View Full Version : Theft in Baldwin Park

07-28-2011, 03:44 PM
So I left my car at work for 2 days because I had been getting complaints that we had too much cars at the shop. I figured I'd leave it at my work til we clear the shop of a few cars. Today, I was going to take it home when I see this...





Here are the things they stole:

my intake
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/190290_10150116053833434_741168433_6688623_3685134 _n.jpg

my Apexi radiator cap

front Megan coilovers

my FN's 17x9 +15
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/157036_467091438433_741168433_5869738_4435723_n.jp g

Godspeed Oil catchcan
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/188892_10150116127628434_741168433_6689619_6166289 _n.jpg

Sonic Motor P2 seat

A'pexi SAFC

Simpson helmet

Nismo Shift Knob

Megan Racing Gauges (Boost, Air/Fuel Ratio, Oil Pressure)

Shift Knob

Sonicmotor 5 point Harness

Sonicmotor 4 point Harness

They took my stock passenger side seat as well.

Please keep a look out. I really don't know how to react. I'm mad and sad and screaming inside that all I can do it stay quiet. It was parked in the back "private area" of Sonic Motor in Baldwin Park.

If you have any information at all, please call Denise at 310-733-7932 or email me at [email protected]

07-28-2011, 03:53 PM
No fucken way!!!! Bump!!

07-28-2011, 04:03 PM
sorry about the car denise :(

INspIRe 32v.
07-28-2011, 04:17 PM
omfg.. fucking bitches man.. i really hope you feel better.. i know how much this car means to you.. sorry det..

07-28-2011, 04:24 PM
WTF Denise! I was just there too! UGH, reposting for sure. That's some shady ass shit, right at Sonic Motor too.

You guys (or your neighbors) don't have outward-facing cameras?

07-28-2011, 04:26 PM
It was in the back and no there aren't any in that area.

07-28-2011, 04:29 PM
time to break skulls

07-28-2011, 04:32 PM
Is this an open lot? or a gated business? wtf??? Sucks man. Hope you find your shit.

07-28-2011, 04:32 PM
man, i want to knock on all the doors to the companies next door and try to get someone to talk... >_<

07-28-2011, 04:37 PM
Is this an open lot? or a gated business? wtf??? Sucks man. Hope you find your shit.

gated business

jay pee
07-28-2011, 04:39 PM
Damn this is some major BS... Sry bout this DET you didn't deserve it dnt let it get you down, karma is a B**** ... n one way or the other they will get there's. Consider it a donation n pick up the pieces n keep moving forward :) me n DES are here if u need help with anything n I'll keep my ears open to c if i hear any talk bout this n who did it. :(

07-28-2011, 04:41 PM
damn bro dat sucks balls!!!
you should def talk to peps / keep an eye & ear out for any 1 talkin shit about how they came up....
any cameras?????

07-28-2011, 05:14 PM
let me know too if anyone has any spare parts they don't need for an s14. I could use some parts....

07-28-2011, 05:15 PM
Been to Sonic Motor a couple of times, always seems like that location is pretty cool/nothing like that would happen there. Hopefully either the parts, or people who did it turn up. Hate hearing this kinda stuff.

07-28-2011, 05:24 PM
gated business

Damn gated business and this happened? Could it be an inside job? Or someone who know that you're leaving the car for a few days there.

07-28-2011, 05:26 PM
Sorry girl...is there anyone who could have known your car was gonna be there for a few days?

07-28-2011, 05:33 PM
Damn gated business and this happened? Could it be an inside job? Or someone who know that you're leaving the car for a few days there.

i kinda have a feeling it's one of the people who work in the buildings next door. because there's some riced up honda who parks in the back too and some other fixed up cars... i think someone told some people about my car being back there.

07-28-2011, 05:41 PM
Possibilities is endless. Especially taking off that much stuff in a matter of time. Obviously they have tools near by unless they carry their whole tool box in the vehicle.

I cant say i know how you feel, but when my parents house was robbed. I was furious! And violated.

Best of luck finding the low life who done and did this. And for the parts to come up.

07-28-2011, 05:43 PM
Dammm det wtf stupid ass people ill keep a look out on the forums and craigslist btw its me genex

Touge Noob S13
07-28-2011, 05:51 PM
What kind of person would steal only the front coilovers? Best of luck finding your things man.

drift freaq
07-28-2011, 05:56 PM
Damn this sucks det, I hope you find out who did it and possibly recover your parts.

07-28-2011, 06:06 PM
sorry to hear man!

07-28-2011, 06:07 PM
i feel your frustration. i've had this happen to me as well. fucking sucks! im still upset about it.

sorry for your loss. hope everything works out for you.

