View Full Version : How BAD do you hate your JOB?

07-21-2011, 06:23 AM
I was just wondering how bad do some people hate their jobs, from 1-10.

I'm an Infantryman in the army, and I hate my job, like a 10 for sure, how about you guys.

What do you hate about it?

07-21-2011, 06:41 AM
I rarely hear of enlisted folks complain how they hate their jobs until they’re sent to the sandbox away from their families.
I mean, you have a (mostly) guaranteed paycheck, get discounts on about anything you could want or need, amazing benefits for you and your dependents, housing can be provided in most cases and people respect you for what you do. When you’re done, you have a nice pension and a lifetime of those benefits extended.
Fuck, when I see a uniformed member of the military in public, I THANK them.
You’ll learn to hate a job when you have more and more of someone else’s shit piled on you as a means of keeping you busy enough to stave off a layoff. You’ll learn to hate a job when porous reasoning for half-ass training and unfair compensation for said duties are things you just fucking deal with to make sure your bills are paid. You’ll learn to hate a job when you’re exposed daily to passive aggressive micromanagement. It is normal to hate passive aggressiveness and micromanaging separately, but together they will make you want to scream.
And to think, the options for civilians are worsening as jobs dry up.
I won’t place a number on how much I might happen to dislike my job, because it pays my mortgage and feeds my daughter. There are people who don’t have that.

07-21-2011, 06:48 AM
I don't hate my job at all, just bored. I am a deskside technician, I also do the weekend thing as a deskside tech with the USAFR.
So I'd say a 1-2.

If you hate your job so much OP then maybe you should change your MOS, AFSC, or whatever they call it in the army when you re-enlist. Thats what I did and I couldn't be happier.

Honestly you'd be better off with a job that teaches you a skill you can use in the civilian world, I mean I guess you could be a cop or a prison guard, but if you don't like your current job I'm not sure you'd like those either.

07-21-2011, 07:34 AM
I hate my job because they outsourced all the jobs of the people i used to work with to India after those guys all quit to go to better jobs. Also the India staff is not properly trained, suck at communication, refuse to listen when i have a suggestion(yet ask me what to do about things that i know nothing about because they arent my job,) and tend to repeat every message they send and say things are urgent when they really arent.

Also I am incredibly bored. I might go back to working retail honestly.

07-21-2011, 07:37 AM
those are good points, yeah i have a steady paycheck, good benefits, but that does not keep me from hating it, i just wish i would picked a different job in the military.

in the army being a soldier and being an infantryman is a whole different thing. an infantryman is a soldier but not all soldiers are infantryman for a reason, not all soldiers deal with the bullshit we deal with.

we actually train hard, for a long time, under the worst conditions, get treated like shit by the whole army, our uniforms always have to look sharp, one example when deployed we go out on missions that take days, come back to the fob forward operating base, all we want to do is eat real food and rest, well after we are done with all of equipment clean up, we go to the eating place we call it dfac, and there is always a bunch of fat high ranking fobbits= people that are not infantry and they never do shit not even get out the wire always stay in the fob eating burger king and shit telling you that your uniform is dirty or your pants are ripped, giving you shit about the smallest details, and all you want is a bite of real food cause u been eating MRE dehydrated food for days, then go take a shower and go to sleep.

its shit like that drives me crazy, we are always expected to work harder, faster, better, and we get treated like shit, some shit we go thru am not even aloud to talk about, the shit that the taxpayers do not know that would blow peoples minds.

i understand the job situation is bad, am just wondering how bad do you hate ur job, not why your lucky to have one

i've not always been in the army i was a civilian before i joined and worked regular jobs earned a college degree, and right now I work hard and get my job done until my contract is over, but I would rather be a freaking homeless for a few years than being in the army. i hate my job a 10

07-21-2011, 07:38 AM
1-10? 15.

- Underpaid and overworked (like 90% of us I'm sure)
- boss LOVES to scream and yell so I will eventually go deaf
- no AC unless the room temperature reaches 90
- no OT pay at all
- list goes on, but those are all I can think of for now.

07-21-2011, 07:41 AM
1-10? 15.

- Underpaid and overworked (like 90% of us I'm sure)
- boss LOVES to scream and yell so I will eventually go deaf
- no AC unless the room temperature reaches 90
- no OT pay at all
- list goes on, but those are all I can think of for now.
no OT pay shit thats illegal unless you're in china ha ha

07-21-2011, 07:50 AM
Easy on all that motivation phlip. You don't get discounts on anything and you are away from you're family regardless of being deployed or not. That steady pay check is enough to make it to the next paycheck. It's only cool to be in the marines if you aren't a marine or you're on leave. You can't plan on doing anything in your free time because you will likely have duty or a formation that wasn't scheduled. There's no such thing as staying home sick. Your room is smaller than a hotel room and you share it with 2-3 other people that come from low income homes and don't know what hygiene is or how to pickup after themselves. Your room is subject to be searched and often is as if you are a felon in prison not serving your country. You can't own anything nice because it will be stolen eventually. The laundry machines don't work and the one that does is always full because literally 40 people are sharing it. It's better than being homeless I suppose. Also if you stay in for 20 years you get half of your pay for the rest of your life which isn't enough to sustain your lifestyle and family so you have to work at mcdonalds because you don't have an education from college because although you can attend college for free your commander has to sign off on it meaning that sometimes you will be missing training because of class. So they turned down 14 out of 15 of us who signed up. The one that got to attend college for one semester was a pregnant chick who seemed to become pregnant right before each deployment. The best thing that came out of the marines for me was that I learned good work ethic and the gi bill is absolutely amazing. School completely paid for plus 1200 a month for housing.

07-21-2011, 07:51 AM
if you dont like your job quit.

07-21-2011, 07:58 AM
Quit the military? Please explain because in my 4 years the only thing that guys got for quitting was being in longer lol.

07-21-2011, 08:00 AM

-Work with a bunch of union workers yet I myself am not covered by the union because I am only a "student"
-Got screwed out of easily a couple hundred out of my paycheck because I basically signed an agreement saying "hey, if they fuck my shit up they dont have to fix it"
-No overtime pay
-No paid holidays
-No accumulated sick or vacation leave
-Is SUPPOSED to be an internship type job yet I am months away from being kicked to the curb with no connections whatsoever.

07-21-2011, 08:04 AM
if you dont like your job quit.
if I quit is like quitting at every future job during the interview, am not sure where a dishonorable discharge will take, I hate my job, but am still a man and give my word to serve my contract so i'll finish it, if I dont get blown the f*** out

07-21-2011, 08:19 AM
no OT pay shit thats illegal unless you're in china ha ha

Seriously. When I worked at Sam's Club as a cashier a few years back, they would work us through our breaks and move our hours around to not pay us OT.

Class action lawsuit was filed and everyone who was employed during that time period was paid. I didn't find out about the lawsuit until a year after I quit. Just got a random letter in the mail stating they were getting sued. They gave me right around $1,000 in the settlement.

The same thing happened to my older brother when he worked for UPS and to my girlfriend when she worked at Subway. Older brother received right around the same amount I did and they're still working on the Subway lawsuit.

I was never one to complain about these things because like Phlip stated, it pays for things and some people don't have that. Just hope these companies learn from this and give people the pay they deserve.

The only job I hated was Pizza Hut (had been unemployed for quite some time and wanted to get a temp job), but I was literally there for only a day. The neighborhoods were bad and all of the stories the employees were telling me on the first day made me think twice about it. I wasn't about to risk getting robbed at gunpoint for a measly $20-$30.

Every other job I've had has been cool. Co-workers were fun to be around with and management wasn't bad. Current job is definitely at 0. Absolutely love it.

07-21-2011, 08:30 AM
OP if you have a college degree why did you choose the job that has the lowest ASVAB requirements?

I think its also the most populated career field in the military.

