View Full Version : touge spot in newspaper....

11-16-2003, 05:39 PM
Well, i'm on the internet as usual, talking car stuff to my friends when one of them sends me this. I was irratated that this was even put, out. I mean i know they are doing this to try to make the public aware of whats going on, but at the same time they have just gave this whole thing more momentum and uneeded publicity. And to top it of, what really makes me mad, is the writer straight out uses names, locations so now for all the, "17 year old, initial d watching, civic watching racers" have a 'map' of where to go now.

I can only say i think this touge problem will only get worse. ::sigh::

Link to article http://www.sgvtribune.com/Stories/0,1413,205%257E12220%257E1769968,00.html

For those to lazy to click and open....

Canyon drivers test their luck
Local mountain roads used for dangerous nightly sport

By Diana L. Roemer
Staff Writer

ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST -- "Run, run, run in the canyon we run' is the platform of car lovers who zip around canyon roads under moonlit skies.

The clandestine group of about 150 young men and women, typically about 18 to 25 years old, calls itself "The GMR-Touge.'

They test their skills on mountain roads all over California. In the San Gabriel Valley, Glendora Mountain Road and Mount Wilson Road are the two favored locations, said 20-year-old Wesley Payne.

"GMR' means Glendora Mountain Road, the group's favorite run. Touge (pronounced toh- gay) means "difficult mountain road' in Japanese.

Police say they know canyon racing goes on and monitor it as best they can, said Art Acevedo, California Highway Patrol assistant chief.

He said drivers don't realize it's dangerous and illegal.

"If in the act of racing somebody gets killed or a bystander gets killed, there are possible dire consequences, including charges of murder,' Acevedo said.

The drivers formed GMR-Touge in September 2002, with a few young men. They challenge steep passes with their Mazdas, Toyotas, Nissans and other small, light foreign cars at about 1 a.m. nights and weekends.

They don't really race; they hone their skills on techniques such as "drifting' around corners at about 50 to 70 mph.

But such driving is dangerous, police say, and endangers innocent people. Sometimes such groups also attract gang members or other criminals, Acevedo said. Plus drivers end up in trouble in remote mountain passes in the middle of the night.

"Law enforcement may not be able to help soon enough. Sometimes we have to save people from themselves,' Acevedo said. Other activities have caught the attention of law enforcement.

Sometimes when inexperienced drivers crash, they push their cars over cliffs and report them stolen.

San Dimas sheriff's Capt. Russ Collins said deputies often pull crashed cars from the canyons off Glendora Mountain Road and are aware of illegal activity.

His staff will attend training seminars on illegal street racing, police roads more heavily and cite drivers when necessary for emissions tampering, auto theft, fraud and other violations that deal with illegal racing, Collins said.

Acevedo said the CHP is investigating several tips officers received about recent night-time mountain racing on Mount Wilson Road.

The GMR-Touge's private Web site bemoans crashes, particularly those that end in deaths.

And members warn inexperienced drivers to learn how to drive the roads before they try it at night.

GMR-Touge member Nick Trota, 22, said the runs members make on mountain roads are illegal if they are speeding. He could not defend the group's activities.

'There's no way around that, I can't sugarcoat it,' Trota said.

But he said those who are not experienced mountain drivers and who want to drink or do drugs and then drive are foolish. He said parents need to know where their kids are.

"They should just stay out of the mountains,' Trota said.

Payne said inexperienced boys who become attracted to the group and its activities are becoming a problem.

Word and distorted accounts of the club's activities too easily gets around.

But GMR-Touge's activity is hardly a secret, said tow truck driver Michael Buntain, 34, who has worked for Jan's Towing in Glendora for about nine years.

The company gets calls for service on Glendora Mountain Road at 2, 3 and 4 a.m., Buntain said.

"When I get up there I see these are kids, 17, 18, rows and rows I mean just lines of racers up there,' Buntain said.

He is sure racing goes on because he retrieves cars from canyons that are severely damaged and still have the keys in them.

Both Mount Wilson and Glendora Mountain Road are monitored by county and state law enforcement.

County officials are concerned about road hazards to young people, but residents also need access to the roads, making fair solutions to illegal activity difficult, said Tony Bell, deputy to County Supervisor Michael Antonovich.

Meetings have been set up with law enforcement agencies and city and county officials on Nov. 26 to talk about the racers and problems on mountain roads in general, he said.

"We want to create a clear picture of what we're dealing with and find a solution to save lives. And we'll do it,' Bell said.

