View Full Version : Need input on sponsership

11-04-2003, 09:20 PM
I was wondering what you guys think about this sponsership i've been offered. It is for $12,000 limit a year. It isn't a full sponsership...they will pay up to half on any part i want. They can get me any part i want whether it be apc--to hard to find parts in Japan the guy told me. I have to show up to at least 4 shows or races a year to keep my contract. Two of my friends have had the same sponsorships through the same company, but they wrecked their cars before actually getting any parts in. I Know of the company, but haven't really heard much on their sponsership programs. The name of the company is Racer X Motorsports. I'm pretty sure they are in association with with MotorEx somehow or another...so i think that is a plus. Just need some input and advice on this matter...not sure if i should take. Kinda scared to get screwed over. Any input will be appreciated...

oh here is the site if it helps:

11-04-2003, 09:26 PM

11-04-2003, 09:38 PM
Did you fill out this application or did they come to you. If you filled out the App did you send them pics and if so lets see some pics. If you read the App they want you to be able to fix your car quickly if something goes wrong with it. That means ASAP not the car is down for a while. It also means that you actually have to fork over money for your parts, they are only going to pay for a portion of what you are wanting on your car. That means if you want a body kit you have to pay for some of it and they will pay for some. Tell us more info and such and maybe we can help you out.

just my .02


11-04-2003, 09:45 PM
Well i found out about the sponsorship through my friends, so i filled out an application. I didnt have to send pics or anything...the guy said he just needs cars to start representing their name at show and race events...so i guess they will accept just about anything. He didnt say anything about a set limit that i HAD to spend but i think that he did want me to start getting parts quickly. Oh yea and i failed to mention that if i need any body work or engine work of any sort...they will pay for a good majority of it, but not if the car is totalled. The guys still has to send me another packet with more info he told me today.

11-04-2003, 10:21 PM
just a question...

what did you do to deserve a sponsorship? what contests have you won? any pictures of your car?

just wondering.... cuz there are a lot of guys who are amazing drivers who are not sponsored.

11-04-2003, 10:36 PM
i'll sponsor you a flame retardant race suit... because ur gonna need it here soon.

11-04-2003, 11:07 PM
what? you talkin to me??

11-04-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by driftheaven
i'll sponsor you a flame retardant race suit... because ur gonna need it here soon.

Lol...i know, i was kinda asking for it. But im just trying to figure out if there is any risk involved...cuz if they want to give money to a guy that just filled out an app with generic info about himself...it tends to make me wonder. Please flame me if you think im totally retarded for even bringin this to the forums...still pretty new to the forums.

11-04-2003, 11:29 PM
Oh...and please be gentle

11-05-2003, 07:45 AM
That site seems MEGA shady to me.
First, on the top page, they claim to have 'Motorex, John Shepard, Fuzion Marketing, and AeroGrafiks, then at the bottom of the 2nd page, they ask you to visit their sponsors, 'RBmotoring, John Shepherd, RacerX Motorsports, Extreme Velocity Productions'

Second, they use a watermarked image from Motorex. Is there some reason they cannot produce their own? Why would you use another company's image, especially is it has their watermark ALL over it?

Third, Going back to 'sponsors', why are they sponsoring people if they need sponsors? and why are they claiming to sponsor themselves?

It doesn't make sense.
If it looks like :bs:
Smells like :bs:
and sounds like :bs:
well, i think we all know what it is.

11-05-2003, 09:48 AM
it IS bullshit....been discussed tons of times before

anyone and ANYONE can get "sponsored" as long as you pay the application fee!! what the hell kind of sponsorship is that? its a scam its shady and in the end, not worth it

wait a little and try to get a REAL sponsorship

11-05-2003, 10:09 AM
Ive seen this in some magazines. I always thought it was a scam but they make it sound legit. Has anyone had any experience with these people?

11-05-2003, 10:09 AM
Minimum sponsorship contract value is $5,000.00

If you are accepted for sponsorship, a sponsorship performance or show contract will be sent to you. An account will be set up with your sponsors and Racer X Motorsports. A $79.00 account set up fee for your sponsorship pack, agreement and parts delivery will be charged only if you are offered a sponsorship contract valued at $10,000.00 or higher

holy bullshit batman.

dig this disclaimer, too.

ONLY COMPLETED APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AS ENTRIES. To complete your application by phone instead of this forum, please call Racer X Motorspots at (888)-333-7621. Must be 18 or older with a valid drivers licence, and credit card, or checking account to enter. Odds of winning SKYLINE GTR are very good with only 15,000 completed application entries required for drawing. Odds of getting sponsored are approx. 1 in 25.

They have ODDS on getting sponsored?
Holy fucking scam batman!

11-05-2003, 11:56 AM
Ricer pyramid scheme

11-05-2003, 06:14 PM
yeah I looked into the site a bit too and started reading through their "application" haha I just about laughed myself out of my chair with that odds B.S. and the other stuff they had. It also struck me as wierd that they are sponsoring people yet they need sponsors.....I dunno just a bunch of hogwash haha.

11-05-2003, 09:58 PM
So im guessing i should just leave it be...? lol ok ok...but it sounded so good. I know im new to these forums and stuff and im really just getting into the "import" scene or wut ever you call it. I used to be in the mini/truckin scene for about 5 years and they dont really deal with sponsorship. Sorry if i sounded and acted like a total newb here(mostly cuz i am). I wanna thank you guys for helpin me out here...much appreciated. Oh and thanks for not flamin too much... :bowdown:

11-05-2003, 10:30 PM
The poor "bigbird" skyline is sitting at motorex stripped of its pride, someone should offer to buy it and restore it to its glory!!!! I mention this cuz it was in the pic in the link, and I know its completely off topic :p

It does sound like a scam tho. I think you need to put alot of work into a car first and then work on sponsors for the crazy stuff and future project cars, after they have seen what you are capable of.