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Nismo 180sx Tuner
11-02-2003, 08:48 PM
I just made a new site i want to get everyones feed back on it so view it and tell me what you think thanks
I also for got to put the address up hehehe

11-02-2003, 08:53 PM
eh its ok i guess....needs some pictures to brighten up the site a little

11-02-2003, 09:30 PM
Do something with the menu, it clashes with the background and grafitti text.

Only thing i don't like is how you are just making a copy of the car. Doing an RB swap is good, but same kit and same interioer, and same mods is kinda dumb. Be original, you said you loved seeing the looks on peoples faces when they saw it well, 4 years from now I am not gonna be too amazed considering I've seen already seen the original already.

But whatever floats your boat, and good luck.

11-03-2003, 12:00 AM
^^^^^^what he said.....;)

11-03-2003, 01:09 AM
im sorry, but LEGEND? isnt that kinda stretching it? a lot?

11-03-2003, 01:36 AM
Rappers and rockstars have groupies, not cars...

11-03-2003, 11:38 AM
meh.. your site is ok. Pics are kidda small.

11-03-2003, 11:47 AM
legend? ROLFMAO hahaha too funny!

im sure you can be more original then this. as much s you like the 'lilgtr' you can think for yourself and be original. make it your own.

Nismo 180sx Tuner
11-03-2003, 12:35 PM
Ok there are alot of things that are going to be different such as the parts for it the main concept of it is going to be the same. Also this car is a legend i can not count the number of people that come up to Karl and said jesus man i have been keeping tabs on this car for the longest time i am glad to see it running ect. This car had so many people following it. Karl also got approched by numerous magazines at the show. Plus asked you guys for comments on the site not my car thanks n e ways

11-03-2003, 01:04 PM
Now don't get me wrong, I loved the car and all, but the only reason why so many followed it is because he was probably the only one out of the RB26 owners to publicly post his car. With the IGN thing that took forever to finish, and the website. And it didnt help that I posted my pics from that one meet, and those spread all over like anything does on forums.

So its not so much of a legend its just his was everywhere thanks to the internet. Maybe if he had a chance to track it, and he owned everyone and got impressive course records, or something along those lines.

But for just going to like 2 car shows, one being important, and winning Best Nissan, its no legend. Just a short lived car that had potential to do a lot.

Whats Karl working on now?

11-03-2003, 05:07 PM
He should take this opportunity to name his new car something better than LILGTR2. lilgtr is bad enough, but please. It's like a blessing in disguise.

Nismo 180sx Tuner
11-03-2003, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
Whats Karl working on now?

Right now he is seeking legal action on his insurance company who is dicking him around and not giving him his 70-80k for the car like he should have got a long time ago. As for the next car he doesnt know what he wants yet he told me that he plans on keeping it a Nissan.

And the LIL GTR 2 is not going to be the name of my car i dont know what i am going to call in that is just so people know what are i am talking about. So take a chill pill.

11-03-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Nismo 180sx Tuner
Right now he is seeking legal action on his insurance company who is dicking him around and not giving him his 70-80k for the car like he should have got a long time ago. As for the next car he doesnt know what he wants yet he told me that he plans on keeping it a Nissan.

No way...... the insurance company won't give him $80,000 for a 10 year old nissan that originally cost ~$25,000 new??

Nismo 180sx Tuner
11-03-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by RBS14
No way...... the insurance company won't give him $80,000 for a 10 year old nissan that originally cost ~$25,000 new??

Actually Chief since you probably already knew since you are really smart Karl has a lot of mods on his car. The car itself they said $7700 but for the mods they were only going to give him $8000 which is shit. He has all his receipts for everything thing he bought. And the point of having insurance is to pay you when something happens to your car that is there risk of having a $80,000 car on the company they had no probably taking money from him each month but once it is there turn to dish out they don’t want to and RBS14 you should really shut your mouth. I think some is just mad cuz they didnt have enough money to do the rb26det swap and now he is all mad that his car is getting no attention aaww that is sad.

11-04-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Nismo 180sx Tuner
Actually Chief since you probably already knew since you are really smart Karl has a lot of mods on his car. The car itself they said $7700 but for the mods they were only going to give him $8000 which is shit. He has all his receipts for everything thing he bought. And the point of having insurance is to pay you when something happens to your car that is there risk of having a $80,000 car on the company they had no probably taking money from him each month but once it is there turn to dish out they don’t want to and RBS14 you should really shut your mouth. I think some is just mad cuz they didnt have enough money to do the rb26det swap and now he is all mad that his car is getting no attention aaww that is sad.

Hmmmmmm....... where to start?....

Actually i do know what mods "Karl" has..... i took the time to read the "mods" list.......bleh a rich guy with nothing better to do. However that's not the subject at hand. My haste is actually aimed at you but you aren't smart enough to notice it, no worries. Did you notice NZO's comment about rappers and rock stars? Looks like i'm not the only one.....

So you think everyone who has a 240 dreams of tons of publicity because they have a rb26 in their car? you were probably referring to my screen name......i made this SN before i realized the weakness that comes with a RB in a S chassis. WEAK! lets take a car that's almost a 50/50 wieght ballance and drop a motor in there such that a civic would have a better weight balance when done. Sounds like a good idea to me!

