought and owned? my friend told me something about how kia got sold to us.

08-20-2011, 11:21 AM
flame suit on! but is Kia korean or did usa bought and owned? my friend told me something about how kia got sold to us.

No, Hyundai and Kia are one company called Hyundai Kia Automotive Group not owned by anyone.

08-20-2011, 11:23 AM
No, Hyundai and Kia are one company called Hyundai Kia Automotive Group not owned by anyone.

so who own them?

08-20-2011, 11:54 AM
so who own them?

No one. They are just a company like Ford, GM, Toyota, Nissan, Honda are their own companies.

08-20-2011, 12:14 PM
Doesn't Renault own Nissan? Or is it just a partnership?

That is not a USDM Optima...
Well somebody needs to get on with the KDM conversions because that thing is gorgeous.

08-20-2011, 01:30 PM
Fuck that a Kia is still a Kia. Im gonna drive this instead vroom vroom.

imotion s14
08-20-2011, 04:24 PM
so who own them?


08-20-2011, 04:35 PM
Kia is still Kia.

That alone is reason enough for me to pay it no mind.

08-20-2011, 05:02 PM
Meh, this (or just the new Kia aesthetic) doesn't do much for me.
It's certainly an improvement over their past, I'm just not really feeling it.

The design is alright, I don't find it ugly but it's a bit too derivative.
Peter Schreyer's involvement prob explains my ambivalence.
Not really a huge fan of anything VW or Audi's aesthetic in general.
I feel that here he's just re-hashing bit & pieces of ideas & tossing it all into design.

Unless it's a dedicated performance car I've never felt RWD was the end be all thing to have.
Chargers & 300C's are rwd too
RWD is a nice thing, but it's not the only thing I would look for in a car.

It'll be interesting to see what road tests can do, but I'm not optimistic.
On paper, the Hyundai (I think Sonata?) with the powerful turbo-4 looked good.
Road tests from mag ads showed it to be a fairly lackluster ride without the handling, steering, and other feedback/performance issues not so well sorted out.

It's a move in the right direction, I just don't think KIA is quite there yet.
In 5-10 yrs they might have something really special.
Commercially, they're doing great now, nobody can deny.

Ford would be the company that I feel is doing the absolute best in terms of products offered in their current lineup.
I can honestly say there's nothing I don't find appealing in their lineup.

08-20-2011, 05:07 PM
blah blah blah. some shit i wasn't even talking about.

Dude, i'm not hyped on the car. Get over it.

08-20-2011, 05:25 PM
That is not a USDM Optima...

OMGF!! You know, now that I think about it, I doubt they come on those wheels or with coilovers as well!!


08-20-2011, 05:31 PM
Doesn't Renault own Nissan? Or is it just a partnership?

Well somebody needs to get on with the KDM conversions because that thing is gorgeous.

Give these guys a call.

Welcome to SFR International Inc - Racing Soul from Seoul (http://sfrusa.3dcartstores.com/)

Kia and Hyundai are making some damn nice, solid cars. Their interiors still need work, but the more I see them, the more I like them. The Genesis Coupe is expected to get a 350hp DI V6 and 270hp Turbo-4 with the next update (2012) that will make it a real head turner.

The Optima's are sick, $25K gets you a 274hp Turbo-4 with a 6spd and leather. It sucks we only get Beige and Grey interior (stock wheels blow), Black or Brick I'd be all over it.


This styling, pricing and power, match it with RWD and :2f2f:

08-20-2011, 05:33 PM
Mind and well, mind and well indeed...

08-20-2011, 05:35 PM
My dad recently wanted the new optima and total came out to 26k i think. Which is obscured for a hyundai, right?

Did you mean obscene? And no, your a fucking idiot.

Optima is a Kia, so why are you saying Hyundai? As for either being 26k, go price out any standard mid/full-size car. CamCords go well into the 30's.

08-20-2011, 05:43 PM
Did you mean obscene? And no, your a fucking idiot.

Optima is a Kia, so why are you saying Hyundai? As for either being 26k, go price out any standard mid/full-size car. CamCords go well into the 30's.

Harsh words. You are right tho didnt realize what i wrote.

08-20-2011, 06:05 PM
Doesn't Renault own Nissan? Or is it just a partnership?

Partnership. Big difference.

Fuck that a Kia is still a Kia. Im gonna drive this instead vroom vroom.

Ok, lets compare a $375k super car to a sedan concept that is gonna be $35k. lol Seriously.

08-20-2011, 06:30 PM
I saw one of those Kia Optima's on the road the other day... Reminded me of this...


drift freaq
08-20-2011, 07:23 PM
Ok while it does not look bad, I do have to agree with some of the others in this KIA is as KIA will it will always be a KIA. Which means I have no interest in owning one.

Oh and for the comment Of Hyundai making the next 240sx before Nissan did? Give me a fucking break Mel.
The Genesis is bigger and basically the same weight of a 350Z. To me that does not make it the next 240sx. It makes it Hyundai's attempt to one up the 350Z by being cheaper.
In my opinion it does not do that. I would buy a 350Z and the heritage that goes with it before ever owning a Genesis.

Oh and like I said that does not make the Genesis a 240sx replacement in way shape or form.
Oh oh but its got a a shitty little 2 liter turbo so it must bad ass. Give me a fucking break.

Its to heavy to be a 240sx replacement. LOL

Mel just go out and by a Hyundai or Kia. You really seem to be in love with them,

08-20-2011, 07:56 PM
Its to heavy to be a 240sx replacement. LOL

Welcome to the 21st Century Drift Freaq, its a land of cars with higher feature content, better safety specs and most importantly, more weight.