One solution might be closing the road part time, Bell said.

Another is to encourage drivers to stay in controlled safe environments, such as sanctioned raceways, said Irwindale Speedway spokesman Gene Bergstrom.

Bergstrom said he is aware of the night runs in the hills and advises drivers to come to Irwindale where drift events and classes on such techniques are offered.

But the Touge drivers want to be in the hills; flat surfaces are not a challenge, Payne said.

They say they are different than street racers who go to raceways, hyped in movies like "2Fast2Furious,' he said.

"I'm telling you this is their life, but what they do needs to be clarified. In peoples' point of view, they're calling us racers. We're not,' Payne said.

Touge drivers typically drive single line; they don't line up and race each other, he said.

Instead of focusing on engine horsepower, touge drivers spend tons of money on the car's brakes and suspension and concentrate on successfully negotiating turns, he said.

"We can cope with it, anything that causes you to lose traction. But the problem is now you have a 17-year-old kid, and he comes up and he's got a Honda Civic and he says, 'Wow watch those kids go,' ' Payne said.

Mountain residents are sick of the problems such drivers bring, said Jeanne Yelton, manager of Camp Williams, which is near Glendora Mountain Road on East Fork Road.

Yelton said the activity has increased and broadened the past two years. Drivers are now driving nightly on nearby Shoemaker Road and Azusa Canyon (39) Road.

"It's crazy,' she said.

Residents who must drive mountain roads in the middle of the night are frightened.

Sunshine Joyce lives at Follows Camp. She works the graveyard shift at Harvard UCLA Medical Center .

At about midnight every night, she begins her drive down 39, toward Azusa, wary of what she will encounter.

"You can set your clocks by them. They're up here almost every night, at midnight,' Joyce said.

About two weeks ago while heading to work, she came around a curve and saw two sets of headlights coming straight at her.

The cars were too close to stop, she said.

Just before impact, one car squeezed off the road around her on the edge of a cliff. Joyce passed between them, on the wrong side of the road; the two just kept going, she said.

"I about peed my pants,' she said.

11-16-2003, 11:19 PM
those fawkin kids are nuts/i mean i can see a couple of people on a moutain but rows of kids,thats insane then when some1 goes off the edge there goes the neighborhood,first street racing now touge whats next?i just hope no1 gets killed

Got Sileighty?
11-17-2003, 12:39 AM
too late. at least 1 already died this year. it happened about a month and a half ago.

11-17-2003, 01:54 AM
It's kind of expected after a while. One person tells one other person they trust....then on and on until someone just spills it. Then you just have a bunch of kids up there eventually driving their cars expecting to be the next "Takumi" or something. I'm sad to see it come to all of this....
On the flipside, I could have sworn that glendora has been closed for quite some time now?? It was terrible the last time I went, and I didn't ever want to go up there again because of what I saw..it was really bad. Some guy crashed his BMW into like the first wall on the down side..the first good right. And there was a bunch of young kids and SUV's and Rice...it was nuts...!
I believe no matter what spot we find and hold it a secret, eventually it will get popularized just like Glendora.
The shitty thing is, that people that just hear about what goes on up there, they automatically assume that we race in the hills?! When that isn't even the case. And the people that usually get shown as racers...are the ones that carelessly run their car over their limits..not even knowing what their car can take handling wise. Inexperienced drivers...I'm not saying that I haven't seen exprerienced drivers crash or almost go off the edge pushing their car to the limit, but in cases like that, you don't here about them, mostly because no-one really talks about it, and they don't get caught by the authorities. The get their car out of there asap.
I hope we can all find our secret spot up in the hills
Nothing can really compare to the night winding roads.....
Except possibly a night winding road like track...hehe
Maybe close to Ebisu Drift Course??!!
My 2Cents...for what it's worth.

11-17-2003, 02:32 AM
"If you don't go off every now and again your just not pushing hard enough..." ^_-

I'm definetly keeping my spots tight lipped. I advise everyone to do the same(tell me though cuz im looking for more :D). Definetly do not hit up the same spots night and again, it's just asking for trouble. Keep touge driving's mystery alive. Highly skilled mountain drivers that come and go in the night like ninjas...

11-17-2003, 02:34 AM
All I have to say is if you die going off a cliff Im not going to be sorry youre gone, because that is some stupid shit.

11-17-2003, 02:35 AM
Soudaro maeda! Kyotsukette daro!

