View Full Version : Tired of it

11-05-2003, 06:13 PM
OK everyone...to include the moderators. I am tired of all the damn bickering. Yes we all get annoyed at people and want to "school them" or ban them...whatever. We are all adults here, and everyone's opinions differ. That is what makes us all unique. Why bash or hate someone for who they are? I am tired of it all. We are all here to TALK about cars and LEARN. Not to see who knows more or who can out do someone else. There are a few people on here acting VERY childish. If it continues, sorry to say I won't want to be apart of the board anymore, wich dissapoints me to say, cuzz I really like A LOT of the members on here. I know you all surf other forums...do any of them hate on each other? HARDLY. The scooby people, they HAVE FUN! Everyone here is wound up so friggin tight. I know I have gotten irritated more than a few times, and for that I appologise. I just started thinking about how much time we waste arguing on this board, banning people, trying to find ways to get around the ban, bashing newbies when they don't use the search button, getting all pissed off when someone posts an innapropriate link and when people revive an old thread. I don't know about you guys, but, my time is worth a lot more than that to me. I don't want to waste it reading people's gripes and whines that they have about others. Ughh, I really don't know how to end this, but, all I ask is that EVERYONE reconcile(sp?) their differences...make this board a HAPPY, FUN PLACE to be again.

Thanks for taking the time to read my long ass post. Hope others agree with me.:bow:

11-05-2003, 06:18 PM
I totally agree, and I am a newbie well now I am dubbed "leaky injector" but you know what I mean.......I am scared to ask some technical questions about my car when I can't find what I need after searching, because I am afraid I wil be flamed. I also feel bad when I reply to a post that is more than like a day old because I feel like everyone will get pissed at me because I am reviving old posts....I guess I try to stay as nuetral as possible, but I just agree that some people need to just chill out.:bow:

11-05-2003, 09:13 PM
I am scared to ask some technical questions about my car when I can't find what I need after searching

...And at the rate the replies on this site have been going, you'll never find your answers. Every time I search (for something simple), I just end up with results of other people asking the question, and everyone yelling for them to SEARCH. It may be nobody's fault, but the tech info on this board is definitely lacking. It always has. This is due to the (self-proclaimed) know-it-alls who would rather yell at a newbie to search every time rather than simply answer their question. Obviously, this applies to easy-ish newbie questions. But then again, find me a really tech-savvy thread in the tech forums.... haha good luck. Most 240 drivers are too young to really be experienced in the auto field. I find myself asking tech questions on boards that have nothing to do with s-chassis cars as a result. The only thing this board has really taught me is wheel sizing and offset selection. Whooptie freakin doo!

That being said, I love this board for its joking attitude and simple chatting. I agree with the original poster, everyone needs to lay off the insults. 8 times out of 10, you can meet this person you just "layed your virtual smack down on" in real life, and not have a single problem with them.

I want to delete this reply... it was a waste of time even writing it. Since I spent 3 minutes on it, I'll post it up...

:gives: pretty much sums up my opinion on all the drama.

11-06-2003, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by matlock
I totally agree, and I am a newbie well now I am dubbed "leaky injector" but you know what I mean.......I am scared to ask some technical questions about my car when I can't find what I need after searching, because I am afraid I wil be flamed. I also feel bad when I reply to a post that is more than like a day old because I feel like everyone will get pissed at me because I am reviving old posts....I guess I try to stay as nuetral as possible, but I just agree that some people need to just chill out.:bow: \

i agree strongly:boink:

11-06-2003, 04:55 AM
Hey Brianglawson thanks a lot for the support and understanding, S13SilviaGirl actually PMed me about it and I just think its awesome to realize that some people on this forum DO realize that people can't always find every little thing with the search button......and I appriciate the fact that you guys are being so cool about this, but I can not say this much for a few other members

11-06-2003, 06:48 AM

this is like the 20th rant about arguing on the board. Already heard all of it b4 :-/

11-06-2003, 07:40 AM
if its the twentieth time this has come up, then maybe this board really does have a problem... ?

edit: it's probably inevitable, as the 240sx is now attracting alot of different kinds of people.

11-06-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by aznpoopy
if its the twentieth time this has come up, then maybe this board really does have a problem... ?

edit: it's probably inevitable, as the 240sx is now attracting alot of different kinds of people.

it also means nobody's doing anything to solve it.

11-06-2003, 09:50 AM
The only way to fix it is if mods layoff the banning. There are certain cases where someone needs to be banned, but thats usually for blatant attacks against other members, PM first, and edit thier post. If they do it again then ban em all I care.

The main things you really need to do is move posts which they do a great job keeping up with (don't know why so many people post OT things in chat to begin with).

11-06-2003, 11:32 AM
i dont know anything about who gets banned for what here (as ive been here only a week or so), but i do know that whenever i ask questions i always get the tough guy act from some of those who respond (atleast once or twice for each question). but if i ask them the same thing in real life they wouldnt answer like that (its just not polite).
those handful of people though, i think, are just plain mad people. they go to other boards where i have asked the same question (to get more answers) and give the same "whatareyoustupid?" type response. if someone would just answer the question instead of ranting about how retarded i must be for not knowing what fits what, maybe the seach button would be easier to use. like someone else said...the majority of the search results are pissed off responses from mad people. basically i agree with the original poster...some people need to just calm down.