You are correct, the Gen Coupe is a pig. However, have you noticed something?

G37 3,769
BMW 3 Coupe 3,600
Camaro 3,700
Mustang 3,453
Genisis 3,439
370z 3,374
GTR 3,836
Eclipse 3,237

240sx was not the lightest car in its day, and by todays standards its a hollow tin cash piece of shit death trap.

Also, in case you forgot, a base POS Single Cam 130hp Coupe cost $13,000 in 1989, thats $23,000 today.

08-20-2011, 07:58 PM

A $35,000 Kia?


08-20-2011, 08:52 PM
Welcome to the 21st Century Drift Freaq, its a land of cars with higher feature content, better safety specs and most importantly, more weight.

You are correct, the Gen Coupe is a pig. However, have you noticed something?

240sx was not the lightest car in its day, and by todays standards its a hollow tin cash piece of shit death trap.

Also, in case you forgot, a base POS Single Cam 130hp Coupe cost $13,000 in 1989, thats $23,000 today.

harsh remarks aside, I agree it's not likely that we'll have anything remotely comparable to the old 240sx.
One can only hope we'll get something close enough, and really the GC is a great effort
(doubt Nissan will top the GC even if they came out with something)

if you prefer something more nimble, there's always the miata.
that really is going to be as close as you can get in terms of specs & pricing.
a new miata is likely to be also a better car, minus the interior room.

To be fair a lot of cars today are just so much better than the stuff in the 90's.
No sane person would take an 89' usdm 240 over a GC for the same amount of $$.


A $35,000 Kia?

It'll be interesting to see how many ppl on Zilvia are willing to commit to this
I just think it's strange how so many complain that the Z is too expensive (around 32-34k ?), but this is totally justified.

While I think it's good to discuss the pros and cons of cars, I think it's also good to refrain from too much bandwagoneering.

08-20-2011, 09:13 PM
It'll be interesting to see how many ppl on Zilvia are willing to commit to this
I just think it's strange how so many complain that the Z is too expensive (around 32-34k ?), but this is totally justified.

While I think it's good to discuss the pros and cons of cars, I think it's also good to refrain from too much bandwagoneering.

I think people today forget about inflation. They also forget that a 240sx needs about $7,000 in work to both look good and perform well. Turbos, brakes, coils, wheels, seats and body kits. Nobody around here likes or wants a stock 240SX. A 350Z on the other hand, wheels and lowering springs and its on fire.

As for 34k being to expensive, its actually rather cheap. A 300zx TT back in the day was almost $50,000 today. A Turbo Silvia was around $30,000 in todays money.

I've argued in the past the 350Z is Nissans 240sx replacement. They took the performance Silvias (ie turbo) that priced around $25,000 in 2001 and the bottom end 300ZXs and put them into one car, a $27,000 350Z.

In 2010, the Average Car sale price was $29,850. Also, there was a time people mocked the idea of...


08-20-2011, 10:04 PM
For all that money I rather buy German.

08-21-2011, 08:04 AM
Ok while it does not look bad, I do have to agree with some of the others in this KIA is as KIA will it will always be a KIA. Which means I have no interest in owning one.

Oh and for the comment Of Hyundai making the next 240sx before Nissan did? Give me a fucking break Mel.
The Genesis is bigger and basically the same weight of a 350Z. To me that does not make it the next 240sx. It makes it Hyundai's attempt to one up the 350Z by being cheaper.
In my opinion it does not do that. I would buy a 350Z and the heritage that goes with it before ever owning a Genesis.

Oh and like I said that does not make the Genesis a 240sx replacement in way shape or form.
Oh oh but its got a a shitty little 2 liter turbo so it must bad ass. Give me a fucking break.

Its to heavy to be a 240sx replacement. LOL

Mel just go out and by a Hyundai or Kia. You really seem to be in love with them,

I won't try to convince you the Gen Coupe is the new 240. i just don't have the time Dave. ;) :D

And Toyota and Honda were the kia/hyundai of 25 years ago. The phrase Jap-Crap ring a bell? Yeah, people used to think those cars were piles of shit too, and then they started making really nice, competitive cars. Pretttty much what Hyundai/Kia are doing right now. They went from cheap, crappy knock-off looking cars, to quality vehicles loaded with options, engineering and quality.

It's not that I LOOOOVE them so much, it's that I respect what they are doing. Where other manufactures are abandoning or ignoring RWD chassis's because of cost and cafe standards they are embracing them and solving those issues with engineering. On top of it, they went out and got real talent to style their cars and it's paying off.

Just saying I have a level of respect for that. My eyes are open.

08-21-2011, 01:13 PM
Everytime ppl start debating about building a 240sx versus just buying a 350z/G35c/Genesis/whatever... It's always tempting to jump ship & get a newer sports car. But after thinking about it, I always come down to the same conclusion: Keep yo damn 240 and use that 350z money to buy a grown up car like a FX35 for a daily driver instead...

08-21-2011, 01:23 PM
The return of the 240sx is inevitable, just like the RX-7.

drift freaq
08-21-2011, 01:30 PM
Welcome to the 21st Century Drift Freaq, its a land of cars with higher feature content, better safety specs and most importantly, more weight.

You are correct, the Gen Coupe is a pig. However, have you noticed something?

G37 3,769
BMW 3 Coupe 3,600
Camaro 3,700
Mustang 3,453
Genisis 3,439
370z 3,374
GTR 3,836
Eclipse 3,237

240sx was not the lightest car in its day, and by todays standards its a hollow tin cash piece of shit death trap.

