View Full Version : Bored

11-16-2003, 02:38 AM
lately the whole car modding/drifting or lets just say the whole automotive world thing has been quite boring too me. maybe its not boredom probably it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to.Ive wanted a 240sx over 2 years ago, and yes two years an im not just saying that cause of"mad tYtE dRifTing". Well since i couldnt get the s14 i should've in 2001 i got my s13 last year. i put some stuff on it hear and there, but is there more to life than just modding a car and taking it to a track and run it? i ahvent actually participated in any drifting events but i went to the first drift showoff, which got me excited more about drifting, other than option videos. I just feel that the "whole scene" just aint what it used to be. plus im a pretty boring guy too, nothign really appeals to me anymore. but jsut wondering what does life have to offer to me besides cars? i've been into cars for about 7 years and im only 19 and i've been "collecting" knowledge of cars ever since. but is there more to my life other than cars? im not complaining or anything just want to hear what your inputs would be.

11-16-2003, 02:57 AM
girls for one. Gotta have some fun lovin with the females. :boink: Maybe you need another hobby bro. Most people cant just focus on one thing. Like i got my DJing, breakdancing, cars, & girls. Everything comes at a price, just gotta find whats most appealing to you. I personally think il never get bored with cars, it's my one true love! Maybe you should try snowboarding or something. :D

11-16-2003, 03:08 AM
I have yet to get bored with racing, or cars, it even helped end my marriage. Honestly, start auto-xing if you dont already, start finding new people into things you are into, and it will help a whole lot.

11-16-2003, 03:31 AM
yea girls are good..heh

cars cost $$$ i know it does but im just not sure if i want to spend a whole lot of money on a car. i know to have a ride built by yourself will cost a pretty penny, but lately i just figured maybe i should just save it for something else. i'm not sure but i could just save just for the heck of it.

i would like to autoX but im a broke student and cant affored tires, and there aint no tracks around sacramento.

11-16-2003, 03:44 AM
Cars and girls both cost money but you can ride your car whenever you want. ;)

11-16-2003, 04:14 AM
Auto-x is way cheap, and honestly, its not really that hard on the tires... although my RE92s lasted about a 1/2 dozen races before they were shot. It will really help get you back into it, i personally love it.

11-16-2003, 11:38 AM
yeah i thought of this awhile back ago, but realized that there was more to life than cars. I try to do other things that I liked to do before I was really into cars, like play basketball again, and now I recently picked up a book to read so I am not on the computer or thinking of cars alot, and playing video games, and spending time with old and new friends. Yeah cars can get addicted and pretty much still in my case, but you have to try to balance other things in your life to even out yourself as a person. Well i hope this helps.

11-16-2003, 12:13 PM
lol, I am addicted to cars. I live and breathe cars, any time I talk to anyone it seems like it is about cars and if they talk about something els, I pretty much just don't talk. My wife is actually pretty supportive of my hobby and she hangs out with me and my car buddies, so that is a positive thing too.

Thing is, I don't have any other hobbies. I don't really play video games (I have like 10 PS2 games and only 2 of them are not car based), I hate sports with a passion, I still read books, but I read really fast so they don't last long. I honestly have no idea what I would do if I didn't have cars.

More than likely I would just sit around and do absolutely nothing if it weren't for cars.

11-16-2003, 03:58 PM
Jim Beam has been my alternate hobby lately.

Seriously, take everyone elses' advice and find a secondary hobby. Cars are definitely not everything there is to life. I have very few friends that are even into cars in real life, simply because IMO, 99% of car people are idiots (this doesn't include you guys). Keep an open mind, and try some new things. Find some new friends... It'll work out.

Oh, and if you haven't yet, meet a nice girl and watch your life change overnight...

11-16-2003, 04:04 PM
wen i was "younger" i used to skateboard, snowboard, dabble in the bBoyin'& music. but i eventually grew out of it, tho i still do them on ocations.
been into cars since(rally especially, which eventually lead me to the drift)i was 15, now almost 19. everybody has ther niche'
o yea, im a fatty computer dork/nerd man.
GEEK power!!!!! :rawk:

11-16-2003, 05:30 PM
try traveling. it'll give you something to save your money for, and there's a hell of a lot of interesting and awesome places around the world. i recommend England.

11-16-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
lately the whole car modding/drifting or lets just say the whole automotive world thing has been quite boring too me. maybe its not boredom probably it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to.Ive wanted a 240sx over 2 years ago, and yes two years an im not just saying that cause of"mad tYtE dRifTing". Well since i couldnt get the s14 i should've in 2001 i got my s13 last year. i put some stuff on it hear and there, but is there more to life than just modding a car and taking it to a track and run it? i ahvent actually participated in any drifting events but i went to the first drift showoff, which got me excited more about drifting, other than option videos. I just feel that the "whole scene" just aint what it used to be. plus im a pretty boring guy too, nothign really appeals to me anymore. but jsut wondering what does life have to offer to me besides cars? i've been into cars for about 7 years and im only 19 and i've been "collecting" knowledge of cars ever since. but is there more to my life other than cars? im not complaining or anything just want to hear what your inputs would be.
I can definitely relate to that, except during a smaller frame of time. I have grown tired of the import scene. I've thought about the questions you have raised everytime i think about my car with my importscene-loving friends.

Whenever you hear about people having "Camry pride", or "Civic pride", you may think, "wtf is wrong with them, those arent sports cars, nothing exciting about them". But think about what they are thinking. It's their car and they love driving it, owning it. It ties in with the American dream of owning your own property, making your own way, owning your own car, and driving it on the open road.

