View Full Version : ST, how did you quit smoking?

07-09-2011, 05:33 PM
I've been trying to quit smoking cigarettes for about a year. i cant stay away from them for more than a month or so. i'll end up smoking a cigarette without even thinking about it.

how did you ex-smokers quit? help me, i want to live!

07-09-2011, 05:36 PM
I went cold turkey. Basically, strap your balls on and just do it. I made my brain think that it was disgusting and nauseated and after a while I couldnt stand being around people that smoked.

07-09-2011, 05:56 PM
I just went cold turkey.

07-09-2011, 05:57 PM
First and foremost don't buy in the quit smoking patches, pills or any of that bull. Wanting to quit smoking is great and i envy you for figuring all the cons that associate with smoking. I've been a smoker since i was 15, I quit a few times and then i was able to control it, I only smoke socially now and never buy or ask for a smoke. In order to quit you have to understand that your body will undergo some changes and they're all good. Listing a few: more energy, heightened sense of smell, eat and drink regularly, more up beat and you'll discover a lot more on your own. I had to change a few things like start working out regularly and i still do which lead me to increase my want to quit. People you know has a lot of effect on it at first then you'll be able to deal with resisting so for example you can go talk to a cute chick without her having to smell any smoke smell on you. If you can find a few reasons and goals to push you to not buy another pack and begin a healthier life style that would be a key thing to hold on to and pursue. If you take the initiative and quit, make sure your drinking a lot of water and ease off the alcho.. Another thing I like to mention is that your in control and never the substance, use that to your advantage.

sorry for the long post, hope you go through with it..

07-09-2011, 06:22 PM
I went cold turkey too. I found reason that were important to myself. The biggest thing is actually wanting to not just, "oh I want to stop"

07-10-2011, 12:22 AM
I went cold turkey as well. As mentioned before, once you realize what the chemicals and crap they put into modern day cigarettes is doing to you, you get more incentive to quit.

What helped me quit was regular exercise - particularly cardio. Feeling the effect smoking had on me, even just 1 or 2 stoggs a day, showed me the toll it took on my lungs and body.

If you're stuck on the oral fixation like I was, try replacing it with something else. Chewing gum or eating apples helps, something that keeps your mouth busy.

PS: I didn't realize so many people went cold turkey.

07-10-2011, 12:49 AM
You're 19, just fucking quit.
trying to tell me you have been trying since 18, get some fucking balls and some will power.
Be a man and just stop.

Thats the only advice you need.

Me, 18 years and going strong.
If I wanna quit for awhile, i just do it.
And when i wanna start back up, i do it.

Its all in your head.
also, eating and treating your body shitty will make it crave the crap too.
just carry a water bottle and gum, and go to the gym, you will stop.

07-10-2011, 01:33 AM
like everybody else. i just quit. cigarettes are bullshit. cigars are bullshit. i still go to the hookah bar every once in a while, though.

a couple friends have used nicorette, neither smoke anymore. so maybe that if you really want a crutch.

07-10-2011, 02:56 AM
Freedom Quit Smoking Laser Therapy Stop Smoking Nicotine Addiction Cigarettes Los Angeles, CA (http://freedomlasertherapy.com/)

that's where i went. i paid close to 400 bucks...and the treatment doesn't seem like much it only lasted 45 minutes or so. but i i haven't had a smoke since october of '05. not only that but i lost the taste for beer/alcohol as well....the stuff tastes nasty to me now. and i was a heavy smoker up to 2 packs a day, 10 years of smoking.

i've had friends try this place out but with no success but i just really wanted to quit. whatever method you choose, YOU HAVE TO WANT TO QUIT to even have a chance. don't get me wrong sometimes even to this day i'll have little pangs of temptation. but it's easy for me to just say nah, i don't need 'em.

07-10-2011, 03:01 AM
You just stop putting them in that fuck hole you call a mouth.

Forte EXE
07-10-2011, 03:47 AM
I smoked about a pack and half a day for 1 year straight when I was 18. I went cold turkey.

I remember waking up one morning and not weezing and coughing up mucus. I knew then and there I was not going to smoke again. A week after I quit, I rode my bike for 20 miles the whole day, and it felt GREAT.

Just quit, it's probably burning a hole in your pocket too, seeing as how cigarettes are pricey now.

I try to get all my friends to quit smoking, but its more like a social thing to them.

07-10-2011, 08:20 AM
I went cold turkey i think that's the only way to get over it in all honesty.

07-10-2011, 08:48 AM
Honestly what i did was tried Camel snus when it came out, did it for less then 1 month not smoking or anything, then i got to the point saying this snus stuff sucks and threw it out, and never smoked again.

07-10-2011, 10:43 AM
Man, Im about to quit,...........

.......but fuck I love smoking :(

07-10-2011, 10:44 AM
Cold turkey, and stop hanging out with people who smoke. They will only make it harder to stop.