Also, in case you forgot, a base POS Single Cam 130hp Coupe cost $13,000 in 1989, thats $23,000 today.

Ah Corbic though you think in you are somehow schooling me on something I already know, you are not.

I am well aware of crash safety standards and modern cars being heavier.

I am also aware of stuff being adjusted for inflation and currency value.

You missed one big point in my post and I will make it just a little clearer for you.

For the money one spends on a new Genesis Coupe, they could save cash and get a used 350Z and do some tuning to it.

Oh and I see MikeMcfly is truly bamboozled by your lack of knowledge of me. LOL

I won't try to convince you the Gen Coupe is the new 240. i just don't have the time Dave. ;) :D

And Toyota and Honda were the kia/hyundai of 25 years ago. The phrase Jap-Crap ring a bell? Yeah, people used to think those cars were piles of shit too, and then they started making really nice, competitive cars. Pretttty much what Hyundai/Kia are doing right now. They went from cheap, crappy knock-off looking cars, to quality vehicles loaded with options, engineering and quality.

It's not that I LOOOOVE them so much, it's that I respect what they are doing. Where other manufactures are abandoning or ignoring RWD chassis's because of cost and cafe standards they are embracing them and solving those issues with engineering. On top of it, they went out and got real talent to style their cars and it's paying off.

Just saying I have a level of respect for that. My eyes are open.

Mel I do respect your thinking though I may not agree with it. I am glad you took my post the way you did.
I remember the Jap crap thing. I remember when made in Japan meant cheap shit. There is one difference.
Nissan aka Datsun created an almost unparalleled racing heritage here and abroad with those cars back in the late 60's and the 70's through the 80's into the 90's.

The Fairlady Roadster was already being campaigned in SCCA in the late 60's. When the 240Z came it it went on to win its Class in racing for years on end all through the 70's. The 510 won its Class over the BMW and the Alpha Romeo for 3 years straight.

I do not see the Genesis Coupe winning in racing. Until Hyundai puts out a Sports car that has a phenomenal win ratio or even takes a serious series its nothing.

RonMCdon mentioned the MIata which is worth talking about. Why because indeed it too has one its class many years in a row. As did the RX7.

Companies that make real competive sports have the track records to show it. Toyota had to do it in prototype racing but they did do that. Honda proved it engine wise in Formula 1.

Kia probably has better claim for their rally effort but still has not done a proven track car nor has Hyundai.

As for styling. That is subjective thing based on peoples likes or dislikes. Some people love the look of the GTR some people hate.

I see a lot of copying going on both from Hyundai and Kia in general styling concepts these days.
I don't like that.

I know styling cues can come from other cars. At the same time the difference can be in it being blatantly obvious or mildly subtle.

Give the Koreans credit for trying I do. Respect that they are doing it, sure. Though feeling they make a product worth owning? Not yet my friend.

Oh and I think a lot of you get impatient about cars. Since most of you are not going to buy any of these cars when they actually come out.

It is indeed funny to watch the complaints and moans about why Nissan or Toyota has not done something or raised the price on something.

Watch Nissan do something great out of the blue and all of will just be worshipping it like lemmings.

Just like the Toyoburu.

08-21-2011, 01:34 PM
You're all a bunch of broke Dicks that shouldn't be talking about anything over a few hundred bucks let alone a kia/Hyundai that's overall better that your dank ass half assed rides.


Im jk guyz

08-21-2011, 02:39 PM
Ah Corbic though you think in you are somehow schooling me on something I already know, you are not.

I am well aware of crash safety standards and modern cars being heavier.

I am also aware of stuff being adjusted for inflation and currency value.

You missed one big point in my post and I will make it just a little clearer for you.

For the money one spends on a new Genesis Coupe, they could save cash and get a used 350Z and do some tuning to it.

Oh and I see MikeMcfly is truly bamboozled by your lack of knowledge of me. LOL

Mel I do respect your thinking though I may not agree with it. I am glad you took my post the way you did.
I remember the Jap crap thing. I remember when made in Japan meant cheap shit. There is one difference.
Nissan aka Datsun created an almost unparalleled racing heritage here and abroad with those cars back in the late 60's and the 70's through the 80's into the 90's.

The Fairlady Roadster was already being campaigned in SCCA in the late 60's. When the 240Z came it it went on to win its Class in racing for years on end all through the 70's. The 510 won its Class over the BMW and the Alpha Romeo for 3 years straight.

I do not see the Genesis Coupe winning in racing. Until Hyundai puts out a Sports car that has a phenomenal win ratio or even takes a serious series its nothing.

RonMCdon mentioned the MIata which is worth talking about. Why because indeed it too has one its class many years in a row. As did the RX7.

Companies that make real competive sports have the track records to show it. Toyota had to do it in prototype racing but they did do that. Honda proved it engine wise in Formula 1.

Kia probably has better claim for their rally effort but still has not done a proven track car nor has Hyundai.

As for styling. That is subjective thing based on peoples likes or dislikes. Some people love the look of the GTR some people hate.

I see a lot of copying going on both from Hyundai and Kia in general styling concepts these days.
I don't like that.

I know styling cues can come from other cars. At the same time the difference can be in it being blatantly obvious or mildly subtle.

Give the Koreans credit for trying I do. Respect that they are doing it, sure. Though feeling they make a product worth owning? Not yet my friend.

Oh and I think a lot of you get impatient about cars. Since most of you are not going to buy any of these cars when they actually come out.

It is indeed funny to watch the complaints and moans about why Nissan or Toyota has not done something or raised the price on something.