07-21-2011, 08:47 AM
I'm 22 my jobs boring but it pays for my bills and expenses
On a slow day I sit on my ass and clip shit off a product. On a fast day I'm either hammering away at a Bose speaker cover or snapping rings on a disc. Simple shit really... I work graveyard so I get paid extra as well Oh! And my managers are all pretty chill. The only thing they complain about is being on the phone or listening to music. I work usually 32-48 hours a week, depending how I feel really.

So I hate my job 2 out of 10.

07-21-2011, 08:48 AM
no OT pay shit thats illegal unless you're in china ha ha

I work for a Chinese company and for a Chinese boss. LMAO

The OT that we work goes towards our 'vacation days'. More OT you work, more vacation days you can get.

I'm supposed to be working on an upcoming Saturday for a few hours for some event. Going to talk to the boss about this one. I signed a contract stating normal work hours are 9-6pm M-F. If I have to work on a Saturday, I better be getting 1.5x of SOMETHING. I am non-exempt from OT pay according to my job title (not sure about responsibilities since everything gets thrown my way anyway).

07-21-2011, 09:05 AM
I work at a dealership, its only a part time job while I'm in school, but recently things have worse. So I'd say 7 out of 10.
I don't get paid enough and I'm outside in the heat all day. But the worst part is the manager, which has no clue how to run a service department, and thinks everything she does is right and everyone else is wrong.

Only good part is I get to work on my car in the shop when the manager leaves.

07-21-2011, 09:09 AM
no OT pay shit thats illegal unless you're in china ha ha

it depends what you consider OT.

I work for a defense contractor, and my OT is about 80% of my normal pay (lowest salary of same paygrade). I pretty much consider that no OT eventho i hit it by an hour or two weekly.

and i dont hate my job since thats the topic of hte thread. 2-3.

07-21-2011, 09:16 AM
Salaried jobs that don't pay OT keep many large businesses going. My old job (mainframe programming) was nothing to work 70-80 hrs a week during the busy season and be in all weekend, no OT at all.

Current one isnt too bad, hardly ever work more than 40hrs/week (though I still wouldn't get OT pay if I did work more), and only worked for about 1 hr on one Saturday in my 4yrs+ here, so never any weekends. Just wished the pay was higher, too many salary freezes and slow/hard to find carreer progression.

07-21-2011, 09:42 AM
OP if you have a college degree why did you choose the job that has the lowest ASVAB requirements?

I think its also the most populated career field in the military.
when I get out i'm gona apply with some federal law enforcement agencies thats what I always wanted to, i got a BS in criminal justice, i wanted 4 years of combat arms experience federal agencies prefer combat arms experience, i figure a lot of people apply with just college other apply with just military experience, if i have both i got better chances.

I have gained a lot of skills, and a dude shooting at me with an 9mm dont really scare me anymore compared to the shit we are exposed to here

07-21-2011, 10:03 AM
I currently don't have a job... so I hate that :mad:

07-21-2011, 10:10 AM
I hate my job it's probably a 10 at this point I work with lazy people that cannot speak English in a store where the primary customers only speak English. But even though I hate it it really doesn't phase me seeing this is just a temporary job while I'm in college and will not be my career. Also they don't give ot or time and a half on major holidays

07-21-2011, 10:13 AM
1-10? 15.

- Underpaid and overworked (like 90% of us I'm sure)
- boss LOVES to scream and yell so I will eventually go deaf
- no AC unless the room temperature reaches 90
- no OT pay at all
- list goes on, but those are all I can think of for now.

I can relate to this on point...fucking hate my job the only reason why I'm still here is because the hours work with my schedule during the week......

07-21-2011, 10:18 AM
This makes me feel better about my jobs since I can honestly say I've never worked a job that I hated. I've worked as a service tech at a few dealerships, most of them were always laid back. Done graphic design for a good while, vinyl/wrap installs and the worse thing about that is being out in the heat. Since I was a contract worker I was paid per job, not by hour so it was worth it. I've worked in restaurants in the past too and loved it, those were the most laid back jobs I've ever had. Now I work half in a graphics shop and half in a performance shop. 10am-4pm I sit in the a/c dealing with maybe 4 customers a day, sitting on the internet, hustling parts online and making decals. After 6pm I'm out in the shop working on customers cars (usually s-chassis), friends cars, or my own and I get paid on what I do.

So my hatred level for my job... 1/10 The only thing I hate is the heat, so I work around it.

07-21-2011, 10:24 AM
I am about to be laid off and am in a pretty bad situation. As long as you have a stable occupation enjoy the paycheck. At least you wont be evicted.

07-21-2011, 10:27 AM
I run a sports store part time while I'm finishing up college. It's great, I spend most of my time browsing Zilvia. 100% flexible with my schedule. I can work 40 hours a week or 20 (and anything in between). Overtime pay is time and a half. Pay isn't that great but it gets the bills paid.

07-21-2011, 10:30 AM
Currently a call center rep for a popular gaming company.

I spend a lot of my time sitting here talking to idiots. I'm actually talking to one now.

Pay isn't great, but it pays the bills.

Rating is probably a 4/10 on the scale.

07-21-2011, 10:49 AM
Currently a call center rep for a popular gaming company.

I spend a lot of my time sitting here talking to idiots. I'm actually talking to one now.

Pay isn't great, but it pays the bills.

Rating is probably a 4/10 on the scale.

i had a call center job, it sucked having to deal with stupid people but we got 1 month paid vacation every year and double time and a half if you worked holidays. that made up for it.

07-21-2011, 11:14 AM
I hate the ever-loving shit out of my job.

But you know what? It's a fucking job.

07-21-2011, 11:26 AM
I love my job. When I work.

so 1/10.

07-21-2011, 11:26 AM
I like this thread.

I was going strong at pharmacy school with a 4.0 GPA with 2 more years to go but I'm putting that aside (and the $110,000 per year salary) to work at a website development firm.

We're a start up company so I'm working based on stock percentage (that means I don't get paid). I work 8 days a week and sometimes don't get home until 2~3am but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT.

Most around me say that this is the stupidest decision I've ever made... but I don't give a flying fuck. What I'm learning now...working the logistics of a start up business... I wouldn't be able to learn at a 90k/year business school.

You just gotta find something you love doing so much that you'd do it for free... and then find someone to pay you to do it.

07-21-2011, 11:27 AM
IM currently jobless, but my last job was working at IKEA head quarters where i recorded how many trucks were dropping off and how much product and helping unload then strapping the product to crates... First month was ok cuz it was a new job, but after the same thing every day i was just growing more and more tired of it and putting in less effort. even though i was getting an alright pay i just lost interest. Ive learned.. if you have a job you dont enjoy you will either get fired or quit or laid off...

next job i look for is going to be something that ill somewhat enjoy because i want to be able to last and not get tired f the same routine. I really would like a desk job because usually at home im on the computer allllll day but unfortunately usually when you start at a job you cant just start at a job like that you gotta work up to it.... ohh well

07-21-2011, 11:33 AM
I love my job

07-21-2011, 11:57 AM
I think the only job i regret getting fired from was when i was 15, at the time i was into motocross and nothing else mattered.. and i had an opportunity of a life time. I got a job working with the famous Shin Yoshikawa but if some of you don't know who he is he was one of the main designers for toyota in the 60s and 70's he helped design the toyota 2000 GT IO2k6rloTIg 0:53 the book he wrote him self.

I helped work on both of those cars and 2 others....helping sand down body work.... prep for paint cleaning the shop. He has an amazing collection of cars that ive never seen in america. Im not sure if he was lying at the time but he told me he wanted to teach me to draw and design. And that if he liked the design he would pitch it to a company that fits my cars design and he said if they even said they like it im basically set and that ill have tons of opportunities after that.

He even for my birthday gave me the original paper that Horacio Pagani originally designed the Zonda on.

