View Full Version : S14slide's Apology

10-30-2003, 02:54 PM
I am posting this to apologize to all those offended by my comments on a previously posted link. It was wrong of me to go off like I did without thinking. I admit I could have used much more tactful words to express that I thought it was wrong to have put a link like that on this forum. I will say that I did happen to open that link at work and have been spoken to by my superiors about what happened, as all DOD computers are constantly monitored. I am sorry about what was said, it was said in anger. I am not biased towards anybody, which is hard to see on a forum but anybody who knows me personally can vouch for that. Now that I look back at the whole thing, I actually kinda laugh at it. I like this forum, and for the most part the people who post here. I know requests for my banning have been made, I don't think it is necessary as such a rude outburst will never happen again. If people still feel that I should be removed, so be it. Just voice your opinion, and if need be I'll refrain from veiwing this forum ever again.

Thank you for reading this,
and my sincerest apologies,

A.K.A. Ski

10-30-2003, 03:07 PM

10-30-2003, 04:20 PM
Wow TC that was harsh :(

10-30-2003, 04:32 PM
i hate doing that, i had to give one at www.hybridz.org, and im still not registered back yet:hammer:

but very nicely done, even though i dont know what you did i forgive you:D

10-30-2003, 05:49 PM

i think your Apology is cool of you.
i know your statement was a rash and quick one to the post. i think you shouldent be banned, because you came back and post an apology.
so to let you know your still cool with me , your forgiven :hug:

i being gay in the auto world isent easy, ive heard them all befor but i have learned to shrug off things likie hate and crude jokes.
its a hard comunity to be gay in , and even stupeder that i have to carry protection with me all the time and when i go to meets, so crap like that doesent happen. i dont need to get herassed, beatup, or even killed for liveing my life the way i want.

so lets see some more accepting and less hate.

(i.e. this was a public servis anouncement...
not directed to just s14slide...)

thanks for you time

Bill Roberts
10-30-2003, 06:06 PM
Why on Earth would you post from a department of defense computer?

Geeze, it should be in your face to never use that thing other than secure official business.

I did not see the post...but take my words of advice. I am beginning a vacation...and quite franky, I will not post from where I am going either. I will be away.

Dude, it is admirable that you apoligized, don't use that computer for anything but offical biz...and erase all saved content on it that is not of official nature.

You should read the guideline booklet about computer useage for your particular department and follow it to the letter.


10-30-2003, 08:22 PM
Well, first off S14Slide. Very cool of you to appologise. Sorry I went off on you. I have a gay friend, from highschool, and it buggs the shit outta me when people say negative things towards gays. As a personal attack or not. On another note....how the hell do you get to post from a DOD computer...we have the crappy NMCI shiznitz now and I cant surf ANY internet...can't even check my LES. How lame!!!

Well in some famous words...."Can't we all just get along?"

10-30-2003, 08:30 PM
Regardless of where hw was posting posting from... He was OVERLY MAGNANIMOUS IN HIS APOLOGY!! It was unnecessary. He was RIGHT!!

Given all the crap that gets posted here...and the nonsense that gets locked up unnecessarily, you would think that you wouldn't have to fear the kind of crap that would be that alarming. Crimony some mods here just LOVE to lock threads, give posters crap (you ought to know THAT Bill) and delete perfectly good stuff.

10-30-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE
Check yourself before you wreck yourself. :squint:

10-30-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE


10-30-2003, 10:07 PM
i know where this post is directed at, and i have to apologize too. i shouldnt have posted someting like that up...i wasnt really thinking at the time, and a friend had just sent it to me, he managed to say that it would be funny to send something like that to someone at work.

i guess i should have either warned people better or not have posted it up at all (which i should have done...) so now i know the limits of what people thought was acceptable for this forum. im sorry, i should have thought better than to expose something like this to a young kid or something...but it was all in good fun, and i never expected to get that kind of reaction...but anyway, im sorry too...


10-30-2003, 10:23 PM
its all cool, your apology is accepted in my eyes.
i knew it was a joke (funny one at that)but it really didnt belong here, and you said you were sorry.
so you too are cool with me.:hug:


10-30-2003, 10:43 PM
yeah, i didnt mean it to be negative towards to anybody, just as a joke...so thanks, and i still feel bad that it got this kind of reaction, and again im sorry


10-30-2003, 11:52 PM
awwwwwwww shucks...can't ya just feel the love...lol..


10-31-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by TRUENOCOUPE

well based on the subject matter at hand, I'm pretty sure this alone sums up your character. At least for me it does.

10-31-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by nokeone
awwwwwwww shucks...can't ya just feel the love...lol..




