View Full Version : Best man speech ideas?

07-26-2011, 02:43 PM
Well my best friend is getting married next week and I am the best man, so I am writing my speech now (I have had 6 months and of course I put it off until the last minute) and would like to hear some ideas. Especially if you have been a best man before, what did you do? I have been looking online and watching youtube videos, many of them repeat the same thing. People say the speech should be about 5 minutes and after timing myself I am at around 2:45 right now.

I already know I am going to close it up with a traditional Italian wedding blessing thing since he is from an Italian family, and have got introduction, thank yous, and memories out of the way.. Really just looking for more ideas. Any help would be appreciated.

07-26-2011, 02:49 PM
Not to emberrasing story is needed...nothing like "remember the hooker who...", share something sweet/nice that ur bud told u about the girl he is about to marry and how u hope u find someone like that someday etc...

07-26-2011, 02:59 PM
I had to do one about 3 years ago. Mine was roughly 3:30min or so. I didn't want to stand up there and preach and carry on and on about it. I just wanted something short, to the point and good. just write a few differant ones. and see what you like about each one, then make 1 good one.

07-26-2011, 03:02 PM
Look up on you tube.

Old school true love is blind.

Copy word for word

07-26-2011, 03:12 PM
5 minutes is a reeeally long speech. I say keep it short and sweet. Don't bore everyone!

07-26-2011, 03:21 PM
yeah, I'm not going to say anything embarrassing, the only thing I really have that makes fun of him is 'he is still as tall as he was in 6th grade' since he is the shortest out of our group of friends (he is like 5'8"-10" we are all 6'1") and going to somehow tie in that joke about wrapping this speech up 'short' or something. Right now I need to write about the couple since I have memories of him and our friendship pretty much finished up. They have been together since high school and it is his first girlfriend, so I know I need to mention that. I am still looking for advice on anything and everything though.. still good to have

07-26-2011, 03:24 PM
Here you go:

Best man speeches and best man speech material (http://www.thebestmanspeech.com/)


07-26-2011, 06:27 PM
This is it...


07-26-2011, 11:35 PM
speak from the heart brotha.... free style that shit

07-26-2011, 11:37 PM
I think I took a whole minute of everyone's time.

Told them they were great friends, that they had support and I was happy for them.

Now they're divorced.

07-27-2011, 12:06 AM
keep it down to a minute or so, nobody wants to listen to that shit. hey bro, you're my bro, remember cancun when we drank all those tecates? holy shit bro you were my bro then and you're my bro now. ctrl+P that's a wrap

07-27-2011, 12:06 AM
Lol at the mgd commercial, I hope I don't make any dumb mistakes like that. I hate public speaking.

I think I have it about wrapped up, thanks for all the advice and the website. I have about 5 pages of my sloppy double, or triple, spaced writing and scratched out ideas. Which should translate into 2/3-1 page typed out. Went: Introduction->Thank yous->Memories and funny stories->Meets girlfriend and finds love->Best wishes.

Hopefully this couple makes it, but I know the odds of marriages lasting now days.

Thanks again everyone.

Anyone ever totally screw up a best man speech? That may be funny and help me at what not to do, haha.

07-28-2011, 10:45 PM
I completely blacked out, mentioned something along the lines of "hope you don't die". Not the best speech ever, but ehh I think everyone got the point.

07-29-2011, 11:19 AM
been to my fair share of weddings~ and by far the best speech i've ever heard online or in person is when the best man actually kept the aim conversation records between him and the groom talking about the then girl he met...

it was like 10 minutes long but everyone was bustin up the whole time cuz you knew it was really embarassing for the groom but yet still sweet for everyone including the bride to enjoy.

i would suggest against the short joke since it really isn't the time to roast the dude but to make light of his possible shortcomings (no pun intended) and turn it into something positive for them as a couple... for example "the groom always shoots his mouth off getting on everyone's nerves (ppl would laugh) but all of his friends knew you were the one for him when he couldn't shutup shooting his mouth about how awesoe of a girl you were when you guys first met" . . . or something along those lines.

my 2cents

07-29-2011, 11:24 AM
FUCK!! Help! I just got asked to write a best man speech for my sister's wedding TOMORROW. What is your best joke/one-liner that grandma can hear? : AskReddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/iww3i/fuck_help_i_just_got_asked_to_write_a_best_man/)

07-29-2011, 10:44 PM
Mine started like so.... For the last 5 minutes I been thinking about what to say, I knew I should have been ready.... And so on! Totally wing it

07-30-2011, 03:45 AM
The OP figured out what he was gonna say obviously but for anyone else. I thought the same was let me start with a google template. But your were obviously chosen because you know this person well, so the cookie templates IMO will ruin it. Just think back on the times you had and I personally threw in the way he changed when he met his wife. Just write down memories rehearse(sp?) and cut. Throw in jokes if the family is normal, if there uptight watch what you say. No one remembers the time on something inspirational only shit that bored them. Doesn't matter how long or short it is if its good.

07-30-2011, 11:30 AM
keep it down to a minute or so, nobody wants to listen to that shit.

God damn truth, your lives aren't interesting enough to fill up 5 minutes of my life.

Get up there and dance like a good monkey, tell a joke about his awkwardly shaped penis and how you saw it for the first time, and finally tell him his new wife is better looking than all the slores he used to pound in the back of his van and be done with it.

07-30-2011, 11:38 AM
FUCK!! Help! I just got asked to write a best man speech for my sister's wedding TOMORROW. What is your best joke/one-liner that grandma can hear? : AskReddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/iww3i/fuck_help_i_just_got_asked_to_write_a_best_man/)

Good read, enjoyed it.

07-30-2011, 11:49 PM
Yeah, mr_eh, that link actually helped, even though I finished writing my speech I went back and changed a few things because of that, so thank you.

I will admit that 5 minutes is a bit long, and since editing it a bit it should be shorter, probably like 3 1/2. Some coworkers read it and said it is good, so hopefully all goes well.