View Full Version : What cops are doing now to bust modified cars

07-02-2011, 12:58 PM
"Any vehicle that was suspicious was given a look under the hood" <~ Probable cause in CA.

"If you happen to see any cars outside the perimeter that fit the criteria for citation..either stop and cite them or direct them to the checkpoint" <~~ Probable cause in CA

YouTube - &#x202a;Riverside street racing police bust&#x202c;&rlm; (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUrSNHDjNno&feature=related)[/QUOTE]

07-02-2011, 01:02 PM
Old news bro

07-02-2011, 01:07 PM
Old news but there's a lot of new people bro!

07-02-2011, 01:37 PM
Cops have been doing this in Georgia for ages.

Get rights to the parking lot and then there is nothing that the cops can do.

07-02-2011, 02:07 PM
ive never posted on youtube. but after watching that video i got so pissed, i know that its old news but its still bullshit.

let them get their facts straight and stop hassling the public.

THEY SHOULD ONLY BE CITING PEOPLE WHO RACE. which even then there is still the stupid people and the not so stupid.

too strict with their bullshit laws. blocking in a hundred people. that should be illegal. under what grounds should they be able to hassle the public because of a few stupid people. if they wasted 5 minutes of my time i would sue for it back.

now if there was a hundred american cars gathered in the parking lot, 20% of them would be cops. and it would never get hassled.

ugh such a waste.

07-02-2011, 02:10 PM
so are they busting people for legal street mods too? weve had cops come to the SD meet, and tell us to leave, but they werent dicks like this.

then again, this looked like a mainly honda group, who tend to act like dumbasses.

07-02-2011, 07:01 PM
I doubt cops distinguish between hondas and nissans to them were all ricers and assume were doing something illegal because its not a hot rod or americsn muscle burning rubber and speeding whenever the fuck they want to without getting shit from the cops, cops even give shit to bikes but you never see one hassling a harley... It's profiling and racism towards imports they also hardly ever bust high end cars because they know they'd get the shit sued out of them or even mess with the wrong guy and lose their job

07-02-2011, 08:19 PM
^ thats so true they should be fair to everyone not just american made SHIT

07-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Generally cops can tell if you hate them, so just don't get pulled over, being 90% of you guys hate them for no reason, and many cops just love to fulfill your ideas of them, lol

07-02-2011, 09:27 PM
Generally cops can tell if you hate them, so just don't get pulled over, being 90% of you guys hate them for no reason, and many cops just love to fulfill your ideas of them, lol

its not so much for no reason.

and its not just the cops.

its like oppression.

but anyway. guess we should just allow it?

07-02-2011, 10:54 PM
ive seen cars doing the same passing speeds i have been doing and i get busted out of the other cars for driving an import since the other cars were domestic its stupid shit like that that has people hating cops and the more they keep pulling imports over for stupid shit is just gonna get people pissed off at cops

07-02-2011, 11:55 PM
Yea this info might be old but it will give u a heads up I found it on my other forum page thought I post it here

07-03-2011, 12:05 AM
I've been stopped and popped in a stock KA with nothing more than a set of wheels and coils on the exterior. It's bull back and forth. This video honestly has helped me a lot though, because two things always hold true with cops. The worst thing the cop sees you as is a street-racer, and the best thing he sees you as is a way to meet his quota.

YouTube - &#x202a;BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters&#x202c;&rlm; (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqMjMPlXzdA)

07-03-2011, 12:26 AM
If you don't want to be hassled by the cops in cali, don't drive a modified car. And if you do drive a modified car just don't be dumb.
Also the reason those people got busted was because there are obviously a lot of dumbasses doing burnouts and stuff.
Its easy, if you don't want to get hassled, use common sense. Don't drive like an idiot, know the people you are hanging out with, and don't draw attention to yourself, I found that the one thing that draws a cops attention is a loud exhaust. Quiet that shit down.

Also last, if you do get pulled over, roll all windows down, shut the car off imediately put your keys on the dash, and put both of your hands on top of the steering wheel and don't move until the cop asks you to do something. This makes the cop feel safe. Also be as nice as you possibly can. If you act like a punk they will treat you like a punk.