07-28-2011, 06:17 PM
:O i'm sorry to hear about that denise. hopefully you can get the car back together soon.

07-28-2011, 06:33 PM
This really sucks and good luck finding your things! I live in that area also so ill try to keep a look out

07-28-2011, 06:34 PM
Fuck theives. Sorry about this Denise, we all know how hard you worked. All this stuff will be found and I'm sure you'll see plenty of support in every way. Stay up BRO.

S13 Silvia S13
07-28-2011, 06:41 PM
Sorry to hear about that Denise, will keep my eye out! :tweak:

From that John Deere guy! LOL

07-28-2011, 06:54 PM
Fuck thieves, I'm sorry.

It sounds so suspicious.. I mean, the day you park it there and at a business? It sounds like an inside job or somebody knew something... They took some very generic things too, seats, gauges, intake.

Sucks alot, I hope you either recover the stolen items or get some sort of compensation for this.


07-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Damn assholes! Ill keep a look out!

07-28-2011, 07:00 PM
heyy sorry for your loss... you dont know me very well... i goto the meets like once a year lol... wasnt you guys there when jackson wheels were stolen? maybe its that same person.. yall never know

07-28-2011, 07:04 PM
gated business

, Someone there has to know. any leads yet?

07-28-2011, 07:07 PM
heyy sorry for your loss... you dont know me very well... i goto the meets like once a year lol... wasnt you guys there when jackson wheels were stolen? maybe its that same person.. yall never know

it might be. this is all very frustrating to me. i've never had anything like this happen before. i feel so violated.

thanks for all the support guys.

07-28-2011, 07:15 PM
What parts do you need I have bunch of extras you can havelet me know

07-28-2011, 08:07 PM
W...T...F...I fuckin HATE thieves. I hope whoever stole this gets AIDS and that their family gets cancer. FUCK

07-28-2011, 08:17 PM
sorry to hear Denise ill keep a look out for any of the parts, i know how much you love that car it makes me sad seeing it like that

07-28-2011, 08:29 PM
OMFG ..... these theft jobs are always by people you know, keep that in mind

Jimmy Up
07-28-2011, 09:32 PM
I reposted on my facebook Denise, and Ill keep an eye out... so sorry...

07-28-2011, 10:48 PM
damn definitely has to be someone that knew you left the car there. removing those parts would take some time. good luck!

07-28-2011, 11:25 PM
Bum deal home girl :(

Jackson told us that when we got in trouble for the tandem drift party in the back, that they had video footage of us, and thats how they knew.

Odd, today that i was thinking of that video and how cool it would be to have it,.

07-29-2011, 12:06 AM
Sucks. Hope u catch those mother fuckers!

07-29-2011, 04:29 AM
geez. i swear people need to learn how to buy their own shit. i know how you feel denise... :/ and sorry it happened.

unfortunately its a "gated" complex but...not really. jackson's wheels have also been stolen from here and there's someone shady within, since you cant see into the "back" where her car was parked.

sorry again dennis :'( get at me if u need anything. you'll see in the coming weeks, this was a blessing in disguise....new wheels..new suspension...new seats..deeuummm.

07-29-2011, 04:43 AM
sorry i was at sonic motors when i saw you giving report to the officer really sorry to see silvias ending up like stupid hondas

07-29-2011, 09:13 AM
Wow Denise, sorry to hear. I'll keep a lookout on Craigslist as well

07-29-2011, 09:47 AM
I say in like a couple weeks or something. Set up a sting... If things have been stolen there more than once, leave a car in the same vicinity. Have like you and 30 other people (I'm sure you can get more from Zilvia alone) to just chill on the roof or in the building watching the car for like a week straight. See ANYONE even remotely walk towards the car(at a suspicious hour), corner them and question them.

Or something of this matter. Might or not be someone who is on this website, looks as though they just took anything that was "shiny".

07-29-2011, 12:30 PM
I dont know Denise personally, but I know people who know her. Maybe someone can set up a donation fund, and everyone can pitch her $20 each to help her get her car back on the road. I've had my tools stolen, and its heart breaking.

I'm really sorry for your loss Denise, will insurance cover any of this?

07-29-2011, 01:04 PM
thank you everyone for your support. im planning to bring car back better and faster. and i'm going to take extra precautionary measures with it too. so far, no word yet.

07-29-2011, 01:11 PM
dammm that sucks ill keep an eye out for your stuff

07-29-2011, 02:06 PM
WOW. these dumbasses really couldn't afford a goodspeed catch can or a sonic motors bucket? They probably steal the free pennies at cashier registers too.

