View Full Version : tail lights and stupid questions

11-06-2003, 02:06 AM

what's it from?

quick question(totally off topic), but how you make 5+5+5=550 TRUE only useing a ONE straight line(\,|,/,etc)

ah... for the hell of it, what's the answer to this one also?

-three guys rent a hotel
-the hotel guy says it's 30 bucks for a room
-each guy gives a 10 dollar bill
-the hotel guy is mistaken because the actual price is 25 bucks
-the hotel guy being the guy he is takes 2 dollar for himself
-the hotel guy gives each person back one dollar
-that means each person paid 9 dollars
-the hotel took 2 dollars
wheres the other dollar?

11-06-2003, 02:15 AM
whats what from? those are R32 4door tailights, on an R32 4door

11-06-2003, 03:22 AM
quick question(totally off topic), but how you make 5+5+5=550 TRUE only useing a ONE straight line(\,|,/,etc)

The answer is draw a diagonal line through the = Sign :D

ah... for the hell of it, what's the answer to this one also?

-three guys rent a hotel
-the hotel guy says it's 30 bucks for a room
-each guy gives a 10 dollar bill
-the hotel guy is mistaken because the actual price is 25 bucks
-the hotel guy being the guy he is takes 2 dollar for himself
-the hotel guy gives each person back one dollar
-that means each person paid 9 dollars
-the hotel took 2 dollars
wheres the other dollar?

There is an initial $30 charge. It should have been $25, so $5 must be returned and accounted for. $3 is given to the 3 friends, $2 is kept by the bellhop - there you have the $5. The trick to this riddle is that the addition and subtraction are done at the wrong times to misdirect your thinking - and quite successfully for most. Each of the 3 friends did indeed pay $9, not $10, and as far as the friends are concerned, they paid $27 for the night. But we know that the clerk will tell us that they were charged only $25 and when you add the $3 returned with the $2 kept by the bellhop, you come up with $30.

Hope that helps you out....I used to be all about those stupid brain teasers and stuff! :bow:

11-06-2003, 09:19 AM
i think you got the first brain teaser wrong. i think i have the answer but i'll tell you later.

remember, you can't change the equation, you have to make 5+5+5=550 TRUE

11-06-2003, 09:37 AM
edit : i had this clear now i'm confused again lol.

30 - 2 - 3 = *25. original bill = 25. 25/3 = 8.333333... plus the 1 dollar back per person = 9.3333.... 9.333 x 3 = 28. 28+2 = 30. there ya go. the extra dollar is in the .33333... X 3 that i keep forgetting when i read this.

this misleading part is when they say 27+2 = 29 ... b/c the 2 dollars is part of the 27 (25+2 is what the clerk has and each guy has $1). ok. i have a headache now lol.

11-06-2003, 01:25 PM
okay... since no one is gonna reply, i'll tell you the anser to the first one as for the second one, matlock got it.

5+5+5=550 you simply put a straight line(|) on the first + sgin to make it a 4. 545+5=550

11-06-2003, 01:43 PM
actually from a computer science perspective matlock is right about the first one. regardless of what you are doing you are changing the equation... to make it a does not equal works. its called a boolean statement. true or false. 1 or 0. to say 5+5+5 != 555 would return TRUE as a boolean. am i geeky or wut. :cool:

11-06-2003, 02:48 PM
I like the techie way of answering the first one better as well. I guess it takes someone who's taken a few programming classes to appreciate the genius of it. Of course, the other way works as well.

The second one.... my brain hurts, I'm gonna go take an advil now! I see how it works, but it is still confusing.

11-06-2003, 03:56 PM
Ok here is one for you

o o o

o o o

o o o

Connect all those dots without picking up your pencil or mouse. using one line. once you start you can not pick up the pencil (hint) think outside the box.

11-06-2003, 04:58 PM
i remember this one. instead of stoping at a dot, you stop pass the dot into the space were their is no dot, that's the secret.

11-06-2003, 05:06 PM

11-06-2003, 06:03 PM
S14TiNMAN whats wrong ?