I technically threw all those opportunities away because i was soo fixed on becoming a professional rider i just thought it wasn't that big of a deal. now that its passed by.. i regret it bad. He doesn't talk to me anymore mainly because i got a toyota supra lol he said he wanted me to get a classic car but i didn't want the problems that typically come with classics.

07-21-2011, 12:06 PM
Jet engine mechanic in the air force... a solid 8. Long hours and shit. I should have gotten a desk job. I'd love sitting on my ass and taking picnics on fridays. Lol

zac 3ne2nr
07-21-2011, 12:27 PM
hate my job, hmm.
It's very stressful. Even when I'm at home and not working , my mind is crunhing through problems. When it comes to that point where it's taking away from my
relaxation time, I start to hate it.
But it's jsut my job.
I don't live for my Job, it provides a means for me to live and pursue the things I do love.
Time is important to me so as good as on-call pay and over time is, I've opted out of those rotations.

07-21-2011, 12:33 PM
It's not my job that i hate, it's the people in charge that i'd like to toss into the ocean. other than that i can't complain-great benefits and all the bullshit is worth it when i open up my check every thursday :)

and it's nice not to be stuck in an office all day-where else can you work and only have to put up with your supervisors and manager for 15 minutes in the morning.

07-21-2011, 01:18 PM
I think the only job i regret getting fired from was when i was 15, at the time i was into motocross and nothing else mattered.. and i had an opportunity of a life time. I got a job working with the famous Shin Yoshikawa but if some of you don't know who he is he was one of the main designers for toyota in the 60s and 70's he helped design the toyota 2000 GT IO2k6rloTIg 0:53 the book he wrote him self.

I helped work on both of those cars and 2 others....helping sand down body work.... prep for paint cleaning the shop. He has an amazing collection of cars that ive never seen in america. Im not sure if he was lying at the time but he told me he wanted to teach me to draw and design. And that if he liked the design he would pitch it to a company that fits my cars design and he said if they even said they like it im basically set and that ill have tons of opportunities after that.

He even for my birthday gave me the original paper that Horacio Pagani originally designed the Zonda on.

I technically threw all those opportunities away because i was soo fixed on becoming a professional rider i just thought it wasn't that big of a deal. now that its passed by.. i regret it bad. He doesn't talk to me anymore mainly because i got a toyota supra lol he said he wanted me to get a classic car but i didn't want the problems that typically come with classics.

im sorry, but youre an idiot...

as for my job, i hate it -2/10

07-21-2011, 01:19 PM
Im a stay home dad and my wife works as a Master Solution Engineer. Why not.

Im gonna be working for DisneyLand Resort for that extra benefits and the free pass so i can travel the world with a discount. Why not. HAHAH

Im lovin it.

07-21-2011, 01:24 PM
Hate my job but cant coplain i dont do shit.

Speed Junky
07-21-2011, 01:42 PM
I rarely hear of enlisted folks complain how they hate their jobs until they’re sent to the sandbox away from their families.
I mean, you have a (mostly) guaranteed paycheck, get discounts on about anything you could want or need, amazing benefits for you and your dependents, housing can be provided in most cases and people respect you for what you do. When you’re done, you have a nice pension and a lifetime of those benefits extended.
Fuck, when I see a uniformed member of the military in public, I THANK them.
You’ll learn to hate a job when you have more and more of someone else’s shit piled on you as a means of keeping you busy enough to stave off a layoff. You’ll learn to hate a job when porous reasoning for half-ass training and unfair compensation for said duties are things you just fucking deal with to make sure your bills are paid. You’ll learn to hate a job when you’re exposed daily to passive aggressive micromanagement. It is normal to hate passive aggressiveness and micromanaging separately, but together they will make you want to scream.
And to think, the options for civilians are worsening as jobs dry up.
I won’t place a number on how much I might happen to dislike my job, because it pays my mortgage and feeds my daughter. There are people who don’t have that.

Easy on all that motivation phlip. You don't get discounts on anything and you are away from you're family regardless of being deployed or not. That steady pay check is enough to make it to the next paycheck. It's only cool to be in the marines if you aren't a marine or you're on leave. You can't plan on doing anything in your free time because you will likely have duty or a formation that wasn't scheduled. There's no such thing as staying home sick. Your room is smaller than a hotel room and you share it with 2-3 other people that come from low income homes and don't know what hygiene is or how to pickup after themselves. Your room is subject to be searched and often is as if you are a felon in prison not serving your country. You can't own anything nice because it will be stolen eventually. The laundry machines don't work and the one that does is always full because literally 40 people are sharing it. It's better than being homeless I suppose. Also if you stay in for 20 years you get half of your pay for the rest of your life which isn't enough to sustain your lifestyle and family so you have to work at mcdonalds because you don't have an education from college because although you can attend college for free your commander has to sign off on it meaning that sometimes you will be missing training because of class. So they turned down 14 out of 15 of us who signed up. The one that got to attend college for one semester was a pregnant chick who seemed to become pregnant right before each deployment. The best thing that came out of the marines for me was that I learned good work ethic and the gi bill is absolutely amazing. School completely paid for plus 1200 a month for housing.

Ya phlip you need to calm down, I don't know who you've talked to but the military(well the Army for me) isn't that great from what you've heard. Fullthrottle pretty much summed it up. To be honest I think it goes: prison, welfare then the military, because sometimes I feel like i'm close to both. Luckily i'm gettin out soon to enjoy the gi bill to finish college. I appreciate you thanking those who serve though, I rarely hear that from civilians.

I would say for me 7. I don't like my job, but I know it's not as bad as infantry. And OP I was a fobbit, but not because I didn't want to go outside the wire, don't generalize, i'm not what you explained at all, but I do hate how the smallest things are the biggest issues in the Army.

07-21-2011, 01:46 PM
i had a call center job, it sucked having to deal with stupid people but we got 1 month paid vacation every year and double time and a half if you worked holidays. that made up for it.

Wow I get zero benefits and they purposely schedule you only 35 hours to prevent any type of overtime pay.

Can't wait till I get out of the U, so I can find a real job.

07-21-2011, 01:54 PM
I have 3 friends in the service, 1 in the navy, 1 in the army, and 1 in the marines.

They love it. Navy guy come home to our hometown every so often when he can. The army guy got his own place near Camp pendleton with his family. My Marine friend got free housing IN Camp Pendleton. They all love it. Sure it has its ups and downs. But all of them cant complain. Just saying, i dont really know what goes down.

07-21-2011, 01:55 PM
I hate my job ... I sit at home, have to be ready for the stock market to open at 6:30am in Los Angeles... Agh hate it... Making peanuts, and I'm off work at 1. Then I have to wonder what the heck to do after agh

zac 3ne2nr
07-21-2011, 02:03 PM
I Then I have to wonder what the heck to do after agh


07-21-2011, 02:19 PM
I hate my job ... I sit at home, have to be ready for the stock market to open at 6:30am in Los Angeles... Agh hate it... Making peanuts, and I'm off work at 1. Then I have to wonder what the heck to do after agh

my current job i work 5:30am to 2pm and i love it. you get off work and have alot of the day left to do what ever you want.

07-21-2011, 02:24 PM
i work at dominos as a delivery driver. i hate my job with a burning passion. the amount of dumbasses that i get to deal with is unreal.

who the fuck orders pizza for delivery, and pays a $20 bill with ALL FUCKING CHANGE?! not to mention $10 of it in ALL PENNIES!

then this moron tries to pay a $33 bill with a fucking benjamin. cuz u know, we carry change for $100's on us.:picardfp::facepalm::rant2:

07-21-2011, 02:31 PM
how much do i hate my job? About a solid 8. supervisor not fuckin supervising, working for a month straight with no pay and nobody seems to care, and HR is NEVER in the office and when they are and i ask wheres my money, they say 'it should be there in a day'....30 days later and still no word and/or check

07-21-2011, 02:33 PM
i love my job. not physical labor to kill my body with, plus it funds my car. :)

07-21-2011, 02:38 PM
Im thankful for my job.
Take the good with the bad.
The way I see it, if you dont like your job then do something about it, complaining gets you know where except frustrated, negative, and bitter.
be self employed.

