View Full Version : Video Game Help

11-04-2003, 07:44 PM
I am looking for a new game system for my sons and need some advice. Presently, we have the Sega Dreamcast system and my boys have loved it. Since no new games are designed for this system, it may be time to upgrade.

So here it is:

- Microsoft X-Box

- Sony Playstation 1 or 2

- Nintendo Gamecube

What are the pros, cons, personal experiences, game availability and dvd capabilities of these systems?

Looking forward to your comments.

11-04-2003, 08:12 PM
PS2 has granturismo 3 and soon to be 4. nuff said

11-04-2003, 09:24 PM
i would definitely reccomend Playstation 2. it gets the best games, plays DVDs, has online capabilities, and is just an overall good system. next behind that would have to be X-Box, but that doesnt get as many of the good games (like Gran Turismos!!).

btw, its nice to see another Dallas area member on here, especially one with such nice cars as you:D

11-04-2003, 09:28 PM
Yes overall ps2 i would say is the best system. It has the most aftermarket support from other companies, making games. Xbox has a shitty controller which is hard to get use to(imo). Sony has been around a while. Also gamecube is going down the drain already they are already lowering the price to $99.

go with ps2...you won't regret it.

11-04-2003, 09:36 PM

the only cool thing that X-box has is HALO....and you don't want your sons to learn how to kill stuff?

now do you:D

11-04-2003, 10:28 PM

great games, online gaming, dvd

great games that i recommend:
granturismo 3 (and granturismo 4 coming soon)
gitaro man <--- your son will love it! its a fun game about a kid learning to play a guitar.
much much more such as rachet and clank, etc

11-04-2003, 10:49 PM
GameCast...Game cube and Dream cast combined- Malibu's most wanted(if you seen it then you know what im talking about)

PS2 nuff said

11-04-2003, 10:55 PM
I think PS2 is great. I think the contoller is the best designed out of the 3 even though the X-box controller was redesigned to be more like the PS2 controller. DVD works fine on PS2. Games like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto (not really a good game for little kids) and my favorite game Capcom vs SNK 2 have really good replay value. Eventhough X-box and Gamecube have better graphics capabilities I think PS2 is better overall.

11-04-2003, 11:29 PM
PS2, its the most JDM est of them all, so i go for it. :D

11-05-2003, 12:33 AM
XBOX...I have a PS2, and love the games, but the graphics in Xbox graphics are so much better for sports games (what i usually play).

11-05-2003, 02:27 AM
i have both Xbox and PS2...

i would choose the X box over it and anything else... theres sooooo much sh*t you could do to your Xbox... i got PS2 games on my X box...
seriously the Xbox is a good investment... and the graphics are better...IMO though...

11-05-2003, 02:42 AM
PS2 you can get some *ahem* copied er i mean reproduced i mean uh...o what the hey copied games.there i said it. yup alot more variety of games out. like kai do battle,initial d and some new drifting games coming out o and cant miss GT4!!!!!!

11-05-2003, 05:50 AM
PS2 all the way... there's nothing like the GT series.

11-05-2003, 07:53 AM
except for some ps2 exclusive games i would say get an xbox... why? try soul calibur 2 on ps2 and then play it on a xbox. load times, graphics... everything is better on a xbox. the regular xbox controller is fine for me, but if u like japanese style controllers just get the tinier one.

if ur into modifying... yes u can pirate ps2 and even pc games onto the xbox, but u have to know what ur doing. most of the big games that are released now are cross system. grand theft auto, capcom vs snk 2, soul calibur... etc. x-box has niche titles that are good for old school gamers like me. gun valkyrie, star wars: knights of the old republic, colin mcrae rally 3.0, shenmue 2 (since u mentioned u have a dc) etc etc.

the only reason i can think to get a ps2 is final fantasy, xenosaga, and all those japanese rpgs... but personally i hate japanese style RPGs so out goes the ps2 for me. btw gamecube doesnt play dvds, so dont even think about that system if u need a dvd player.

11-05-2003, 08:37 AM
Wow! I didn't think I would get so much input wo quickly.

My sons are only 7 & 4, but they can play games with the best of them, despite our limiting their daily dose of TV and video game time. They are not too picky about the games since I am the one who usually gets them. Of course, I rarely ever get new ones. I *will* say that Dead or Alive 2(Dremacast) is just a little risque' for them, but I monitor them while they play.

Meanwhile, they both have Gameboys(Color & Advance) to entertain themselves in the car or when we go someplace where their interest is prone to wane...quickly. Interestingly, someone above commented about the Gamecube, which is also made by Nintendo, selling for $99 which is what originally prompted me to ask this question. However, I was unaware that the Gamecube is going the way of the Sega Dreamcast.

Their definitely seems to be 2 camps in this discussion, Xbox vs. PS2. Can either of these units be used for internet? Do these have DVD capabilities built into the unit? I am looking for something we can take along in the car for those LONG road trips as well. Also, what is the used game market/selection/pricing like for these systems?

Thanks for all the input to now. Keep it coming.

11-05-2003, 10:22 AM
pshh.. jus wait.. for ps3 and xbox2... but i like xbox for the graphics.. ps2 for the games..