Watch Nissan do something great out of the blue and all of will just be worshipping it like lemmings.

Just like the Toyoburu.

/Thread. :bow:

08-21-2011, 02:56 PM
Ah Corbic though you think in you are somehow schooling me on something I already know, you are not.

For claiming to know so much you made such a beginners mistake.

You missed one big point in my post and I will make it just a little clearer for you.

For the money one spends on a new Genesis Coupe, they could save cash and get a used 350Z and do some tuning to it.

You can't compare new cars to used. For the price of that Z, why not a used M3, or a $1,000 240sx and dump 10k into? Hell, fuck it, a used C5 Z06 or Base C6.

And since that is not even the point you originally made -

Oh and like I said that does not make the Genesis a 240sx replacement in way shape or form.
Oh oh but its got a a shitty little 2 liter turbo so it must bad ass. Give me a fucking break.

Its to heavy to be a 240sx replacement. LOL

There is no way your going to produce a "$17,000" Turbo-4 RWD 2+2 Coupe that only weights 2,600lbs today. The Genesis is about as close as your going to get. Starting at $22k, turbo 4, and 3,500lb which is pretty much the norm today. The 240sx was not some god-sent lightweight chassis, that was about normal for back then for a car of that size and nature.

08-21-2011, 03:10 PM
The 240sx was not some god-sent lightweight chassis, that was about normal for back then for a car of that size and nature.
True. The FD36 is of similar weight, but with a much more brilliant chassis. I believe there were available in 2+2 for a while as well.

drift freaq
08-21-2011, 03:11 PM
For claiming to know so much you made such a beginners mistake.

Ya and typically when someone gets called here on something and they have no come back they result to insults or grammar comments. FAIL.

You can't compare new cars to used. For the price of that Z, why not a used M3, or a $1,000 240sx and dump 10k into? Hell, fuck it, a used C5 Z06 or Base C6.

And since that is not even the point you originally made -

There is no way your going to produce a "$17,000" Turbo-4 RWD 2+2 Coupe that only weights 2,600lbs today. The Genesis is about as close as your going to get. Starting at $22k, turbo 4, and 3,500lb which is pretty much the norm today. The 240sx was not some god-sent lightweight chassis, that was about normal for back then for a car of that size and nature.

I never made those points, you are putting words in my mouth, go back and re read my post. All I was referring to was people calling it the new 240. You assume an awful lot. LOL

Oh and on the price of a Z well you can buy a 350z for under 10k now. You can also pick up them up all day long for 10k.

Oh and you can pick up a used 2009 370Z for the price of a New Genesis.

All I was saying, is I do not think its worth the money its sold for, in not so many words.

Oh and by the way buying new cars sucks ass anyways as you lose a 3rd of its value in deprecation the minute you drive the damn thing off the lot.

Give it up Corbic you assumed more than I said i.e. read into it nothing that was written. You also seem to be even more passionate about the Genesis than Mel.

Why don't you go buy one join a Hyundai forum and stop bothering us.

Oh wait I forget, you probably can't afford it. Yes that was assumption.

Which you are proving could be true by defending the car but staying here and owning a 240.

08-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Corbic, President/CEO of Hyundai Fan Boyz Inc

08-21-2011, 04:29 PM
Corbic, President/CEO of Fan Boyz Inc

Fixed. Cant forget his forever defense of knock offs.

08-21-2011, 06:46 PM
True. The FD36 is of similar weight, but with a much more brilliant chassis. I believe there were available in 2+2 for a while as well.

They all where 2+2 in Japan, just like the FC. It was an insurance thing. I had a 2+2 FC, no person could fit back there, no leg room (as in my seat touched the back seat) and anyone 5'5 would have to be decapitated for fit under the glass hatch.

08-21-2011, 06:46 PM
Fixed. Cant forget his forever defense of knock offs.

What defense? Stop talking out your ass. :down:

08-21-2011, 06:54 PM
I never made those points, you are putting words in my mouth, go back and re read my post. All I was referring to was people calling it the new 240. You assume an awful lot. LOL

Oh and on the price of a Z well you can buy a 350z for under 10k now. You can also pick up them up all day long for 10k.

Oh and you can pick up a used 2009 370Z for the price of a New Genesis.

All I was saying, is I do not think its worth the money its sold for, in not so many words.

Oh and by the way buying new cars sucks ass anyways as you lose a 3rd of its value in deprecation the minute you drive the damn thing off the lot.

Give it up Corbic you assumed more than I said i.e. read into it nothing that was written. You also seem to be even more passionate about the Genesis than Mel.

Why don't you go buy one join a Hyundai forum and stop bothering us.

Oh wait I forget, you probably can't afford it. Yes that was assumption.

Which you are proving could be true by defending the car but staying here and owning a 240.

Okay Rick James.


Do you even know what your own point is? One minute the GC is not the new 240sx cause it's two heavy, but no that wasn't your point, your point was you can get a 8 year old 350Z for $10,000... then wait, no buying new cars is stupid cause you lose value... make up your fucking mind and stop being a coke-head cause you hate Hyundai.

And just so you can sleep at night, I can easily afford a GC, but I have no desire too. I have a healthy record of hating on the car extensively for Hyundai's oversights ranging from styling, power train and interior quality. Why would I spend $25,000 on a car that needs $10,000 in work to by on par (IMO) with my 350Z?

Then again that sounds exactly like a 240sx, needing $10,000 in work to be on par with anything of interest. Go back to selling shit urethane mounts for $100.

