View Full Version : Wireless Playstation2 Internet Help

10-29-2003, 06:33 PM
so i definitely want to hook my playstation up so i can play games online with everyone (especially GT4 when it comes out), but my Playstation is upstairs while my DSL and stuff is downstairs. i was thinking that there has to be an adapter kind of thing that i can just plug into the back of my PS2 so i can run it off of our wireless network in our house. i did a quick search on google and came across this http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000AJVBW/104-3778090-6136760?v=glance . i'm thinking thats the kind of thing i would need. anyone have any experience with this kind of stuff? would i need anything other than one of those little box thingies? any brands/models you'd reccomend?
as always, thanks for the help

10-29-2003, 10:20 PM
Lag-free head-to-head or Internet gaming at up to 11 Mbps, without stringing wires

Well thats fairly slow, I have wireless internet card and it runs at 54.6 Mbps

the problem with the idea here is that you have no real way of connecting a card to your controler, console. Which means you are unable to turn of the gaming system. you would need to go upstairs to change games still. The wireless interent works for computers because your are still in the room with the computer, where the wireless box can be in another room (works great for houses with multi levels or long houses.
The product seems a tad shady to me. I have been working with computers for quite a while and am a computer engineer major and have yet to see or here about anything like this. Only thing i have heard of is wireless controllers. Just my .02 though

10-30-2003, 08:25 AM
ok, im a bit confused about your reply. im not wanting to play the game downstairs, but im wanting to connect to my DSL, and the hub is downstairs. i'm not sure if im explaining this really well because im not the most technically inclined guy out there.

10-30-2003, 09:21 AM
Looks like it should work. I might have to buy one for my PS2. I'll see if I can explain this a little better. You have your wireless router downstairs. Now say you have your laptop upstairs which also has a wireless card. Your laptop is now online. This thing is just going to be a wireless card for your PS2. If you buy one post a little review, I'd like to see how well it works.

10-30-2003, 09:33 AM
Sorry I went into details a little to far. I have a major passion for computers and technology. Hooking it up to DSL should work from the way I am seing it. Although its hard to tell without being able to look at it. I would google the item on the web and find out if it has RJ-45 (DSL hookup) or if its RJ-11 (phone line hookup) This is very critical cause each hookup number there is different from the other. You can plug one into the other. 11Mbps though is fairly slow, so don't get upset if it seems slow. Shop around I am sure there are more out there.

Hope this explanation was better, again sorry for getting technical and going really into depth.


10-30-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Nissan240SX
Sorry I went into details a little to far. I have a major passion for computers and technology. Hooking it up to DSL should work from the way I am seing it. Although its hard to tell without being able to look at it. I would google the item on the web and find out if it has RJ-45 (DSL hookup) or if its RJ-11 (phone line hookup) This is very critical cause each hookup number there is different from the other. You can plug one into the other. 11Mbps though is fairly slow, so don't get upset if it seems slow. Shop around I am sure there are more out there.

Hope this explanation was better, again sorry for getting technical and going really into depth.


I think your over thinking it man :) this thing functions like a wireless network adaptor. its just a wireless LAN reciever with a jack to connect to your PS2 modem adaptor. connecting should be fine.. I dunno about the connection rates though

10-30-2003, 05:12 PM
ok thanks for all the replies guys. i think i might go up to best buy this weekend and see if they have anything like that on-site and if they have any specific reccomendations. ill definitely do a review when/if i get one.
and dont worry about going into detail, it's certainly not your fault that im technically inept.
thanks again for all the help

10-31-2003, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by nocomedown
ok thanks for all the replies guys. i think i might go up to best buy this weekend and see if they have anything like that on-site and if they have any specific reccomendations. ill definitely do a review when/if i get one.
and dont worry about going into detail, it's certainly not your fault that im technically inept.
thanks again for all the help

yeah I been meaning to do this myself since the computers downstairs on the other side of the frickin house. it'd be nice but the computers a POS and needs to be replaced and I havent got like any online playable games really so it hasnt mattered much too me. if I hadnt caught my network adaptor for my PS2 at a good deal I wouldnt have bothered buying it yet. hmmm... maybe next time I get payed...