11-17-2003, 02:37 AM
All I ever tell my friends is that if I die from a caynon, just be happy for me...it's something I died at during a happy point in my life...Do not be sad, for I was happy!

11-17-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Strider

Sometimes such groups also attract gang members or other criminals, Acevedo said.
since when did gang members and other criminals get into touge. I guess caddies with tiny spoked rims would do great.

11-17-2003, 11:54 AM
haha, ohman i hope the day never comes when hispanic gang's start hanging in the Mtn's. Thats when I will be ashame of my race.

"Hey Vato, lets go to the Togue Aye."
"Si puto! Lets GO!"

sigh. :wtc: :wtc:

11-17-2003, 11:58 AM
Mr payne will be taken care of accordingly by a friend or 2 who know him.:axe:

11-17-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by FF DRIFTER
Mr payne will be taken care of accordingly by a friend or 2 who know him.:axe:
I hope so! Dumbass. Next, he will take some News Crew up ther and get footage. Then we can have another stupidly documented, embellished tale like Hawaii's "Drifting into Danger".:rolleyes:

11-17-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by LuxurySideways
Soudaro maeda! Kyotsukette daro!

^_^ I will be.

11-17-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by LuxurySideways
All I ever tell my friends is that if I die from a caynon, just be happy for me...it's something I died at during a happy point in my life...Do not be sad, for I was happy!

You know, i have the same philosophy, heh, i almost happened recently even. If i die doing what i love, whether im canyon carving or on the track, everyone should be happy for me.

11-17-2003, 02:18 PM
Way to go on keeping this on the down low idiots (people in the paper, not you guys :p ). :hammer: :axe:

Now we just lost some spots. But it was mean to happen some day. :(

11-17-2003, 02:29 PM
I'm gonna go up there, and take a dump where they all hang out before they come out. They won't be up there for long.


11-17-2003, 02:42 PM
I think those guys talked ot the newspaper just so they could become, "famous". Seeing their names in the newspaper. What complete idiots for blowing up the spot like that. Its all good though cause most people i met a couple years back that went up there go to new spots now.

11-17-2003, 03:00 PM
touge is fun.

11-17-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Strider
I think those guys talked ot the newspaper just so they could become, "famous". Seeing their names in the newspaper. What complete idiots for blowing up the spot like that. Its all good though cause most people i met a couple years back that went up there go to new spots now.

Not really I know all that went down and basically it happen because of revenge by MR payne for reasons I will disclose . Nick was just caught up and twisted his words by a stupid reporter. Looong Story :aw: as far as i understand it

11-17-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by STIwish
You know, i have the same philosophy, heh, i almost happened recently even. If i die doing what i love, whether im canyon carving or on the track, everyone should be happy for me.


Hello Darwin? These guys deservs an award.

11-17-2003, 05:49 PM
Oh well, Azusa's been hot for awhile, so no loss there :P

And yea... these cats had it comin', they screw themselves.

11-17-2003, 09:14 PM
i soo predicted this happening 2yrs ago when i heard initial D was going to hit mainstream usa. :wtc:

11-18-2003, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE

Hello Darwin? These guys deservs an award.



youngins..never thinking..:bash:

11-18-2003, 02:09 PM
That would not be true if you were... I'm not so young.

11-18-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by LuxurySideways
That would not be true if you were... I'm not so young.



age is nothin but a number..denotes no experience, knowledge, insight, understanding, or wisdom of any sort..and it wasn't what my use of "youngin" refered to in any event...

if yours did not either then i feel you are mistaken in your assumptions about yourself because the comments made by you were nothing short of ignorant..

Andrew Bohan
11-18-2003, 06:13 PM
what a BS article.

Touge (pronounced toh- gay) means "difficult mountain road' in Japanese.

no it doesn't. it means "mountain pass.'

He said drivers don't realize it's dangerous and illegal.

yes they do.

They say they are different than street racers who go to raceways, hyped in movies like "2Fast2Furious,' he said.

i am glad that got said though

11-18-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by kazuo
And yea... these cats had it comin', they screw themselves. If you had ANY idea what (or rather WHO) GMRTouge was, you wouldn't be saying this. Have you ever been to a drift day? ... well, think of some of the top drivers out there.

The group was fucked over by ONE guy who got pissed off because he got kicked off the email list (group) for posting road names in highly visited online forums... no, not zilvia.