08-21-2011, 06:55 PM
Corbic, President/CEO of Hyundai Fan Boyz Inc

Please highlight how you came to that ASSumption.

08-21-2011, 07:18 PM
wow...didn't take long for this thread to take a nose dive now did it?

08-21-2011, 07:58 PM

08-21-2011, 08:19 PM
im on team corbic, he actually seems like the only person who isnt an idiot on this page.

you just cant compare new and used cars

s13 @ fullboost
08-21-2011, 08:42 PM
I would prob buy a used z over a new Kia but That's my opinion

08-22-2011, 06:35 AM
Kia is notorious for treating their plant workers terribly.

08-22-2011, 06:38 AM
Kia is notorious for treating their plant workers terribly.

So does Nike and Apple, your point?

I'm sure you also bitch that GM and Ford are to nice to their plant workers and pay them to much.

08-22-2011, 06:43 AM
My point is that Kia is notorious for treating their plant workers worse than Nike and Apple.

And GM/Ford/unions is a different topic.

08-22-2011, 07:24 AM
I wish there were more healthy debates about CARS on here like there used to be. The lack of these types of threads is the reason I have stopped posting for the most part.

Keep it up.

Dave, while they don't have a heritage in racing (and this concept isn't about a race car or trying to prove themselves in that field), what they are doing is being bold when others are being timid.

It's certainly not reasonable to think people's opinion's of Kia/Hyundai to change in just a few short years. However they are headed in the right direction...forward (sorry Toyota). And that is admirable in my book.

10 years from now if they keep up the pace a lot of those stigmas attached to their quality, styling, etc etc will be gone.

08-22-2011, 07:54 AM
I also don't see how racing heritage can be solid claims to anything since a large majority of people don't give a shit about racing anymore anyway. Not to mention racing as a whole has taken a dive ever since I started driving. More auto manufacturers are pulling their fast cars in the name of being more eco friendly.

No more Mitsu rally team, or Subaru. I'm not to caught up on F1 either but I'm pretty sure auto manufacturers pulled out a few years ago.

Most people care more about how many cup holders are in a car than how many trophies they've won for racing.

After all, how many NORMAL drivers that are going from home to work everyday care about how fast the "race version" of their car goes around Suzuka Circuit? Not many.

08-22-2011, 10:25 AM
I hope no one in here runs Rotas or any other cheap shit, knockoff company.

Oh the irony would be hilarious.

I quote myself, because it appears people are turning a blind eye to it. Hypocrites?

Why are people mad that Kia and Hyundai are starting to do something good?

Fuck that a Kia is still a Kia. Im gonna drive this instead vroom vroom.

Just a Toyota... :facepalm:

08-22-2011, 11:42 AM
I think this thing looks terrific, I hope they release it. Wheels are dumb, but concept car is concept car.

I didn't know about the plant worker bit though.

08-22-2011, 12:05 PM
I also don't see how racing heritage can be solid claims to anything since a large majority of people don't give a shit about racing anymore anyway. Not to mention racing as a whole has taken a dive ever since I started driving. More auto manufacturers are pulling their fast cars in the name of being more eco friendly.

No more Mitsu rally team, or Subaru. I'm not to caught up on F1 either but I'm pretty sure auto manufacturers pulled out a few years ago.

Most people care more about how many cup holders are in a car than how many trophies they've won for racing.

After all, how many NORMAL drivers that are going from home to work everyday care about how fast the "race version" of their car goes around Suzuka Circuit? Not many.
Motorsport is the best way to refind an automotive product, IMO. You race, so I'm sure you know that tons of innovative features trickle down to production stemming from a need for them on the track. More motorsport experience might have curtailed the Genesis's bad clutch & fuel line issues.

And actually, Inifinti has jumped into F1 this year, backing team RedBull. Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes and Renault are still hanging in there too.

08-22-2011, 01:09 PM

That's a big IF there's a trickle down effect.
Look companies like Citroen, Ford, etc in the WRC.
Where is their equivelent to the WRX/EVO ?

I don't think heritage should be discounted entirely,
but I feel the commercial product should hold it's own.
I am not going to go out and buy a Fiesta/Focus just b/c it's in the WRC or whatever

08-22-2011, 01:13 PM
Everyone knows the American versions are hardly comparisons to euro spec.

Regardless i would be less hesitant to buy one of the 2 then a Kia.

08-22-2011, 01:58 PM

That's a big IF there's a trickle down effect.
Look companies like Citroen, Ford, etc in the WRC.
Where is their equivelent to the WRX/EVO ?

They may not be AWD, but try and tell me these are influenced by what they've learned rallying...


08-22-2011, 03:15 PM

That's a big IF there's a trickle down effect.
Look companies like Citroen, Ford, etc in the WRC.
Where is their equivelent to the WRX/EVO ?

Existing long before the Evo or WRX?




I'd take a Cosi over a Evo any day.



08-22-2011, 06:05 PM
And actually, Inifinti has jumped into F1 this year, backing team RedBull. Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes and Renault are still hanging in there too.
Renault owns Nissan which owns Infinity, either way, Redbull Renault is still a privateer company, unlike the real factory teams. There is no More Team Renault, it is Group Lotus Renault or something...

Scuderia Ferrari, Team Lotus, and Mercedes GP are the only hardcore factory teams.

Not arguing, just getting anal.

drift freaq
08-22-2011, 06:17 PM
Okay Rick James.


Do you even know what your own point is? One minute the GC is not the new 240sx cause it's two heavy, but no that wasn't your point, your point was you can get a 8 year old 350Z for $10,000... then wait, no buying new cars is stupid cause you lose value... make up your fucking mind and stop being a coke-head cause you hate Hyundai.