07-29-2011, 02:49 PM
i know people in BP...Ill hit em up and see if they heard anything

07-29-2011, 03:10 PM
Sucks to hear, I definitely agree with the sting idea, and filming it. I fucking hate thieves and would gladly help rid the streets of someone so useless they can't work for their own shit.

07-29-2011, 06:39 PM
wow sorry to hear this, saw it shared on facebook, im one of your boy daniel kuo's friends btw.

A sting setup sounds like a good idea, talk with the shop and see if they will agree with it. Could be that honda person you mentioned, those parts could easily go onto a honda

Speed Junky
07-29-2011, 07:07 PM
wow sorry to hear this, saw it shared on facebook, im one of your boy daniel kuo's friends btw.

A sting setup sounds like a good idea, talk with the shop and see if they will agree with it. Could be that honda person you mentioned, those parts could easily go onto a honda


That sucks, I hope you catch these thieves.

Lots of grimy sh!t goin on these days..

07-30-2011, 01:32 AM
i just found out about this D...i reposted on my FB... this shit is fucked up...

07-30-2011, 02:08 AM
Yeah Steve, so messed up. So within the last month, I have heard of 3 cars either getting stripped or stolen. Glad we have cameras on my lot. Theft is definitely on the rise around this part of town. I swear if they come by my shop.... I'll string them up and Denise get first ups at the piƱata.

Hope the s14 struts helped with the move. If I have anything else you need lYing around at the shop, its yours.

GR Performance

07-30-2011, 04:35 AM
thanks Mario for the struts.. I got the car rolling and we towed it to my shop. I figure were going to clean it up, and make the car better than before.

07-30-2011, 09:37 AM
sorry to hear denise. to many fucktards in the scene who don't respect one another.

07-30-2011, 11:44 AM
Sorry Denise, that sucks.

Posted on the Socal homepage as well.

07-30-2011, 01:22 PM
Thanks guys for all the help. I'm parts hunting today for stuff I need to get my car back together. I sure hope I do t end up buying my own stuff.

07-30-2011, 05:05 PM
Im so sorry for your loss. Karma is a bitch for those thieves when they get theres. All thieves should get their balls smashed by a size 11 Timberlands.
Onto the car, these must have been some rookie ass thieves, cause they left your 5 lug setup, the turbo n fmic? N they only took the front pair of coils n not the rears? Why didnt they just take the whole car (not that I condone that at all, I hate thieves wit a passion, faggots cant earn their shit so they steal it)...might be some hater who just wants to smite ya.
I feel ya on how mad, sad n upset you are (we all been vixtims on these gay situation and it SUCKSSS HAIRY NUT SACKZ), but the bright side of things is you still have the car in hopefully functioning motor condition cause those things stolen is still manageble, but still sad bullshit cause got to replace stuff u already had checked off on your to-do list

07-30-2011, 05:23 PM
For all you know, someone who jacked your shit could be showing there sympathy for you in this thread. Lol and there also is no such thing as karma^

07-30-2011, 05:44 PM
For all you know, someone who jacked your shit could be showing there sympathy for you in this thread. Lol and there also is no such thing as karma^

^ Suspect #1 :hide:

07-30-2011, 06:14 PM
Yeah I totally did steal all of her shit.

07-30-2011, 09:12 PM
Really, Im not pointing fingers. I'm at fault too for leaving my car there in the first place. Just sucks that I was wrong in thinking it was a safe place to leave my car. All I can do really is pick up the pieces and move on. But trust me, if I ever find those thieves, I will show no mercy.

07-30-2011, 09:22 PM
Op it wasn't me, I was playing. Cause I live in texas. But good luck to you and I hope you find the culprit.

07-30-2011, 09:49 PM
Op it wasn't me, I was playing. Cause I live in texas. But good luck to you and I hope you find the culprit.

Lol dont sweat it. I wasn't blaming u or anyone on this thread. I appreciate everyone's support. ^_^

07-31-2011, 01:11 AM
I just realized that those bastards stole my spare wheel, my toolbag and DK's XDC helmet too. ughhh frustration is back up to 97%...

07-31-2011, 08:18 PM
post a pic of dk XDC helmet might help

07-31-2011, 10:49 PM
It's just a black helmet that's SA rated. We need to get a dk a new one before xdc round 6 in 2 weeks.

08-03-2011, 05:45 PM
If you need another intake housing let me know what size. I might have it.

08-03-2011, 10:23 PM
I heard about that, I was going to ask you at sideways suday if you had asked around local businesses to see if any of them had cameras that could catch 'em leaving but I didn't want to bring up bad memories. Good luck, I hope the popo dusted for prints

08-04-2011, 01:56 PM
does anyone have that adapter plate thing for the intake to go onto the MAF? i need one...

