View Full Version : My love affair with haw...

11-03-2003, 02:40 PM
Ohhhh god this stuff is good. It all went back to my freshman year in the highschool when my friends parents had some laying around their house. My friend hated it and didn't even know what it was made out of. And "haw"? What the hell is haw anyways? I never knew at the time, but I was scepticle to try it...It kinda smelled like seafood at the time....But then again, his whole house smelt like seafood. I gave in and tasted the little wafer....Lord only knew the infactuation I would have w/it. Most of JDM food stores around my house never carried it....And today I was out doing some deliveries and stopped by a JDM market (:D ) and found some! I'M BACK!!!! .49 cents for a ten pack! You can't beat it. Aww yes, my addiction continues....

11-03-2003, 03:16 PM
You talking about haw flakes? if so yea those thigns are alirght...tired of eating those since i was little heh