And before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm a 20 year old in a 240 with an sr, full aero, slammed, on wheels, with hids, completely gutted interior with bucket seats and harnesses, full exhaust and a loud ass hks bov, and a stereo system, so trust me I have basically every cop looking at me. I have literally been broken down on the freeway with the hood popped on my car and expired tags with a CHP standing next to me and a tow truck that my car is too low to get on, and didn't get any kind of ticket. Learn people skills, if you try to make a cops day better they will give you a break. Their job is to deal with d bags all day so don't be one and they will let you off.

So don't go saying cops suck and are assholes and single out imports, they don't single out imports, they single out dumb people that don't know how to keep their crap on the DL.

07-03-2011, 12:44 AM
And before you say I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm a 20 year old in a 240 with an sr, full aero, slammed, on wheels, with hids, completely gutted interior with bucket seats and harnesses, full exhaust and a loud ass hks bov, and a stereo system, so trust me I have basically every cop looking at me. I have literally been broken down on the freeway with the hood popped on my car and expired tags with a CHP standing next to me and a tow truck that my car is too low to get on, and didn't get any kind of ticket. Learn people skills, if you try to make a cops day better they will give you a break. Their job is to deal with d bags all day so don't be one and they will let you off.

So don't go saying cops suck and are assholes and single out imports, they don't single out imports, they single out dumb people that don't know how to keep their crap on the DL.

Doesn't sound like you'd be the one to ask about keeping things on the DL if your car attracts as much attention as you claim. And from my personal experience, having been 22 years old broken down on the freeway with flashers on and hood popped with expired tags and a CHP in his car behind me and a tow truck in front of me... cop pushed my car to where the tow truck could safely hook on to me, drove off without ever getting out of his car.

I got a ticket in the mail 2 weeks later. And yes, this actually happened. Save that I had a valid moving permit, but it was in the front window due to tint. Just because you happened to get a human being instead of a cop, doesn't mean all of them are quite as nice.

07-03-2011, 01:02 AM
best part of that video- how that mustang was obviously not stock, yet they said everything was legal....... and they busted that honda. LUL

07-03-2011, 01:10 AM
The funny part is that that mustang is driven by a 50 year old guy who probably has nothing more than an exhaust. How many times have you seen a muscle car do a motor swap.......... the most they do is intake and exhaust and a "performance chip". Look at that honda.....full motor swap.... that's y he got busted.

totally off topic but that mustang looks super rice......anybody else see that?

07-03-2011, 01:47 AM
weird thing is my only pullovers was in the corolla. never hassled in the wrx, mustang, s13 or s14. if you follow the speed limit and dont drive like an idiot they wont pay attention to you. and yes my cars are modified. so drive with your seats in "normal" position in which you are not being held up by the one arm steering the car and that stupid loud bass system.

07-03-2011, 01:49 AM
The funny part is that that mustang is driven by a 50 year old guy who probably has nothing more than an exhaust. How many times have you seen a muscle car do a motor swap.......... the most they do is intake and exhaust and a "performance chip". Look at that honda.....full motor swap.... that's y he got busted.

totally off topic but that mustang looks super rice......anybody else see that?

ANY modification to your emissions is illegal. a chip is illegal, exhaust and intake both can be illegal.

mustang with racing stickers all over the car, doesnt mean he has modified shit, but the idea that they give people ref tickets all day long who have stock motors...they should give him one too. shit they should just hand out ref tickets to every human who drives a car and say there was probable cause...and they can make a shit ton of money....(i think theyre on their way there)

07-03-2011, 01:52 AM
they have to line their pockets somehow. the man will always win and we can do nothing else but conform....unless you have any other ideas to make venting into action

07-03-2011, 01:53 AM
I'm totally tired of ref tickets my s14 is bone stock and If I do modify it it will be easy bolt on stuff

07-03-2011, 01:56 AM
Doesn't sound like you'd be the one to ask about keeping things on the DL if your car attracts as much attention as you claim. And from my personal experience, having been 22 years old broken down on the freeway with flashers on and hood popped with expired tags and a CHP in his car behind me and a tow truck in front of me... cop pushed my car to where the tow truck could safely hook on to me, drove off without ever getting out of his car.

