View Full Version : Front Sway Bar

11-11-2003, 01:58 PM
I purchased a project fasback awhile ago for $100 and i was pleased to find out it had a beefy front sway bar, now i am in the process of removing it so that i can put it on my daily driver, i was wondering if any of you can tell me what type it is just by my description, its like an inch thick, the little bushings that hold it to the frame are red. there are 4 little bushing things that connect it to tthe suspension on both sides, sorry i cant get pics but if anyone can tell me what type it is? and where i can buy some replacement bushings? thanks

11-11-2003, 01:59 PM
red bushigns? probably Suspension Techniques

is the sway bar greyish?

11-11-2003, 02:06 PM
it was grey with a little bit of fine sanding it is shiny chrome i seem to remmeber the guy saying it was whiteline but i dont knoew

11-11-2003, 02:09 PM
nah whiteline is blue with yellow bushings

suspension tech. is greyish/silvery adn has red bushings

11-11-2003, 02:13 PM
cool thanks