Dorifto Machine
08-19-2011, 09:42 PM
does anyone have that adapter plate thing for the intake to go onto the MAF? i need one...

I might have one laying around needs the holes drilled out on the corners but works fine. PM me if your interested.

Take Care


08-20-2011, 12:45 PM
I didn't forget about you, I found the maf pigtail, it's a three wire, one solid black wire one black wire with a white stripe and a solid white wire, pm your email and I can send you a pic, if it's right then I will send it to you

12-01-2011, 12:29 PM
someone found my wheels on craigslist! what should i do, call the cops or....??

5ZIGEN FN01RC 17x9 +15 5-114 Hyper Black (http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/2678241363.html)

I have pictures that prove those were indeed mine. what should i do???

12-01-2011, 12:35 PM
someone found my wheels on craigslist! what should i do, call the cops or....??

5ZIGEN FN01RC 17x9 +15 5-114 Hyper Black (http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/2678241363.html)

I have pictures that prove those were indeed mine. what should i do???
They make it so obvious "front for 240sx s14" id say go & destroy them!

12-01-2011, 12:36 PM
someone found my wheels on craigslist! what should i do, call the cops or....??

5ZIGEN FN01RC 17x9 +15 5-114 Hyper Black (http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/2678241363.html)

I have pictures that prove those were indeed mine. what should i do???
call the cops!!!! contact seller like if you are interested and want to check them out...thecops will usually go with you..once you confirm they are yours..they will arrest the seller...they will tell you to meet up with this person selling them.....dont sleep on it before someone else buys them

drift freaq
12-01-2011, 12:40 PM
someone found my wheels on craigslist! what should i do, call the cops or....??

5ZIGEN FN01RC 17x9 +15 5-114 Hyper Black (http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/pts/2678241363.html)

I have pictures that prove those were indeed mine. what should i do???

Get a couple of friends together. Have the police phone number on hand for backup. Call the person make a deal with them to get the wheels. Go over there with your friends with the pics, look at the wheels. Show the pics to the seller and state the fact they were stolen from you and here is the proof and the seller has two ways to handle it. They can either just turn the wheels over to you or you can call the cops and get them involved as well.

Chances are they will opt to hand over the wheels. Mike from Clear Corners went through a similar situation with a set of wheels stolen from him. He got his wheels back.

Good luck and persevere.

12-01-2011, 01:26 PM
better hurry fast that price is cheap

Dorifto Machine
12-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Wow. Definetly get law enforcement involved. Could link you to all of your other items stolen! Let us know how it turns out.

12-04-2011, 09:11 AM
$50 fucking dollers? Wow. Sorry for your loss!

12-04-2011, 01:56 PM
fuck the people who stole your shit. i cant believe they are trying to sale them for 50 dollars. must be some crackheads...like really thieves need to stop stealing from average people who work hard.

instead they should try wal-mart or some other multi billion dollar corp.

12-21-2011, 06:56 PM
well, i gave the info to the cops (who did nothing, big surprise there) and i had a couple of people contact them. Apparently they are a shop and they only have 1 wheel because they had previous sold the other. man, all that trouble for 1 wheel? i just let it go, it feels like a lost cause. hopefully karma will get those theives. thanks for the advice guys.

12-21-2011, 07:14 PM
What was the name of the shop?

01-05-2012, 04:52 PM
o_O how did i miss this? i fucking hate thieves! sry denise... it sucks getting your stuff stolen. :( its really crappy that law enforcement won't help you get your stuff back. you can always do what this one lady did. it was in the news about a month ago. someone stole her bike and posted it on craigslist. she called about it, went to see it and asked if she could take a ride on it. she took off on the bike and never looked back. lol.

01-05-2012, 06:48 PM
What was the name of the shop?
*cough cough*

01-15-2012, 10:13 PM
orlando has been getting hit hard. i just got my car stolen lastnight out in the ucf/avalon park area :/

01-16-2012, 12:42 PM
I hate theives, sorry for your loss

hopefully these Dbags get caught

01-16-2012, 01:15 PM
well, i gave the info to the cops (who did nothing, big surprise there) and i had a couple of people contact them. Apparently they are a shop and they only have 1 wheel because they had previous sold the other. man, all that trouble for 1 wheel? i just let it go, it feels like a lost cause. hopefully karma will get those theives. thanks for the advice guys.

Wow... if it is indeed a shop selling your stolen wheels, all the better, they'll have to give up the people that they got them from, or risk being completely shut down by the police...

Hope you get your goods back, never fun working your ass off for nothing