And just so you can sleep at night, I can easily afford a GC, but I have no desire too. I have a healthy record of hating on the car extensively for Hyundai's oversights ranging from styling, power train and interior quality. Why would I spend $25,000 on a car that needs $10,000 in work to by on par (IMO) with my 350Z?

Then again that sounds exactly like a 240sx, needing $10,000 in work to be on par with anything of interest. Go back to selling shit urethane mounts for $100.

And once again the man results to personal insults and attacks.

You fail and fail hard Corbic. I made 3 separate and valid points that were all equally valid.

Can't get your head around someone being able to formulate more than one thought and point at a time?

Oh and my mounts are not shit people use them and love them. I would not have sold as many as I have if not.

They are used on track cars, all the time. Let me know when you come up with a product that is actually used in racing.

Oh and why the fuck are you even bringing them up. They have absolutely nothing to do with this thread.

Can't make a valid point, trying to sling mud about something you know nothing about because you already have lost the debate?

Oh and if you hate the car so much why are on the defensive so much in this thread? You contradict yourself.

If you can't debate without resulting to personal insults then you should just shut the fuck up.

im on team corbic, he actually seems like the only person who isnt an idiot on this page.

you just cant compare new and used cars

Wow you just don't get it. Let me spell it out for you. A new car is only a new car till you drive it off the lot. Immediately it lose 30% of its value in depreciation. hmmm lets do the math.

25k for your Genesis - 30% that means once your brand new car gets off the lot its worth 19k . That is not including how you are paying in monthly loan and interest charges.

Hmm buy a lightly used 370Z for 19k no depreciation value as its already gone. That means you are in a much better value position. If you have to take a loan? You are taking a smaller loan so you are paying less there as well.

Buying a new car is technically a losing proposition.

I wish there were more healthy debates about CARS on here like there used to be. The lack of these types of threads is the reason I have stopped posting for the most part.

Keep it up.

Dave, while they don't have a heritage in racing (and this concept isn't about a race car or trying to prove themselves in that field), what they are doing is being bold when others are being timid.

It's certainly not reasonable to think people's opinion's of Kia/Hyundai to change in just a few short years. However they are headed in the right direction...forward (sorry Toyota). And that is admirable in my book.

10 years from now if they keep up the pace a lot of those stigmas attached to their quality, styling, etc etc will be gone.

Mel again I am not faulting them for trying. I just feel any company trying to build a Sports Car and making a name with that car, should be taking it racing.

I am aware some here cannot fathom reasons for racing. But is indeed where manufacturers get ideas about how to make things better. How to try out stuff that might just make it into their production vehicles.

Its quite beneficial to the manufacturer. Hence why so many manufacturers have done it for so long.

08-22-2011, 07:13 PM
Renault owns Nissan which owns Infinity, either way, Redbull Renault is still a privateer company, unlike the real factory teams. There is no More Team Renault, it is Group Lotus Renault or something...

Scuderia Ferrari, Team Lotus, and Mercedes GP are the only hardcore factory teams.

Not arguing, just getting anal.

Renault does not OWN Nissan. It is a partnership. There is a difference. GM owned Hummer. Renault does not own Nissan.

08-22-2011, 08:20 PM
Buying any car is technically a losing proposition.


This thread is amusing as hell by the way. :ddog:

08-23-2011, 09:14 AM
It's time for Hyundai/Kia to consider making factory issue performance parts (i.e Nismo,TRD, etc). Hoping them to joining racing world as a factory team is way too early. I don't even think racing atmosphere is nothing like back in 60's ~ 80's anyways.
And Yes, it is very late if you compare Hyundai/Kia to other auto makers. But I do wish positive progress in the future.

08-23-2011, 11:11 AM
This thread has really gotten off on a tangent. What does Formula 1 or WRC have to do with building 4-door luxury/near-luxury sedans?

08-24-2011, 01:12 AM
You're all a bunch of broke Dicks that shouldn't be talking about anything over a few hundred bucks let alone a kia/Hyundai that's overall better that your dank ass half assed rides.

Best post! :wan:

Just like the Toyobaru and the GC, this is another car that nobody on this board will buy. Who the fuck has actually bought a Genesis, despite how they seem to be the S-chassis replacement you guys have been waiting for?

I'll agree that the 350z seems to be the s-chassis follow up. Look at all ratty drifter mobiles out there! Only thing its missing is a 2+2 config.

This thread has really gotten off on a tangent. What does Formula 1 or WRC have to do with building 4-door luxury/near-luxury sedans?

Has to do with heritage. Hyundai/Kia marketing "sports cars" or rather sporty coupes, have yet to prove themselves in the real world. Genesis still seems like an updated Tiburon to me lol..

Yeah, the 240sx was a sporty coupe too, but its proved itself as a very capable platform for legit grassroots racing (SCCA/ITA/ITS in NA... that's with the KA too! Don't even get started on the CA/SR models). Those of you that know NRR, nuff said.

Funny to criticize the car as a death trap. Tin can it most certainly is, but we've all seen the crash pics here, and the abuse they've taken while drifting. Airbags, abs, and traction control make everyone a better driver?

Why don't more people pick up used Lotus Elises or Miatas? 4-banger, light weight, relatively cheap?

I hope the 370z doesn't go the way of the 350z. Looks more in tune with the s2k crowd.. (enthusiast)

08-24-2011, 01:25 AM
To me, all of Kia's cars look like way-too-obvious knockoffs of other automakers' signature styling.
This specific one being Aston Martin.

