View Full Version : KA24DE Timing Help Please!

08-05-2011, 08:06 PM
Hey guys, I recently was rear ended and my S13 was totaled, 2 days ago I bought another S13 on the cheap, the owner claimed it had rod knock from a fresh rebuild. After further inspection we came to the conclusion that the noise coming from the motor is not rod knock, we think the cam position and timing is off. I know there is a search button, and I have been doing some research, but if anyone has any input or info they can share with me id appreciate it. We took the valve cover off and we are having a hard time figuring out if the position of the cams are correct. The timing chain seems like it sags, I dont think its supposed to be like that. Here are some pics.





08-10-2011, 12:52 PM
turn the crankshaft bolt clockwise and it should go away. Turn it counterclockwise and post another picture. the slack should actually be to the right and not uptop. u need to check the bottom one as well. the twelve and 3 dots look correct. Post a top shot of the cam lobes at TDC, secon notch on ur crank pulley. the lobes should be facing away from each other. if not turn around again to the second mark on the pulley, and they should after at least two turns.