View Full Version : What i do all day. (Car drawings and products)

11-07-2003, 04:34 PM
here's some school projects and work products.

Currently, I am doing 2 projects for my design class. one is a new racing series that im developing with a classmate. Basically, its offroad Formula 1. Haha. the details arent specific yet, but its MUCh less restrictive than current F1 type of rules. So far, its:
22 cars, 11 teams.
offroad, no "track", just earth.
There is a set start line up as well as a finish "goal". (the grid is 2x11 based on your finish in the previous round. For the first race of the season, it is random drawing)No navigator.
No hp limits.
Guidance is from GPS screen in cockpit.
No Automatic trannies (CVT is pending our "judgement" as of right now).

Um.. 1 support helicopter per team that carries spare parts, fuel, and crew members...

THATS it for now :p :grin:

Ok, here are the sketches. All these arequick... like 5-20 minutes tops. the media is marker and ballpoint pen (sincei forgot my pen one day, one sketch is Verithin pencil).



Ok, the next project is a little more normal. Its a... 18 cyl Bugatti touring car. 4 door (rear doors are suicide style) and its RWD. Basically this car is super luxury touring type... full leather (duh) and comfy seats, but able to haul ass (about 200 mph) :roll_eyes: yeah its hella European, but... they like more extravegant cars.. heheh.





Ok, moving on.
I work at a design firm that specializes in Child development (playground and product design) as well as landscape architecture (private residence, corporate plazas, etc...). I do a little of everything. Mostly products, since im a transportation design student, but also some plazas and such. right now i am helping out with the design of Electronic Arts LA headquarters. pretty cool, but i cant post THOSE things on the internet due to privacy and such...

So here are 2 products I did for a local playground and child daycare center. They are both made from fiberglass and then painted, etc... The giraffe is a topiary (its in a set of 3, the other 2 are a Gorilla and elephant). The ladybug is one end of a talk tube. the kids can talk into the 2 big spots on its wings and the sound travels to the other end (located in their little playstucture fort).

Anyway, yeah, this is why im not on the internet all the time anymore being a postwhore and resident ass. bah, this actually pays, sorry... heh.



Ok, sorry there arent more pics, the rest of my good stuff is in my portfolio, which Art Center is still reviewing (crosses fingers). When I get that back, I can get some more stuff up for you guys... :smirk:

Oh yeah leave some feedback, i wanna hear your thoughts.

Edit: Noah is pissed because he now hass to give me a free bodykit.... haha. Also, i edited the tags cause stupid FA nad stupid Zilvia image tags dont correspond. Bah. Now you can see the pics.

11-07-2003, 04:37 PM
thoughts: YOU SUCK...get a life and move on to somethin you are actually good at...like cleaning my scrotum!!

11-07-2003, 04:39 PM
just helpin you out..:D

Originally posted by Dorifto180sx
lots of pics which you fixed........


11-07-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
just helpin you out..:D
Help be my wiping my sac. Its kinda hot today.:boink:

11-07-2003, 04:49 PM
actually those are really dope...madd skillzzz yo...i just want you to fail so that you have to move to Frisco!!..:p..

and yeah, yeah...free body kit you BASTARD..scott is soooooo pumped now...wants to convert to 180sx...lol..

11-07-2003, 04:51 PM
Yeah he called me... I told him to go kouki 180 face on S14... Teh hotness in your bling bling paint scheme...

11-07-2003, 04:54 PM
Wow, that's awesome. Did you go to a certain school for this type of field? Once I'm ready and have a enough money, I'm planning to go to this one school in Seattle. It's kinda like what you're doing, only I'll be designing games.

11-07-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Zenki_S14
Wow, that's awesome. Did you go to a certain school for this type of field? Once I'm ready and have a enough money, I'm planning to go to this one school in Seattle. It's kinda like what you're doing, only I'll be designing games.
Cool. I am tryin to get into Art Center College of Design (kinda the best school for trans design in the US). So far everything sounds good with my portfolio review.

11-07-2003, 05:39 PM
i like that one. the mirrors rock.

11-08-2003, 01:09 AM
Dude can you make me a talk tube for my fort? That stuff is cool, I wish I could draw!

11-08-2003, 04:25 AM
Those are pretty sweet! I really hope you get into that school! I will keep my fingers crossed for ya!:x: :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:

11-09-2003, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Dorifto180sx
Cool. I am tryin to get into Art Center College of Design (kinda the best school for trans design in the US). So far everything sounds good with my portfolio review.


:D :D :D

11-09-2003, 01:54 AM
I have a friend who is trying to transfer there. His art is amazing and his portfolio is up to par. He told me that he probably can't make it because his grades suck. What's the deal with that? Why wouldn't they want a talented artist? You guys are talking about the one in Pasadena right?

11-09-2003, 02:08 PM
It depends on what he wants to transfer in for...

If its product or transportation good luck ^_^

HOWEVER as of recently they've openned the flood doors because they admittedly need the $.

C'mon Dorifto! I wanna see another not-lamed out car in that parking lot (beside the badass 510).