But go ahead and swing from his nuts all you want.....i could care less... actually its good entertainment. Carry on.

11-04-2003, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by Nismo 180sx Tuner
So take a chill pill.

LOL. I haven't heard that particular phrase in a long ass time.

I think some is just mad cuz they didnt have enough money to do the rb26det swap and now he is all mad that his car is getting no attention aaww that is sad.

...First off, dumping money into a car like this just for show is pretty gay. I don't care if it actually happens to be fast. Is he a good driver? Can he really max out the potential of the car as it is...? No. How about when stock? No. Rice. Second, ragging on someone else's car just because they don't have a particular engine? Clowning on him cuz his car isn't getting attention? Wtf does attention have to do with motorsports? It's about skill. It's about how good the driver knows his car, how well he can control it, how well he can tune it mechanically. It's not about taking 80k and dumping it into a car so some fag ricers at HIN can drool over the 10k paint job. The only thing worse then rice is a ricer groupie. :fawk:

btw your website is ok.

11-04-2003, 08:47 AM
nismo 180sx 'tuner' (used very lightly)

get off his [karl's] nutsack please. its obvious you suckle, nibble, pinch, massage and clean it already. what you do in the privacy of your own home is fine but dont show us here on the net.

be yourself. stop trying to be something or someone you arent.

11-04-2003, 09:35 AM
im breaking a sweat from this post, Hot Dawgggg
but the legend contiunes...cough ghey

11-04-2003, 11:38 AM
VROOOOM PHSSSSSS clunk bang...Dammit!

:rofl: :rofl: Thats pretty funny!

Oh, and by the way, this thread is the suck. Nismo180sx, come on man. Read back over your posts and ask yourself "If I were looking at what I was saying, wouldnt I make fun of myself too?" Understand that maybe somethings happen for a reason, in this case the destruction of "LilGTR" (horrible, horrible name). Just be disappointed that its gone, not sad. You trying to make another car just like the last one(which wasnt even yours) makes you look sad, and pathetic. Plus the fact that it was a show car gets no points in my book...but thats a different story all togeather. Stop being the follower of someone else's dream/hobby and pull an original idea out of your own ass.

11-04-2003, 12:37 PM
but its the "lilGTR" ok it was a nice car get over that the thing got smashed, please was the death of "lilGTR" worst then 9/11 to you


11-04-2003, 07:53 PM
god damnit!!..i'm too late...why didn't i see this earlier..one of the more pleasurable moments in my brief stint on this forum was laughing my ass off at your previous posts in the earlier thread regarding this very topic...

but to sumarize again because i am bored..

1. you suck
2. the car was nice, but who cares
3. you are dumb
4. get a life
5. you DON'T own the car
6. last time you volunteered to clean the car with your tongue you missed some of your own jizz on the fender
7. read 1, 3, and 4 again
8. you have serious issues
9. you should probably die
10. what Aaron said
11. i'd like my nuttsack suckled (that just sounds soo nice..:))
12. you realize that with all the shit you talk, any, and all, sympathy you might have gotten has been lost..
13. please explain to me why you feel the way you do in 1000 words or less (have it in this thread by 9am tomorrow morning)
14. would you like a spoon? (for what you ask?) oh, so you can eat my ass bitch!

alright, alright...i'll stop..i'm sorry..no, actually i'm not...

in closing: eat a dick bitch, eat a bowl of shit bitch (kurupt), eat a mother fuckin million cocks per second (eminem)..

thank you, drive through

oh, and

write that down!

11-04-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by aznpoopy
...First off, dumping money into a car like this just for show is pretty gay.

Why are you bad mouthing Karl?

You seem to be mislead. From what I heard from Karl the car was going to be put on track, but he never really got it finished. It was put in shows when it wasn't finished. Which was a smart move, publicizing it would get him sponsors which I do believe he did get.

Originally posted by aznpoopy
...Is he a good driver? Can he really max out the potential of the car as it is...? No. How about when stock? No. Rice.

How would you know? I can almost guarantee this isn't his first car, people usually don't just jump into something like this. He could be 10 times the driver you are, or he could be the worst driver in the world, but you can't assume either one.

So lay off making assumptions about Karl.

We will never know the potential of his car, even if you do rebuild one, you are a totally differnet person, you could be a better or worse tuner, better or worse driver, etc...

If he is sticking with Nissan I hope its still 240s, he should build a drift car and make some appearances at the upcoming events that we are gonna be having (Border of IL and Wisc, so not far for you guys).

You guys are lucky, you got the AARRF/DU events, and the soon to be ClubFR events on both sides

11-07-2003, 10:51 AM
hmm old thread, but i had to reply. i wasn't aware of the whole situation. i dunno who karl is. i'm guessing the original lilgtr guy. i was just pissed that nismo 180sx tuner was bashing on someone b/c he didn't have a rb in his car or something. i forgot exactly. if karl is a good driver and all that, then ok. i apologize. :bow: ur right, he could be an awesome driver, and he could be modding with purpose. really it was directed at nismo180. but once again, gomen for any inadvertent insults.