I got a ticket in the mail 2 weeks later. And yes, this actually happened. Save that I had a valid moving permit, but it was in the front window due to tint. Just because you happened to get a human being instead of a cop, doesn't mean all of them are quite as nice.

Take the tint off your car it makes you look suspicious, I have been told that by many cops. My thing is with my car is I run a quiet muffler on the street. Save the straight pipes for the track.

The other night I drove past a cop and let off the throttle when I passed and my bov blew off, he fallowed me, I wasn't breaking any laws, he lit me up, I pulled over and did exactly what I described above, he didn't even ask about my gutted interior and gauges where where all my ac shit is supposed to be even though though he saw it(because he shined his flashlight on everything). I didn't even have my liscense on me or my current registration paper (the one I had was expired). I didn't get a ticket because I was respectful and
most of the time (this is excluding CHP) cops just pull you over to check for warrents. What a lot of people don't realize is that a cop can run your liscence plate number, that gives them the registered owners name, they can then run that name and find out anything they want. If you have tint, they can't tell whose in the car so they pull you over to see who's in the car.

I have been on a few ride alongs and we saw plenty of imports that I could tell had swaps and were most likely completely illegal, and I asked each cop if they would pull them over on strictly that fact and every one of them said that they don't care about it, as long as they are not being a problem (being loud and obnoxious or breaking any laws) on the street they don't care.

Get rid of the stupid loud exhaust, take the tint off, and turn the radio down when you see a cop. Also make sure that there are no burnt out lights on your car (especially liscense plate lights) and you have a front liscense plate MOUNTED TO THE MIDDLE OF THE BUMPER.
Everytime I've gotten pulled over is because of A burnt out light or a front liscense plate being where its not supposed to be. And guess what...... haven't been given a ticket.

07-03-2011, 02:03 AM
very true. the reason i was pulled over in the corolla was because of the mrs' little brother decided to sit in the rear middle and there was rear tint. cop pulled me over and just quickly checked if he had his seat belt on. bare in mind this is a stock 05 corolla ce. if there is anything that really makes you paranoid about driving your car, then it usually is something that would get you some drama. i know it sucks that you cannot modify the car you bought to your preference. but there is other things in the world to worry about than not being able to drive with an exhaust that is too loud anyways or an intake that is doing more harm than good.

07-03-2011, 02:08 AM
weird thing is my only pullovers was in the corolla. never hassled in the wrx, mustang, s13 or s14. if you follow the speed limit and dont drive like an idiot they wont pay attention to you. and yes my cars are modified. so drive with your seats in "normal" position in which you are not being held up by the one arm steering the car and that stupid loud bass system.

This guy has the right idea.

07-03-2011, 02:14 AM
cliffs: california SUCKS.

07-03-2011, 03:18 AM
Take the tint off your car it makes you look suspicious, I have been told that by many cops.

Get rid of the stupid loud exhaust, take the tint off, and turn the radio down when you see a cop.

The only issue here, is you're making a LOT of assumptions. My car isn't limo blacked out. It's 80% light silver tint. During the day, it's invisible. At night, you can't read the moving permit through it without directed light. I said above, car was stock aside from coils and wheels. That includes the exhaust. Putting all else aside, during the particular incident I'm talking about, I wasn't even pulled over. The cop never got out of his car. He took down my license plate, pulled my reg information, and mailed me a ticket. When I got to the courthouse, it was immediately dismissed with no fines because I had all my paperwork in order. The officer didn't follow required procedures to have issued that ticket.

I get that you're being general here, but since you addressed my post with a reply, I'm doing the same. Almost none of what you addressed applies to me or my car. I get hassled CONSTANTLY. One year I actually counted. I was pulled over 32 times in one year. Total number of tickets? 1. Someone had ripped my front plate off that same day. The rest were complete bullshit, to the point of officers practically threatening me to try and find a reason to search or arrest me. Maybe it's different where you live, but for me cops have only ever been an annoyance at best and useless at worst.