This one retard (I honestly believe he was a retard... at very, VERY least a social outcast who deserves to be ostracized) who told the story, apparently mr Payne, to the press was always a little slow (both on the canyons and in his head) and never gained the respect of... well, anyone, really.
I hope he gets his car keyed to shit and that he one day takes it up the bum by some wandering deer/stag that he almost hit on his "runs" through the canyons.

11-18-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by f2a4s0t
since when did gang members and other criminals get into touge. I guess caddies with tiny spoked rims would do great.

A couple of months ago, there were some thug-like dudes there, in a bagged Accord on chrome 19"s with neon, TV's and bumping music. That's when it hit the ultimate low. Sway (Payne) struck me as a dumbass, but I never figured he'd be this much of a dumbass.

11-18-2003, 11:13 PM
Just a heads up... the WPayne on this forum does not appear to be the same Wesley Payne mentioned in the article... so before you start shooting off hate mail, it's just something that doesn't seem to match up from where I'm looking. ;)

11-19-2003, 12:32 AM
There's only one thing that can be learned from this lesson. That is, as a community we have to becareful who we trust and tell so an incident like this doesn't happen again.

That means, not showing some "ricer"(i hate using that word) some mountain roads just so you can look cool, cause that guy/girl started reading Drift magazines and watched Initial D and thinks that whole racing scene is cool. I know a couiple people who seem to be working for the Daily Planet and advertise all the spots to everyone.

11-19-2003, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by adey
If you had ANY idea what (or rather WHO) GMRTouge was, you wouldn't be saying this. Have you ever been to a drift day? ... well, think of some of the top drivers out there.

Somehow this really doesnt change my opinion...am I supposed to feel bad when they die doing something stupid just because theyre good drifters?

11-19-2003, 02:14 AM
You've got me all wrong.
Don't base your assumptions on some words on a forum.
Get to know the person.


11-19-2003, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by NZO
Somehow this really doesnt change my opinion...am I supposed to feel bad when they die doing something stupid just because theyre good drifters? You're not reading our posts!
I didn't say you should feel bad for someone dying doing something stupid because they're good drifters, I was responding to the GMRTouge "cats screwing themselves" (See Kazuo's post and my previous quote). No good drifters died doing anything stupid here, afaik.
It was SWAY who screwed the group over, with no instigation from the group and by no fault of the group.
In a separate incident -- the kid dying though, yes he had it coming. Apparently he was dui. :rolleyes:

11-19-2003, 03:05 PM
My mistake http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/icons/icon14.gif

11-20-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by adey
If you had ANY idea what (or rather WHO) GMRTouge was, you wouldn't be saying this. Have you ever been to a drift day? ... well, think of some of the top drivers out there.

And this is supposed to make me feel bad? This is like saying that drag racing on a public road is okay as long as they are the "top drivers" and they act "responsibly"?

Pushing cars off cliffs, driving hard on public roads and generally doing stupid shit you shouldnt be doing garners no respect from me, even if it is fucking Tsuchiiya Keiichi himself that is doing it.

I hope he gets his car keyed to shit and that he one day takes it up the bum by some wandering deer/stag that he almost hit on his "runs" through the canyons.

Okay, now that's just childish.

Point is, I don't care if it was one dumbass or a hundred -- you guys screw yourselves doing the shit you do.

Twist it any way you want... you shouldn't be doing that stuff on public roads and now you have no one to cry to now that you can't do it anymore.

I'm not for or against what you do, or trying to tell you what you can or can not do, or should or should not do -- I am telling you not to go around crying about it because you have no one to blame but yourselves.

11-20-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by kazuo
And this is supposed to make me feel bad? This is like saying that drag racing on a public road is okay as long as they are the "top drivers" and they act "responsibly"?

Pushing cars off cliffs, driving hard on public roads and generally doing stupid shit you shouldnt be doing garners no respect from me, even if it is fucking Tsuchiiya Keiichi himself that is doing it.

Okay, now that's just childish.

Point is, I don't care if it was one dumbass or a hundred -- you guys screw yourselves doing the shit you do.

Twist it any way you want... you shouldn't be doing that stuff on public roads and now you have no one to cry to now that you can't do it anymore.

I'm not for or against what you do, or trying to tell you what you can or can not do, or should or should not do -- I am telling you not to go around crying about it because you have no one to blame but yourselves.

Well this is my take on this. YES ITS STUPID TO BE DOING STUFF LIKE THIS ON PUBLIC ROADS. But if youve ever been to GMR you know that abso-freakin-lutely nobody else use that road pass 8 oclock at nite except:
a. your drifting tru it
b. your bout to f*ck a girl cuz its that secluded.