10-31-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by s14slide
well based on the subject matter at hand, I'm pretty sure this alone sums up your character. At least for me it does.

haha..don't mind Al..he's a good guy..

if you can't have fun with it...i mean c'mon...i was insulted to by what you said, as a person in general, regardless of the gay friends i have...but i mean it's the internet...it's a chat board...life goes on..propagating hate is never acceptable...but i don't believe in taboos when it comes to humor..

you're appology was a good one..but to be honest the somber atmosphere in here was a bit much...did you go gay-bash someone yourself?..no..verbally abusive?..sure...but like i said..it's the net..take it for what it is..a bunch of people behind screens with NO accountability..

i mean vudoodrifter03 is talking about packing "heat" or somethin to car meets..lol...cause he's gay...

"its a hard comunity to be gay in , and even stupeder that i have to carry protection with me all the time and when i go to meets"

i mean if you run into some place waving a rainbow flag and demanding acceptance you will ALWAYS encounter those who disagree with your lifestyle...sucks and it's totally wrong..but it's a fact of this society we live in...if you don't want to deal with it either choose not to put yourself in that possition or choose to keep your private life, your private life...share it with those you trust..not those you have just met..or, deal with being "open" in a world full of hate...

anyway whatever..sorry to go on..i'll shut up now..


10-31-2003, 12:55 PM

you make a good point, but do you know hard my lifestyle really is?
i dont make fun or hurt you for being strate. i carry protection to be safe (rarely do i carry a gun). i live in idaho, nothing but hicks and eletists(sp) not to gay friendly, and the auto world is worse. ive lerned to not take afence to the society useing gay as a put-down for somthing stuped.

i mean if you run into some place waving a rainbow flag and demanding acceptance you will ALWAYS encounter those who disagree with your lifestyle...sucks and it's totally wrong..but it's a fact of this society we live in...if you don't want to deal with it either choose not to put yourself in that possition or choose to keep your private life, your private life...share it with those you trust..not those you have just met..or, deal with being "open" in a world full of hate...

i dont go waving a rainbow flag every where i go. (i have a sticker on my car ) but im not going to stay in the closet for any one , or some stuped reason . i dont care dealing with, its the life i chose and i shall pay the price .

the comets said were his vieus at the time and i onlw told him my point of vieu. and i stated that he should not be banned for his owne oppinion, for it is a free country and free speach should be practiced. i just put out my fealings at the time.

damn sorry this is long. just my oppinon. (not starting some stupid sh*t)

10-31-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
Regardless of where hw was posting posting from... He was OVERLY MAGNANIMOUS IN HIS APOLOGY!! It was unnecessary. He was RIGHT!!

Given all the crap that gets posted here...and the nonsense that gets locked up unnecessarily, you would think that you wouldn't have to fear the kind of crap that would be that alarming. Crimony some mods here just LOVE to lock threads, give posters crap (you ought to know THAT Bill) and delete perfectly good stuff.

Don't talk about things you don't know about...

Everyone screws up every now and then, and appologies are never expected on a forum like this. (if you expect one, you setting yourself for disappointment.. half the time people just decide to bug off) I think it's a very nice gesture, and shows he sincerely cares about being a part of the community.

so STFU.

11-02-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by sykikchimp
Don't talk about things you don't know about...
I don't!
Originally posted by sykikchimp
Everyone screws up every now and then, and appologies are never expected on a forum like this. (if you expect one, you setting yourself for disappointment.. half the time people just decide to bug off) I think it's a very nice gesture, and shows he sincerely cares about being a part of the community.

so STFU.

Gee I wouldn't DREAM of expecting an apology when the guy did nothing WRONG!!


I really expected Mrmyphistilove to have colsed this thread by now. :rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 05:17 PM
I expected this thread to be closed way before now. I never even read the thread after I posted on it. A mod contacted me privately and said some people took enough offence to what I posted that some wanted me banned. He personally didn't think I should have been, but it was up to the other mods as well. I made my apology to those who felt they were offended and no one else. I felt no displeasure in making an apology to someone I thought was truly offended. In this day and age, you can't say just about anything w/ out offending somebody. Had this all happened in person, I probably would'nt have taken the time to apologize but just tell that person to fuck off and stay away from me if they don't like the way I talk. But w/ the fact that it takes time to read a post then think about what you posted and edit it if need be, this forum becomes a different world. I'm just saying, I'm far from a "proper" person. I'm not really a people person. Face to face, I'll tell anybody to fuck off and scrap w/ anybody who wants to take it that far, but here we have no faces and I like this forum too much to be banned just because I had too much pride not to apologize to someone. It's just too easy for most of you to talk trash here, laugh about it and never think twice, but I bet 90% would do nothing but punk out and piss yourself if you got challenged on the street. Speak once, then throw blows. Ask any Hawaiian on the board about what I'm talking about (Ewa beach side).

11-02-2003, 05:23 PM
YOU are a man! THEY are the pussies! Your apology shows that YOU are a man.

I am just amazed at the crap that finds it way to the "deleted" or "closed" status via the gestapo tactics and YOU are asked to apologize. What about the jerk that initiated the aforementioned thread?:rolleyes:

11-03-2003, 05:19 AM
Originally posted by gladhatter
YOU are a man! THEY are the pussies! Your apology shows that YOU are a man.

