08-07-2011, 03:59 PM
First off selling working condition 1995 s14 window motors. Both in good working condition. I have passenger and driver side. SOLD 1 already I got the drivers side left! lmk 50 bucks
S14 Abs brake booster. Upgrade your brake booster for better feel on your brakes. Working condition. Asking 40 bucks.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/282685_254301611263379_100000506253821_1050840_731 7801_n.jpg
2 N60 maxima mafs. Both in working condition, One doesnt have the pig tail the other does. Looking to get 30 for no pigtail, 40 with pigtail.
Lmk call 310 984 9598 jesse.
S14 Abs brake booster. Upgrade your brake booster for better feel on your brakes. Working condition. Asking 40 bucks.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/282685_254301611263379_100000506253821_1050840_731 7801_n.jpg
2 N60 maxima mafs. Both in working condition, One doesnt have the pig tail the other does. Looking to get 30 for no pigtail, 40 with pigtail.
Lmk call 310 984 9598 jesse.