View Full Version : Are you broke?

11-05-2003, 09:34 AM
Man I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention.

Not really but I feel like it. I have a lot of bills and shit that should be gone shotrly. I make decent money but I just feel like I never have any! Theres so much that I wan to buy for my car. And I keep seeing these great deals on things and I hate that I can't jump on'em.:mad: Anyone else having this problem? I hope it's not just me.:hammer:

11-05-2003, 09:37 AM
OOh yea, and I don't wan to here from u people with ur fantsy s15 front ends and sr and rb engines producing 500hp with signal auto tuned suspension that just set up for drifting with ur show quality paint jobs and ur $1000 a peice 10" wide rims with ur yashio factory wide fenders that live in cali and it never gets sunny!

I hope I made myself clear.;)

11-05-2003, 09:44 AM
its called self control. not buying EVERYTHINg you see a deal on

time for some money management classes or something

11-05-2003, 10:03 AM
The key not being broke is stealing everything you want j/k. Don't buy every "good deal" you see. Most of the time it isn't a good deal anyway.

11-05-2003, 11:55 AM
*checks savings account*

hmm... $700 to make it through the rest of the school year. I will be able to just barely pull it off, living off of Ramen and Dr Thunder. Thank God this school pays me to be here.

really the only things I buy are cheap walmart brand food, gas, and autocross entry fees.


11-05-2003, 11:57 AM
very broke
boss owes my company like 7 checks:bash:

11-05-2003, 01:45 PM
dr. thunder is great stuff. i drank nothing but dr. thunder for a year in college. if i drank more then 1.5 bottles a day i got sick, so be wary.

dousan: money management is great, but when you got set costs like ($230 ferry + $130 month parking), food ($50 at home + $100 work lunch), girlfriend ($999999999 assorted costs -_-"), 240sx ($300 stuff breaking), rent + utilities ... not alot gets left over for anything.

exitspeed: when i was a teenager i thought 100 bucks a month was alot. then in college i got like 400 or so, working and help from home. now i'm out and making a lot more. and i feel like i had LESS money then i did before! lol. welcome to adult life :(

car + gf + living = broke. imo the key to having alot of money is :

1) dump your girlfriend
2) sell your car and buy a civic
3) live with your mom
4) eating dr. thunder + ramen ONLY :D

if i could do this for a year or two, i'd be rich.

11-05-2003, 01:46 PM
if the budget is that tight, then cars shouldnt be a hobby. simple as that.

11-05-2003, 02:00 PM
yes girlfriends = wads of cash! oh man, my girlfriend isn't high class or anything, sit her down at Denny's or In-N-Out and she's straight, but damn does she like to shop, and damn am i stupid enough to take her shopping. i could spend my paycheck in a weekend with that girl, eesh. wanna save money, dont' get a girlfriend hehe.

"If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
- Aristotle Onassis

11-05-2003, 02:08 PM
Actually I'm on the tale end of being broke. And I havent boight and "good deals" yet. My fiance just got into realistate(sp), and she was making about half as much as me. So hopefully she can start making some decent money. Money management is actually one of my strong points now but it took me years to be able develope good habits and trying nnot to live beyond your means. It's hard when ur young and ur making good money and you get used to living a certain way and then u get a 5 digit a year raise and then you go spend that and so on and so forth. So now realize my young mistakes and have almost gotton out of it. Things will be grand for me soon.:D

11-05-2003, 02:17 PM
dousan: good point. the car is more then a hobby though, its my only form of transportation. living in NJ you NEED a car to get around. without it i wouldn't even be able to buy groceries. if i could do everything over again maybe i would get something more reliable, but i figured you're young once and i wanted to learn rwd before i got old and crusty. once the car is paid off i think i'll be getting a bit more relaxed.

i'm on the same page as you exitspeed. i'm fresh out of college and working on my first job. things are coming together slowly. the economy is looking up too. by summer time next year i hope to be at a different level. good luck to us :D

11-05-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
if the budget is that tight, then cars shouldnt be a hobby. simple as that.
cars should always be a hobby
some how you can always make it work:D :D

11-05-2003, 02:21 PM
yes of course its transportation, same thing for here in so cali.

but modifying it..that's NOT required. so im saying cars as a HOBBY (hobby meaning fixng up/tweaking---becaus my parents drive but they dont take cars as a hobby) is not necessary.

even in your posts you said:

240sx ($300 stuff breaking),

if everyone's car had 300 dollars of breaking stuff monthly, we'd all be driving fords.

cars shouldnt cost (just maintenance wise not gas and such) no more then i'd say...mmmmmm 40 bucks a month? at max (one oil change and general tune up every 6 months, might be less the 40 per month)

anyways, fixing cars and driving cars as a mode of transportation are TOTALLY different. if our broke because you keep 'getting good deals'


11-05-2003, 02:23 PM
Priorities I guess. Friend of mine wants a new engine
so bad that he stoped drinking and going out partying
just to save money. Haven't seen him in 3 months but
sounds like he's pretty close to getting it. If your
car is your priority than you need to make some sacrifices.