07-21-2011, 02:48 PM
I work at America's Tires as the clean up guy because I'm not old enough to actually use the machines... so basically a janitor.

I get paid less than a janitor.

And my Mexican boss, who calls every other white employee my "brother", claims I'm racist.

07-21-2011, 02:50 PM
Probably a 4, I hate sitting on my ass all day, but when there are no calls in queve I get to browse the web. Even though a majority of sites are blocked and can't see a majority of Pictures. Can't play games anymore or watch movies, and I only get paid $10 an hour.

07-21-2011, 03:51 PM
Jet engine mechanic in the air force... a solid 8. Long hours and shit. I should have gotten a desk job. I'd love sitting on my ass and taking picnics on fridays. Lol

thats funny i've never heard of anybody in the air force that hates their job, for some reason that makes me feel good, i dont know why

word sux
07-21-2011, 03:56 PM
hated my job today.

100 degrees no ac in the shop and to top it off the one "window unit" ac for the office vents into the shop plus we only have 2 little box fans to keep us cool that WE the mechanics had to buy. But the boss dosn't give a shit as long as he is comfortable..

07-21-2011, 03:58 PM
Ya phlip you need to calm down, I don't know who you've talked to but the military(well the Army for me) isn't that great from what you've heard. Fullthrottle pretty much summed it up. To be honest I think it goes: prison, welfare then the military, because sometimes I feel like i'm close to both. Luckily i'm gettin out soon to enjoy the gi bill to finish college. I appreciate you thanking those who serve though, I rarely hear that from civilians.

I would say for me 7. I don't like my job, but I know it's not as bad as infantry. And OP I was a fobbit, but not because I didn't want to go outside the wire, don't generalize, i'm not what you explained at all, but I do hate how the smallest things are the biggest issues in the Army.

for me calling someone a fobbit is not an insult, I wish I was a fobbit thats the way to go, fobbits look a lot happier, every time we get a stupid cherry out of basic he always talks shit on fobbits, and am like shut the fuck up one they you'll wish you were one of them, and it is true not all fobbits are the same, all i know is that i wish i was one right now, is not cause am scared i never was, is cause my body is tired of all this bullshit.

fyi for everybody else a fobbit is a soldier who is not combat arms and rarely goes out the wire

07-21-2011, 04:01 PM
i work at dominos as a delivery driver. i hate my job with a burning passion. the amount of dumbasses that i get to deal with is unreal.

who the fuck orders pizza for delivery, and pays a $20 bill with ALL FUCKING CHANGE?! not to mention $10 of it in ALL PENNIES!

then this moron tries to pay a $33 bill with a fucking benjamin. cuz u know, we carry change for $100's on us.:picardfp::facepalm::rant2:
this one is the funniest so far ha ha I hate your job too, and i dont even work there:rofl:

07-21-2011, 04:09 PM
Aviation Machinist Mate in the Navy or (Aircraft fixer of whatever mechanical component you are attached to lol) On a scale of 1-10 I would say about a 4 and most of it isn't job related but more of where I am stationed and the people I work with. I am stationed at a Marine base and as a sailor I'm a prime target for whatever bullshit they "try" to pull. Now don't get me wrong I have respect for plenty of Marines but some of the "few" are just plain old cock suckers, and what I mean by that is they kiss ass all day and get ahead by doing so. Not to mention I can't go a day without someone yelling out "Yut" or "Kill" or some other form of false motivation from people who have never even been deployed let alone even left the state. On top of that my favorite part is hearing them talk about how all sailors are fat and nasty, yet I can go out and out PT 90% of them. But the job is cake, I get paid pretty decent and the higher up you get the more responsibility you get, but you aren't doing anymore back breaking work by that point. The only other issue I have is the commute, yeah I could move closer, but San Diego's cost of living is a fucking ripoff.

fyi for everybody else a fobbit is a soldier who is not combat arms and rarely goes out the wire

Or a "POG" according to the Marines I work with meaning Person Other than Grunt or something of that sort, but doesn't make sense because then all of them are "POGS" because they are all Aviation.

07-21-2011, 04:23 PM
Not to mention I can't go a day without someone yelling out "Yut" or "Kill" or some other form of false motivation from people who have never even been deployed let alone even left the state.

that shit drives me nuts, motivated people trying to motivate you, get the fuck out here the army is full of those idiots i understand what ur saying man, I hate when we are about to do something stupid and jackasses are like get motivated men, fuck off, specially when people say false motivation is better then no motivation, the fuck it is, NO motivation is better then false motivation!!!! at least i dont have to pretend i'm something that am not,

brown noses i hate those motherfuckers people who live to suck their bosses dick and cradle their balls to get ahead in their career, I have never sucked anyones dick if you like me its because who i am not what i pretend to be. i wish i can wait to get away from these idiots but i never will because i know they're out there in the civilian world as well, yep you all know who am talking about am sure you guys know plenty of people like that

god i feel kind of better now, thats why I created this thread to vent up
so if you hate ur fucking job and u cant quit for x reason, vent up post up all the shit you hate keep them coming people

07-21-2011, 04:35 PM
Or a "POG" according to the Marines I work with meaning Person Other than Grunt or something of that sort, but doesn't make sense because then all of them are "POGS" because they are all Aviation.

thats funny i hear it all the time POG on POG hate. i also hear infantry dudes hating on pogs all the time, i'll let you in a little infantry secret, they hate cause they wanna be a pog too

07-21-2011, 04:49 PM
I was just wondering how bad do some people hate their jobs, from 1-10.

I'm an Infantryman in the army, and I hate my job, like a 10 for sure, how about you guys.

What do you hate about it?

Hahaha, that sucks. Im usmc artillery so I see where your coming from. Get to fire these big useless guns at dirt.

07-21-2011, 05:04 PM
Hahaha, that sucks. Im usmc artillery so I see where your coming from. Get to fire these big useless guns at dirt.

when am back in the states training i get to stare at trees for hours ha ha

07-21-2011, 05:37 PM
Lol yea, dont forget the rain. You almost out at least? I've got one more year and I'm out of this bitch!

07-21-2011, 06:03 PM
thats funny i've never heard of anybody in the air force that hates their job, for some reason that makes me feel good, i dont know why

I mean, I'm not inthe real military lol. It's more of a company than anything. But yeah, being a maintainer kinda sucks. I say kinda cuz its not too bad.

07-21-2011, 07:45 PM
my job isnt too bad, i run the family machine shop so only downside is i dont really get paid.

no boss
no co-workers to look after
i show up when i want to
lunch is as long as i want it to be

i come home smelling like a nickel
no car money

07-22-2011, 12:39 AM
I hate my job so much 10/10 I'm sure grateful to have money coming in but if I could have the same time schedule in a different place I would do it in a heart beat
-I work at a truck stop part time
-truckers literally shit in the middle of the floor
-co worker is a fucking pussy he tries to suck up to my boss by making up lies to my boss that I steal and I'm lazy and he even told her that I dnt talk to him like a friend wtf!!
-ac never works and it's a small store with a deli inside so it gets extremely hot
-Supervisor she's an idiot she can't run a register and always needs help
-other co workers are idiots

07-22-2011, 01:17 AM
i work at FedEx as a dock worker ( load trailers. ) i would give it about a 3 or 4 due to no breaks even in 90+ heat (we have fans but they don't help in the back of a trailer) or 7 - 8 hour load days, and the way things are run.

but hey, a jobs a job and we all have bills to pay.

