View Full Version : For clarity's sake, or 'Why I banned Nitekids'

11-06-2003, 12:01 AM
It started with this thread:
Started by 'GregT', a newbie out of Texas.
I didn't really think anything of it until I checked back 2 days later to make sure the newb wasn't getting flamed too badly.
I read through and didn't see anything TOO terrible.

Then I read Oni's post:
I wonder who it is, some mod run and IP compare, see if its someone else on this board, I have a feeling it is Nitekids, if it is, your one funny MF :-D

So I read back through all of GregT's posts and found that they fit the newb formula just a BIT too exactly.. So, having a spare 30 seconds, I decided to check GregT's IP:
(2 came up but this was the one that caught my attention most. (ont-DSL96-cust221.mpowercom.net)
(the other was
Both cross-referenced with these usernames:


So I checked every single one of the IPs listed for NiteKids, to see how common it was for him to share users on his IPs.
Of the 18 IPs listed for his name, there was only one different user shared, and that was Grant (whom I surmised used Henry's computer to logon to Zilvia).

So, nobody shares IPs with NiteKids, and there's not a snowball's chance in hell a user in TX is going to share IPs with a user in SoCal.

Then I remembered that NiteKids had responded to that thread:
Originally posted by NiteKids
I'm having a hard time trying not to say anything rude......

and i thought to myself.. no way.. he did NOT just go and create a new username and start a flame-worthy thread JUST to make himself look better! .. and yet the more I thought about it, the more I realized that that was exactly what he'd done.

I then banned his username (NiteKids) and the flame-newb username (GregT). I then posted this:
You're going to have a hard time saying anything at all.
Nitekids has been banned for creating multiple user accounts, and specifically one for being a jackass (GregT).
I'll unban you in a week, if you want to come back on Zilvia.
I don't dislike you, Henry, but your penchant for being a goofball online and pissing people off has gone too far (for me, at least).
If anyone has a problem with this, PM me or Mark.

thanks for the advice, Oni.

To recap: GregT = NiteKids. NiteKids wasn't behaving at all, he just wanted everyone to think he was behaving. I checked GregT's IPs and the only other user to share those IPs was NiteKids.
NiteKids is in SoCal, 'GregT' was supposedly in TX. Something doesn't add up.

One week is pretty light punishment for abuse of a website. How hard would it have been to go play somewhere else for a week? Or AIM me and tell me that you just wanted people to like you a little better? Or just go work on your car and have a nice life for a week?

Instead of this, he decides to ignore what I stated in that thread (which I concurrently emailed to him, so that he'd know why he was banned), and posted in the picture thread and the sky-eighty thread as Torajix. He didn't post anything inappropriate, just being his regular self.
Anyway, I decided that just banning those 2 usernames wouldn't be enough, so I banned the rest of the usernames he'd had at one time or another:


I figured this would get across the point that he wasn't allowed to play here for at least a week.
I said this:
Didn't I ban you, NiteKids?
Oh well. I'm now banning all of your aliases so you have no place to play

That clearly didn't get the point across, as he just decided to register a new name, the oh-so-clever 'SDIK', and posted in the 'getting your car into a magazine' thread and the 'really nice spoiler on this car' thread. Since simply banning his available usernames was clearly not enough, I opted to ban his IP.

By this point, I'd already chatted with Mark several times on the matter, and he preferred that we ban NiteKids for a month. I went ahead with the IP ban, and left Mark a message to let me know if he wanted me to remove the IP ban or if it was ok with him.
He got back to me about an hour later saying it was ok.

By now I was just hoping for the best. I'd never had any animosity toward NiteKids. I even tryed to introduce myself to him at the most recent SoCal240sx BBQ, but he shrugged me off. I think the only users I've ever been annoyed by are James and gladhatter. NiteKids is simply famous for being a shit-starter. On another forum where his username is AlphaIntegra, EVERYONE knows who he is and what he does.
I've always taken it with a grain of salt every time I see a thread by him made simply to be controversial or argumentative.
I thought I'd made a good effort to NOT be an asshole to him, if only for the fact that he's infamous here and it would suck to see him go.

Name me any other user I've given a 1 week ban.

So anyway, I happen to peer over Lisa's shoulder as she's playing on Zilvia and I see this:
In which he claims that he's done nothing wrong, and that my attempts to ban him are useless as he can get around it.
So, I just banned that username and IP and called it a day. I had to get ready to go.
Just before I left, I saw that he'd posted this:
I just sighed and left. I have better things to do than play internet war with NiteKids.

In summation, the reason NiteKids was banned was simple: Abuse.
Being deceitful, ignoring moderators and overlooking how lenient I was being JUST so he could come back and play some more are a few more reasons why.
Why did he feel it necessary to trick everyone into thinking he was being nice to a ricer newbie?
Why can he not leave Zilvia for even one day?
Why does he persist in his efforts to be on Zilvia and get even with me (or whatever his goal is).
I don't know the answers to these questions, and I don't claim to.

I'm not taking this personally. My objective is simple: keep Zilvia running smoothly. Abuse, multiple fake users, etc does not equal running smoothly.
If anyone is taking this personally, I believe it is NiteKids.
Why else would somebody go through so much trouble of setting up different IPs to post from, different email addresses to use to validate different user registrations?


Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know what the skinny is on what happened.
NiteKids, I'm sure you'll read this at some point. If you'd like to comment on this thread, AIM or email me and I'll post it for all to see.
This thread is NOT open to general discussion.
If you disagree with my actions, please PM me and tell me why.
If you agree with my actions, please PM me and tell me why.
If you don't give a shit, fuck off. :D