Not that I would not drive it.

Well it comes with their designers I guess. They have lead designers from audi and bmw in their pocket.

08-24-2011, 01:40 AM
What many S-chassis owners on this site don't seem to understand, is even the new base model 2.0T GC bone stock would win in an overall performance test against their cars, even the SR swapped ones.

A well-prepped, well-built, and well-set up S chassis can perform very well, but 98% of the cars on this website are not setup well and would lose to the "overweight" GC in a magazine style performance shootout by large margin.

Disliking the company or the aesthetics of the car is one thing, but some of you are acting like your ragged - out S-chassis is on a whole different level of performance. With a new car like the GC you do have to spend more, and there is no doubt in my mind that you can build a faster S-chassis for less money, but you don't get all the advances is chassis/engine/suspension/safety technology and are left with very few of the modern creature comforts and reliability of owning a nenewer car. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but stop acting like most of the cars on this website are overall better than these new "overweight" and "slow" cars.

Oh and on topic, Kia is blatantly copying, but as long as they make a decent product, I dont think it matters. It's hard to be original and good looking at the same time.

08-24-2011, 04:49 AM
i dont care about 240sx. they're shit cars anyways. I don't even like the one i drive. lol My point was that this design wasn't original and that hailing it as such was stupid. It's not that i dislike the car or Kia. It's a neat looking car and if given the opportunity, i would totally drive one. But sitting up here and telling us that this isn't an obvious ripoff is insulting to my intelligence. Kia is taking styling cues from other more expensive automakers and packaging them for a fraction of the price and making bank. Good for them. If you wanna rant and rave about how awesome kia/hyundai is, be my guest. But again, just dont tell me Kia's stuff is all THAT original.

Off topic, but as far as comparisons are concerned a used 370z is TOTALLY a better buy than a brand new Genesis Coupe. If you can't figure that one out, well then sir, we are done here.

08-24-2011, 06:49 AM
My point was that this design wasn't original and that hailing it as such was stupid. It's not that i dislike the car or Kia. It's a neat looking car and if given the opportunity, i would totally drive one. But sitting up here and telling us that this isn't an obvious ripoff is insulting to my intelligence. .

You realize that is just your opinion though and not matter of fact, right. The over-all shape may be derivative, just as the Panamara, and Rapide, and A7 are derivative of the CLS, but the details and the design language is completely original.

There's no amount of debate that will stop me from thinking that car is dead sexy and there's no amount of debate that will make you think the car is a rip-off. But that's why there's so many cars to choose from.

08-24-2011, 07:15 AM
Off topic, but as far as comparisons are concerned a used 370z is TOTALLY a better buy than a brand new Genesis Coupe. If you can't figure that one out, well then sir, we are done here.

Comparing used vs new is stupid, stop it.

A used 996 Turbo is a TOTALLY better buy than a new 370z.

See? Stupid.

08-24-2011, 07:28 AM
Let's not also forget that this is going to be based on a second Gen Genesis sedan. A car that won numerous COTY awards around the globe. Honestly, I can see this being my next new car purchase.

08-24-2011, 07:32 AM
Why the fuck are we comparing 370Z and Genesis coupe, New vs. Old?

I'm pretty sure you can buy both of those NEW today. The 370z is more expensive, sure, but you get what you pay for. It's got 30 more hp and is a Nissan... whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean now a days.

08-24-2011, 09:00 AM
Wow you just don't get it. Let me spell it out for you. A new car is only a new car till you drive it off the lot. Immediately it lose 30% of its value in depreciation. hmmm lets do the math.

25k for your Genesis - 30% that means once your brand new car gets off the lot its worth 19k . That is not including how you are paying in monthly loan and interest charges.

Hmm buy a lightly used 370Z for 19k no depreciation value as its already gone. That means you are in a much better value position. If you have to take a loan? You are taking a smaller loan so you are paying less there as well.

Buying a new car is technically a losing proposition.

This is a lot of generalization.

That 30% business is an average, not applicable to every car. Some cars plummet in value off the lot, and some don't lose any value at all. My '04 WRX only lost about $1k in value after 8 months and 10,000 miles. Some brands drop like a stone on day 1.

Also, given the difference in interest rates between new car loans and used, you might actually be doing BETTER all-in to buy a new $25k Genny rather than a used $19k 370Z. Lots of new cars have 0% deals right now, which you're never going to get on anything used.

You're right in plenty of cases, but you're also wrong in plenty of cases. None of that information about new cars and depreciation and new vs used can be applied across the board, like most things it's application-specific.

08-24-2011, 10:19 AM
I think a car needs to be out for a little while to figure out depreciation.

For some reason WRXs have crazy resale value, while 350z has shit resale value. But 370Z has a good resale value...?

08-24-2011, 10:29 AM
used car values are very very high right now. since the Japanese car companies are having inventory troubles from the earthquake and because of the economy not many people bought cars in 2008/2009 so there arent very many used cars from those years available.

08-24-2011, 10:39 AM
lol everyone saying kia/ hyundai is not involved in motorsports obviously does not follow motorsports.

no they do not have an f1 team, who cares?

Kia Racing Takes Second Victory At Road America, Tops Driver Standings | AutoGuide.com News (http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2011/06/kia-racing-takes-second-victory-at-road-america-tops-driver-standings.html)
granted these are redbull cars, but hyundai is still a HUGE sponser.
PM580 did pretty well at pikes peak.


rallyX volester

not to mention rhys millens drift car.


so no, not 100% backed factory teams, but they are still showing up as a large sponser in motorsports, which is a more econmically smart way of doing it anyway.