11-05-2003, 03:33 PM
I spent tons of money on my rd gen eclipse and stopped modding it after I got my 240. So now I'm sacrificing my modding to pay everything else off so I can go nuts on my car next year.

Bill Roberts
11-05-2003, 04:05 PM
Lets take a time trip.

Circa 1974.

I did a saturday only job for 2.35 an hour...for 12 hour day...9 to 9 with a lunch break. Taxes were high as hell then. Bottom line, I made 15.16 a week. I had a paid for VW Bug and my Dad took care of insurance.

With 15.16 a week I could...

Drive a whole week on 5 bucks (gas was 43 cents a gallon)
Go to two movies with a date. 1 buck for two people
Buy an album for 3.99 and a blank cassette for 1.49 maxell to have the album on the car cassette.

Free load sodas from the parents and have 12 dollars a month to save.

I would build some speakers and make a few hundred per month. I was able to invest in stereo equipment and paid 800 bucks for a McIntosh amp.

Those were the days.

Try living in West Palm Beach? on an average income.

11-05-2003, 04:19 PM
Easiest way to manage being broke, is like dousan said, manage your money.

My car is the main thing I plan on spending money on. So I "try" to plan on what I am gonna buy, but I learned to take away a certain % of the money for miscellaneous.

Another thing to help your brokeness, quit smoking, I know a lot of smokers and that eats up a lot of thier money.

11-05-2003, 04:44 PM
Hellllll nooooo im not broke heheheh after a whooole summer of workin at 2 jobs and still workin while im in school right now, i got enough for my sr. But ill have to follow dousan, cars are an expensive hobby, but w/management and patience anything can happen. btw, being in hs w/a part time job isnt dat great either..

11-05-2003, 05:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dousan36

if everyone's car had 300 dollars of breaking stuff monthly, we'd all be driving fords.

Ha Ha
Thats funny shit

11-05-2003, 06:15 PM
man, i just got broke lately. it really sucks. always looking at your bank account and knowing that you are in the double digits. But i think everything is going to be okay in the long run. I buy crap loads of stuff for the car, but I know when there is a time when I can't afford it I want buy it.

11-05-2003, 08:52 PM
i feel broke as hell now. i just had a car accident and repairs cost me $1200. That's with paint. Don't ask how it happened, but I'm trying to rebuild my savings. I have no money to fall back on right now and it's so hard to not want to buy something for my car.

11-05-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
if everyone's car had 300 dollars of breaking stuff monthly, we'd all be driving fords.

lol. hey aren't there some mustang fans around here... you might anger someone. :P

recently the costs have been high because i really just started working on the car. so last month i had to buy a jack, jackstands, some planks to hold it in place, plus parts and a toolset, etc. then i got fresh tires, alignment (badly needed) for the winter which was basically my 300 bucks for this month. not to mention parts for the broken stuff. but 40 bucks a month only? i spend that much on gas + toll alone! my girlfriend lives an hour away... either u guys get cheap gas or i must drive way too much. :doh: but i figure the more work i do on my own, the more i learn about the car (good) and the more money i save (also good).

i hope i can go road course /w instructors come next season. i want to learn as much as possible before the season starts. my friend was trying to drag me there all last season. gotta save up! and my car really does have an inordinate amount of broken stuff on it. :(

240degrees : sorry to hear that man. good luck to ya.

bill : wow 5 bucks for a tank? um wow. $15.16?? inflations a bummer :p

11-05-2003, 09:54 PM
I'm broke. Actually, I owe about $500 plus a truck payment and credit card bills :)

11-06-2003, 01:21 AM
Go to UC just made me poor, simple as that. And no money to manage if you're paying like $2000 for tuition each quarter, $800 rent + utilities each month, and expensive food @ La Jolla....gosh i'm so poor.

11-06-2003, 02:37 AM
Yes, I am a fan of Mustangs, but what should I expect from an import board....I get that from domestics as well lol....a lot of Ford's reliability issues are with the Focus, Festiva, and junk lineup.

BTW, my Mustang was stolen approx a week or two ago....I am bummed and really wish I had it back....no call yet, so may it rest in peace...

11-06-2003, 07:37 AM
sundi : sorry to hear that too man :( i didn't know mustangs were so theft prone.

james : hehehe. four months ago i had zero dollars in the bank and a maxed out $6000 credit card. :eek: i was sweating pretty hard, so i think u'll come out ok. credit cards = evil.

kyolo : props for actually putting urself thru instead of relying on your parents. i got partial help from my parents for college... aznpoopy = lazyass.

11-06-2003, 09:29 PM
azn, Yeah, they're the devil. I dunno what happened, I always payed the card off right away so I'd never payed finance charges, for 5 years. One day I wake up and max it out. :bash: But I always have hope though and I usually don't let it get to me, I just have to keep making those payments and spend wisely I guess.

11-07-2003, 12:15 AM
the hell with credit cards,if i can pay cash for it i dont need it that bad:D