07-22-2011, 08:13 AM
You all can tell me to calm down all you want, but it will not change my opinion.
No, I am not a recruiter and the last thing I would tell ANYONE to do is to join any branch of the military unless it is absolutely what they want to do. I personally know 3 people in the military that are very ably holding down households of 3, 5 and 6 respectively as the only paycheck in the house and they LOVE what they do.
Two of them are members here.
The issue I raise is that no matter how bad what you let that recruiter sell you might be, there are still plenty of people who have it worse and will have DICK to show for it when their “contract” ends, not even a respectable mark on their resume.

Therefore, I stand by EVERY word of what I posted up there. Hell, I am not pleased with my current employer most days, but the pay is decent, my mortgage is paid and my kid is fed, and for that I cannot complain.

07-22-2011, 09:57 AM
You all can tell me to calm down all you want, but it will not change my opinion.
No, I am not a recruiter and the last thing I would tell ANYONE to do is to join any branch of the military unless it is absolutely what they want to do. I personally know 3 people in the military that are very ably holding down households of 3, 5 and 6 respectively as the only paycheck in the house and they LOVE what they do.
Two of them are members here.
The issue I raise is that no matter how bad what you let that recruiter sell you might be, there are still plenty of people who have it worse and will have DICK to show for it when their “contract” ends, not even a respectable mark on their resume.

Therefore, I stand by EVERY word of what I posted up there. Hell, I am not pleased with my current employer most days, but the pay is decent, my mortgage is paid and my kid is fed, and for that I cannot complain.
I started this thread so people can have a chance to express how much they hate they their job and what they hate about it, if u read closely a lot of the guys hate their job but they also comment on how glad they are they have one, we all know times are hard, but sometimes it helps when you just express yourself, without someone doing exactly what you're doing making people feeling bad for complaining, well you know what our jobs pay the rent, food, etc, but you know what we still hate the motherfucker and we cant quit for x reason, i dont know what you are getting to here, dont know if u are trying to make us feel bad about complaining but that shit is not working, I hate my job, for lots of reasons, a lot of them shit I cant even talk about without getting in trouble thats how bad it is, but what i know for sure is that i would rather take my chances getting out and being a fucking homeless than dealing with all this shit. One thing i know for sure is that there is a lot of guys that hate being in the military and they go home and tell everybody they love it, because they're feel bad, they want people to think they made the right decision.

am just saying, your post probably goes in the How glad i am that i have a job thread.

07-22-2011, 10:18 AM
i hate my job because i dont have a real schedule and sundays my only day off, but i like it cause it gets me paid :D

07-22-2011, 10:23 AM
I don't have a job. FML.

07-22-2011, 10:23 AM
I started this thread so people can have a chance to express how much they hate they their job and what they hate about it, if u read closely a lot of the guys hate their job but they also comment on how glad they are they have one, we all know times are hard, but sometimes it helps when you just express yourself, without someone doing exactly what you're doing making people feeling bad for complaining, well you know what our jobs pay the rent, food, etc, but you know what we still hate the motherfucker and we cant quit for x reason, i dont know what you are getting to here, dont know if u are trying to make us feel bad about complaining but that shit is not working, I hate my job, for lots of reasons, a lot of them shit I cant even talk about without getting in trouble thats how bad it is, but what i know for sure is that i would rather take my chances getting out and being a fucking homeless than dealing with all this shit. One thing i know for sure is that there is a lot of guys that hate being in the military and they go home and tell everybody they love it, because they're feel bad, they want people to think they made the right decision.

am just saying, your post probably goes in the How glad i am that i have a job thread.

Relax dude, Phlip is just giving his input not trying to make you feel bad for disliking your job. I don't think he ever said anything personally attacking you or the thread in any way. No harm, no foul.:drama:

07-22-2011, 10:42 AM
Relax dude, Phlip is just giving his input not trying to make you feel bad for disliking your job. I don't think he ever said anything personally attacking you or the thread in any way. No harm, no foul.:drama:
fair enough, I dont take it personally, its his opinion, I just believe his posts dont belong in this thread. No harm, no foul.

07-22-2011, 10:43 AM
i hated my job maybe a 2/10 until this week
before: myself, and a 22 year old car guy thats pretty decent, and the boss, 25 year old thats easy as hell to get along with, pays well, work whatever hours i want, the work itself is hard work, but for no schooling and $15 an hour, its expected i work my ass off. im aloud to use my phone whenever i want, we go to offroad races as "business expenses"

it was all awesome until this week when;
investor fell through, im getting very limited hours, pay is going to be lowered, the other guy is layed off so now its just me and the boss who is pissed his investor is gone and is now in a shitty moood all day,

i would say 7/10 now

07-22-2011, 11:12 AM
Relax dude, Phlip is just giving his input not trying to make you feel bad for disliking your job. I don't think he ever said anything personally attacking you or the thread in any way. No harm, no foul.:drama:
Pretty much.
Seriously, I carry a copy of my resume with me EVERY where I go on a flash drive, that is the kind of shit my job causes me.
Then I hear and read stories like the below-quoted and I realize that my complaints are not near as bad.

Wow I get zero benefits and they purposely schedule you only 35 hours to prevent any type of overtime pay.

i hate my job because i dont have a real schedule and sundays my only day off, but i like it cause it gets me paid :D

and most importantly...
I don't have a job. FML.

I have never been a fan of the "FML" threads related to things that...

came of a conscious decision
the complainer is BLESSED to have

To say "I hate my job this number" is missing the forest for the trees, but in the interest of my first post being on topic, I mentioned what I dislike about my job, I just won't applie some score to it.

07-22-2011, 11:16 AM
i wish i could find a job
im forced to sell off the s13 i built over the winter
fuck you guys that hate your jobs
quit and let me work there

07-22-2011, 11:19 AM
thats funny i've never heard of anybody in the air force that hates their job, for some reason that makes me feel good, i dont know why

the air force aint so air force any more. on march 14th i got a call while i was on leave saying you leave on the 19th for Afghanistan. Come straight in to work. Oh wait. first you have 70 days at fort polk for some homosexual combat advisor bullshit training. then deploy straight from there for 6 months. once i got here they said yyyyyyyyyyeah we fucked up. its supposed to be 12. but that never got signed off thank god. so now im playing army for a bit. my boss is an SFC, sgtmaj is a marine, the XO is navy and the commander is army. i work with brits, canadians, turkish, jordanians, french, and danish. THANK YOU NATO.

but thats not the bad part.

my job consists of me and my team travelling out to all the remote afghan national army and police precints, compound, hooches, whatever you wanna call them, and provide them communications assets. that we pay for. 20 billion this year WOO! anyway. so i have to spend the day with the most idiotic freakin people and survey contracts to provide people with internet THAT CANT READ. talk about an assinine job.

anyway heres the kicker.

i spent 2.5 months learning dair, CLS shit, IED lanes, mounted combat patrols, battle drills, crew served weapons, I SHOT A MARK19 for cryin out loud. im an air force Commo guy. :bash: and im licensed to drive matvs and mraps. SOOO i get to afghan. and they have me driving a freakin F350 through afghanistan, went on about 15 missions a month for two months. then the moved me out to the RSC HQ. NOW this is the part that gets me. I cant go out without "PSD" (babysitters) i cant drive, i cant do shit. theres one team and 4 different missions. us Comm guys are at the bottom of the list. I have yet to complete any of my missions since i moved to HQ. now im sitting on my fuckin ass all day.