07-10-2011, 11:31 AM
yeah it was hard for me to quit, all my friends and my gf smokes so it was hard, and if you dont smoke for awhile you can smell cig smoke from miles away and grave for 1, i also ate alot of candy to quit.

07-10-2011, 11:33 AM
Cloves were banned. I didn't feel like ordering them from foreign websites. The clove cigarillos that Djarum released to replace the clove cigs tasted like shit. So, I quit. Simple as that. haha

If it weren't for the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, I'd probably still be smoking. Thanks, nosey government!

07-10-2011, 11:44 AM
Yeah ive been trying to get my mother to stop smoking about my whole life... And she never listens, one time i finally got her to stop though. and then like 6 weeks later she wanted to see a friend that she hasnt seen in a long time because she smoked. and she just said can i just have one smoke of that or idk what she said. and now shes hooked again. I think some people can stop easier than others so some can stop cold turkey ... some have to gradually stop.

07-10-2011, 11:52 AM
I've smoked cigars cigarettes and hookah, I never really felt like it was something I needed. Then I realized that smoking is pretty stupid so I don't even bother. $5+ a day to smell like shit, not be able to breathe, and probably die on a bed attached to bottled oxygen.

I don't even understand what could possibly be "addicting" about them from my experience.

07-10-2011, 12:04 PM
Just stoped like that> Fearless

word sux
07-10-2011, 04:06 PM
just stop

if you really want to you will. I also quit cold turkey and never looked back. Now I can't stand being around smokers or riding in a smokers car. Its a disgusting and stupid thing to do.

07-10-2011, 04:46 PM
I don't smoke, but if I did, I would keep telling myself this:

1 pack = $10
1 pack a day for a week = $70
times 52 weeks a year = $3640 at least


07-10-2011, 05:11 PM
im gonna try the cold turkey thing, last one i smoked was at 3:15 this morning. and handed the rest of the pack to a buddy who has no will to quit.

s13 k3nrock
07-10-2011, 06:36 PM
yeah you just gotta do it man, find something better to do to occupy your time, i found that every time i would smoke it was mainly because i was bored, hell id make excuses to smoke. just stop literally as simple as that, if you dont have them you cant smoke them its been 4 months and i smoked a cig a few weeks ago and thought i was going to puke. every puff is your life decaying

word sux
07-11-2011, 04:37 AM

try this

07-11-2011, 05:55 AM
well, try like 2 cigs a week.. then keep going from there

07-11-2011, 06:52 AM
Just up and quit it. The Cons out weigh the Pro for smoking tobacco. Plus it cuts into your build budget.

07-11-2011, 04:46 PM
ive been a smoker for 10+ years and i want to quit by the end of this year...while some of you offer good advice and most of you are pointing out the obvious cons associated with smoking (health, cost, odors, etc. etc.), my question is how did everyone battle the psychological hurdles?

not so much the fixation, but more so the things that have smoking engrained right into them...

for example, shooting the shit with your closest friends (that obviously smoke), after sex, after a meal, when drinking, when doing other "substances", breaks from work, driving in your car, taking a break after working on your car/bike, resting at the track, etc. etc. etc.

-you mean to tell me that now ill have to shoot the shit with my homies without smoking? hella homo
-have to settle for a sammich after sex? boring
-have a mint after a meal instead? argh
-stay inside the bar/club and just drink more? could be good
-no comment =)
-go to my break room and eat an apple or some shit?
-drive normally? *gasp*
-take a break from my garage and stare at my neighbors?
-read a book in my beach chair at the track? =\

those are the true idiosyncrasies that i am terrified of...how did you guys get through them?

07-11-2011, 05:26 PM
You know... Even when I smoked, I NEVER felt the need for a post-sex cig.

Try switching to a type of cig that you absolutely hate the taste of. Worked for me, basically.

Then again, I've pretty much replaced the cigs with "other substances of a slightly greener nature", so my advice is probably worthless.

07-11-2011, 05:57 PM
I quit smoking in October '09. The entire time i smoked i never could stand doing it anywhere near children, it just seemed like a really fucked up thing to do. My daughter was born Oct. 5, 2009 and i knew that there was no way in hell that i was going to subject my child to that bullshit so i just up and quit.

Basically, like everyone else said, you really do have to have a reason to want to quit. If your general health and well-being isnt a good enough reason then you'd better think of something else that you consider important.

07-12-2011, 09:01 AM
You're 19, just fucking quit.
trying to tell me you have been trying since 18, get some fucking balls and some will power.
Be a man and just stop.

Thats the only advice you need.

Me, 18 years and going strong.
If I wanna quit for awhile, i just do it.
And when i wanna start back up, i do it.

Its all in your head.
also, eating and treating your body shitty will make it crave the crap too.
just carry a water bottle and gum, and go to the gym, you will stop.

Totally agree with him ^^^ I quit cold turkey last 4th of July and havent touched one since and dont think i'll ever go back to smoking. Really bad and un healthy habit. Smoking affects you in so many bad ways.