I am just amazed at the crap that finds it way to the "deleted" or "closed" status via the gestapo tactics and YOU are asked to apologize. What about the jerk that initiated the aforementioned thread?:rolleyes:

Did you not read the whole thread??? He apologized on his own accord, without any Moderator telling him he had to. :bash: And as for the so called Jerk that initiated the original thread...HE DID APOLOGIZE. So sorry if I am being a bitch, but maybe you should read before you speak, you make yourself sound like you have no clue.

11-03-2003, 06:44 AM
well, it goes to show you that age is not an indicator for wisdom or maturity.. assuming 'gladhatter' is as old as he says he is, anyway.
Nobody ever forced s14slide to apologize. He already explained why he made his apology. The original thread starter already apologized. Gladhatter's comments are just rude, ignorant comments with one simple goal in mind: to incite the anger of others against moderators, specifically myself.
Gladhatter: Grow up. If you are as old as you say you are, act your age. This name-calling and such is unbecoming of someone who claims to have been born 'September 16, 1952'. I was born in December of 1979. That's over 25 years' difference.

Oh well.. it's just the internet. Whatever.

11-03-2003, 11:12 AM
This is known as the mid-age crisis where old guys get mad at everything, and wish they were young again.

11-03-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by S13SilviaGirl
Did you not read the whole thread??? He apologized on his own accord, without any Moderator telling him he had to.
Look, kids, HE WAS CONFRONTED BY A MOD who was inundated by people who were offended. THE MOD CAVED TO the pussies!!

It seems some of YOU need to practice reading comprehension.

11-03-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by s14slide
I expected this thread to be closed way before now. I never even read the thread after I posted on it. A mod contacted me privately and said some people took enough offence to what I posted that some wanted me banned. He personally didn't think I should have been, but it was up to the other mods as well. I made my apology to those who felt they were offended and no one else.
My guess is this guy is a bigger man than ANY Mod here.

11-03-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by 240sxspeedracer1
This is known as the mid-age crisis where old guys get mad at everything, and wish they were young again.
If you ever grow up yopu might understand.

11-03-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
My guess is this guy is a bigger man than ANY Mod here.

ur a moron...if you have personal beef then that's fine...but why you feel a need to blow off all your steam here i don't understand...so what, so some threads get closed, others stay open...does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?..

contribute or FUCK OFF...


11-03-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
Gladhatter: Grow up. If you are as old as you say you are, act your age. This name-calling and such is unbecoming of someone who claims to have been born 'September 16, 1952'. I was born in December of 1979. That's over 25 years' difference.

Oh well.. it's just the internet. Whatever.
Yes your majesty.:rolleyes:

11-03-2003, 04:24 PM
Although the administrators and moderators of Zilvia.net Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Zilvia.net Forums or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

That's from the registration page. No mods caved to anyone. We do what we do in the best interest of the website, forums, and users at large.

11-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Wasn't the vulgarity and obsenity what HE was upset about?????

11-03-2003, 04:43 PM
so now 2 morons make a right??

11-03-2003, 04:58 PM
Gladhatter: There is no way in hell you are as old as you say you are! If by some chance you are.....there is no way you could possibly function in a society of people your age. You are more immature than my 15 year old sister. what happened to natural selection?

Bill Roberts
11-03-2003, 05:40 PM
Why don't all partys just stifle and not rehash this snizzel over and over.

The points are in the posts. Everyone involved considered their points to be right as taken, and Slide apologized because he loves Zilvia. I am on vacation myself, I am not a mod, but I have reached out to them (not about this) and they are learings as well as I am and I AM and hell of a lot older than 99% of the posters.

Lets fucking take a chill pill and get back to interaction and don't worry with egos, protests or hard feelings. I have a thin skin on the web. I feel everyone should behave, on the otherhand, meet me on the streets, you will not have a problem with me...until you cross a certain line..and then , your ass will be owned.

Lets just not debate a debate or argument. It does not matter why he apologized, he wants to do right by zilvia, the other shit is trivial...

Hey that rhymes, perhaps a rap song is of order eh?

Just cool out and dont get a blood rush, life is way too fucking short for that...especially on the web.

But slander, that is when you assemble a team out of pocket and spend 5 years researching, and nail their ass. Of course, nothing like that happening here.

I have seen some 4 to 5 million dollar judgements because of slander (web) and it gets larger as litigation develops and time is on your side and you are patient./

Their is times and places to "clean clocks" but here, I think all is cool and everyone needs to chill the fuck out a bit..

11-03-2003, 06:31 PM
Okay…lets get it straight…
Dude posts an inappropriate link.
Another dude opens it and is inundated with unsolisited vulgar crap.
He intern responds in a rather perturbed manner.
Mods tell HIM he is wrong.
HE apologizes.
I support HIM.
I am immature?

I'm done now, kids. No more responses from me.