1. i want my useless 2.5 months back from fort polk
2. i want to actually WORK
3. the power stuggle inter-service and inter-nation environments is an absolute nightmare

if they cant put me in a damn fuckin vehicle they need to send my ass home where im worth a damn.

ps. thank you the money is amazing. steak and lobster at the dfac tonight was bliss. and ive got the best digs an E4 in afghan could have and i thank you for that.

ok end rant/

07-22-2011, 11:30 AM
the air force aint so air force any more. on march 14th i got a call while i was on leave saying you leave on the 19th for Afghanistan. Come straight in to work. Oh wait. first you have 70 days at fort polk for some homosexual combat advisor bullshit training. then deploy straight from there for 6 months. once i got here they said yyyyyyyyyyeah we fucked up. its supposed to be 12. but that never got signed off thank god. so now im playing army for a bit. my boss is an SFC, sgtmaj is a marine, the XO is navy and the commander is army. i work with brits, canadians, turkish, jordanians, french, and danish. THANK YOU NATO.

but thats not the bad part.

my job consists of me and my team travelling out to all the remote afghan national army and police precints, compound, hooches, whatever you wanna call them, and provide them communications assets. that we pay for. 20 billion this year WOO! anyway. so i have to spend the day with the most idiotic freakin people and survey contracts to provide people with internet THAT CANT READ. talk about an assinine job.

anyway heres the kicker.

i spent 2.5 months learning dair, CLS shit, IED lanes, mounted combat patrols, battle drills, crew served weapons, I SHOT A MARK19 for cryin out loud. im an air force Commo guy. :bash: and im licensed to drive matvs and mraps. SOOO i get to afghan. and they have me driving a freakin F350 through afghanistan, went on about 15 missions a month for two months. then the moved me out to the RSC HQ. NOW this is the part that gets me. I cant go out without "PSD" (babysitters) i cant drive, i cant do shit. theres one team and 4 different missions. us Comm guys are at the bottom of the list. I have yet to complete any of my missions since i moved to HQ. now im sitting on my fuckin ass all day.

1. i want my useless 2.5 months back from fort polk
2. i want to actually WORK
3. the power stuggle inter-service and inter-nation environments is an absolute nightmare

if they cant put me in a damn fuckin vehicle they need to send my ass home where im worth a damn.

ps. thank you the money is amazing. steak and lobster at the dfac tonight was bliss. and ive got the best digs an E4 in afghan could have and i thank you for that.

ok end rant/
that is some shit, i bet you that was in the job description

07-22-2011, 11:39 AM
we have had 7 sets of layoffs, we basically laid off half the company and im still working here. cant say anything bad about that. although almost all of our benefits beside medical has been taken away.

07-22-2011, 11:43 AM
ps. thank you the money is amazing. steak and lobster at the dfac tonight was bliss. and ive got the best digs an E4 in afghan could have and i thank you for that.

ok end rant/

my bro was in Afghanistan and he told me about the steak and lobster too. i was amazed. he ate better in a warzone than i eat at home. he also said they woudl get shot at all the time and werent able to shoot back. he was Army though 10th Mountain.

07-22-2011, 12:00 PM
my bro was in Afghanistan and he told me about the steak and lobster too. i was amazed. he ate better in a warzone than i eat at home. he also said they woudl get shot at all the time and werent able to shoot back. he was Army though 10th Mountain.

thats ISAF for you which is who 10th MTN falls under. 10th mountain 4 brigade? i think? was out of fort polk, heard all kinds of stories from those guys. ISAF stands for i suck at fighting btw. luckily i fall under a small portion of us forces in afghan, nato training mission. we went to the range today because he hates the stories of 1 afghan taking down 8 us service members at a time. in a room. shit like that. he told us today, if you need to use your 9mm. i want you to walk up to that mother fucker and put 2 in his face. this comes from a certain instance where the didnt confirm a close kill.. so yeah interesting day. we spent the day "poppin caps"

heres a funny army story for ya. every friday, preventive maintenain on our vehicles. were new to the unit but no where near new to these MATVs if you dont know what im talking about google it. they are AMAZING. theres a 100 or so page book of all this shit we have to go through. ive done it many times before but the other new guys, canadians, and turkish. were like freaking out over this vehicle. dudes going through the list. CHECK TURBOCHARGER. has the hood up. goes to the AC COMPRESSOR and says yep looks good. belts are tight, no cracks yadda yadda yadda. i said specialist, are you ready to check that turbocharger yet its on the other side. i just did. you sure? so the turbocharger compressed refridgerant to cool the air inside the troop compartment?! he flips. wtf you talkin bout man, have you ever done this before?! pulled out my 5984 (license) YEP. now stfu and check that turbo. DAMN it made my day. this was after the 2 giant tire halon bottles he didnt even know existed for the fire sup system. so he was already teste with me.

07-22-2011, 12:24 PM
Any of you military dudes drive trucks? Sucks changing out tires with just sl3 gear. Lol

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2762/photoxrc.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/695/photoxrc.jpg/)

07-22-2011, 12:30 PM
dude! that has to SUCK those tires weigh a ton! ive got a couple buddies who are air force vehicle ops (88M). one of which drove unarmored tractor trailers across iraq all day. he had a flat like that (tire not as big of course) just to get hit with an EFP once he got rollin again.

07-22-2011, 12:39 PM
i used to work 6 to 6...5 days a week...sometimes longer...i hated the pay...but god i loved the work and the people and the atmosphere...

now i work for a commercial parts delivery company, shit is horrible...unsteady in pay and boring as fucken hell...so yes i hate my current job...and in the process of looking for something bettter...

07-22-2011, 01:34 PM
i thought i gotten flat tires in the worst places before i joined, until one day we were coming back from a mission and trying to beat the sunrise, when we got a flat tire similar size in the middle of fallujah, we had to wait on the mechanics motherfuckers took for ever, then the sun rised we were just sitting there in the middle of the road, fuck that shit.

Speed Junky
07-22-2011, 06:32 PM
Any of you military dudes drive trucks? Sucks changing out tires with just sl3 gear. Lol

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2762/photoxrc.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/695/photoxrc.jpg/)

I'm a 88H but drive lots of trucks like LHS, FMTV, and 5 tons etc.

My main job is a operator for this:


Ya tire changing is def. a pain for these too..

07-22-2011, 11:40 PM
I work with lazy people that cannot speak English in a store where the primary customers only speak English.

In Miami? Shit pal, you're in the wroooong place if you want to be around people who actually speak English.

07-22-2011, 11:46 PM
Any of you military dudes drive trucks? Sucks changing out tires with just sl3 gear. Lol

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/2762/photoxrc.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/695/photoxrc.jpg/)

Those tires weight a dick load.

Ctis just makes it harder too...:down::down::down::down:

07-23-2011, 12:15 AM
for the matvs they said if we get a flat. the ctis will just come on and constantly pump air into the tires. 30 mph for 30 miles they say it will get you. i dont believe it.
ctis- central tire inflation system

07-23-2011, 03:11 AM
Anyone who hates their job is an idiot, We make our own destiny in life, If you hate you job, stop lying to everyone, stop pretending, friggin quit and do what makes you happy.

Anyone who hates their job has no one to blame but themself.

07-23-2011, 03:15 AM
yeah thats sounds so easy. because theres plenty of enjoyable jobs left. the economys so shitty that you take what you can get to feed you family. people do what they because they have to. and theres plenty of room on this server for 1 thread to vent.

07-23-2011, 05:08 AM
Anyone who hates their job is an idiot, We make our own destiny in life, If you hate you job, stop lying to everyone, stop pretending, friggin quit and do what makes you happy.

Anyone who hates their job has no one to blame but themself.

This kind of rosy talk was just fine a few years ago...

Quit shitty job Friday
Apply for new ones Monday
Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday
Drug test Friday
Start training Monday

I know three (civilian) people who pulled that shit off before. But the FACT is that none would be able to do that now. Not to mention that the OP is in the military, so it is much more complicated than that.

Yes, I agree that choosing a bad job/position is more often the fault of the person in it and they should do what they must to make it better if it is, in fact, that bad but it just isn't practical to just up and leave a position like that right now, not the way things are right now.

07-23-2011, 05:32 AM
Anyone who hates their job is an idiot, We make our own destiny in life, If you hate you job, stop lying to everyone, stop pretending, friggin quit and do what makes you happy.

Anyone who hates their job has no one to blame but themself.
oookayyyy, you're ignorant.

07-23-2011, 09:33 AM
phlip nailed it once again. serve just one enlistment and come back i guarentee you wont be saying the same thing.

