02-01-2002, 04:07 PM
<a href="http://zetarocks.com/main.html" target='_blank'>http://zetarocks.com/main.html</a>
Guys this vid is phat and the scenes with the ferrari are pretty cool in themselves. personally I love the song but it's rock so all might not. Definately worth watching though. sorry forgot to mention you have to scroll down to "hey mister" the vid by "custom".
(Edited by wyldchyld7x at 4:39 pm on Feb. 1, 2002)
Guys this vid is phat and the scenes with the ferrari are pretty cool in themselves. personally I love the song but it's rock so all might not. Definately worth watching though. sorry forgot to mention you have to scroll down to "hey mister" the vid by "custom".
(Edited by wyldchyld7x at 4:39 pm on Feb. 1, 2002)