View Full Version : Niketown Employee charged with stealing $20k

08-03-2011, 02:34 PM
Shoe fetish?....
NikeTown Employee Charged With Stealing $20K | Sneaker Obsession (http://www.sneakerobsession.com/46284/niketown-employee-charged-with-stealing-20k/#more-46284)

An employee at NikeTown Chicago was arrested by authorities last week for allegedly stealing $20,000 from the flagship Nike store.
Ellean Hughes, 27, of Chicago, was picked up by local police when she arrived to work Tuesday morning after it was discovered she was ringing up bogus returns and refunding them to her own personal debit card. Hughes is being charged with 2nd degree theft, which in the state of Illinois carries a maximum punishment of 3-7 years in jail. There’s a chance she could qualify for probation given she has no priors. She’s being held on $25,000 bond and is scheduled to go to court on August 2nd for a primarily hearing.
According to a report released by the state’s attorney’s office, managers at NikeTown Chicago became wary when they noticed Hughes was processing a rather unusual amount of returns through her register. As they monitored her activity, they noticed the returns were being made when no customers were around and that the money was being credited to the same debit card. As the pieces were put together, it was revealed that Hughes ripped the store off for a total of $19,239.14 since the beginning of the year.

08-03-2011, 02:39 PM
no shoes were stolen, she just stole 20 grand. mehhhh

08-03-2011, 02:44 PM
I wouldn't doubt if she had some though. really? just returning all the shoes.....

08-03-2011, 11:16 PM
are you that dumb...she wasnt really returning anything. they were fake transactions.

08-03-2011, 11:45 PM
Certainly took that store long enough, half a year or so, to figure that one out.
(is it that hard to figure out something's off when 200+ (conservatively assuming ea shoe priced @ $100) missing shoes are missing?

I don't know who's more inept, the thief or that imbecile of a store 'manager'.

08-04-2011, 12:37 AM
No shoes were missing, because she was just refunding random shoes to her credit card.

08-04-2011, 12:52 AM
maybe I'm missing something, but in order to process a refund, don't you need to return the supposedly defective/unsatisfactory product?
did the 'random shoes' ever actually exist? I am assuming that they did.

also strange how you could refund products without original receipts,
(unless you made up bogus receipts to begin with, or picked them out from the trash)

maybe this also points out to some serious admin/accounting organizational problems the store has.

08-04-2011, 12:59 AM
As a cashier, it is extremely easy to get previous receipt numbers.
She probably used those.
Or maybe their registers work so that you don't need to do that.
Where I work, you have to get a manager or supervisor to do refunds.
Now I know why.

08-04-2011, 05:47 AM
Fraudulent refunds to HER OWN debit card. . . this girl must be a genious.

08-04-2011, 06:03 AM
and she would have gotten away with it, if it wasnt for you medaling kids

shouldve put it on gift cards or store credit, then bam, EBAY time!!!!

s13 @ fullboost
08-04-2011, 06:11 AM
too bad she cant use her money in jail lol

08-07-2011, 09:51 PM
This is why you wait till you get promoted to manager first...or atleast shift super.

08-08-2011, 07:52 AM
no shoes were stolen, she just stole 20 grand. mehhhh

I figued it would be shoes since hypebeat kids have that money!!! I guess not...

08-08-2011, 09:02 AM
would have just been easier to buy shoes using her employee discount and then flipping them back out at slightly less than retail or more depending on the hypebeastability of the shoes.

happens all the time and people don't get caught this way.

08-08-2011, 09:46 AM
would have just been easier to buy shoes using her employee discount and then flipping them back out at slightly less than retail or more depending on the hypebeastability of the shoes.

happens all the time and people don't get caught this way.

Agreed, profit AND you get to stay out of jail...

08-08-2011, 10:49 AM
would have just been easier to buy shoes using her employee discount and then flipping them back out at slightly less than retail or more depending on the hypebeastability of the shoes.

happens all the time and people don't get caught this way.

Agreed, profit AND you get to stay out of jail...

They won't allow you to buy endless shoes like that and abuse your discount, and even if they did good luck selling them.

Niketown does not get anything rare/hypebeast worthy, and even if they do the shoe game is dead anyways.