The aftermarket is a totally optional link to car enthusiasm: The aftermarket depends on car enthusiasm, but car enthusiasm doesnt depend on the aftermarket. It is just a hyped trend of today, mass commercialism and increased popularity for motorsports.

The guy who owns a bone stock but beautifully restored Datsun 280Z or the old timer who has the '65 Ford Mustang. No one walks up to him and asks, "so do you go drifting" or "so what mods have you done?". Its mostly with newer cars that appeal to the newer trend. The Datsun guy is proud of his ride, despite its stockness, and same goes for the Mustang guy. This is the car enthusiasm of another generation. Our generation is obsessed with performance and aftermarket items and whatnot, and the 240SX is stigmatized with the trend. People expect it to be a tuner's car because it is already a popular import tuner. But in reality, it is just fine the way it is, like a stock Datsun, in stock form. It all depends on how YOU feel about it, what upgrades YOU feel are appropriate for YOUR needs.

So, is there more to cars than modding/tuning/competing/showing? Definitely, its simple. Owning, Maintaining. Driving. THAT is the fundamental essence of car enthusiasm.

11-16-2003, 05:42 PM
And remember, in the end, they are just cars, an investment with no profitable tangible return. You can profit from much more aside from cars. Yes, there is more to life, you are just need to get away from "the scene" and involve yourself in something else. Don't talk about cars in conversation with people you meet. Pretend your car is a Camry, something you are proud of but it only exists to get you around, no one thinks its anything special other than you.

11-16-2003, 07:42 PM
werd. thansk for the advice guys. but its stil a dilema(sp?) to me to whether to keep going on or not or just stay where I'm at. not that i have to change or anything, but i guess i can always try new stuff.on a plus side, from actually joining the car world i have emt alot of new people. who knows where I'll end up heh.

more inputs are welcome

11-16-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by DRFT
werd. thansk for the advice guys. but its stil a dilema(sp?) to me to whether to keep going on or not or just stay where I'm at. not that i have to change or anything, but i guess i can always try new stuff.on a plus side, from actually joining the car world i have emt alot of new people. who knows where I'll end up heh.

more inputs are welcome
i'd reccomend just giving it a rest for a period of time, and then seeing if you really, truly miss it. if not, no point in continuing, and if you do miss it, then theres no shame in continuing.
theres nothing that a little time wont solve

11-16-2003, 09:35 PM
I like to skateboard snowboard play my guitar and drums when I am not driving or working on my car, oh yeah I am a huge computer geek too!!! Girls are cool too, but they cost more than mods to cars somtimes haha....

11-17-2003, 09:06 AM
bored? welcome to adult life. when i was little i got excited by saturday morning cartoons, ghostbusters and ninja turtles. when i got a little older that crap got boring, so i moved on to anime (before it was popular) starting with robotech. well, after a while that got old too, and i was into girls, guitar, movies, dating, etc in high school, along with hurdles in track. in college i was into shooting pool, clubbing, hip hop and rave culture (when it was still fresh), and a bit of drug experimentation. a year before graduation, that shit got old. now i'm not really into anything. on the upside, i can play guitar & sing, draw anime, make sure ppl don't overheat on extacy, give good lightshows, and dance good to hip-hop/trance/drum&bass. ur life is just starting at 19... you got too much to see and do before you end up a jaded 23 year old like me.

bottom line: shit gets old. but there are just some things that u always enjoy. they just get blended into your phases. for me, its art and music.

wingsnthangs : in fact i used to have a '93 camry 5spd... best car ever. i would trade my s14 to get that car back. :wtc: i'll never forget that car.

No Motiv
11-17-2003, 08:23 PM
Just Let things roll. dont worry about taht, dont think about it just do whatever feels good. you dont have tohave a completely tricked out ride to have fun with it. yeah i also agree, GIRLS, MUSIC... We all know there are other things that have to do with "import culture" or drifting then cars (at leased now a days). Plus your still young, nows the time to waste all your money, and try new things. just dont be so depressed.

11-18-2003, 01:20 AM
Sometimes, we all need to reevaluate are lives and take a step back to find out where the hell our lives are heading. Right now, I am soooo obsessed with my car. I got it in June or somewhere around there and I have put over twice the amount of money into the car then the actual price of the car. Once in a while I wonder if it's worth it and for now I have decided it is. I have been waiting since I was 16 to be able to wrench on a car. I'm 22 going on 23 and I finally have the money and the car to do it.

The thing is, I am still very busy and have many other hobbies. I have had a GF for 4 years, play in a soccer league on the weekends, been doing a motorswap on the weekends for about a month now, haven't been surfing in a while but I do this all year long as well, taking classes for Grad school at night, and good old church on sundays. You just have to have more than one thing going on in your life. Right now I can say that I am doing a little too much and it is steadily wearing me out but I never feel bored with life. And one very important thing is to hang out with your friends as much as possible. How can you be bored when you have good friends around? You know what I'm sayin. I guess that is my self proclaimed key to life.

11-18-2003, 09:25 AM
hey flybert if you think that putting twice the amount of money into a car as you originally paid for it, imagine putting 11 times the amount you paid for it.

then you will be where i am ;)

(of course it does all depend on how much you paid for the car, I mean, I could have paid $1 for my car and put 11 more dollars into it for all you know :D)

((BTW: I paid $1k for my car...))