So basically what im tryin to get at is nobody else is gonna be there except peeps who are actually gonna drive like a moron *specially on Azusa side* You drive from the top to the bottom as a whole group. Seen a couple of hondas understeer but they were idiots *im sorry but no way in hell a stock civic can keep up w a built FD*

11-20-2003, 03:48 PM
This was bound to happen. Initial D has now made it cool to drift and mountain race. With all the added people that go up to the mountains at night, you're bound to attract the attention of cops. Especially with large groups of people doing stupid things like racing and wrecking their cars.

11-20-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by kazuo
Pushing cars off cliffs, driving hard on public roads and generally doing stupid shit you shouldnt be doing garners no respect from me, even if it is fucking Tsuchiiya Keiichi himself that is doing it.
You have GMRTouge confused (because of that shitty article) with what inexperienced, often young, "str33t rayc3rz" did (ive only actually heard of this happening a few times). GMRT never, to my knowlege, had anyone who pushed their wrecked car over the cliff and reported it stolen...

As for driving hard on secluded roads at desolate hours of the night (not talking about the retards that go up in the middle of the day, or even fairly late... im talking wee hours of the AM).. you mean to tell me because there is a rule witten by someone who is interested in other things than you taht you conform to whatever they want?

Have you had sex? I mean premarital, bad ass, fucking all night keeping the neighbors up sex. Whatever, my point is, many religions don't condone such activity. Whether you are religious or not, SOMEONE (a lot of someones) thinks what you did was TERRIBLY WRONG. In their eyes you could not have commited a worse sin. Hm. To you, it was great. Fuck them, you want to have more great sex, maybe with multiple people, maybe all at once... whatever... To certain people, that sex is also driving a mountain road. Or drifting, or drag racing... whatever.

Just cause their are STDs and births (consequences) does that mean you will forego all sex until you need to procreate?

Do you do ANYTHING that someone else says is wrong. If so, its the exact same thing. Just because their are certain bad apples doesnt make the whole batch spoiled.

I just moved to cali recently, so im not sure on the laws here, but i know there are many states where eating in the car... nah... drinking coffee, or soda, or anything, in the car is technically ILLEGAL! Have you ever gone through McD's and gotten your Number 2 to go and eaten it on your way back from the gym? If so, you are more dangerous (imo) than what GMRT does.

Maybe you don't have the same connection or rush from driving that a real enthusiast and good driver has. Maybe you use your car as basic transportation. Whetever, im not judging. But you are a. mixing up the action of 2 different groups, and b. judging people based on your beliefs, which not everyone else has.

Originally posted by kazuo
I'm not for or against what you do, or trying to tell you what you can or can not do, or should or should not do -- I am telling you not to go around crying about it because you have no one to blame but yourselves.

You are too! you even wrote:
Originally posted by kazuo
Twist it any way you want... you shouldn't be doing that stuff on public roads and now you have no one to cry to now that you can't do it anymore.

Speaking of which, just cause certain, POPULAR spots have attention doesnt mean its not possible to continue doing that... pshh. by the way, i am not in GMRTouge, nor am i associatedwith them in anyway. I know like 2 people from the group. I am however a driving and drifting enthusiast who is responsible in my actions (which will not be discussed in the presence of altering viewpoints). I understand things taht you seem to discount just because it is dictated that certain things may be illegal. Whatever... don't cross the street without a crosswalk, don't leave your car out of gear, don't hold the wheel with one hand, don't ______ . Someone says its illegal, therefore its wrong...:rolleyes:

11-20-2003, 09:40 PM

Horse shit and Dog shit...

It's still shit.

11-20-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut

As for driving hard on secluded roads at desolate hours of the night (not talking about the retards that go up in the middle of the day, or even fairly late... im talking wee hours of the AM).. you mean to tell me because there is a rule witten by someone who is interested in other things than you taht you conform to whatever they want?
You choose to live in California, therefore you choose to be governed by its laws. Does California have stupid laws? Sure, lots of them. But if you knowingly and willingly break them, you have no right to bitch about the consequences. You brought it on yourself.
Originally posted by DoriftoSlut

Have you had sex? I mean premarital, bad ass, fucking all night keeping the neighbors up sex. Whatever, my point is, many religions don't condone such activity. Whether you are religious or not, SOMEONE (a lot of someones) thinks what you did was TERRIBLY WRONG. In their eyes you could not have commited a worse sin. Hm. To you, it was great. Fuck them, you want to have more great sex, maybe with multiple people, maybe all at once... whatever... To certain people, that sex is also driving a mountain road. Or drifting, or drag racing... whatever.
Religion is a personal preferance, not a law. And if no sex before marriage became a law, it's one I'd gladly be willing to break.