07-03-2011, 03:37 AM
I have a feeling that its your driving that is getting you pulled over. (Again making an assumption) I have a feeling if you put your car back to stock you would still get pulled over. And if an officer is to the point where he is having to threaten you with arresting you, you are definately doing something wrong in the way you are acting towards them. Try my advise posted above, be as respectful as humanly possible. Answer everything with a yes sir, no sir, if you are going to reach into your glove box for your reg or something let him know before you do it. If he forgets to ask for proof of insurance, politely ask if he would like you to get it for him.
The more comfortable you make the cop feel in the situation the easier he will be on you and the smoother it will go.

07-03-2011, 03:52 AM
i have never been hassled for having my front plate on the driver side in the dash and ive been driving with it like that for 2-3 years cop has never ever asked about it before the hatch was tinted from when i got the car gonna get it redone the same when i do have it done the windows are gonna get just a light tint but i have noticed something is since i have had my car painted black cops just dont look at me even though i have hid's 8000k and an exhaust is all it looks like but i got coils too but it just looks like a slightly lowered car nothing fancy and every time i pass by cops they dont stop me even if i do go a little faster then the speed limit but there are no other cars around when i do

07-03-2011, 03:58 AM
I have a feeling that its your driving that is getting you pulled over. (Again making an assumption) I have a feeling if you put your car back to stock you would still get pulled over. And if an officer is to the point where he is having to threaten you with arresting you, you are definately doing something wrong in the way you are acting towards them.
The more comfortable you make the cop feel in the situation the easier he will be on you and the smoother it will go.

Just going to say, assumption there is wrong. Anyone who says they drive like an angel all the time is a liar, but in the situations I'm addressing there's been little to nothing. Sure, I've spun my tires when no one was around, or opened it up on a long stretch late at night. Never once have I been pulled over for doing it.

For one of my favorite examples I pulled out of a parking lot directly into a red-light stop. I was the second car from the light. Light turns green, I cross the intersection and see red and blue. Pull over less than 100ft from my original position. "You need to slow down, I had to do 65 to catch up to you, you must've been doing at least 55." In 100ft. From a dead stop, to a dead stop. If you can name ANY car that can do that without the aid of a brick wall, I'd love to buy one.

Contrast. Last year, I blew my KA. I've been driving my father in law's car while it's being rebuilt (man loves me). His car? 5.4 Swapped/Vortech charged 2003 Mercury Marauder. Black paint, seats, tint, wheels. Driven all this year, and a good part of last year. Car dynoes at 550 horses and the supercharger whines damn near at idle. Number of times pulled over? 0.

07-03-2011, 09:44 AM
Take the tint off your car it makes you look suspicious, I have been told that by many cops. My thing is with my car is I run a quiet muffler on the street. Save the straight pipes for the track.

The other night I drove past a cop and let off the throttle when I passed and my bov blew off, he fallowed me, I wasn't breaking any laws, he lit me up, I pulled over and did exactly what I described above, he didn't even ask about my gutted interior and gauges where where all my ac shit is supposed to be even though though he saw it(because he shined his flashlight on everything). I didn't even have my liscense on me or my current registration paper (the one I had was expired). I didn't get a ticket because I was respectful and
most of the time (this is excluding CHP) cops just pull you over to check for warrents. What a lot of people don't realize is that a cop can run your liscence plate number, that gives them the registered owners name, they can then run that name and find out anything they want. If you have tint, they can't tell whose in the car so they pull you over to see who's in the car.

I have been on a few ride alongs and we saw plenty of imports that I could tell had swaps and were most likely completely illegal, and I asked each cop if they would pull them over on strictly that fact and every one of them said that they don't care about it, as long as they are not being a problem (being loud and obnoxious or breaking any laws) on the street they don't care.

Get rid of the stupid loud exhaust, take the tint off, and turn the radio down when you see a cop. Also make sure that there are no burnt out lights on your car (especially liscense plate lights) and you have a front liscense plate MOUNTED TO THE MIDDLE OF THE BUMPER.
Everytime I've gotten pulled over is because of A burnt out light or a front liscense plate being where its not supposed to be. And guess what...... haven't been given a ticket.

I totally call this story bullshit if u broke all those laws when u got pulled over. Unless your and officer or u work for the county! I mean u have some damm goodluck or ur just bs us on this thread I think few of us agree!

