View Full Version : Terrorist bombing in Olso, Norway

07-23-2011, 01:07 PM
well i did write up a nice report on this, but this dumb computer at work decided to crash.
so im just gonna leave you with a link and let you read about it.
its pretty fucked up..

Police: At least 87 dead in mass shooting, bombing in Norway - CNN.com (http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/07/22/norway.explosion/index.html?hpt=hp_t1)

07-23-2011, 02:22 PM
It's strange, at first the media was saying that a Muslim group took credit for this now today they are saying one white Norwegian male did the bombing and shot all of those children. Who knows what is the truth any more?

07-23-2011, 02:24 PM
The media jumped to the "Muslim" conclusion, as with all terror attacks. He was a white right wing extremist. There's unconfirmed reports of a dark haired accomplice on the island.

07-23-2011, 02:24 PM
^ was just reading an article about that

The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/07/23/nyt/index.html)

07-23-2011, 02:30 PM
Have you read his manifesto? This shit is CRAZY! I'm reading this, and it's making me worried. This guy wants to restart the crusades. People have this document now, it's in the public realm. Some kid getting bullied at school without a cause in life is gonna lap this shit up.

In no way do I think he deserves a soapbox. Beyond professional analysis and basic motives, his opinion should not be publicized. He should not have any access to media interview and any of his rants during trial should remain confidential. This prick deserves no publicity.

What it does provide is closure for some family members. He should be forced to listen to the condemnation of those who he's affected. One after the other. I doubt there would be a shred of remorse but at least he should be forced to face the consequences of his actions. Suicide denies this justice. Then he can die. If capital punishment isn't an option, lifetime imprisonment will do.

07-23-2011, 07:16 PM
Have you read his manifesto? This shit is CRAZY! I'm reading this, and it's making me worried. This guy wants to restart the crusades. People have this document now, it's in the public realm. Some kid getting bullied at school without a cause in life is gonna lap this shit up.

In no way do I think he deserves a soapbox. Beyond professional analysis and basic motives, his opinion should not be publicized. He should not have any access to media interview and any of his rants during trial should remain confidential. This prick deserves no publicity.

What it does provide is closure for some family members. He should be forced to listen to the condemnation of those who he's affected. One after the other. I doubt there would be a shred of remorse but at least he should be forced to face the consequences of his actions. Suicide denies this justice. Then he can die. If capital punishment isn't an option, lifetime imprisonment will do.
thus is why im atheist. religion is just used many times to "justify" murder and war. the crusades, and psychos like this are prime examples.

drift freaq
07-23-2011, 07:45 PM
thus is why im atheist. religion is just used many times to "justify" murder and war. the crusades, and psychos like this are prime examples.

Blaming Religion for the worlds problems is ridiculous. Man is the source of the Worlds problems. I have seen atheists do just as crazy shit. Claiming that religion is the cause of all the worlds problems is ridiculous.

Seriously I am not really into religion. I do have my eyes wide open though and realize that man himself is the cause of his own problems. Blaming it on a particular belief is a cop out.

There were many things that have happened in Norway that lead to speculation of muslim terrorism. Apparently it was not. Though your statement above is painted with pretty broad strokes.

Oh and this no disrespect for you just my opinion.

07-23-2011, 07:51 PM
war is human. religion is human. i never said that BECAUSE of religions we have wars (tho the Sunnis and Shiites have been a war for centuries because of religion). i just stated that people use religion to JUSTIFY wars.

the crusades is one example. they used religion and "god" as a justification, rather than stating they wanted more land and whatnot.
instead, why not man up like alexander the great, and conquer people because u want to, not because "god told u to".
in no way do i support war, unless its completely necessary. id rather talk things out like civil human beings if possible. however, sometimes war is necessary if its for the betterment of the people

im fully aware that we humans are dumbasses who will probably one day destroy ourselves. im just saying that religion fuels the fire.

drift freaq
07-23-2011, 08:00 PM
war is human. religion is human. i never said that BECAUSE of religions we have wars (tho the Sunnis and Shiites have been a war for centuries because of religion). i just stated that people use religion to JUSTIFY wars.

the crusades is one example. they used religion and "god" as a justification, rather than stating they wanted more land and whatnot.
instead, why not man up like alexander the great, and conquer people because u want to, not because "god told u to".
in no way do i support war, unless its completely necessary. id rather talk things out like civil human beings if possible. however, sometimes war is necessary if its for the betterment of the people

im fully aware that we humans are dumbasses who will probably one day destroy ourselves. im just saying that religion fuels the fire.

I think we are getting off topic here. This is about the Norway bombings. Not about man using Religion to justify shit. Or Religions being the bane of mans existence.

That is all stuff for loud noises.

07-23-2011, 09:46 PM
ur right. my apologies XD

07-23-2011, 09:57 PM
My cousin was supposed to be at that youth Camp. Good thing she didn't attend. 4 of her friends are missing now.