View Full Version : Video Play back problems

11-18-2003, 01:07 PM
I use Window Media Player 9, and have downloaded tons of video files (like all of us...), but sometimes am unable to play them.
WMP9 says it is searching and downloading for video codec, then there's an error and ONLY audio plays, but no video.

Other times, the audio and video begins in sync, and gradually falls out of sync, and the words dont match people's mouths.

I have the newest Divx bundle, 5.1 i believe (the non adware version?)...
I"ve been to various video sites, doom9.org, xvid.org...being technologically challenged, i couldn't really figure out what they were saying about editing code sources and what not...

anyone have any simple solutions? I wanna watch my damn alias episodes...

Got Sileighty?
11-18-2003, 04:21 PM
only audio is coming out?? go try playing it on the divx player itself, that seems to work for me :)

let me add a problem i have too though. does anyone know how to play video files with windows media v2 audio?? ive tried to play it one different players but theres still no sound coming out. :(

11-18-2003, 04:51 PM
not saying this is your problem but keep in mind that there are many apparently clean files which are actually corrupt out there...this is often the cause of the problems..not your player..but rather how the file was originally made or encoded..


11-20-2003, 11:53 PM
This is kinda late but...

The first problem looks like your Media player does not have the proper decompressor to process that file into streaming media. Windows Media Player 9 is really new so most likely the files you are trying to play are AVI files (or files with an .avi extension if you do not know what I mean).

Where did you get the Divx codec from? Get it from www.divxmovies.com/codec/

Do not get it from www.divx.com they will give you the codex but it will only work with the crappy player they give you and not with your Windows Media Player. The link I gave you will give the correct codec for your Windows Media Player only and not install its own player.

Your second problem can be one of many things. "nokeone" is right that some files are bad. It can also be that the file you have may have been shrunk in file size to make it small for the people with low bandwidth to download. When they shrink the size they lower the quality.

Also how fast is your computer? It could be a little too slow to play the media. This is the problem with my computer personally. It is too slow (processor and video-wise) to play the movies smoothly.

11-21-2003, 01:51 AM
Thanks, i'll try your link. I"m pretty sure i got it from the Divx.com official website. I got the Divx51bundle w/o Gain (SUCKS ASS), but i never install their official player. I didn't know it made a difference.

Its a 900mhz AMD custom built (not by me of course, i'm technically illiterate by today's standards)

11-21-2003, 10:40 AM
Hmmm, 900MHz should be good. It may be your video. I have a 300MHz and 4MB video so that is why mine is bad. You can probably test the file on another faster machine too.

Good luck.

11-21-2003, 01:47 PM
the codec from your link fixed some audio/video synching problems.
When i maximize the window in WM9, the audio falls out of sync (not enough memory?). i'll have to re-download some of the files that i had problems with in the past, i just delteld them.