11-05-2003, 11:34 AM
ps2 is dvd ready straight out of the box. xbox you can either bootleg it to get the dvd running or shell out 20 dollars or so for the dvd unit. its a little plug that goes in one of the controller ports and comes with a remote control. so it evens out. you would have to pay extra to get a remote for the ps2 dvd. but, you don't need it for the ps2, you do for the xbox.

if you're buying this for your kids, i would take a second look at the gamecube. it has great games, many of them are kid friendly games. personally i also have a gamecube and i love it. zelda, metroid, viewtiful joe etc, super smash bros are games with depth that are good for all ages. plus like i said before, alot of the big games that are released are cross console. both xbox and ps2 have network capability, but i don't think u'd want to use either to actually browse the internet. but you can play online via xbox live of ps2 online. i think it costs $$$ though.

gamecube is by far the most portable. ps2 is bearable. xbox is heavy. don't even bother trying unless you have a bookbag. it really is basically a small computer dressed up like a console. in fact, some people have converted their xbox into mini pcs (complete with hard drive and memory upgrades).

as for selection, xbox has a big selection b/c pc games are almost always ported to xbox (as xbox is basically a pc). ps2 has alot of japanese games and such, also a big selecction. gamecube is smaller and serves more of a niche audience. as for the quality of the games... most games that are really good will be released for all three. however there are console defining titles. ps2 has gran turismo and final fantasy. gamecube has zelda, metroid, super smash and mario. xbox's good games are smilebit games (jet set radio, gunvalkyrie...), and generally any great game released for the pc and cross console games.

ok i'm tired from typing. hope this helps!

11-05-2003, 11:37 AM
i havent played a console game in years but all are good, all has there up and downs.

xbox has more mutiplayer games (and online support)

ps2 can play ps1 games and with that combined has one of the best line up for RPG games :) (gt3 and that drift one to)

cube is ok... but i would buy it just because of the mario series haa!


ps: not sure if they still do it, but if you buy a console. buy it from BESTBUY and buy the warrenty (for 25 bucks?) which means you can return the system in 2 years for store credit (OF WHAT YOU PAID AT THE TIME!) which is great because when ps3 comes out you already have a 200 deposit....

gl and happy hunting :)

11-05-2003, 11:37 AM
Gran Turismo 4 = PS2

11-05-2003, 12:04 PM
PS2... then get socom 2 its the best online playing game right now

11-05-2003, 12:24 PM
haha socom isnt the best online playing game!

if you know your stats cs is! and has been for the lat like 5 years!

11-05-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by 90Coupe
PS2... then get socom 2 its the best online playing game right now

...ever heard of Counter-Strike? :D

11-05-2003, 06:36 PM
I would never get rid of my PS2 but I would get a cube just to play Monkey Ball 1 & 2. That game is the hotness!!!!

If you have young kids Gamecube is your best bet. It has a lot of "cartooney" type games and it doesn't cater to the 20 somethings that are into the x-box and PS2 (with the blood, gore, and violence)

11-05-2003, 07:00 PM
where do u fit ur kids though?
All of ur cars are basically 2 seaters:D

11-05-2003, 08:10 PM
Raine, i yes i heard of it but i have'nt played it. I so i would like to rephase what i said it the best online game i have played

Got Sileighty?
11-05-2003, 11:28 PM
go play counter strike and youll definitely change your mind. now whoever wants some, meet me at long A. :D

11-06-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by 240sxspeedracer1
where do u fit ur kids though? All of ur cars are basically 2 seaters:D
My daily driver is a Mercedes Benz ML500.

Originally posted by aznpoopy
if you're buying this for your kids, i would take a second look at the gamecube. it has great games, many of them are kid friendly games. personally i also have a gamecube and i love it. zelda, metroid, viewtiful joe etc, super smash bros are games with depth that are good for all ages.
Now I am again leaning to the Gamecube becuase of the larger variety of "child friendly" games available to the system. I went by the store and looked first hand at the game selections for the Gamecube and found that they INDEED have a good selection for children, similar to the GameBoys. Despite the fact that Gamecube may be on the way out, it is starting to regain some its appeal to me...not to mention that it is cheap. ;)

11-06-2003, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
go play counter strike and youll definitely change your mind. now whoever wants some, meet me at long A. :D

I reached CAL-I. I retired and went back to cars again :D

11-06-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by GamblerZ
My daily driver is a Mercedes Benz ML500.

Now I am again leaning to the Gamecube becuase of the larger variety of "child friendly" games available to the system. I went by the store and looked first hand at the game selections for the Gamecube and found that they INDEED have a good selection for children, similar to the GameBoys. Despite the fact that Gamecube may be on the way out, it is starting to regain some its appeal to me...not to mention that it is cheap. ;)

I see now that you have younger kids...then yes i would recommend that you get gamecube. Nintendo has been known for its selection of kids games.

11-06-2003, 12:23 PM
As I recall Gamecube dropped in $ recently to $99.00... and Nintendo is the "child friendly" console - the name "Nintendo" is a derivative of the words "ninos" and "tienen" which in Spanish means "kids play" or something like that :D

Got Sileighty?
11-07-2003, 12:47 AM
"tienen" means "they have", not "play" hehehehe and isnt the name based on something japanese?? can anyone correct me on this please?

Raine, Cal-I? <gulp> :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

11-07-2003, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Got Sileighty?
"tienen" means "they have", not "play" hehehehe and isnt the name based on something japanese?? can anyone correct me on this please?

Raine, Cal-I? <gulp> :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Well I'm Asian, so it's not my native language - but I remember my Spanish teacher saying that to the class once. Lies? LOL

Get up dude I retired from league 2 months ago :D

11-07-2003, 01:19 PM
gamecube dosent have dvd boo! ps2 has a whole load of kiddy games, also it has the licence to gt series and the metal gears which i loved to play when i was 10...new one coming out soon

11-07-2003, 10:34 PM
The Ps2 has a lot of kiddie games but Gamecube has alot more , and the gt series is cool. Metal Gear just kicks a$$. It all depends on what kind of games u want to kids to play.