View Full Version : dipstick on s14 sr

10-31-2003, 06:04 PM
ok changing the oil, flat surface, i change oil all the time because of my work, used search, heh, anyway with oil and filter change the dipstick shows WAY overfull at 3.75 US quarts. that really doesnt seem right to me. so i was wondering if i had the right dipstick in my motor since it seems like some other things were messed around with. my dipstick has the number 52F00 on it. if you guys with s14 SRs could please look at your dipstick and let me know if it matches up or if any other part number. thanks for your help guys.

10-31-2003, 06:20 PM
ok i just read a couple posts with people saying SR takes 4 quarts and some saying 3.25 quarts. the fsm says 3.7L, which i think would come around 3.25? i found reference to the s13 sr dipstick being 52F00, is the S14 the same? i feel pretty dumb asking already, but it gets weird when you see the same question with like 10 different answers.

10-31-2003, 10:11 PM
I wouldn't rely heavily on the FSM for specifications on how much to fill. At times the FSM could be vague.

For example, refilling the tranny oil on my KA. I emptied out the oil via drain plug, then filled it back up. The FSM said bout 8 qt? or 12?? Something rediculous. As i was pooring my 6th one it was totally overfilled. I called nissan and told me it was about 3-4 quarts with a simple drain "flush". But a full "flush" would be about 12 quarts.

Like I said it's really vague. I'd go by the dipstick more than anything.

11-03-2003, 04:07 AM
Same thing with my dipstick, @4 quarts it reads well over max...

Heck at 3 i thinks its near max as well, what should we go with then?

3.5 / 4?

11-03-2003, 06:13 PM
i wish i could tell you fibercus, i havent really got a straight answer. one of my friends knows someone with a s14 sr motor in a s14 and he said he puts 4 quarts and it reads just full at the H. if i put 4 in mine it looks way past the H. so i really dont know. right now im guessing i have 3.25 in there after draining from 3.75 and it reads full.

11-03-2003, 08:08 PM
Usually when I change my oil I just through in 4 quarts (along with a new filter).

Here is the weird part, one side of the dipstick will read overfull, the other side will have almost no oil on it!!!

A buddy of mine has a VG30DET and he also has the same problem.

Anyone else seen this weirdness?

11-04-2003, 12:58 PM
I used to have a Z32, and had the same problem reading my dipstick as I do with my SR20DET S14. Maybe it goes in at an angle. I try to rotate the dipstick B4 taking it out to get the same reading on both sides. I use 3.75 qts in both engines per specs that I read somewhere and it still looks overfilled. I guess its better to be over than under, and I've never caused any problems using this amount.

11-04-2003, 06:08 PM
ok this maybe a dumb question but what happens if you put too much oil in your engine/tranny/diff ??? will it cause any harm ???