View Full Version : Survey for Class - Need YOUR help!

11-17-2003, 07:39 PM
Hey, here's the deal, I'm taking an Asian American studies class and I'm doing a project on interracial marriage. So I just need ya'll to answer a few questions for me. It'll be quick. Oh yea, people also wonder on the part "I am pro interracial marriage" strongly agree would be I'm cool w/ it, 5 would be I'm really against it. Anyway, thanks in advance!!!

Anyway, Here it goes:


I am in an interracial relationship or marriage:
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship:
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage:


Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage:
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination:
I would consider being in an interracial marriage:
Interracial marriages are beneficial:
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families:
Interracial marriages will not last:
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues:
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family:
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage:
I prefer to date people of the same race:

And any additional Comments/Opinions?

11-17-2003, 08:26 PM

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage:yes, relationship
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship:yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage:yes

Ethnicity: caucasian

I am pro interracial marriage:1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination:2
I would consider being in an interracial marriage:2
Interracial marriages are beneficial:2
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families:4
Interracial marriages will not last:2
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues:2
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family:2
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage:1
I prefer to date people of the same race:4

And any additional Comments/Opinions? wanna know my sexual preference? :p j/p

11-17-2003, 08:45 PM
thanks tokyo drifter! you're pimp! if you're on fresh alloy I'll give you 5 stars!

11-17-2003, 09:16 PM
Gender: Male
Age: 20

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: no
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: yes

Ethnicity: white

I am pro interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 3
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 3
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 3 depends alot on the families
Interracial marriages will not last: 5
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 4
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage:1
I prefer to date people of the same race: 5

And any additional Comments/Opinions?

11-17-2003, 09:39 PM
Gender: Male
Age: 22

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: No
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: No
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: Yes

Ethnicity: white

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 3
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 4
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 3
Interracial marriages will not last: 2
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 4
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 1
I prefer to date people of the same race: 4

11-17-2003, 10:46 PM
Gender: Male
Age: 20

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: No
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: Yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: Yes

Ethnicity: African

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 4
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 5
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 3
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 4
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 1
Interracial marriages will not last: 3
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 4
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 3
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 3
I prefer to date people of the same race: 4

And any additional Comments/Opinions?
Love is blind.

GIVE ME FIVE STARS ON FA!!!!!! I go by the display name SimpleS14 (login name: GTspecR)

11-17-2003, 10:55 PM
five stars comin' right up!

11-17-2003, 10:58 PM
Gender: Male
Age: 18

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: no
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship:yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: yes

Ethnicity: Asian (Filipino)

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 2
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 3
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 3
Interracial marriages will not last: 5
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 2
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 1
I prefer to date people of the same race: 5

Same SN on FA ;) :) :D

11-17-2003, 11:24 PM
can you get me a user #??

11-18-2003, 05:00 AM

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: no
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: yes

Ethnicity: white/irish

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 2
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 2 (to whom? in what way?)
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 2 (possibly because of the prejudices of those in older generations)
Interracial marriages will not last: 4
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 4
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 1
I prefer to date people of the same race: 3

And any additional Comments/Opinions? acceptance is the first step to true understanding..

11-18-2003, 07:59 AM
Gender: Male
Age: 23

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: No
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: No
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: Yes

Ethnicity: Chinese

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 1
I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 2
Interracial marriages are beneficial: 1
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 2
Interracial marriages will not last: 3
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 2
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 1
I prefer to date people of the same race: 2

And any additional Comments/Opinions?
Last question only b/c I happen to like the way asian girls look better. No particular racial hangups.

11-18-2003, 08:31 AM
Gender: Male
Age: 20

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: no/have been
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship: yes, cousin
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage: yes


Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 1

Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 2/Racial discrimination is a part of society, this would take a lot of time for it to disappear, at this point not possible in the world.

I would consider being in an interracial marriage: 2.5

Interracial marriages are beneficial: 2 What context are you speeking of!

I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families: 4

Interracial marriages will not last: 4 any marriage stands to not last

Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 2, this is do to values from other families put on the kids today

I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family: 5 I believe that we can not help those that we love, as long as your happy its all good.

I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 1

I prefer to date people of the same race: 4, Can not help who we are attracted to.

And any additional Comments/Opinions?
This is a good topic that you are studying, I also have done research in the same area for school. I am a Pre-Law student. Just remember that the information can have a deeper meaning. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

11-18-2003, 08:49 AM

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage:yes
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship:no
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage:no


Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage:1
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination:3
I would consider being in an interracial marriage:1
Interracial marriages are beneficial:3
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families:3
Interracial marriages will not last:3
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues:4
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family:1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage:1
I prefer to date people of the same race:5

And any additional Comments/Opinions?

11-20-2003, 10:53 PM
Gender: Hella Man

I am in an interracial relationship or marriage: yes
I have a family member who is involved in an interracial relationship:yes
I know someone who is in an interracial marriage:yes

Ethnicity: Columbian

Rate the following on a 1-5 scale.
1 being strongly agree, 5 being strongly disagree.

I am pro interracial marriage: 5
Interracial marriages will help reduce discrimination: 1
I would consider being in an interracial marriage:1
Interracial marriages are beneficial:5
I think interracial marriages would cause conflict between the two families:1
Interracial marriages will not last:5
Children who are from an interracial marriage tend to have identity issues: 1
I would accept an interracial marriage between people not in my immediate family:1
I would accept my children being in an interracial marriage: 5
I prefer to date people of the same race:5