07-03-2011, 02:50 PM
cliffs: california SUCKS.

that pretty much sums it up haha

07-03-2011, 05:23 PM
so what does this mean we cant even have meets because were supposedly street racing?

i got pulled over by ontario pd when i had my sti, i was speeding yes i know stupid but hey... anyways i was given a warning being that the cop was a veteran and i am in the military and i wasnt doing anything to crazy it was around midnight so there was no imminent danger to others because there were no other cars out, but he said that my spoiler was considered an illegal mod that attracts unwanted attention... stupid right, illegal spoiler especially the stock one that came on the sti from the factory, well i gave him the 411 about the spoiler but that just goes to show how stupid cops can be

07-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Cops don't care anymore we drive our cars and anything that is prObacle cause gets us pulled over. I did a fly by in my tahoe on rosemead blvd he just seen me pass by and that's it!

07-03-2011, 06:35 PM
Mostly bullied kids that are cops now are assholes. There's plenty of normal ones. Never really had any run-ins will bad ones.

07-03-2011, 07:01 PM
so what does this mean we cant even have meets because were supposedly street racing?

call it the "fast and furious" effect. you can thank the popularity street racing had in the late 90's early 2000's for all the harassment. especially in ontario. i remember when they installed giant speed humps on certain roads by milliken and the 10/15 fwy area to curb the ppl from racing on the streets. it's a stigma that is not likely to go away.

07-03-2011, 07:15 PM
I've only been pulled over once in my old S13 and that was because I was supposedly tailgating (I had a 2 car gap, 55mph in the freeway one cop passed me, second cop pulled me over, some guys are just dicks) and a cracked windshield. He didn't bust me for exhaust, too low, gutted interior, relocated license plate, etc... My car was Satin Black with Neon Green Rims, The guy did his job, I got pissed but didnt give him no bullshit. Haters gonna hate YO!!!

07-03-2011, 07:19 PM
lol did the ticket really ding you about no interior? i wanna know what the ticket read :keke:

07-03-2011, 08:07 PM
hmmmm i can say it does matter but where I live they could care less I have one story where the cop was like super chill it was crazy. I was amazed I was gassing it up a hill and idk what I hit but he was walking to his car after meeting with another cop that had someone but it was funny i slow down to let him catch up I had no speedo so I didnt know he had no way of giving me a ticket actually because no gun was on me to tell the speed but he pulled me over and if it was me speeding while smiling I said idk.... maybe. you could have thought I was. than i asked well how fast was i going he said I dont know how fast were you I said idk my speedo doesnt work he didnt even cite me for that. I got to third so i know I was since it was a 55 but anyways he he than asks me if I could show him my license and registration I show him it give it to him he starts walking turn back and says anything illegal under the hood the hood is totally bent just to fit the motor under (the VH stupid spider manifold) you could tell he knew I said no sir and he was like sure sure and laughed came back after checking and said your free to go but if that wasnt you speeding how fast were they going if there was someone that was speeding lol I said honestly i dont know my speedo doesnt work he smiled and said alright well have a good day and slow it down

07-03-2011, 08:33 PM
well ontario has been going on and is still going on, even like 3-4 years ago it was huge and then they started crushing rides, no biggie though all i know is that a bunch of hondas were done for haha but that still sucks there should be some sort of law protecting ones property from such destruction at the very least they can just auction the dam thing off and take the mods off, getting your car crushed sucks at least take the car away from the owner and dont let them have it back so that things can be done in a more humane and respectable fashion, and taking people to jail for street racing is just ridiculous they should give house arrest as a punishment so that you have a curfew and if you do try to be slick and run they can track you with the ankle bracelet and if that fails they should give them an ass load of community service, and have them sleep at their local pd every night for an x amount of time, it would probably save a lot of money because the state wont have to pay for food being that you report at night if they didnt eat then to bad thats on them, and to top it all off if the government would invest on opening up tracks suck as irwindale and pomona on a weekly basis throughout the year then maybe there wouldnt be a need to race on the streets as much

240sx Project
07-03-2011, 08:56 PM
The Corona police profiled me. I was at a stop light and pulled me over because he said that he wanted to make sure that I did not pull my "current" tags off another vehicle. I told him he wouldn't have pulled me over if I was in my Ford F150 Lariat. He didn't reply. Everything was legit!

