View Full Version : Video: Mobnes Ond Nisse silent exhaust fieldtest!

06-30-2011, 09:11 AM
Testing out the new silent exhaust system. I don't like how it sounds, and i'm not going to keep it on. But if im going to drive at Gatebil Rudskogen it can not sound over 100db :( :( :( :(

Boost only at 0.8-1.2bar.


06-30-2011, 09:01 PM
The exhaust is fine. The camera you have takes horrible audio... guessing GoPro?

06-30-2011, 11:23 PM
I kinda like how it sounds, specs on the exhaust?

07-01-2011, 04:54 AM
The exhaust is fine. The camera you have takes horrible audio... guessing GoPro?

Yes it's my gopro, the audio is fine for me. But ofcourse you can't compare it with a real hd dv camera. :)