Stee Flo
11-06-2003, 12:00 PM
Unfortanately this is not going to change much. Everyone on here is NOT an adult, by age and by intellectual standards. Alot of the Senior members on Zilvia, post whores, search natzis, and groupies on here think of themselves as something special and flame/dont help because of it. All we can ask is that people TRY as best they can to be become adults and act civilized and respectful towards your fellow man/women so as to have a nice online car enthusiast community. :hug:

11-06-2003, 12:12 PM
agree very strongly

but I will ask anything and express my opinion and not have a care
my opinion of course is going to differ from everyone elses, and if i get bashed or flamed for that then thats the basher or flamers problem not mine.

This site will always be a wealth of knowledge for everyone!!!:D

11-06-2003, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by omen2853
like someone else said...the majority of the search results are pissed off responses from mad people. basically i agree with the original poster...some people need to just calm down.

yes people need to calm down. but the reason the search results are so overfilled with 'USE SEARCH' is because people weren't using the search in the first place. i.e. its everyone's fault, not just the pissed of pplz. personally i don't flame, if i feel like it i'll just do the search for them this time and tell them to search harder next time. otherwise i'll just keep my mouth shut cuz someone is gonna flame them anyway.

11-06-2003, 12:55 PM
i dunno...for everyone who overreacts and is a dick on these boards there are an equal number of people who are too sensitive and take things too seriously...it's just the internet..some people LOVE to hide behind their monitors and flame...others love to be helpful...for all we know their roles would be reversed in real life...

but does it really matter?..i mean do you really come here for compassion and understanding?..if so i think that's kinda sad...i have nothing to do all day at work..sooo i play online..but when i start letting people on these boards have an adverse effect on me emotionally then i've got problems...i think too many people put too much emphasis on the online "community" aspects of these boards..yeah, i've met some nice people in person off of these forums..made some new customers..and for that i am appreciative...but i'm not going to start putting any more or less of my "true" self out here...don't you have friends in REAL LIFE for that??

i dunno..now i'm rambling...but to sumarize..

the shit-talkers need to calm down a bit with the harshness (not so much on the reasoning because some people are just morons who deserve what they get) and this includes me..but in the same light...many need to toughin up a little..

and EVERYONE needs to relax...

my piece...late

11-06-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by nokeone
i dunno...for everyone who overreacts and is a dick on these boards there are an equal number of people who are too sensitive and take things too seriously...it's just the internet..some people LOVE to hide behind their monitors and flame...others love to be helpful...for all we know their roles would be reversed in real life...

but does it really matter?..i mean do you really come here for compassion and understanding?..if so i think that's kinda sad...i have nothing to do all day at work..sooo i play online..but when i start letting people on these boards have an adverse effect on me emotionally then i've got problems...i think too many people put too much emphasis on the online "community" aspects of these boards..yeah, i've met some nice people in person off of these forums..made some new customers..and for that i am appreciative...but i'm not going to start putting any more or less of my "true" self out here...don't you have friends in REAL LIFE for that??

i dunno..now i'm rambling...but to sumarize..

the shit-talkers need to calm down a bit with the harshness (not so much on the reasoning because some people are just morons who deserve what they get) and this includes me..but in the same light...many need to toughin up a little..

and EVERYONE needs to relax...

my piece...late

Right on!!

and fwiw, The moderators DO send pm's warning people. Usually many times. Often only to receive, "oh, I'm sorry. It won't happen again" then the next day, they are doing exactly what we previously warned them about. EVERYONE gets a warning. If they are too immature to respect the rules, then they are also too immature to participate on the forum.

Trying to blame what zilvia is on the moderators is pointless. The members make the community. I mean, you don't blame the cops for a neighborhood being ghetto right?

Stee Flo
11-06-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by sykikchimp

Trying to blame what zilvia is on the moderators is pointless. The members make the community. I mean, you don't blame the cops for a neighborhood being ghetto right?
True. I feel the moderators do a great job. Its some of the members that dont have respect for authority. People should play by the rules or dont play at all. Originally posted by nokeone
the shit-talkers need to calm down a bit with the harshness (not so much on the reasoning because some people are just morons who deserve what they get) and this includes me..but in the same light...many need to toughin up a little..

and EVERYONE needs to relax...

my piece...late :stupid:
People should'nt let this online stuff carry over to real life. Its so stupid to see stuff like an argument escalading to the point that someone wants to actually physically harm someone offline. :rolleyes:

11-06-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Kreator

this is like the 20th rant about arguing on the board. Already heard all of it b4 :-/

Sorry, this was just my stupid little rant. I just really want it to not be such a "hollier than thou" forum....and yes the mods are great, and I know for a Fact they do issue out warning to people, some just choose to ignore those warnings and get mad when they are banned.