08-24-2011, 12:16 PM
Hyundai also competed in WRC from 2000-2003.


08-24-2011, 12:38 PM
You realize that is just your opinion though and not matter of fact, right. The over-all shape may be derivative, just as the Panamara, and Rapide, and A7 are derivative of the CLS, but the details and the design language is completely original.

There's no amount of debate that will stop me from thinking that car is dead sexy and there's no amount of debate that will make you think the car is a rip-off. But that's why there's so many cars to choose from.

Derivative, but original design language.....in other words we took the idea and tweaked it. OK. Whatever. and dude pay attention, i NEVER said it was bad looking car. I've said it's cool looking several times, but somehow that keeps getting over looked because i'm not going ape shit over the design. Again, whatever.

Comparing used vs new is stupid, stop it.

A used 996 Turbo is a TOTALLY better buy than a new 370z.

See? Stupid.

I'm talking comparisons as far as cars in the same class that are in direct competition with each other are concerned. And when i say used i mean as in like a year old. Yeah, what YOU compared IS stupid. :rolleyes:

08-24-2011, 12:49 PM

08-24-2011, 01:36 PM
Genesis still seems like an updated Tiburon to me lol..
WTF... Are you serious?

08-24-2011, 01:46 PM
lol everyone saying kia/ hyundai is not involved in motorsports obviously does not follow motorsports.

no they do not have an f1 team, who cares?


And F1 translates the *least* to road cars of really any sort of motorsport.

Hyundai/Kia is competing where it matters most for sports car development, although I'd like to see a WRC factory team. It would also be interesting to see them campaign Genesis Coupes in SGT GT300.

08-24-2011, 02:10 PM
I mean i like the car, i am not drooling over it, i probaly wont buy one, but i LOVE the fact that someone is reviving cheap rwd sports cars.

I just find it hilarious when people argue shit they havent researched at all.

08-24-2011, 10:46 PM

04-12-2012, 03:07 AM
8 months later... any updates on this car ?

04-13-2012, 02:16 AM

drift freaq - Still a high and mighty fanboi that can't have a simple conversation without escalating to insults.

What if we judged Italian cars by their build quality 25 years ago? How about GM and Chrysler a decade ago? Should car buyers look at the Evo 8 as the standard for all of Mitsubishi?

You have to understand that most auto racing isn't anything like it was up to the mid 90's. When the Z and 510 were big in racing they were nearly show room stock. Racing like that does prove the quality and speed of a car. Do you really think the GT1 GTR running essentially an Indycar engine has any bearing on a single Nissan product you will buy at your local dealer? And what does any of this have to do with a fucking four door low end luxury car?

If you really want to have debates with people on a civilized level I suggest you drop your superior attitude and stop insulting every person you talk to.

On a side note. Where would a factory backed GC race? It's too small for GT racing. A Korean spec series would be cool and it would feed some Korean teams and drivers into the larger racing community.

04-14-2012, 09:28 AM
Best post! :wan:

Just like the Toyobaru and the GC, this is another car that nobody on this board will buy. Who the fuck has actually bought a Genesis, despite how they seem to be the S-chassis replacement you guys have been waiting for?

I'll agree that the 350z seems to be the s-chassis follow up. Look at all ratty drifter mobiles out there! Only thing its missing is a 2+2 config.

Has to do with heritage. Hyundai/Kia marketing "sports cars" or rather sporty coupes, have yet to prove themselves in the real world. Genesis still seems like an updated Tiburon to me lol..

Yeah, the 240sx was a sporty coupe too, but its proved itself as a very capable platform for legit grassroots racing (SCCA/ITA/ITS in NA... that's with the KA too! Don't even get started on the CA/SR models). Those of you that know NRR, nuff said.

Funny to criticize the car as a death trap. Tin can it most certainly is, but we've all seen the crash pics here, and the abuse they've taken while drifting. Airbags, abs, and traction control make everyone a better driver?

Why don't more people pick up used Lotus Elises or Miatas? 4-banger, light weight, relatively cheap?

I hope the 370z doesn't go the way of the 350z. Looks more in tune with the s2k crowd.. (enthusiast)

Actually, I owned a brand new 2011 Genesis back when the 11's were new. And still had my s chassis.

People on this site will buy new cars.

I have since sold my Gen, bringing me to my next point/quote...

This is a lot of generalization.

That 30% business is an average, not applicable to every car. Some cars plummet in value off the lot, and some don't lose any value at all. My '04 WRX only lost about $1k in value after 8 months and 10,000 miles. Some brands drop like a stone on day 1.

Also, given the difference in interest rates between new car loans and used, you might actually be doing BETTER all-in to buy a new $25k Genny rather than a used $19k 370Z. Lots of new cars have 0% deals right now, which you're never going to get on anything used.

You're right in plenty of cases, but you're also wrong in plenty of cases. None of that information about new cars and depreciation and new vs used can be applied across the board, like most things it's application-specific.

Actually, I can chime in on this. I sold my 2011 Genesis about a month ago to a dealership - I got 500 dollars over my loan. So, in a way - I made $.

Granted, that didn't include the 2,xxx dollars I got for my old daily 4 door boat of a car on trade in.

But still...

Not bad, eh?

*And for everybody that does this new bandwagon "S-CHASSIS are blah this, blah that" crap, I sold my Gen because I missed driving my s14. Though I bought the Gen because to me, it drove more like an S-Chassis than any other new car I test drove, it still wasn't an S-Chassis.

S-Chassis Love for Life! <3