07-03-2011, 09:16 PM
i really wanted to go full on bodykit on my s14 with a huge ass gt wing but by the looks of it i will still get a citation for something retarted like car is too low or no front plates or some bs

07-03-2011, 09:21 PM
keep it on the track....
i heard riverside county pay extra(taxes) for those services something like that...

Team DET
07-03-2011, 09:37 PM
Oh shit I was there.Biggest mistake ever,ticket came out to $570.I was only there 5mins before the cops came.

07-03-2011, 09:40 PM
i have never been hassled for having my front plate on the driver side in the dash and ive been driving with it like that for 2-3 years cop has never ever asked about it before the hatch was tinted from when i got the car gonna get it redone the same when i do have it done the windows are gonna get just a light tint but i have noticed something is since i have had my car painted black cops just dont look at me even though i have hid's 8000k and an exhaust is all it looks like but i got coils too but it just looks like a slightly lowered car nothing fancy and every time i pass by cops they dont stop me even if i do go a little faster then the speed limit but there are no other cars around when i do

Wow your post hurt my head. Learn some form of punctuation, please.

That sucks that cops are like that in Cali... I have been driving for over 4 years now with illegal tint, catless exhausts, and suspension modifications that I'm sure if a cop wanted to be a dick could get me for. I don't drive like an asshole and everything is up to par on my cars, and have only been pulled over once for not wearing a seatbelt when I was driving with my windows down.

07-03-2011, 10:44 PM
Sorry if im on my phone i can care less about puctuation and if its late and im not on my phone then im just lazy

07-03-2011, 11:30 PM
I love having WA plates :)

Cops can't touch my built SR to save their lives lolololol. I let them hear my bov all the time, they follow me for a bit, but never stop me. It's the plates ;)

They can get me for noise, that's it.

07-03-2011, 11:40 PM
you in the military?

07-03-2011, 11:44 PM
Yea, that too.

I think they can get me for my tint too. It's def illegal.

07-04-2011, 01:37 AM
Lol awesome thread. The whole respect thing is key when getting pulled over. Been on both sides of it.

Got pulled over in the GF's car (totally stock nissan versa), I was pulled over for a DUI, because i "swerved" to try to make an exit, keep in mind im 19 and all of us were completly sober. But the cop wasnt happy that he was wrong in thinking we were drunk, so he gave me a speeding ticket for doing 85 in a 65, when everyone in the car, including my self knows i was in fact doing under the speed limit. Its the fact that he was wrong, and honestly I was a dick about it, because I was in a bad mood and he wasnt the greatest at his job I had to ask him most of the questions, he didnt ask me anything. just handed my a ticked thats when i was like wtf lol

Rewind a few months i got pulled over in the s13, gutted mis matched everything, gutted, straight piped, cracked windsheild, cop followed me for a mile or so pulled me over, I realized I didnt have my licensence (I was actually going back home to grab my wallet lol) But i was super nice, told him it was a project car, he told me to keep it off the streets till i get the windsheild fixed. Didnt get a ticket.

It really comes down to the cop and you. if ur nice and good at bull shitting u can get out of a lot of shit.

anyway /rant

07-04-2011, 07:33 AM
i drive like a old lady...
it works out well for me

07-04-2011, 05:20 PM
^ this, I'm the same way.

07-05-2011, 07:19 PM
two chp officers in bikes pulled up on me on the carpool lane today thank god i had my stock exhaust on i was waiting for the pull over sign! lol

07-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Seems like some people in here are overstating the law. Some laws are loose now compared to five years ago. Exhausts for example, now your allowed to do whatever you'd like after the cat aslong as its below the db limit and doesn't hang below the bottom of the rim. Still no mods before the cat unless the part has a CARB #. Idiot cops will tell you that all exhausts are illegal but explain that to them and they will let you off. I have had my current loud ass exhaust for 3.5 years and have been pulled over 3 times but never got one ticket.
It seems that the cops, atleast in the LB area made their own version of the law when it comes to ride height, nothing below the bottom of the rim. They don't even measure headlights anymore, so get small sidewall tires and big wheels.
It's definitly a good idea to turn your car off put the keys on the dash and leave your hands on the wheel, no matter how suspicious things have been I get let go everytime.