View Full Version : valve keeper jumped into the abyss

08-12-2011, 09:30 PM
so i was changing my valve seals, was taking my time doing everything slowly and carefully. I was on the last one, when i was thinking how everything went smoothly and while putting the keeper on the last one when it fell out and jumped in the timing chain :bash:. i cant spot and was wondering what i can do. will it end up in the oil pan? or...? help is much appreciated

rb25det powered S14
08-13-2011, 02:38 AM
yup... odds are its laying in the pan.. i think your only solution is to pull the pan.. if its not in there, its prolly laying between your timing chain and tensioner.. if so you'll have to pull the front timing chain cover and thats time consuming as heck.. if you feel too lazy to take it off, you could try bumping it loose with a close hanger.. but odds are its laying in the pan.. spot a flashlight down the timing chain and make sure its not sitting on the tensioner.. if not, get some beer and a few buddys to keep you company.. remove fan shroud, and fan to make more room to get the front cover off..

side note : you can also drain all the oil and if your lucky, it will come out that way too.. just an idea.. you could also take a super magnet from the hardwear store and place it on the bottom of the pan and slide it around.. it will allow you to drag the keeper closer to the oil drain.. just another cheap idea.. hope this helps

08-13-2011, 08:59 PM
if it`s laying in the pan, just buy another keeper. but if it`s laying on a timing gear or chain, i would definitely take it out. the oil pick up tube has a strainer, so don`t worry about the keeper getting sucked into the oiling system. was the last valve close to the timing chain area? if not, chances are, it`s somewhere else. do a thorough check on the valvetrain area. you don`t want it to get caught in between a valve spring coil or rocker and cam lobe.

08-14-2011, 08:12 AM
Get a magnet and check around the chain. If you can't find it, it's laying in the pan and not going to hurt anything. Spin the engine over by hand a few times to feel for resistance (if the keeper is in there somehow) too.

rb25det powered S14
08-17-2011, 01:12 AM
i agree with there suggestions too.. good advice guys..