07-23-2011, 09:42 AM
for the matvs they said if we get a flat. the ctis will just come on and constantly pump air into the tires. 30 mph for 30 miles they say it will get you. i dont believe it.
ctis- central tire inflation system

Fuck no if the leak is to big ctis wont do shit.!!!!

07-23-2011, 10:28 AM
yeah well theres guys here. RIGHT NOW. that think ctis is the answer to everything. whats fucking stupid is. they have these rpg nets that surround the entire vehicle. the bracket for the the rear net doors blocks you from even getting the spare tire off. USELESS. so if we do get a flat we are waiting for the wreckers which thankfully tf phoenix has plenty of. i <3 the army...

07-23-2011, 07:12 PM
this one is the funniest so far ha ha I hate your job too, and i dont even work there:rofl:

following up on my story... 3rd day in a row getting stiffed on a delivery. stiffed 2x in a row today.

were on our 3rd GM since the store opened in the beginning of december 2011. super shady business. greedy ass owners who only give employees a 30% discount rather than everyone else's 50%.
the CUSTOMERS getting better discounts than we do, thus making our discount basically useless.

i normally dont get home until around 12am, or even 1am. hell last week i didnt get home until 2am.

delivery drivers get 1$ per delivery, regardless of how short or how far away it is. however, we charge a 3$ delivery charge to the customers to have it delivered.

3-1=2. so 2 dollars that the OWNERS make when the DRIVERS deliver food. not to mention the other dollar from the delivery fee makes it so the owners dont lose any money on giving us mileage.

no set schedules, and they sure as hell will only work anyone whos not a manager around 30 hours. no matter what, they dont want u taking home overtime pay.

and what i found out yesterday.... the assistant managers still only make minimum wage just like everyone else does, but they do way more. im not sure how much the GM makes, but i dont think its alot.

i need a new job...

07-23-2011, 07:48 PM
I started out hating my job my boss was a dick and everyone hated me because i made more money there the first week then most the guys that have been there 5-7 years. I help make 60% of all the clam shell tents - personell tents and hangers the military use. I have learned to like my job i look forward to getting up to going to work. We have had allot of changes lately working 10-12 hour days and 8-10 hour saturdays. But with my pay and the OT i get its well worth it now. Plus there is nothing like being the lead CNC opperator and not really having to do anything because im over a week ahead of the lay out / welders. Im also up for another review / raise in 30 days.

If any of you are wanting a ok job and wiling to relocate the company i work for are looking to hire people that have skills in Blue print reading and able to run RF Welders. If you dont have allot of skills but you are a hard worker looking to learn we train everyone. We have some really dumb people come in but give them 5-6 months and there running there own machines and doing most things on there own ..




07-25-2011, 03:29 PM
^Those clam shells get really hot! Thankfully i dont have to work in them=)

07-25-2011, 04:28 PM
i want a job :(

07-25-2011, 05:09 PM
I'm a mechanic most days I love it but then you'll get the a holes complaining about overpriced and crap. That's life

07-25-2011, 06:00 PM
Stuffing fat asses feet into shoes they have no business wearing and dealing with shit head kids isn't ideal, but I didn't have to try for the job so I can't really complain.


07-25-2011, 07:49 PM
I don't mind my current job at all. I work in a warehouse environment in LA that has an inconsistent work load (although lately it's been getting better). Some days we'll work our ass off and leave late. I just see it as good excercise. Other times it's really laid back. Most of my co-workers are great (it is just stressful when you don't get along). There are really good places to have lunch nearby. Our company is fairly lax with time off, and I probably take 5-6 weeks off a year for vactions.

What I don't care for is that we have a few emotionally unstable drama queens at the office we have to work with, but nothing that gets out of hand. This is a company where almost nobody gets fired, so it also has its drawbacks. It's also ultimately a dead-end job. Nothing I can learn at this point, but I'm also working on my MA at the same time. Commute isn't so good, but not terrible. Get stuck in traffic for around 2 hrs each day.

I'd rate 2/10 (it is a good place to work).

07-25-2011, 07:54 PM
Had gotten a new job that I hated about 5 months ago. It paid extraordinarily well, but the boss was a tyrant and the company was volatile. I got let go after 2 months because they ran out of investment capital.

Seemed like a terrible thing at the time, but now I have a better job, with nice people, and it pays even better, so it all worked out very well. I'm feeling very lucky right now, actually.

07-25-2011, 09:41 PM
^Those clam shells get really hot! Thankfully i dont have to work in them=)

This is why we sometimes shipp 10 ton a/c units with them..

the a3k
07-25-2011, 09:54 PM
1-10.... yea ok. ill give my job 2523523569832759823

my job fucking blows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-25-2011, 10:36 PM
Working in general sucks.

Only jobs I wouldn't hate:

Formula 1 pit crew
Porno film guy
Ferrari test driver

Lol, but in all seriousness I can only tolerate my current job until something better comes along. Bills won't pay themselves :(

93 240 s13
07-25-2011, 11:04 PM
i work for a phone company. Customer service representative for the Small Business side. don't hate it, don't love it. pays the bills, pays commission, union, awesome benefits. everyone wants phone service for free. some customers make me hate my job, but its pretty rare. overall 2-3 on the hate scale

07-25-2011, 11:26 PM
I work at a BMW dealer and I fucking looove my job.

07-25-2011, 11:29 PM
i work at a tech store that every one knows and loves... and i fucking hate it... i deal with shity people who dont even no how use what they paid for... they think cause they paid 250 dollars for a phone you owe them your life... also it dont help i work in one of the richest areas in californa so douchey ness just gets even higher.. management is fake and a joke... its to the point where i dont mention where i work.. i also cringe at every person who walks in and ask a question... that could have been solved by a 4 year old. i love how people walk in with complete broken shit and shove it in my face asking will i fix this? or some how cause they paid for it they think i should spend two hours with teaching them how to use a one button device WTFF.. but it does pay for my car and help my mom but wtf man.. alot of people i have realized are just stupid when it comes to consumer products..

07-26-2011, 01:25 AM

07-26-2011, 02:11 AM
haha as long as I got the bills paid and money for the car build Im hapy doing whatever job I got.. that said I couldnt complain about what im doing now

environmental surveying out in the Gulf of Mexico not a bad way to earn a buck :naughtyd:

07-26-2011, 05:10 AM
I love my work. I love what I do. I love to design, I'm not even sure it matters what i design so long as I have access to a work station. Pro-E, autocad, catia, co-create, solidworks... all at my disposal. It's a beautiful thing. I only wish I could work over-time so I could accomplish more.

Only thing I don't like is the office environment. I work at a company that you will never know you're doing anything wrong until you get your review a year later. It's stressful to work with people you know have fucked you and still smile and ask how your day is. People who fucked you for no other reason than that they are bored.

In addition I'm the youngest(not least tenured) person here so any time my findings are challenged they are instantly thrown out. If I have a project that someone thinks should have been done differently I can pretty much start shredding. The worst is when on person makes you change something only for someone elso to come along and change it back. Once you've done the same project 4 times it gets old, and you look bad, and you've wasted time, and you haven't gained anything, and your boss starts calling, and you've hurt someone's feelings by making it this way instead of that. When the fourth redo is just going to be the way you did it originally. Somethimes I feel even though I'm the youngest person here(at least 5-7 years) I work with children.

07-26-2011, 08:38 AM

-Work with a bunch of union workers yet I myself am not covered by the union because I am only a "student"
-Got screwed out of easily a couple hundred out of my paycheck because I basically signed an agreement saying "hey, if they fuck my shit up they dont have to fix it"
-No overtime pay
-No paid holidays
-No accumulated sick or vacation leave
-Is SUPPOSED to be an internship type job yet I am months away from being kicked to the curb with no connections whatsoever.

UPDATE. Now I hate it x20.