11-20-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by neevosh
You choose to live in California, therefore you choose to be governed by its laws. Does California have stupid laws? Sure, lots of them. But if you knowingly and willingly break them, you have no right to bitch about the consequences. You brought it on yourself.
Im not bitching. I even said in my post i accept my actions that i deem to be acceptable. Am i in that article? Am i complaining? No. I am simply explaining to certain people the rationale behind something they obviously are not interested in, and therefore deem it to be "wrong".

Originally posted by neevosh
And if no sex before marriage became a law, it's one I'd gladly be willing to break.
And the difference betwen that and what is being discussed is...?

Oh, right, its the exact same thing.

11-21-2003, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by kazuo
And this is supposed to make me feel bad? This is like saying that drag racing on a public road is okay as long as they are the "top drivers" and they act "responsibly"? I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I'm trying to tell you that GMRTouge was not a group of 17 (or 18 or 19 or 20) year old kids who had no idea what their car could and who had no idea what the laws are; it was a group of responsible adults who always practiced as much safety as is possible in doing what they did; the only reason it was in the press was because one immature 20 year old decided to take out a grudge on 2 or 3 individuals by going to the press with the whole story and details. GMRTouge did NOT condone street racing and did NOT race, it was a purely recreational group.
Originally posted by kazuo

Okay, now that's just childish. My comment about his car getting keyed was not an attempt to sound mature or sophisticated, I think you read too far into that little comment while not making enough of an effort to understand the circumstances under which the events of this media debacle took place. Your priorities are misplaced!
Originally posted by kazuo
Point is, I don't care if it was one dumbass or a hundred -- you guys screw yourselves doing the shit you do. Everyone in GMRTouge who took part in recreational touge activities knew exactly what they were getting into, there's no need for you to fling mud or bring out the derogatory terms! I don't see why you're so upset by this since you obviously don't do anything illegal. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by kazuo

Twist it any way you want... you shouldn't be doing that stuff on public roads and now you have no one to cry to now that you can't do it anymore. I'm not twisting anything, on the contrary you seem to like to conveniently misinterpret the situation as well as anything I say! Nobody's crying and nobody can't do "it" anymore.
Originally posted by kazuo
I'm not for or against what you do, or trying to tell you what you can or can not do, or should or should not do -- I am telling you not to go around crying about it because you have no one to blame but yourselves. If you're not trying to tell us what to do, I don't know what you're doing! I'm not trying to blame someone who doesn't deserve the blame (unlike most similar situations, this actually was not something brought about by the involved party), I'm trying to explain what actually happened, since I happen to be close to the events... unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the same can be said about you.

04-21-2004, 01:38 PM
i especially like this quote:
Word and distorted accounts of the club's activities too easily gets around.
you're helping this dumbass! this just goes to show, do not talk to the media! do not give out road names! don't take just anybody up without knowing them well!

04-21-2004, 01:45 PM
nice bump dumbass...:p...lol..

04-21-2004, 01:50 PM
nice bump dumbass...:p...lol..
no problem jackass :fawk:

04-21-2004, 02:02 PM
since it's bumped...

People who dont race dont realize how many people race. we need more racetracks.

04-21-2004, 02:24 PM
they need to build mini circuts like they build skateparks.

Andrew Bohan
04-21-2004, 05:01 PM
yeah i agree!

man, my memories of this thread are sepia-toned

04-21-2004, 05:14 PM
mini circuits like the ones in japan would be awesome!..

04-21-2004, 05:59 PM
Mr payne will be taken care of accordingly by a friend or 2 who know him.:axe:
With a couple pliers and blow torch.....They're gonna get midevil on his ass...YOU HEAR THAT HILL BILLY BOY!!??!!! I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET ! :rant:

04-21-2004, 07:17 PM
this is the filter that will eventually filter out the swarm of wannabes.

04-21-2004, 09:58 PM
this is the filter that will eventually filter out the swarm of wannabes.

THis my friend is the Quote of the Day!! :coolugh:

04-22-2004, 09:16 AM
either that or get cops to shutdown all cool roads in your area. if street drags are any example, wannabes don't know they can't drive for shit.