1) Lung cancer
2) Damage arteries
3) Cardiovascular disease
4) At risk for Emphysema
5) Affect your blood pressure
6) Affect sexual activity
7) Believe it or not even though you dont smoke in front of you family members it affects them as well


07-12-2011, 09:15 AM
I quit smoking in 2008.
I brainwashed myself into thinking it was disgusting (BECAUSE IT IS!!) and quit cold turkey.
What was really difficult was not to smoke while going to bars or drinking with friends.
If you have friends that smoke it makes it 100 times more complicated to quit.
If you beg them enough they will always cave and give you a smoke.
Its been so long I do not really recall if I had any sort of substitutes like eating seeds or gum, etc.

All of it is mental. Although I used the negatives as a fuel to keep from smoking, I also saw the pros as a huge plus.

Not smelling like ass everywhere you go.
Tasting your food.
Better teeth
Better cardio
Better Image
Extra money
Extra Time
Not Dying

Bottom line is if you want to quit youll do it, if you dont then find an excuse.
If you just started smoking then just stop now while you are ahead.
Going from a pack a day to nothing will never happen for some people, Do not let yourself get there.
Stop Buying them.

Oh I forgot.....

ITS F$CKING GROSS!!!!!!!!!!1

Edit: just caught this lol

I went cold turkey. Basically, strap your balls on and just do it. I made my brain think that it was disgusting and nauseated and after a while I couldnt stand being around people that smoked.

exactly what I did, now I hate smokers lol

07-12-2011, 09:59 AM
While i was in Afghanistan i just went cold turkey, the patch is stupid, dont do dip for a "healthier" choice, just man the fuck up and think about your life and family...it halped me, plus i got motored a lot and thought,"these fucken taliban fighters cant kill me, but the cig snuck its way"

07-12-2011, 02:15 PM
dont do dip for a "healthier" choice
This. I hate being around people while they're dipping. That stuff makes for even nastier breath than cigs.
The habits of dippers are awful, too... I work retail in grocery stores, and I frequently find dip splatter from where some dumbfuck redneck stocker spit his dip at the back of a shelf while stocking... It's fucking disgusting.

07-12-2011, 02:55 PM
The misses slapped it out of my hand one time on a date before we started dating. Told me we would never get anywhere if i kept smoking. Worked.

I still smoke when I'm out drinking or occasionally after work, but that's rare and the pack will usually last me about a month.

07-12-2011, 03:36 PM
I haven't had any cravings and i got ash in my eye from a friend's cigarette while sitting behind him in the car. I've gone a month before and im sure i could keep going with ease.

07-12-2011, 07:50 PM
smoked more weed which weaned me off the cigarettes. Having Glaucoma as a legit reason to smoke helps.

07-14-2011, 12:01 AM
Cold Turkey... You have to REALLLLLYY want to quit. Or else, it wil fail if you will do it half assed

T chop
07-14-2011, 12:31 AM
a lot of my friends smoke, it's annoying hearing them bitch about how they want to quit/trying to quit but what pisses me off is I just think, "why did you start then?"

07-14-2011, 06:57 PM
still no cravings, and my throat stopped hurting like hell.

07-17-2011, 09:48 AM
for example, shooting the shit with your closest friends (that obviously smoke), after sex, after a meal, when drinking, when doing other "substances", breaks from work, driving in your car, taking a break after working on your car/bike, resting at the track, etc. etc. etc.

-you mean to tell me that now ill have to shoot the shit with my homies without smoking? hella homo
-have to settle for a sammich after sex? boring
-have a mint after a meal instead? argh
-stay inside the bar/club and just drink more? could be good
-no comment =)
-go to my break room and eat an apple or some shit?
-drive normally? *gasp*
-take a break from my garage and stare at my neighbors?
-read a book in my beach chair at the track? =\

those are the true idiosyncrasies that i am terrified of...how did you guys get through them?

thats the hardest part. driving in traffic sucks more. when you get a break at school or work, its like 15 min of doing nothing rather than a break. chilling with the guys just isnt the same. but then think about what all the people that dont smoke do. they still drive in traffic, go to work/school, chill with homies, and eat food.

at first i slowly cut it from my habits. i stopped smoking at school. no cigarettes during breaks. (sucked the most when i had a couple hours to kill between classes). then while driving. then only took a drag from a buddies when i chilled with them. then none when we hung out.

i smoked for at least 5 years before that, and all my friends smoke. friends i knew since high school, so im not gonna stop chilling with them after 6 or 7 years. the whole dont hang out with people who smoke thing is bullshit. its about you, and not your friends.

to be honest though, what really made me stop was my dad getting lung cancer. watch that shit, and you wont smoke again, even if you want to. but thats not really an option for most people.

i say, take small steps. if you said to yourself "youre never gonna smoke a cigarette ever again in your entire life," id say fuck that. but to not smoke in a car? thats actually doable..