View Full Version : Mynismo314

07-27-2011, 05:21 PM
So in this guys fs thread it says that he is parting out his car, i opted to buy his "s15 t28". I Sent payment and the item was shipped promptly. I recieved said item today, when i opened te first thing i noticed was that the turbo elbow was actualy welded to the turbo itself. I also noticed that the stamping on the turbo read A/R42 M24 1-2. I knew that something was off because t28's are stamped A/R60. I immediatly went to look at the part number, and to my surprise the plate with the part number was cut in half. I googled the stampings and come to find that this turbo is from an RB motor and that this turbo is in fact a smaller trim than an s15 t28. I immediately ltxted him and his response was that he was told it was an s15 t28. I told him that i had looked online and that the turbo he claimed was an s15 t28 was in fact a smaller non ball bearing t28. I asked for a refund and his reply was " O sorry already spent the money, file a claim if you want, you wont get anything." so im assed out $450 and i have a useless t28 in my possesion. I will post picks of te welded elbos and the plate thats cut in half later, ive filed a claim with paypal in hopes of getting something back, although im pretty much counting rhis as a loss.

07-27-2011, 05:26 PM



07-27-2011, 06:49 PM
So, you never asked for pictures before you bought it?

07-29-2011, 07:49 PM
The seller has been contacted with a link to review the claim being made against him. He is not to post in the thread only respond to me with his side of the story. He has 5 days to respond to me.

07-30-2011, 10:11 AM
So, you never asked for pictures before you bought it?

you cant see the turbo clearly in the pics on his thread, and i admit i jumped the gun when i bought this turbo. which is why im counting this a loss. still he could have told me about the welded elbow, how do you leave a detail like that out, ill probably just resell this as an rb t28 and get what i can out of it, or maybe use it for a ka-t project idk, either way like i said its a loss and im a believer in karma, he could have made this right and he chose not to. $450 is not alot of money to me, i was looking for a deal and i thought i had found one, i guess not. like i told some friends, i guess now im only buying localy or from shops. Also i saw that his post got removed, send me a pic or a screen shot of you telling me the elbow was welded on, i have screen shots of our entire texting conversation on my iphone, ill gladly post them after i upload the picturs, they are time stamped and dated.

07-30-2011, 10:27 AM







07-30-2011, 11:30 PM
Just because you were not smart enoughto look up your turbo, doesnt mean that you can go ripping people off. You need to refund him the full amount, you were proven dead wrong.

07-30-2011, 11:53 PM
For posting twice in this thread when instructed not to, until this issue is resolved the seller's market place privileges have been removed.

07-31-2011, 06:53 PM
i bought from him w/ no problem, he answered all my questions honestly and recent pics were provided of items i was going to buy and he shipped out fast once payment was recieved...

07-31-2011, 08:20 PM
i bought from him w/ no problem, he answered all my questions honestly and recent pics were provided of items i was going to buy and he shipped out fast once payment was recieved...

i got my items in a reasonable time as well, like i stated my only problem was the fact that turbo wasn't an s15 turbo as stated and the turbo elbow was welded onto the turbo. i received an email today from Paypal saying that he offered me a refund of $63.50, obviously this isn't the amount i spent on the turbo. just wanted it to be known that he offered me a refund.

07-31-2011, 08:53 PM
i got my items in a reasonable time as well, like i stated my only problem was the fact that turbo wasn't an s15 turbo as stated and the turbo elbow was welded onto the turbo. i received an email today from Paypal saying that he offered me a refund of $63.50, obviously this isn't the amount i spent on the turbo. just wanted it to be known that he offered me a refund.

Noted, if he resolves the issue with you completely let us know.

07-31-2011, 09:07 PM
Noted, if he resolves the issue with you completely let us know.

will do, thanks again for your help future.