View Full Version : Can I get an Opinion on the S13?

11-18-2003, 11:07 PM
What do you guys think of my progress? I've had it for 3 months now and so far the major stuff is just KYB AGX and sprint springs.

My first mod... the sleepy eye...

Before w/ the 2in drop and OZ chrono's. for sale btw.

At the track w/ 16' Enkei RSF-2's

Me being dumb. Quick release for sale.
Shot of the TRUST SP exhaust

With the new Mesh wheels. 15x7 w/ 0-offset.


Let me get your opinion.

11-18-2003, 11:22 PM
Very nice and tasteful.

11-19-2003, 12:19 AM
I WANT YOUR WHEELS!!!! What kind are those?! Sorry I am so excited, but I am a big fan of the mesh stuff!!! I like how it looks, I think mesh in front would look cool too! Nice super pose with that steering wheel :D

11-19-2003, 12:32 AM
enkei mesh wheels are relatively cheap. I got a set of 4 just like yours for $150. Keep checking junkyards and stuff. Wheels are a good investment in case you bend one. I don't really like the enkei rs5 whatever 5 spoke rims, but it's a good idea to have another set.

don't sell all your rims. you probably won't be able to sell them for very much. probably just enough to buy one or possibly two really nice rims. not worth it.

11-19-2003, 01:32 AM
keep the mesh wheels and sell the rest

11-19-2003, 01:38 AM
keep those mesh rims those r so dope

11-19-2003, 01:43 AM
I like the mesh out of the ones you picked, I guess it would depend on what you are buying if you sold em all and saved up though...

11-19-2003, 03:09 AM
why is your hood fucked up? might wanna get that fixed before you progress with other mods....

11-19-2003, 08:46 AM
KA with hood popped HAHAHAHAHAHA
JdM TyTe PoSeR lOoK!

put it back to stock please

looks great otherwise! WERD!

11-19-2003, 09:45 AM
hahah, as for being KA yeah, it's a KA alright... top powerless KA but it's torquey! And for the hood raise, it lets a ton of hot air out of the engine bay, I can run hard for 20 mins pop the hood and put my hand on the intake manifold without it burning my hand. It's definately worth the price, but i guess it's not scoring very many style points eh? I guess this is when function over fashion comes in.

11-19-2003, 11:08 AM
did you repaint your wheels? mine need some new paint

11-19-2003, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by khoadogg
hahah, as for being KA yeah, it's a KA alright... top powerless KA but it's torquey! And for the hood raise, it lets a ton of hot air out of the engine bay, I can run hard for 20 mins pop the hood and put my hand on the intake manifold without it burning my hand. It's definately worth the price, but i guess it's not scoring very many style points eh? I guess this is when function over fashion comes in.

if it was actually functional..:p..i know it may appear to be such but in reality it doesn't allow for any more hot air to escape the engine...if anything is prevents it as the hood being raised in the back creates a reverse vacuum flow of sorts and actually cycles air from the top of the hood back into the engine bay from the rear where it is raised because of pressure differences...just more turbulance in the engine bay..not more exit flow..

very, very common misconception..

oh, and those wheels (the meshies of course)...very sexy!..:boink:

11-19-2003, 02:29 PM
For more turbulence, since air is allowed into the engine due to pressure difference, wouldn't that mean that outside air is in there to circulate the HOT engine bay and bring it out either under the hood or any open passenges? I figured that air being let in throught the headlights would find a way to move the HOT air inside out of the engine bay. I tried running the car w/ and w/o it and for some reason, the engine bay seems a lot cooler with the hood raise. When I do get an aftermarket hood, I plan on getting something with vents. This is all in attempt to making the engine perform more efficient. Please let me know any further details that I'm wrong in, I'm not a physics major but looking into as a minor at my university. thanks.

11-19-2003, 03:06 PM
let's see how to explain it a little better in laimans terms as i am by no means a physicist myself..(psych degree in fact)..lol..

think about how drafting works...you can sit behind a Semi-Truck and use less throttle to maintain the same speed...how?..because the air coming over the top of the truck is actually coming back down (behind you) and getting pulled back into the vacuum created at the immediate rear of the truck..thus, pushing you forward from the back..

now think about your hood as the top of the Semi-Truck's trailer..the same thing is happening on a MUCH smaller scale..air is coming over the top and actually reversing flow and attempting to enter the hood through that gap..now, you also, as you stated, have air attempting to escape from under hood..so they basically impact eachother and create a sort of stand still..varying slightly with pressue changes inside and out but effectively unchanging...

thus...no cooling benefit..

perceived?..who knows..maybe you checked on a colder day..maybe somethin that was in front of the radiator fell off allowing for more air flow...or maybe it DID run colder...particular cases WILL vary as with all things..


as for a vented hood...the vents are purposely built and angled to achieve the dissipation of heat you are seeking..those get a :bigok:

anyway, hope that helped a little...

11-19-2003, 04:15 PM
that's weird. i thought drafting was going behind a bigger car so that you can get inside it's 'currents' reducing drag and requiring less force to power your car. i should try some other methods in testing for cooling benifit other than the hand and psychological influences. i'll keep you updated. thanks again

11-19-2003, 08:34 PM
put a themocouple under there, before and after.

11-19-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by khoadogg
that's weird. i thought drafting was going behind a bigger car so that you can get inside it's 'currents' reducing drag and requiring less force to power your car. i should try some other methods in testing for cooling benifit other than the hand and psychological influences. i'll keep you updated. thanks again

that is what drafting is..but the reason it works is because of the vacuum created behind the first car..and the air coming in behind you to fill the void..coupled with the reduced drag on your car this allows you to go faster and pass them as you come out from behind them with a higher rate of speed...

but it was the priciple of the void i was trying to get it...


good luck man...

10-05-2004, 06:44 AM
What happened to lip and sideskirts that you had in your sig??? I think your car looks best in that pic.

The mesh wheels look the best out of all the wheels you have IMO