View Full Version : funny pic

11-01-2003, 09:00 AM
So my friend and his girl go to the renaissance festival. They get this picture taken and give it to one of my friends. So I take the picture and post it on a website with music and a hit counter. I don't think any of you can even immagine how pissed off he is about it. He basicly told myself and my friend never to associate with him again and he insists that I take it down. He is threatening to come over to my house and "make" me take it down but I think trying to get 100,000 hits first is a good challenge. Feel free to post this link on any other forums you want, I'm going for the 100,000 hits within a week.


God he is so pissed off...

well this was taken from the wrx forums and i thought i thought ide help this guy out cause i thought it was pretty funny

11-01-2003, 03:39 PM
Wow, that Kevin guy must be really insecure. Its just a picture... not even a really funny one at that. I've had worse posted online.

11-01-2003, 06:23 PM
damn, its already taken down...what was it?? lol

11-01-2003, 07:16 PM
Just a picture of a couple dressed up in medieval clothes. One of those novelty pictures they do at events (think old-western style pics where they dress you up and shit). You're not missing anything special, trust me.