-Worked for "CSD" for 3 years.
-When I initially got on board I was under the impression that this would be my foot in the door and would open up more opportunities once I would graduate. Years ago this was the case.
-I get rejected from about 10 "CSD" full time positions that are exclusive to those already employed by the "CSD".
-Turns out "CSD" doesnt classify their student workers as employees under "CSD" rather than employees of the department that hired them. Thus making me ineligible for those jobs.

I feel like I wasted my fucking time these past 3 years when I couldve interned while still in college and possibly of met the right people by now that could've helped me out. Man I feel so stupid and lead on.

07-26-2011, 09:03 AM
Anyone who hates their job is an idiot, We make our own destiny in life, If you hate you job, stop lying to everyone, stop pretending, friggin quit and do what makes you happy.

Anyone who hates their job has no one to blame but themself.

I can't say what I do, but I can say that it's IT for the largest financial institution in the world that recently had someone resign due to a scandal.

Unfortunately I'm stuck at this job declining pay raises and dealing with the typical drama associated in IT. Before this, I was a Net Admin - loved that job - and now work here and live in a small one bedroom apartment with my fiancee. Now, I can't take a pay raise or I loose my daughter's insurance. Seriously, the state will drop her over $40 per month. So I have to sit below the poverty line in order to make sure that my daughter gets proper medical insurance, but won't pay for something that could benefit her (Hyperbaric Oxygenation therapy, which I somehow have to come up with nearly $7000 for). Cerebral Palsy and a brain injury. Easily the most stressful situation I have been in.


07-26-2011, 10:37 AM
I started out hating my job my boss was a dick and everyone hated me because i made more money there the first week then most the guys that have been there 5-7 years. I help make 60% of all the clam shell tents - personell tents and hangers the military use. I have learned to like my job i look forward to getting up to going to work. We have had allot of changes lately working 10-12 hour days and 8-10 hour saturdays. But with my pay and the OT i get its well worth it now. Plus there is nothing like being the lead CNC opperator and not really having to do anything because im over a week ahead of the lay out / welders. Im also up for another review / raise in 30 days.

If any of you are wanting a ok job and wiling to relocate the company i work for are looking to hire people that have skills in Blue print reading and able to run RF Welders. If you dont have allot of skills but you are a hard worker looking to learn we train everyone. We have some really dumb people come in but give them 5-6 months and there running there own machines and doing most things on there own ..

hey thats funny. our chow hall was made out of one of those. really nice, insulated, ac and all. yeah it caught fire and there were only two doors, so i made a door with my Gerber. :trogdor:

07-26-2011, 10:41 AM
I'm an insurance broker the shit sucks major dick!! mad work, wack pay! no incentive and lazy ass people!! and yes i'm at work now and pissed the fuck off!!!

07-26-2011, 11:59 AM
Don't hate my job. Just find it boring most of the time. (Controls/Automation Engineer)

07-26-2011, 12:05 PM
UPDATE. Now I hate it x20.

-Worked for "CSD" for 3 years.
-When I initially got on board I was under the impression that this would be my foot in the door and would open up more opportunities once I would graduate. Years ago this was the case.
-I get rejected from about 10 "CSD" full time positions that are exclusive to those already employed by the "CSD".
-Turns out "CSD" doesnt classify their student workers as employees under "CSD" rather than employees of the department that hired them. Thus making me ineligible for those jobs.

I feel like I wasted my fucking time these past 3 years when I couldve interned while still in college and possibly of met the right people by now that could've helped me out. Man I feel so stupid and lead on.

Just an FYI that internship is a HUGE waste of time. Take that time to focus on getting to the top 5% of your class in your grad degree and you will have your selection of jobs and interns to bitch around. Trust me on this... Especially if your trying to work for any Fortune 500/upscale law office/company worth a crap right out of grad school.

07-26-2011, 12:28 PM
I love my work. I love what I do. I love to design, I'm not even sure it matters what i design so long as I have access to a work station. Pro-E, autocad, catia, co-create, solidworks... all at my disposal. It's a beautiful thing. I only wish I could work over-time so I could accomplish more.

Only thing I don't like is the office environment. I work at a company that you will never know you're doing anything wrong until you get your review a year later. It's stressful to work with people you know have fucked you and still smile and ask how your day is. People who fucked you for no other reason than that they are bored.

In addition I'm the youngest(not least tenured) person here so any time my findings are challenged they are instantly thrown out. If I have a project that someone thinks should have been done differently I can pretty much start shredding. The worst is when on person makes you change something only for someone elso to come along and change it back. Once you've done the same project 4 times it gets old, and you look bad, and you've wasted time, and you haven't gained anything, and your boss starts calling, and you've hurt someone's feelings by making it this way instead of that. When the fourth redo is just going to be the way you did it originally. Somethimes I feel even though I'm the youngest person here(at least 5-7 years) I work with children.

You're not even kidding. I work as a mechanical engineering co-op at IBM and it's like this. Every idea I have either gets taken and passed of as someone elses or it gets thrown out for a worse idea. I say every but that's not the case, a lot of them. I know I'm young and new and don't know how things work yet but I can tell you that this corporate work style isn't the way it needs to be. When managers breath down your neck for no reason other than to make it appear that they are working hard and they question you constantly only so it appears they're covering their asses it makes it impossible to get any work done. I worked three weeks here and they told me to slow down and pace myself because I was working too fast and getting my assignments done. I'm sorry I grew up working my ass off on the family farm and learned how to work efficiently and quickly.

07-26-2011, 12:30 PM
You're not even kidding. I work as a mechanical engineering co-op at IBM and it's like this. Every idea I have either gets taken and passed of as someone elses or it gets thrown out for a worse idea. I say every but that's not the case, a lot of them. I know I'm young and new and don't know how things work yet but I can tell you that this corporate work style isn't the way it needs to be. When managers breath down your neck for no reason other than to make it appear that they are working hard and they question you constantly only so it appears they're covering their asses it makes it impossible to get any work done. I worked three weeks here and they told me to slow down and pace myself because I was working too fast and getting my assignments done. I'm sorry I grew up working my ass off on the family farm and learned how to work efficiently and quickly.

I hate working for IBM. Makes me hate waking up in the morning.

07-26-2011, 01:43 PM
following up on my story... 3rd day in a row getting stiffed on a delivery. stiffed 2x in a row today.

were on our 3rd GM since the store opened in the beginning of december 2011. super shady business. greedy ass owners who only give employees a 30% discount rather than everyone else's 50%.
the CUSTOMERS getting better discounts than we do, thus making our discount basically useless.

i normally dont get home until around 12am, or even 1am. hell last week i didnt get home until 2am.

delivery drivers get 1$ per delivery, regardless of how short or how far away it is. however, we charge a 3$ delivery charge to the customers to have it delivered.

3-1=2. so 2 dollars that the OWNERS make when the DRIVERS deliver food. not to mention the other dollar from the delivery fee makes it so the owners dont lose any money on giving us mileage.

no set schedules, and they sure as hell will only work anyone whos not a manager around 30 hours. no matter what, they dont want u taking home overtime pay.

and what i found out yesterday.... the assistant managers still only make minimum wage just like everyone else does, but they do way more. im not sure how much the GM makes, but i dont think its alot.

i need a new job...

Do you use your S14 to deliver? lol yeah the GMs make 12 an hour with bonuses

07-26-2011, 01:46 PM
well at least in this economy, you guys HAVE a job to complain about.

07-26-2011, 01:51 PM
Yeah currently i hate not having a job .. considering im a single child and my mother is a single parent on disability .. we only have enough money to survive. and every job i apply for never pulls through ... Its kinda like we are barely living off small checks. and i need to get a job to help her out so she can pay for bills but its just no one is hiring .... sucks.

07-26-2011, 10:06 PM
This is why we sometimes shipp 10 ton a/c units with them..

Policy: Shop doors open no Ac. Run a vehicle open shop doors.

Which pretty much means no Ac from what ive heard

:picardfp: lol